Bishop and Chapter News – February 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 11 February 2019 with twelve members present. Minutes of the 21 January were adopted. An article, “Joyful Stewardship” by Linda Buskirk (Episcopal Church Foundation) was discussed. The Chapter agreed on the value of developing a stewardship statement to help guide a culture of joyful stewardship in the future Business […]

Do I Have to Kneel? – info about Anglican customs

Do I Have to Kneel? – info about Anglican customs

Approximately 30 people gathered at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, January 27th to hear the answer to the question “Do I Have to Kneel?” The afternoon session, which was something of an Anglican primer, included presentations by Hank Williams, Cheryl Jacobs and Dean Geoffrey Hall and was hosted by the Christian Formation committee. The first […]

Music Monthly – February 2019

Music Monthly – February 2019

February 3 – Presentation of the Lord (transferred) – Candlemas 10:00: Service of Light and Choral Eucharist Nunc Dimittis – Gibbons Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 84 Locus iste – Bruckner 267(155), 96, 627(362), 159, 560 Fiat Lux – Dubois 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Ayleward Responses Psalms 48 and 87 Weelkes’ Short Service In pace […]

2018 Mothers’ Union Biennial Conference

2018 Mothers’ Union Biennial Conference

The Canadian Mothers’ Union Biennial Conference was held at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay, NB on November 16-18,2018. Neither snow, nor ice pellets, nor freezing rain could keep all of the registered participants away! Some of us arrived a day early to get ahead of the storm and others arrived a day later […]

An unwanted newness – David Edwards

An unwanted newness – David Edwards

As I write this, I am perfectly aware that I probably have no idea what I am talking about. With press deadlines, I am sitting at my laptop two weeks to the day since Janet died. Please don’t stop reading. This is not going to be an emotional piece outlining my grief, but it will […]

Music Monthly – January 2019

Music Monthly – January 2019

6 January 2019 – The Epiphany of the Lord 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) From the rising of the sun – Ouseley Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 72:1-7 Bethlehem Down – Warlock 158, 157(508),599(580), 48, 160 March – Choveaux 13 January 2019 – The Baptism of the Lord 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) O come, ye […]

The Anglican Church and Henry VIII – Hughson

The Anglican Church and Henry VIII – Hughson

Thanks to Carol Brandor for recently drawing to our attention a 1922 paper written by Episcopal priest S.C. Hughson.  Misinformation on the role of the English king has been widespread over the decades and centuries. ONE does not ordinarily go to the secular press for arguments on religious subjects, but one of the best points […]