Bishop and Chapter News – May 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 13 May 2019 with eleven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 18 March meeting were adopted. The Chapter read the Gospel for the coming Sunday (Easter 5 - John 13:31–35) and briefly discussed the mystery and miracle of resurrection.

Business Arising

•  Committee work plans - a reminder and encouragement to Chapter committees to complete work plans for the coming year
•  Committee minutes - a reminder that minutes in digital format for 2018 need to be sent to the Cathedral office for filing
•  Housing First Project - no specific update was available. During the following week some movement and progress is noted and TBA
•  Annual Meeting - members debriefed regarding the 24 February meeting. Anecdotal comments from various sources were shared. L. Meehan will work towards devising a tool to solicit congregation feedback on specific questions to inform planning in the future

From the Dean

The Dean offered a usual report of actions on behalf of the Cathedral and Diocese. Some specific comments about the Conference of North American Deans. A web site post summarizes the event. Planning will need to proceed promptly if outside worship is to be part of the schedule leading up to summer. Michael Frost (Five Habits) will preach on 16 June An ordination is scheduled, 23 June 2019, 4:00 p.m.


The Chapter agreed to finalize the application to the Diocesan Property Committee and to list Odell House with the chosen realtor as soon as possible. It is recommended that the lawyer handling property migrations might handle details of the property sale


•  Treasurer - in the absence of the Treasurer, the financial statements to 30 April were received, noting the deficit for April of $11,627 and year to date $39,029
•  Worship - service of healing and wholeness on 11 May with increased attendance. A meeting will be called soon
•  Health and Pastoral Care - current programmes continue as usual and expected
•  Property - Odell House sale moving forward. Cathedral west door problem needs further investigation and repair. Breach in steeple roof needs to be investigated and repaired
•  Hospitality and Welcome - committee will begin to consider special events, including upcoming potential outdoor worship opportunties. Some response to request for worship welcomers but more are needed
•  Mission / Outreach - summer Monday morning outreach once per month. Belize Alumni Dinner 25 May. Awaiting further information on Housing First initiative
•  Administration and Finance - giving policy almost complete. Records management project coming to completion. Safe Church training is being reconsidered with the help of Ecclesiastical Insurance
•  Christian Formation - work plan submitted for the Chapter’s information. Recognition of the need for more advanced planning in order to facilitate good communication and optimal participation
•  Communications - meeting scheduled for the coming week. Will consider future worship and on-going items


02 June - 4 p.m. Choral Evensong
14-15 June - Deep Roots - Spiritual Development Gathering
23 June - potential outside worship and church picnic on the Green
08 September - potential outside worship and corn boil

Next meeting: 17 June


Posted in Bishop and Chapter News.

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