COVID-19 Response (17 March Update)

COVID-19 Response (17 March Update)

Christ Church Cathedral continues to remain as current as possible with responses to the global situation with the COVID-19 virus. The responses of all of society are easily identifiable. Above all, we as Church need to continue to be, most especially, leaders and partners with government, corporate and private sectors, doing what is agreed upon […]

Response to health concerns

Response to health concerns

Members of the Congregation of Christ Church Cathedral, A group of key leaders at the Cathedral, including representatives of staff, Bishop and Chapter and our Health Ministry Team met this afternoon (Saturday) to consider an appropriate response to current concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We’re thankful for leadership being exercised by government and its officials, […]

From our parish nurse – hands up

From our parish nurse – hands up

Hands up for common sense! Just a few words on the coronavirus for our Cathedral community. There has been much hype in the media, and more each day as the coronavirus spreads in many countries around the world. In Canada, we have not had the high number of cases that are occurring in other countries, […]

Faith Alive! Deep Dive

Faith Alive! Deep Dive

Some are asking: What is a “Faith Alive! Deep Dive?” Faith Alive! is our Cathedral programme of preparation for confirmation, reaffirmation of faith or reception into the Anglican Church. Both “classes” and “sessions” with participants and their mentors comprise the programme content. Specifically, the classes are opportunities when all meet on a Wednesday evening for […]

Reflections on decline – Cheryl Jacobs

Reflections on decline – Cheryl Jacobs

I will admit that I often just skim through the Anglican Journal when it arrives – reading the article titles and picture captions, and perhaps the letters to the editor to get a sense of the national temperature.  It is also often the case, that as a member of the bishop and synod staff, that […]

Lenten Studies 2020

Lenten Studies 2020

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to take part in small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a […]