Sunday Worship begins 05 July

Christ Church Cathedral is thankful to God for the opportunity to hold in-person worship once again. We'll be celebrating the Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am this Sunday.

At the outset, your participation is completely at your discretion. If you are uncomfortable with attendance, please do not feel apologetic. We will be doing our best to reduce risks.

Please note that according to the Cathedral Operational Plan, reservations are required to attend worship. Our maximum capacity, within physical distancing requirements, is about 60 bubbles (+/- 80 individuals). Please use the signup, if at all possible, to reserve your "bubble." Alternatively, you can call (506) 406-2548 and leave a message.

A "bubble" is an individual or a group considered "close friends and family" as defined by the NB Provincial Department of Health Recovery Plan. Reservation is necessary due to our capacity and the current requirement that religious gatherings maintain accurate attendance logs for contact tracing should that become necessary. Thanks for your cooperation even in the face of what we might consider inconvenience. Let’s stay safe!

View "When We Gather" -- the ten things you need to know for in-person worship at Christ Church Cathedral.

Sunday, 05 July 8:00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP)
Sunday, 05 July 10:30 am Holy Eucharist (BAS)
Wednesday, 08 July 10:00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP)

Sunday, 12 July 8:00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP)
Sunday, 12 July 10:30 am Come Worship Eucharist

Sunday, 19 July 8:00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP)
Sunday, 19 July 10:30 am Holy Eucharist (BCP)
Wednesday, 22 July 10:00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP)

Sunday, 29 July 8:00 am Holy Eucharist (BCP)
Sunday, 29 July 10:30 am Come Worship Eucharist

The schedule will follow the July pattern in August, should circumstances remain the same.

Please visit the Worship Signup to reserve attendance or to schedule for worship duties. It's not necessary to do both.

At some point, we may need some volunteers to attend to cleaning requirements between gatherings. Those needs will be listed in the signup if / when they arise.

If proves to be difficult for too many, we'll investigate other online reservation possibilities. Automating this process is significant in our ability to efficiently create the required attendance check lists / logs.

Find the Cathedral Operational Plan here: ( ➙ Groups and Community tab ➙ Documents and Forms ➙ Cathedral Pandemic Operational Plan). Refresh your browser tab or window to assure you have the most current version.
Links to the Cathedral Calendar and Cathedral Signups - are in the top right corner of our website.


Posted in News, Worship.

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