Halloween… All Hallows’ Eve — A Christian’s Choice

Halloween… All Hallows’ Eve — A Christian’s Choice

One of the less understood festivals of the Church is celebrated in the public participation of our children. Halloween sees children and adults carving pumpkins and placing them in living room windows, lighted by a candle. Halloween sees children, younger children especially, rummaging through cardboard boxes of old cloths, or trying on their parents’ clothing. […]

Bishop and Chapter News – October 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – October 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 18 October 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. The article “Which Suckers are Holding You Back” (Victoria Atkinson White) was read in advance and briefly discussed. The need to review how active programme and ministries are meeting real needs requires constant attention. Minutes of meetings on 13 […]

2021 Thanksgiving Pastoral

2021 Thanksgiving Pastoral

Read or download in PDF format Thanksgiving 2021 Fredericton NB Dear Friends, If there’s one thing we may have learned from this time of global pandemic, it’s that no matter the circumstance there is always much for which to be thankful. When we were locked down and in complete isolation from one another, I’m thankful […]

Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Thursday, 30 September is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Join us at 5:30 p.m. on our YouTube Channel for Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation The Order of Service is HERE   You might also find the following of interest: Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen lands, Strong Hearts Telling and Teaching the Truth: The Church’s […]

Worship During the ‘Green’ Phase

Worship During the ‘Green’ Phase

With the pandemic mandatory order restrictions lifted as of 30 July 2021, please be patient as we again adjust to new ways of being in community. Our goal will be to maintain that which helps assure community health and safety. Above all we need to accommodate one another as we transition. See the Diocesan COVID-19 […]

Cathedral Financial Update – adjusted to 30 June

Cathedral Financial Update – adjusted to 30 June

The Financial Update that appears in the Cathedral bulletin each week is an attempt to share information about our current financial status month to month. It might not be difficult to imagine that accurately reporting our financial reality is a challenging task. “Designations” or “restrictions” on offerings adds a layer of complication as not all […]

Understanding episcopacy

Understanding episcopacy

A Season Two episode of Star Trek the Original Series, “Return to Tomorrow,” sees Captain Kirk in the briefing room with the Enterprise senior officers. A risky decision is before the Captain, and he is in consultation. He says, “I’m in command. I could order this. But I’m not because, Doctor McCoy is right in […]

Lytton BC Fire

Lytton BC Fire

A letter from the Territory of the People on the fire in Lytton, BC – The Anglican Church of Canada The following is a letter from the Interim Steering Committee regarding the devastating fires in the Lytton area. Donations for emergency relief for those now homeless may be sent to: Marked “Lytton Fire” Territory of […]

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 21 June 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. Meeting guests for part of the time were representatives from Heritage Standing and members of the Cathedral Restoration Committee. A proposal was presented and later discussed with Restoration Committee members present. An article “The [North] American Church is a […]