Today we honour Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who brought Christianity to the northern tribes of that country in the early fifth century.
A native of Cornwall or Devon, he was kidnapped by Irish pirates who sold him into slavery in their homeland. Six years later he fled his Irish masters, returned to Britain, and was eventually ordained to the priesthood. He had a vision that he would return to the land of his former captivity, and around the year 438 the vision came true. He was made a bishop and given charge over the mission to the Irish.
Despite his chronic sense of personal unworthiness, Patrick proved to be an effective organizer, and his mission quickly evolved into a vibrant institution. He also encouraged the growth of Irish monasticism, and within a few generations of his death monks and nuns had replaced warriors as the heroes of the Irish people.
The great hymn called “St. Patrick’s Breastplate” was probably not composed by him, but it does reflect the kind of Christian spirituality which he planted in the heart of the Irish nation — a spirituality deeply penitential, but still more deeply alive to the sustaining presence of Jesus Christ.
[Text from 'For All the Saints']
For All the Saints is a resource to accompany the Calendar of Holy Persons in the Book of Alternative Services. It includes propers for memorials, commemorations, and saints’ days, along with biographical information and primary source readings.
Well Keith, I knew your parents were missionaries but don’t remember hearing you were so well travelled. I had no idea you were still preaching.
I hope you and Elinor are enjoying Millidgeville. Maybe I will see you guys!
Hello, thank you for publishing this article. It is really a blast from the past. Finding an old classmate from the good old golden days when Rev. Keith Joyce was in Lebanon, 3rd grade (1960) Evangelical Elementary School. Then in in the School of English and Advanced Studies (1968). Looking forward to touch base with him soon.