2018 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

Thanksgiving 2018Thanksgiving 2018

Dear Friends,

Harvest Thanksgiving presents us with the opportunity to give thanks especially for the fruits of the earth in seasonal abundance now.

In our society, the work of agriculture and the production of food has generally been delegated to those with specific gift and talent for such things. Some of us have a backyard garden which helps us to keep in touch with the mystery and miracle of nature as we nurture and watch the earth yield fruit. In a culture of specialization, our resources are most used to do what we do best, relying on a portion of what is ours to be used to compensate those who work to fulfill our need for food.

This detachment of our hands-on involvement with the very natural task of food supply should not stand in the way of our remembering from where the gifts we enjoy truly come. The text of the refrain of a familiar hymn reminds:

All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above;
then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love.

Living in one of the richest of nations, too often we take for granted that food is plentiful in our land. The fortunate are reminded as tables are laden: it is not only the work of human hands, directly or indirectly, that places food there. Without the generosity of God's provision, we would be hungry. The "... good gifts around us are sent from heaven above ..." The hymn uses straight forward logic to state "... then thank the Lord ..." Christians are challenged in text and tune to remember, indeed, to "praise God from whom all blessings flow."

I hope and pray you make use of this time to renew and refresh the relationships of family and friends and may your thanksgiving bring you blessing.

Sincerely yours in Christ,Give online




Geoffrey Hall (The Very Rev’d)
Dean of Fredericton

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Posted in Pastoral Letters.

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