What is Choral Evensong?

Choral Evensong is held monthly at 4:00 p.m. in the Cathedral. Check our calendar to confirm dates.

The article below, written in 2018 by former Cathedral Organist and Director of Music David Drinkell, answers the question, "What is Evensong?" Evensong is often livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

The Daily Offices are an important, but perhaps little-known, part of the Cathedral’s ministry. At Morning and Evening Prayer, each parish and organisation in the Diocese is remembered in the Mother Church, and prayer is offered for the wider Church and for the world.

Evening Prayer is one of the most balanced, logical and simple of our Anglican liturgies and is based on the monastic offices of Vespers and Compline. There is a penitential opening and a set of Responses to set the scene. The core of the Office lays out God’s Promise in the Psalms and Old Testament, the Wonder of God’s Coming to Earth in the Magnificat, Christ’s Life on Earth or the Holy Spirit working through the disciples in the New Testament, and the recognition and joyful acceptance of the Messiah in the Nunc Dimittis. This Faith is summed up in the Creed, and is followed by specific and general prayer.

Evening Prayer is a powerful devotion, even when read simply in private or quietly in the Cathedral alone or with a few people present. But one of the glories of Anglican worship is that, over nearly five centuries since it came into use, the Office has been sung in choral foundations in England and later throughout the world, clothed in some of the finest music ever inspired for worship. Choral Evensong sung in the Cathedral is an opportunity to experience this music-clothed service as a meditation on the mysteries of faith.

“Evensong is a very tiny fragment of something else: it is a fragment of the worship which is offered to God by Christian people every hour in every part of the world. When you come to Evensong it is as if you were dropping in on a conversation already in progress — a conversation between God and people which began long before we were born and will go on long after we are dead.”

-- by David Drinkell

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 17 September with twelve of twelve usual members present. Minutes of the 18 June 2018 meeting were adopted. The Dean provided an article entitled “Forming an Effective Nominating Committee.” Members of the Chapter discussed our current practices and considered potential improvements.

Business Arising

  • Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - a follow up meeting was held on 15 September with updates on the status of the Project. A small group from the Cathedral will be gathered to consider next steps
  • Mission and Outreach Belize Budget - at this time, it appears the 2018 budget may cover anticipated expense

From the Dean
The Dean reviewed usual items of commitment since June noting that summer seemed unusually busy. Items of note included:

  • pending appointment of Caroline Vanicek as head server
  • first Sunday of October being Thanksgiving, evensong on 14 October
  • up-coming this fall one individual wishing to enter discernment leading to ordination. Discernment committee will be needed
  • 11 November is on Sunday. 10 a.m. worship moved to 9:45 a.m.
  • clergy conference with Hugh Halter attended in August on “Your Church in the Future.” Will share with Chapter in the future

For Decision

Hall usage - after determining that the downstairs hall floor is unsafe, it was decided to inform Scouts Canada to seek other meeting space

Property (re) development - a lengthy discussion about status of the conversation regarding Cathedral and Diocesan properties. Bishop’s consultant currently working with the Cathedral on a “future mission plan.” A congregational meeting has been recommended by R. Goodfellow (October). National Trust Conference 18-20 October to focus on religious heritage buildings - diocesan/Cathedral participation


  • Treasurer - to date, expenses exceed revenue in the amount of approximately $80,000. Compared to last year to date, revenue is down by about $47,000. Considerable concern expressed by members of the Chapter. No conclusions were drawn as to specific causes. Suggestions, including encouraging e-offering and a Sunday presentation by the Treasurer, were made and discussed.
  • Christian Formation - programme in Fall startup: Godly Play, Taizé worship, ALPHA (19 September), Family Faith Fiesta, Youth Groups. A brief overview of our experience with Godly Play was shared
  • Administration and Finance - Odell House and Cathedral Hall properties being migrated this week to land titles. On-going communication with the Diocese regarding creating a policy on giving. Manual being reviewed to re-establish policy for staff
  • Health and Pastoral Care - Programmes resuming. Interest in Fit Club is down. Support group for care givers of those with dementia being created. Brochure in production
  • Communications - Summer projects included neighbourhood invitations to corn boil and other event promotion
  • Property - South door repair still being investigated; investigation of potential a memorial tree planting on the green; lower hall floor has been assessed as unsafe; asphalt repair at west door should happen this month
  • Worship - will call a meeting next month
  • Hospitality, Welcoming and Membership - committee bing formed and will first address terms of reference. Meeting 20 September. Suggestion for larger freezer at the hall to be considered

Bishop’s Town Hall, Fredericton (Canon XXI) 27 September 7:00 p.m.
Archdeaconry Greater Chapter - 18 October
Diocesan Synod - 03 November 2018

Next meeting: 15 October 2018


Canadian Church Calendar 2019 – Interview with Carol Ann Melvin

2019 Canadian Church Calendar reflects life of the church 'inside and out' - The Anglican Church of Canada

In 2019, the new Canadian Church Calendar brings together the best of both worlds: a reflection of our beautiful Anglican tradition in twelve Canadian cathedrals, and the ministry that each cathedral community leads inside and outside the walls of its church buildings. The calendar deftly weaves together photographs of Anglican cathedrals with the church's ministry ...


Nelson and Kara Mejia were back in New Brunswick with their children for a short time this summer. While we were unable to arrange a time for them to speak at the Cathedral, some of you may have had a chance to talk with Nelson at the Ordination service and reception in June.

It has been wonderful seeing so many of our supporters again and meeting new people, too.
Our family is very grateful to all those who have hosted us and provided transportation and meals, and for the fellowship that has been offered. We sincerely thank you.
Things are going well in our churches in Roatán; the leaders are doing a great job. Our Dean, the Rev. Nery Varela from the mainland, visited our congregations in Roatán in our absence. We will return to Roatán to continue serving the Lord  – Nelson Mejia, July 2018

For all the latest news from Nelson and Kara’s ministry in Honduras, please check out their August 2018 update below!

August Update 2018

Music Monthly – September 2018

2 September 2018 - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Call to remembrance - Farrant
Festive Eucharist - Rawsthorne
Psalm 45:1-2, 7-10
View me, Lord, a work of thine - Lloyd
1, 605, 624, 76, 393
Exurgat Deus - Hurford

9 September 2018 - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.30: Eucharist on the Green (BAS)
Missa Brevis XIII (Holy Cross) - Willan
O taste and see - Vaughan Williams
O sing joyfully - Batten
Hymns on Ordo

16 September 2018 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Jesu, the very thought is sweet - Wood
Wood in C minor
Psalm 19
O thou, the central orb - Wood
2, 271, 466, 450, 602
Sonata No. 3 (1st movement) - Mendelssohn

23 September 2018 - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
For Guds folk er hvilen tilbake - Sløgedal
Short Service - Ayleward
Psalm 1
Sacerdotes Domini - Byrd
649, 506, 500,61, 576
Sinfonia (Cantata 29) - Bach

30 September 2018 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Matins (BCP)
God be in my head - Murray
Smith Responses
Psalm 124
Ireland in F
7, 97, 592, 379
Prelude on Darwall - Whitlock