Meet our 2018 tour guides

We welcome Emily Leavitt and Holden O'Donnell to the Cathedral summer staff and are pleased they are part of our cathedral family for the time.

2018 Tour Guides

Holden O'Donnell and Emily Leavitt

Emily Leavitt is a 2016 graduate of Fredericton High School now studying for a music degree at Mt. Allison University. She hopes to go on to a Masters of Music when she completes her undergraduate degree. While at Fredericton High she was a member of the Pit Orchestra, the Glee Choir, the Concert Band and took part in many musical productions. She also participated in the FHS Kats Kitchen. Her experience runs the gamut from volunteering in several music programs and workshops to clerking at Westminster Books, working with Meals On Wheels and even being a polls revision officer for the municipal election.

Holden O’Donnell will be entering his grade 12 year in the fall at Fredericton High. He is very interested in history, particularly that of New Brunswick and Fredericton which is one of the reasons for his having applied for the job as guide. He is a two-time national finalist at the Canadian Geographic Challenge, is working toward his bronze level Duke of Edinburgh Award and member at the Fredericton South Youth Roundtable. His work experience is varied as an umpire in 2017 with the New Brunswick Umpire Association as well as a warehouse and production worker at Valley Graphics.

Hank Williams


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