Groups and Committees Descriptions

Bishop and Chapter

The Bishop and Chapter is the official corporate governance body of the Cathedral as directed by the Cathedral By-Laws (01 January 2015). Its chair is the Bishop of Fredericton. A lay chair, usually nominated by the Congregation via the Chapter and appointed by the Bishop, is responsible for its the day to day operation. The Chapter has chosen to appoint various committees to oversee specific ministry areas. Each member chairs one of these committees which serves to coordinate ministry under its purview. The committee areas are outlined below with their respective reporting officers, committees or groups.

Finance and Administration

The Finance and Administration Committee of Bishop and Chapter is comprised of those who provide various important ministries of an administrative nature. The charge of oversight and advice to both the Chapter and the Cathedral Treasurer includes: matter of a financial nature, records management, staff review processes and Christian stewardship.

Cathedral Treasurer
2 Minutes for Ministry 17 November 2019

Envelope Secretary

Project 2045
Project 2045 is being created to symbolically set our hearts and our minds solidly on the future. Bishop John Medley began construction of the Cathedral in 1845. As we look ahead to 2045 and the 200th anniversary of the date the cornerstone was laid, we are now asking “What can we do now to be sure that those who follow us will have the best opportunity to continue to proclaim the Gospel?” and “What will the Cathedral structure and congregational ministry look like, what worship services and other events will be held there and what other needs will it meet in the year 2045?”

Stewardship Team The Stewardship Team is a subgroup of the Committee on Administration and Finance and will work towards the goal of keeping a wholeistic stewardship of time, talent and treasure in view. While initiatives will be a focus from time to time, the Team will continually be seeking ways for us to better express our stewardship attitudes and disciplines as diciples of Jesus.

Buildings and Property

Guild of St. Joseph The Guild of St. Joseph, also known affectionately as the “Holy Joe’s,” is a men’s group whose motto is “Serving God and Church with heart and hands.” The focus is the maintenance and repair of the fabric of the Cathedral, the Green and Memorial Hall. As well, the Guild responds to requests for work from other Cathedral groups and, in some cases, from Anglican groups outside the Cathedral. The Guild hosts the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and provides a Halloween watch, spring flood watch and the “Greening of the Cathedral” during Advent. The Guild meets on the first Tuesday of each month (September through June), and warmly welcomes all new members.

Restoration Committee See the Restoration Fund By-Law for details.

Christian Formation

Christian Formation Committee
2020 ADVENT-ure Read more about it
ALPHA Find out about ALPHA

Godly Play Currently, every other Sunday (check our calendar), children 5 and up are invited to Godly Play at the Memorial Hall at 9:15 a.m.. More information.

Life in the Eucharist
During October and November, when offered, Life in the Eucharist is for young people 7 and up preparing to make First Communion. More information.

Mother’s Union The Mothers’ Union is an international Christian society, currently in 83 countries, seeking to support families worldwide. The Aim of the society is the advancement of Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life. The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is to be especially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life. Our branch, established over 25 years ago, meets on the third Wednesday of each month at Memorial Hall at 7 pm. Currently we have 18 active members. Several of our branch members also hold office on the executive of the MU Diocesan council. Some of the branch activities include:
  • We present a pewter ornament to all of the newly baptized.
  • Financial donations are sent to the MU international literacy and development projects.
  • Childcare is provided in the Nursery during the 10 am service.
  • Every year on Mothering Sunday, members take leadership roles at the services and home-baked Simnel cake is offered to the congregation.
  • We make beeswax candles for our annual Advent candle sale.
View the Diocesan MU information brochure
View the Canadian MU information brochure


Communications Committee The Communications Committee meets on a regular basis to share ways in which communications with the congregation and the community at large can be energized, improved upon or updated. The Committee was formed in 2015. Goals include design and maintenance of the Cathedral website and the development of a communications strategy. We are a small group and welcome those interested in such areas as website development and management, photography, writing and effective communications to join us.

Health and Pastoral Care

Health and Pastoral Care Committee Health Ministry / Parish Nursing Health Ministries link health and healing with our Christian faith. For 12 years, the purpose of these ministries has been to equip each one of us to be in the best possible health in body, mind and spirit to continue God’s work through us and for him. The Health Ministry is a congregationally driven ministry that offers health and wellness programs such as Health Information Sessions, Cathedral Visitors, Blood Pressure clinics, Helping Hands, a Prayer Shawl Ministry, fitness activities and other seasonal support. The Health Ministry Team who support and direct the ministry usually meets quarterly to consider support to those in need. A large number of Cathedral volunteers also assist as needed.

Prayer Network The Prayer Network is made up of a small number of Cathedral members who are committed to divine intercession on behalf of any who request prayer for the needs of others. The Network is accessed by phone or email to the prayer network co-ordinator and provides a confidential and immediate prayer response. Members are connected by email and/or phone and are able to receive prayer requests as they are submitted. This ministry is a response to Jesus' call to all Christians: "Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

Medley Teas / Luncheons and related events Events are held when possible. "Medley Teas" were held regularly prior to the pandemic. These are intended to be opportunities for socializing. Anyone is invited and welcome to attend.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Cathedral Visitors
2 Minutes for Ministry 12 November 2017

Helping Hands

Hospital Visitors A team of visitors, while exercising privacy protocols, follows a rotating schedule to assure that those admitted to hospital have at least one visit from the Cathedral each week if it is the patient's desire.

View the information brochure

Mission and Outreach

Mission and Outreach Committee Missions Committee Missions Committee Website
The Missions Committee wants to encourage and promote mission work as a means of living out our Christian faith, – as individuals and as the Cathedral family. Our mission statement is, “Serving God in mission, sharing Jesus with the world.” The committee supports, both financially and prayerfully, several mission based causes such as Bishop McAllister College in Uganda and the work of the Mejia family in Honduras. The committee is also involved in the support of St. Hilda’s school and sponsor students in Belize. Committee members continue to look for opportunities to invite guest speakers to share their experiences with mission work, highlight and endorse the work of PWRDF, link to and support the local Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) group, and facilitate interested parishioners and groups to attend missions conferences. Through these activities we hope to lead our congregation into action that will make a difference around the globe and here at home. We use a rotating chair for our committee meetings.

Outreach Committee To truly practice our faith, the Outreach Committee believes that we must reach outside the walls of the Cathedral to share our love with those less fortunate than ourselves. Thanks to the congregation's donations:
  • we provide friendship, food, used clothing, music and a Bible study to people in need on Monday mornings from September until May, adding lunch vouchers or bus tickets monthly
  • we supply a tote box of donated groceries to the Fredericton Food Bank weekly
  • we deliver 80 Christmas angel gifts to the Fredericton Food Bank, representing about $2,000 worth of toys and stocking stuffers for needy children
  • we send funds at Christmas to assist the Fredericton Community Kitchen, Fredericton Homeless Shelters, and Women in Transition House Inc.
  • we co-ordinate teams (about 40 people) from the cathedral to serve meals and do dishes Saturday evenings at the local soup kitchen
Overall, our volunteers try to make the lives of the poor just a little brighter.

Ending Homelessness in Fredericton - Penny Ericson

2 Minutes for Ministry 11 March 2018 Homelessness Initiative

Anglican Church Women (ACW)
2 Minutes for Ministry 28 January 2018
The purpose of the Anglican Church Women (ACW) is to unite in a fellowship of worship, study and offering which will deepen and strengthen our spiritual lives and lead us into Christian Service. Membership is open to anyone interested and willing to work for the Purpose. The executive of the ACW meets on a regular basis, and leadership rotates. We have five general meetings a year, and anyone interested is invited to join us in enjoying a program and the report of the executive committee. Prayer and financial assistance is given to girls studying at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda, the Cathedral’s Monday morning Outreach Program, Mothers’ Union, Grace House, Youth, The Primate's World Relief and Development Fund, Farraline Home, providing Baptismal books to Cathedral members, and to fulfilling other special requests. Our financial commitments are met by the ACW the Social Committee, which is a service ministry. They provide their time and talent to organize events such as receptions for funerals, Deanery functions, and special gatherings. We rely on men and women from the congregation to help on these occasions. The ACW welcomes all women and men interested in attending our meetings or helping the Social Committee.

Belize Missions One of the Cathedral’s Missions Committee projects is the Belize Mission. The mission began in 2005 when the Cathedral Puppeteers travelled to Belize in response to an invitation from the Anglican Diocese of Belize. There have been three subsequent trips (2007, 2010, 2013) and a 5th trip proposed for the future. Over fifty people from our congregation have been to Belize to share their time, gifts, prayers, friendship, money, and fellowship with their fellow Christians in that place. A close relationship has been firmly established with St. Hilda’s Anglican School and Anglican Church in Georgeville, Cayo District. St. Hilda's is in the Anglican Diocese of Belize. Each of the four mission teams has spent 1-2 weeks in Georgeville, offering their time and talents to the students at St. Hilda's school. Their projects included: a foundation and floor for a new school bathroom; wiring for computers; painting and cleaning; building a set of playground picnic tables; teaching/learning support; and providing health-related information. In 2010, Cathedral mission team members established a high school scholarship program which has allowed selected St. Hilda’s students to continue their education past Grade 8. In 2013, support for selected graduates of the high school sponsorship program was extended to contribute to their college education. These programs are supported thanks to the generosity of members of our Cathedral family. In addition to the 50+ individuals who have traveled to Belize on one of the mission trips (the Away Teams), many members of the congregation (the Home Team) have been very active in their support of the missions and the associated projects. Home Team members have contributed financially, served on committees, donated items for fundraising auctions, administered the scholarship programs and, of course, the congregation continues to pray regularly for our friends in Christ living in Belize.

Visit the 2018 Belize Mission (27 January - 05 February) website

For more information about our past and present work in Belize, please contact the Missions Committee.

Welcome and Hospitality

Greeters The team of greeters endeavour to meet individuals as they arrive at the Cathedral, collect the offering, and assist as required at all regular and special worship services held at the Cathedral Approximately 50 members of the congregation actively participate as Cathedral greeters. Greeters and/or teams of greeters are on duty at Sunday Services (8am and 10:30am and 4pm worship) throughout the year; as well as at special services, especially during the Advent, Christmas and the Easter season. Greeters also assist at Diocesan events hosted by the Cathedral.

Kitchen Committee Formed in 2013, this committee shares responsibility for the operation of the busy kitchen at Cathedral Memorial Hall. Members, who represent the ACW, Guild of St. Joseph, Outreach Committee, and the Saturday Morning Breakfast team, meet monthly to focus on the need for a clean, safe and efficient kitchen. We review a kitchen manual and checklist for users, in order to address concerns promptly. We identify items for repair, replacement or disposal. Cupboards now have labels, and all hazardous materials are stored in locked areas. We post signs as needed; for example, about the need to date and label food put into the freezer and the refrigerator. On a rotating basis, the kitchen is cleaned seasonally, including the refrigerator, stoves, ovens, freezer, microwave, cupboards and windows. We also arranged for training from the provincial health department concerning protocols for the safe handling of food and its proper storage.


Several ministries engage members of our Cathedral family in the most central of activity at the Cathedral - the worship of God.
2 Minutes for Ministry 01 December 2019

Cathedral Choirs
2 Minutes for Ministry 22 October 2017

Sanctuary Guild

Server’s Guild

The Verger
2 Minutes for Ministry 04 February 2018


Prayer Leaders

Eucharistic Administrators

Taizé Worship
Taizé Thursdays


Cathedral Quilters
The Cathedral Quilters meet in the lounge of Cathedral Hall on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to quilt by hand beautiful quilts ranging in size from baby to queen. The money we raise through this activity goes to support girls attending Bishop McAllister College in Uganda.

Cathedral Matters' Guild of Rug Hookers
The Guild meets every other Tuesday afternoon from September to May. We create rug hooked items, inspired by the stained glass windows of the Cathedral and other interesting subjects. These items are hooked and sold by our members; the proceeds go to The Cathedral Restoration Fund. Anyone interested in learning how to rug hook and in helping provide funds for the Restoration may join us. Last year, two of our rug hooked articles were exhibited at Old Government House with the Heritage Rug Hooking Guild. We create works of art using hand dyed wool fabric, a rug hook and a small frame. The technique is the same age-old technique our grandmothers used to create decorative hooked items for their homes. For the last few years we have been influenced by John Leroux’s book “Glorious Light: The Stained Glass of Fredericton.” We are very grateful to Johnny for sharing his slides and DVD with us.