Not just on Sundays! Activities in the Cathedral

When many people think of churches, they think of buildings filled with people on Sundays and holidays, but empty and closed for most of the week.

At the Cathedral (and indeed, in many churches), that isn’t the case.

Christ Church Cathedral was given recognition as a National Historic Site in 1981. Along with being a stunning example of Gothic revival architecture, the Cathedral also played a part in the designation of Fredericton as a City by Queen Victoria. Due to its historic and architectural significance, our Cathedral is a popular tourist destination in Fredericton. It is located in the heart of downtown Fredericton, near the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge.

Each year, thousands of tourists visit the Cathedral. In July and August alone, we typically welcome between two and three thousand visitors. Free guided tours are provided seven days a week during the summer months, thanks to a funding community funding grant from the City of Fredericton. Throughout the rest of the year, between September and June, visitors are invited to visit the Cathedral on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., learning about the architecture and history using self-guided tour booklets which are available in four languages (English, French, Spanish and German). Private tours are sometimes arranged upon request for groups - it’s not uncommon for us to receive special requests from conference organizers or Fredericton Tourism staff.

Another benefit of the Cathedral being open to the public on weekdays is to give people a quiet place to pray. Some churches in our area are not able to remain open throughout the week. We welcome attendance at morning and evening prayer, held at 8:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday to Friday, and lasting approximately fifteen minutes each. Throughout the day between those times, anyone is welcome to visit for prayer or reflection.

Worship including Holy Eucharist is held in the Cathedral on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong once a month, plus regular Taizé worship. Special services are held on weekdays throughout the year, such as during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, and days such as the Ascension, New Year’s, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (visit our calendar for schedules), along with weddings and funerals upon request. Baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations are typically held on festival Sundays. Many services are livestreamed.

Because of the magnificent architecture of the Cathedral, many photographers drop by to take photos inside and outside, and individuals and photography teachers can schedule sessions within the Cathedral. We encourage photographers to share or tag us in their Cathedral photos.

Speaking of photography… did you know that several movies and television programs have used the Cathedral to film scenes? Theatre performances have also been held inside and outside the Cathedral (Godspell and Camelot, to name just two!). During the summer months, the Calithumpians Theatre Troupe performs family-friendly performances on the Cathedral lawn, as well as hosting summer camps. Children are welcome inside the Cathedral.

Accessible gender-neutral washrooms (one with a changing table) are open to the public.

Many musical events and concerts are held at Christ Church Cathedral each year. In addition to regular rehearsals of our Cathedral Choir, Youth Choir and Worship band, the community choral group Bel Canto Singers hold weekly rehearsals in the Cathedral. Because of the fabulous acoustics, we are a favoured venue for classical and choral music. We have hosted concerts for local groups such as the Fredericton Symphony Orchestra, Atlantic Sinfonia, the Elm City String Quartet, Bel Canto Singers, Delacroix Classix, and many more. We have also welcomed touring musicians such as the Gerdan Theatre Ukrainian Choir, Choeur Louisbourg, and Dan Bremnes. The Cathedral was the site of Fredericton's 175th anniversary concert, A Celebration of Us, and is often selected as one of the locations for the NB Summer Music Festival. Each year, the Cathedral Director of Music organizes our long-running Summer Music Series, which presents free concerts on Fridays over the lunch hour, featuring a variety of musicians, soloists and groups from Fredericton and beyond.

Even a weekly exercise class is held in the Cathedral! Chair Yoga is held on Friday mornings throughout most of the year. It’s a gentle way to stretch and get in shape, suitable for a variety of ages and abilities. Holding the class in the Cathedral makes it convenient to enter for people with mobility challenges. Our Health Ministry team organizes this initiative, and also holds blood pressure clinics several times a year in the Cathedral.

A variety of groups, speakers and classes also use the Cathedral and lawn on an as-needed basis. These include guest speakers whose lectures are sometimes livestreamed, sacramental preparation courses, training for groups such as servers, and congregational and community groups such as our Sanctuary Guild, Mothers’ Union, Guild of St. Joseph, Anglican Church Women, Diocese of Fredericton, Scouts and Cubs, L’Arche Fredericton, and a guided autobiography group. Fellowship events such as teas and picnics are also held in and around the Cathedral.

You are welcome to visit the Cathedral (for the first time, or more often). You’ll find us at 150 Church Street, and our doors are open weekdays between 8:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (excepting holidays, and with an extended 7-day schedule in the summer). Sometimes you’ll have an opportunity for quiet reflection or touring, and other times you’ll encounter some of our dedicated staff, clergy, or volunteers. Say hello! We encourage you to become aware of and involved in activities happening in the Cathedral throughout the year.

As for how Cathedral Memorial Hall is used… the story of that well-used building will have to be a whole separate article!

The slideshow below shows photos of a wide range of activities in and around the Cathedral:

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2025

Bishop and Chapter met on 22 January 2025 with 9 of 12 members present. A brief study on reflections on 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 by Charisse R Tucker (Christian Century) entitled “Group Work: How to serve faithfully and for the long term?” The Dean provided some questions to help focus a discussion on the issue that “groups tend to function such that a few people do the bulk of the work.” Minutes of 17 December 2024 were adopted.


• summary of ministry over the previous month included: Christmas worship [Eve 4:00 (238) 8:00 (80) 11:00 (87) Day 10:00 (57)], 1 funeral, communions at Windsor Court and Farraline Place, conclusion of Advent study. Certificate in Stewardship begins soon. One meeting of Synod Finance Committee

• Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception preparation continues, Annual Reports will be due on 03 February


• Automatic Electronic Defibrillator - purchase for Memorial Hall at a cost of $3006 (updated cost)

National Trust Next Great Save - information was received

• Chapter Secretary - motions to cover member status of secretary


2025 Budget - discussion of the current draft. Offering revenue in 2024 was at 85.85% of budget, an impact of about $82,000 making budgeting for 2025 a significant challenge


Fredericton Cathedral Foundation - progress is being made on consultation with proposed partners and appointments to the board of directors

Nominating - no progress on a nomination for Chapter (Christian Formation). In addition, nominations will be needed for delegates to Diocesan Synod

Finance and Administration - January meeting was cancelled due to unavailability of members. Two Safe Church December deadlines (training and risk assessments) for Chapter. Follow-up on completion

Welcome and Hospitality - chair plans to meet with Communications to discuss a welcome package for newcomers. Safe Church training (awaiting certificates) and risk assessment completed

Health / Pastoral Care - “Listen, Love Pray” grief and loss support continues. Blood pressure clinic served 19 on 19 January

Worship - thanks to Sarah Petite for repair of frontals. Gift of 25 BCP’s from the Parish of Grand Manan with thanks

Property - Plan for 2025 with progress made setting timing delegating responsibilities for action on solid list of about 25 active items including new additions: Cathedral outside lighting; miscellaneous items from new furnace installation. Scope to be determined on much of the list in the coming months

Mission / Outreach - Monday morning Outreach (last Monday of the month beginning 9:30 a.m.) guests and costs still on the rise. Thanks to Carriage Place Dental for generous donation of dental items

Christian Formation - committee continues to meet without a chair

Treasurer - Investigation on current VISA card situation and current needs. Expecting payout on ACW shares. December total Revenue $85,729, but expense and deficit waiting on a print VISA statement by mail


• Next meeting - 18 February 2025
• Annual reports - due 03 February 2025
• Annual Meeting - 16 March 2025




Celtic Spirituality with John Philip Newell

We're pleased to announce a very special event happening at the Cathedral on May 7th! Join us to hear internationally renowned spiritual teacher John Philip Newell. He will speak on Celtic Wisdom for this moment in time in relation to Earth and the human soul. It promises to be an enlightening event!

This event will outline the main themes of his award-winning book Sacred Earth Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World. Newell calls us to be aware of the sacredness of Earth and every human being as key to the way of transformation and healing in our lives and world today.

Join us in-person for the talk, conversation, a book signing, and a few light refreshments ($20 per ticket). People wishing to join from a distance can reserve an online ticket (free of charge). You are invited to make a donation which will help to sponsor seats for people who could not otherwise attend).

The event will be held Wednesday, 07 May, 2025, 6:00-8:30 p.m. inside Christ Church Cathedral. 150 Church Street, Fredericton, NB.

Click here to reserve tickets.

John Philip Newell is a Celtic teacher and author of spirituality who calls the modern world to reawaken to the sacredness of Earth and every human being. A ‘wandering teacher,’ he follows the ancient path of many lone teachers before him in the Celtic world, seeking the wellbeing of the world. He has been described as having ‘the heart of a Celtic bard and the mind of a Celtic scholar’, combining in his teachings the poetic and the intellectual, the head as well as the heart, and spiritual awareness as well as political and ecological concern.

Read an article about John, from Celtic Life International, 'The Heart of John Philip Newell'.

This event is presented in partnership with Earth & Soul.


Bishop and Chapter News – December 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 17 December 2024 with 10 of 12 members present. Minutes of 19 November 2024 were adopted. Prompted by some recent expressions of gratitude, the Chair requested we identify and share that which we are most thankful for at the moment.


• summary of ministry over the previous month included: 2 funerals, communions at Windsor Court and Farraline Place, Advent study, update on Thomas Gonder.

• Synod Finance (1)

• Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception preparation begins 18 December, Christmas Lessons and Carols 22 December, Certificate in Stewardship begins 2025.


• Formation event - funding request (Kurt Schmidt)
• Communion administration - R. Hall permission


• Stewardship study - $1000 group tuition from H. Palmer bequest
John Philip Newell - up to $7200 from the H. Palmer bequest in support of a formation event 08 May 2025
• H. Palmer Bequest - remaining $6800 restricted for formation
• Annual Meeting - date set Sunday, 16 March 2025
• Parish Nursing restricted funds - released for health ministries
• Automatic Electronic Defibrillator - purchase for Memorial Hall at a cost of $2,891
• 2025 Stipend and salaries - Dean - minimum stipend $50,590 + 15,862 includes 3.1% cost of living increase. Staff 3.1% cost of living
• Staff Handbook - that we adopt the Handbook in its current form


2025 Budget - preliminary draft discussed. Issues: offering budget has fallen short to November 2024. There will be significant challenge in budgeting for what’s considered essential in 2025. Need for review of salaries in the new year


Nominating - additional communication on attracting a chair for Formation. Requirements for March Annual being considered

Finance and Administration - Staff Handbook (employment policies) shared with Chapter. Four motions proposed

Welcome and Hospitality - future projects: welcome packet for new comers, name tag Sundays, good response to Sunday refreshments

Health / Pastoral Care - considering need for First Aid training, planning next blood pressure clinic, $1000 offering for AED

Worship - small group met on 15 December to consider a Plan B for Christmas music if needed.

Property - Cathedral furnace operational with decision to repair old boiler and repair for backup. Considerable focus on budget for 2025 with a solid list of identified items in need of attention

Mission / Outreach - Monday morning Outreach guest number up. St. Hilda’s School 2024 funding sent for year-end. Seeking interest in a mission to Belize. Support for Giving Tuesday exceeded $2000 commitment to Montgomery St. School Home and School

Christian Formation - committee continues without chair

Treasurer - reporting included preliminary 2025 budget. November Revenue $58,452, Expense $65,008 (-$6466 deficit). Year to date Revenue $526,951, Expense $604,600 (deficit of -$77,648)


• Next meeting - 21 January 2025

• Christmas Lessons and Carols - 4:00 p.m. 22 December 2024

• New Year’s Day with our Bishop - 11:00 a.m. 01 January



Kurt Schmidt on Advent at the Cathedral

Kurt Schmidt was interviewed by Pastor Luke Budreau as part of the morning lineup on Joy FM (Listen LIVE) on Wednesday, December 4th. Kurt shared a bit about what Advent at Christ Church Cathedral is looking like this year.

Advent is the season during which Christians for centuries have cherished the unique atmosphere of waiting with anticipation. Advent means 'coming.' The arrival of the Christ in Bethlehem is an important part of Advent but not the only one. Jesus also comes daily in the present and he promised to come again in the clouds (the Second Coming). Kurt offered an overview of this year's "ADVENT-ures" which are helping to make the worship and devotional opportunities many and varied. Luke was also interested to hear more generally about ministry in, to and from the Cathedral which rounded out an upbeat morning conversation that day.

The two talked informally about how we at the Cathedral, in our corner of the Church, attempt to offer what we feel best able and called to share. That includes what we consider the valuable perspectives from our traditions and the resources with which God has blessed. The fabric of community is enriched by all who contribute to our common life.

Check out the ADVENT-ures lineup; view the recorded audio (Cathedral Podcasts) or video (Cathedral YouTube Channel) of Advent Readings and Music from the afternoon of December 1st; and our daily calendar of events. Watch the Cathedral website for up-coming special events and Christmas worship.


Listen to the December 4th conversation between Kurt and Luke.


Bishop and Chapter News – November 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 19 November 2024 with 9 of 12 members present. Minutes of 15 October 2024 were adopted. An article was pre-circulated and discussed – “The Team Building Leader” by Ray Schulte, identifying helpful aspects of the necessary separation of task and maintenance, following up followed on “The Facilitator



• a usual summary of ministry initiatives over the previous month.


• Diocesan Synod (1), Bishop’s Counsel (1), Synod Finance (1)


• First Communions, Advent and Christmas usual schedule


Atlantic School of Theology - $100 in response to request

• Replacement of Cathedral Furnace - revisited with motion carried to spend up to $75,353 from investment restricted for maintenance

• Financial Review - that we engage the accounting firm of LeBlanc Scott for a 2024 review engagement at a quoted cost of $8,500

• Communion Administrator - Dean request permission for R. Hall

• Fredericton Cathedral Foundation - a motion to accept the Cathedral operational requirements document was tabled pending further review and a vote early next week


Items recommended by Chapter Executive - 1) Financial forecasting 2) Safe Church initiatives including evacuation plans; 3) Member orientation especially administration processes and tools 4) Considerations regarding Giving Tuesday


Nominating - an additional member of Chapter required as member. Current chapter vacancy in Christian Formation.

Finance and Administration - Finalizing Staff Handbook of employment standards; tracking Safe Church deadlines for Chapter set in June 2024; considerations re financial review and 2025 budget process; Certificate in Stewardship opportunity in 2025.

Welcome / Hospitality - hosted Safe Church training in October. Items under consideration include: “name tag Sundays,” welcome package, on boarding and incorporating new members, hospitality at Reign of Christ/First Communions, exploration of possible new committee members from greeters and kitchen committee

Health / Pastoral Care - continuing discussion on acquiring an AED for the Memorial Hall; partnering with Anglican Church Women on Christmas function 11 December; “Listen Love Pray” grief and loss support begins 09 December; current need for First Aid training

Worship - Sanctuary Guild items; server training/recruitment; 2025 Greeter schedule; music; Lucy's Sewing Group repairs; Verger(s)

Property - Cathedral furnace repair/replacement is complete with final inspection pending with revised estimate $65,525. Tile scratches from summer sprinkler flushing have been satisfactorily repaired

Mission / Outreach - discussion on inquiries about a future mission trip to Belize and required logistics; Monday morning programme on-going once per month; annual November funding to mission initiatives in Honduras (Mejias) and Uganda (Jeffries) is in process

Christian Formation - committee continues to meet without chair

Treasurer - several statements and reports made available. October offerings fell short of budget by $-18,806. Year-to-date offering is below budget by $-61,212 (ie we needed $433,792 to date to meet the adopted 2024 budget. We have received only $372,580). See The Cathedral Times current Offering Budget chart


• Next meeting - 17 December 2024
• Advent Lessons and Music - 4:00 p.m. 01 December 2024
• Christmas Lessons and Carols - 4:00 p.m. 22 December 2024



Resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop of CanterburyHaving sought the gracious permission of His Majesty The King, I have decided to resign as Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Makin Review has exposed the long-maintained conspiracy of silence about the heinous abuses of John Smyth.

When I was informed in 2013 and told that police had been notified, I believed wrongly that an appropriate resolution would follow.

It is very clear that I must take personal and institutional responsibility for the long and retraumatising period between 2013 and 2024.

It is my duty to honour my Constitutional and church responsibilities, so exact timings will be decided once a review of necessary obligations has been completed, including those in England and in the Anglican Communion.

I hope this decision makes clear how seriously the Church of England ... read more

Other useful links

Acting primate reiterates commitment to safe church after Welby resigns over handling of abuse scandal

A Statement from the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion


Continue reading

Bishop and Chapter News – October 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 15 October 2024 with 8 of 12 members present. Minutes of 17 September 2024 were adopted with thanks to J. Hand. “The Facilitator” by R. Schulte (the Center for Parish Development) was circulated in advance and briefly discussed. The author explored ways a leader can help a team with their work and the benefits to team members of doing so



• the usual summary of meetings and ministry since the last meeting of Chapter was delivered. Legal documents clarifying land title for the Cathedral were signed. A fall donation to the Anglican Foundation will be sent as per our recent usual practice. The Dean reiterated that of our 17 or so +/- 10% givers we have lost at least three over the last two years


• meetings of Diocesan Council, Synod Finance Committee; Synod Planning


• Greater Chapter 16 October. Diocesan Synod is 02 November


• Atlantic School of Theology - fall request for financial support


Giving Policy Funds - Chapter concurs with removing the Parish Nurse Pledge Campaign from our current list of funds

Replacement of Cathedral Furnace - that we withdraw monies from investment (Mary L. Boyce bequest) to replace the Cathedral furnace ASAP (approx $70,000) and apply to saveenergyNB for a potential portion rebate. There may be one Sunday without heat


Clarification with Synod - needed to aid in budgeting, determining ongoing maintenance and requirements in the future.


Nominating - an additional member of Chapter required for membership. One current chapter vacancy in Christian Formation.

Finance and Administration - D. Lewis engaged as sexton 01 October; Parish Nurse Pledge Campaign no longer exists; continue finalizing the Cathedral staff handbook; stewardship team (subcommittee) has been inactive for over a year

Welcome and Hospitality - organizing Safe Church training for 17 October; working on risk management Safe Church documentation

Health / Pastoral Care - potential for a fall blood pressure clinic on a Sunday; places to assist with an Anglican Church Women fall event; discussion about the installation of an automated external defibrillator (AED) at the Hall - estimated cost $1800-2600

Mission / Outreach - food cupboard has been installed (NW) by Mothers’ Union; Belize student scholarships and support for St. Hilda’s School has been sent ($5000 plus wiring fees); Christmas Angels programme to be organized by Kirsten McKnight and Claudia Vargus; Drop-in on the last Monday of the month will change to 9:30 a.m.

Treasurer - several statements and reports submitted for consideration including offerings by month, investment fund summary and Revenue vs Expense. September: Year to date Income - $432,841 Expenses - $478,804 Total deficit year to date (-$45,243)

Fredericton Cathedral Foundation - continuing work on legal articles of incorporation, land title clarifications, application for charitable status and the church’s operational requirements. No further word from the City regarding involvement


• Next meeting - 17 November 2024
• Diocesan Synod - 02 November 2024



Bishop and Chapter News – September 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 17 September 2024 with 9 of 12 members present. Minutes of 18 June and 28 August 2024 were adopted. The meeting on 28 August was used to discuss initial work being done on the proposed Fredericton Cathedral Foundation. A “SWOT Analysis” was discussed identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats identifying our reality in each category



• the Dean offered the usual summary of activity since the last regular meeting on 18 June. Vacation was 08 July - 04 August.


• meetings of Synod Finance Committee; Synod Planning


• 2 funerals upcoming; 30 September - Truth and Reconciliation


Restoration Trust Fund - amended version posted

• Fredericton Cathedral Foundation

- R. Crowe continues work on a document describing a relationship with a Cathedral Foundation yet to be formed

• Safe Church - deadlines agreed upon

- 31 December - training for groups and committees, completion of risk assessments by all groups.

- 31 March: position profiles for volunteers, groups and committees, action plans resulting from the assessment of risk


Cathedral boiler requires attention. Several options, two of which were discussed: repair ($23,000) or replacement ($63,000). Further consideration and study, including funding possibilities required


Nominating - one chapter vacancy remains (Christian Formation)

Buildings and Property - 1) Cathedral boiler 2) Stairlift installation awaiting electrical upgrade 3) Floor tile scratches from Sprinkler maintenance being addressed 4) Hall janitor sink repair 5) Inquiry from Diabetes Canada about installing an outside clothing bin

Finance and Administration - Second round of Sexton interviews complete with hiring expected this week. Help on the Safe Church working group is needed. Need to clarify understandings re Synod and Bishop’s Offices

Welcome and Hospitality - corn boil 15 September. Future events in view. Sunday refreshments continue. Considering Safe Church commitments

Health / Pastoral Care - the chair inquired as to specific direction from the Chapter

Mission / Outreach - Food cupboard to be installed by Mothers’ Union; Monday morning outreach avg 60 attendees; mid-year funds sent to St. Hilda’s Belize - need to explore interest in a Belize mission trip; one request through Benevolence Policy processed; volunteers always needed

Worship - frequency of Sunday Evensong is being questioned

Treasurer - statements for June, July and August were presented. August: Year to date Income - $391,504 Expenses - $435,913 Total deficit year to date (-$44,409)

All committee chairs issue an invitation to become involved in ongoing activities and ministries. If you have an interest in becoming more engaged, please speak to a member of Bishop and Chapter



Bishop and Chapter News – June 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 18 June 2024 with 11 of 12 members present, Richard Crowe was meeting chair. Minutes of 21 May 2024 were adopted. An article entitled “The Risk of Trying to Please Everyone” by Mike Bonem was briefly discussed. “The hard work of change doesn’t call for pleasing everyone, but it does require the commitment of enough of the right people.


Diocesan Synod - a letter of thanks to the Synod Treasurer re support for the stair lift project.


• the Dean offered a written report of activity since 21 May including the intention of vacation 08 July- 04 August 2024. Annual staff reviews are on track to be completed this month

• meetings of Synod Finance Committee; Synod Planning; Diocesan Council

• wedding 06 July (Smith/Demerchant); Diocesan Synod is 02 Nov;
Vacation - 08 July - 04 August (thanks to R. Black and J. Lownds)


• Chapter membership - member - Hank Williams (Committee on Worship), Victoria Hachey (Vice-Chair)

Restoration Trust Fund - amendment adopted as per 16 June congregational meeting

• Fredericton Cathedral Foundation

- that Restoration Trust funds be made available to the Bishop for use by a future “Fredericton Cathedral Foundation”
- Richard Crowe appointed to be the Cathedral member

• Safe Church - four motions adopted directing implementation steps by Chapter committees for all groups under their purview.

- by year-end: 1) Coordination of safe church training for all Cathedral groups and committees, 2) Coordinate completion of risk assessments by all groups.
- by 31 March 2025: 3) coordinate position profiles for all volunteers, groups and committees, 4) coordinate action plans resulting from the assessment of risk
See Diocesan Safe Church, for the Regulation, forms and templates


Nominating - Nomination for one of two Chapter member vacancies; nomination for Vice Chair

Buildings and Property - Cathedral sprinkler flushing underway; Memorial Hall boiler repaired; investigating possibilities for maintenance/renovation of Cathedral heating; interim cleaning by Crystal Clean at $2864 per month.

Finance and Administration - Safe Church implementation plan; staff handbook final draft being reviewed; staffing: tour guides and sexton in process

Health / Pastoral Care - blood pressure clinics held on 10 June; Health Ministries- yoga, grief support, prayer shawls; volunteers for helping hands welcome; hospital visitor and home communions ministries continue

Mission / Outreach - Outreach event last Mondays of the month with 50-70 guests; will discuss Belize mission possibilities; no information on food cupboard installation

Treasurer - Several large expenses (+/-) pending: sprinkler flushing ($60,000); Hall boiler ($10,000), Stair lift ($30,000); Year-to-date (May) income $236,334 / expenses $246,833. We are behind on budgeted offering YTD $24,017


1.     Next meeting - 17 September 2024
2.     Diocesan Synod - 02 November 2024