At Christ Church Cathedral we take the safety of all people seriously. We are committed to cooperating with our own Diocesan Safe Church procedures, those of the Anglican Church of Canada and the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Over the last several years significant progress has been made at all levels of the church to help protect and assure that the church is a safe place to be. Perhaps especially we need to be vigilant with regard to ministry with children, the elderly and vulnerable individuals. Safety is the responsibility of us all and at all times.
We have been making these beeswax candles for at least 20 years now. It is the major fundraiser for our group. Each fall, the purple and pink wax is ordered from a company in British Columbia, and we are always surprised at the various shades of these two colours that we receive. Equipped with our hair dryers, we arrive at the Hall kitchen, prepared to make and assemble the sets we hope to sell that year just prior to Advent. We know these candles have become a major part of the Advent celebration in the homes of Cathedral members and others who seek them out each year.
This activity was traditionally carried out at our October Wednesday night meeting, but last year we needed to meet on a Saturday to get it done. We so enjoyed that Saturday morning, and the lunch that followed afterwards, that we decided it would be nice to repeat that this year. About half of our 15 members were able to participate. You will see our members selling the $20 sets, that include 3 purple and 1 pink candle, in the Cathedral starting on 12 November through to the first Sunday in Advent.
The photo below is from our Spring Retreat that took place on Mactaquac Lake. Back row left to right: Sandra Noftell, Bonnie Greenwood, Rosa Macaulay, Susan Black, middle: Kelley Hall, Diane Nash, Susan Watson, Susan Colpitts-Judd, Michele Leblanc, front: Lilian Ketch, Isabel Cutler. Missing from photo: Kathleen Snow, John DosSantos, Joanne Barfitt and Diane Radford.
All of the angels have been chosen. Thank you! Please drop off your gift by November 26th.
Fifty paper angels from Greener Village (the food bank) are waiting to be chosen from a little tree with white lights in the cathedral. Each requests a specific Christmas gift or stocking stuffers for a needy boy or girl in our city.
Please print your name and telephone number on the clipboard to indicate which angel you're adopting. Bring the unwrapped gift, with the paper angel firmly attached, to the church on Sunday, 26 November. Drop-off boxes will be set up near the angel tree.
If you can't bring your gift that Sunday, please take it to the Cathedral Office earlier or at the latest on Monday, 27 November between 9 a.m. and noon.
“Last year the food bank supplied nearly 3,000 gifts for needy children, and the total is expected to be much higher this year,” Outreach Committee treasurer Doug Milander said. “The cathedral family has been helping with this effort for more than 25 years, and the generosity is greatly appreciated.”
The committee must purchase any gifts that arrive late or not at all.
He added that another longstanding option at the cathedral is to write a cheque payable to Christ Church Cathedral and indicate Christmas Outreach on the memo line. The cheque should be delivered to the office by 18 December. As in past years, these funds will be divided equally among the Fredericton Homeless Shelters, Women in Transition House Inc. and the Fredericton Community Kitchen.
Role and Function of Deacons
A deacon needs to have the character of a servant, and this character should be visible in the deacon’s life and ministry. Ordination to the vocational diaconate is not a way to recognize or validate existing ministries, but a means of forming living icons who illuminate Christ as the model of servanthood to all the baptized. Deacons are not ordained to do the outreach ministry for the Church, but lead all in the church community into servant ministry in the world. They are prophetic ministers who are called to challenge the Church to always look outside and beyond itself.
Deacons are under the authority of the bishop and of the supervising priest under whom they work. The liturgical functions of a deacon are not their primary ministry, but are symbolic and expressive of their central ministry:
serving all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely;
interpreting to the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world.
The fundamental difference between priests and deacons according to the late Archdeacon Ormond Plater of the Diocese of Louisiana is that “priests tend to the ‘Church gathered’, deacons tend to the ‘Church scattered.’” Deacons will normally serve 80% of their ministry in the community and 20% with the church. Deacons will be servants who have a visible ministry to the dispossessed, are willing to undertake the role of prophet, and will strengthen the servant ministry of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Fredericton.
A deacon is encouraged to attend meetings of the [church] Corporation; without vote but reporting regularly and when requested on the on-going work. A deacon assigned to a particular parish is considered “assistant clergy” and, as such, will resign should the incumbent resign his or her
appointment. A deacon may be re-appointed by the bishop to serve during the interim under the direction of the bishop and/or the territorial archdeacon and church wardens. Upon the appointment of a new incumbent, the deacon's covenant may be re-negotiated, or the bishop may
appoint the deacon to another ministry.
We no longer receive a supply of COVID-19 rapid test kits tests for the Cathedral and Memorial Hall, but you can still get tests for free from the NB government!
Diaconia belongs to all the baptized as “a dimension integral to the nature and mission of the church” (World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance 2022, p. 10). Called to Transformation gives new ecumenical attention to “the diaconate of all believers, based on the view that God’s spirit graciously empowers and equips for discipleship, from the youngest to the oldest, men and women (Acts 2:17)” (World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance 2022, pp. 16–17).
From this follows that the diaconal vocation in the first place relates to everyday life: the family that cares for its members and in particular children and the elderly, the neighborhood and the workplace, civil society, and other arenas for social action (World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance 2022, p. 17).
There is clear recognition that “diaconal activities organized by local congregations and other church structures, including professional diaconal agents, depend on and are largely borne by the diaconate of all believers” (World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance 2022, p. 17). How can the church be mobilized by intentional focus on equipping the baptized for the diaconate of daily life?
While these ecumenical affirmations of the universal diaconate are crucial for the revitalization of the church, they have remained largely undeveloped beyond these formal acknowledgements. The homeostasis that strangles the vitality of the institutional church—which can be called “churchification”—remains a formidable challenge to reconstituting the church’s mission through the service of the baptized diaconate. In North America, a deep rift exists between what happens in the name of the institutional church and the rest of people’s lives. In this regard, the churches of the North have much to learn from the churches of Africa, South America, and Asia about validating and equipping all the baptized for their vocations in daily life (Jenkins 2006).
Baptism and confirmation constitute the ordination of the laity
The primary vocation of Christian people is to live out the covenant God in Christ made with them in baptism: “To live among God’s faithful people, to hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper, to proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed, to serve all people, following the example of Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth”. At the time of the Reformation, the universal priesthood was a radical claim about the equal status of all believers before God based on baptism. It was designed to overcome the dependency of the Christian people (laity) on the ministrations of a clerical hierarchy.
Baptism needs to be understood as a rite of ordination to the ministry for all Christian people. “Baptism and confirmation constitute the ordination of the laity, which makes it possible for them to participate in Christ’s ministry in and for the world” (Apostola 1998, p. 9). Affirming baptism as the primary ordination of Christian people grants significance and status to all the baptized as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. By teaching baptism as ordination to ministry in the diaconate of all believers, the formation of the baptized for their service to others in daily life must be taken as seriously as theological education for deacons and pastors. The formation of believers for the universal diaconate begins with focused attention in the church’s worship, education, community, and leadership practices.
Doug Milander in the early days of the pandemic, with a mask outdoors handing out gift cards and bus tickets.
It's a challenging time for the Cathedral's Outreach Committee. The number of people-in-need is ticking upwards, the weather is getting chillier, and COVID-19 is still lurking around many corners.
“Our average number of guests for Monday Morning Outreach has always been 40-ish in past years, but we're routinely seeing 50-to-60 people a month throughout 2023,” Outreach Committee treasurer Doug Milander said.
“We've noticed that more families with small kids are coming, more newcomers to Canada, even international students,” he said. “Rising inflation, high grocery prices, steep rents have been taking a toll on everybody. We hear a lot of sad stories.”
Volunteer Mary Lou Cotter packs goodie bags.
He added that people really appreciate what's offered with a smile: a $10 gift card for a supermarket, some non-perishable groceries, a goodie bag with homemade treats and fresh fruit, free used clothing and toiletries.
The committee is blessed with a good budget from the cathedral coffers, donations from some individuals as well as from New Maryland United Church, and a steady supply of fresh fruit from St. Margaret's Anglican Church.
A kind-hearted squad of cathedral members bakes cookies and muffins, or makes sandwiches, for the goodie bags. “People are so good, and we're more than grateful for the help,” Doug noted.
What was once normal for Monday Morning Outreach: a room buzzing with people chatting, live music, and plenty of food served buffet style.
The committee thought the pandemic would be truly over by now so that indoor, buffet-style gatherings could resume for the guests who enjoy the chance to get out of the cold and socialize.
“New mutations of the virus keep popping up, and hospitalizations are rising again lately,” Doug said. “We hesitate to revert to a sit-down event because we want to keep our volunteers and guests as safe as possible.”
Local blogger Charles LeBlanc with then-parish nurse Kathleen Snow who offered blood pressure and glucose testing for guests.
He notes that the number of volunteers has already dwindled. Some folks who participated regularly have died, fallen ill, left the cathedral during the pandemic and never returned, or found other priorities. The parish nurse was also a valued aspect of the Monday gatherings, and now there is none.
- by Ann Deveau
If you would like to help prepare food or volunteer to help on the last Monday of the month, please contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500.
The Order of Deacon is of New Testament and apostolic origin. The Book of Acts contains what has traditionally been seen as the institution of the diaconate in the selection and appointment of “the seven” through prayer and the laying on of hands for service and distribution of food among widows in the community. The letters of Paul to the Philippians and to Timothy refer to deacons as officers alongside bishops in the life of the emerging church. Deacons became important figures in the administrative life of the church, often acting as the chief administrating officer to bishops and in particular in overseeing the temporalities of the church.
In the Middle Ages, the use and the influence of the office of deacon was diminished, as many of the roles and functions of deacons were taken over by presbyters or members of the minor orders (e.g., lectors and acolytes). During the English Reformation, the major orders of bishop, priest, and deacon were retained, while the minor orders were eliminated. Unlike the Eastern Churches, which preserved the Order of Deacon, the diaconate continued in the West as a transitional order in preparation for the priesthood. While Anglicanism claimed to continue the historic threefold orders of the Church Catholic, it was not until the 20th century that it gave serious consideration to the redevelopment of the diaconate as a permanent and distinct order of ministry.
The redevelopment of the diaconate has recalled the church to a fuller and more vital expression of its ministry as agents of mercy, healing, and justice in the world, especially among those living at the margins of systems and society, restoring the image of Christ who came “to bring good news to the poor.” Women and men called to this ministry of sacramental presence in the world serve as a reminder to the people of God that all are likewise called to follow Christ’s example of diakonia.
Ordination as a deacon is an affirmation by the church that an individual is being called to this distinctive ministry of service and agency, gifted and equipped to inspire and mobilize others into ministries of service, healing, and justice. They become sacramental signs of the presence of Christ in places of need and risk and vulnerability, in the faces of strangers and friends alike.
What’s it like working in the Diocese of Fredericton? September 27 was set aside as an orientation day to help five new clerics and one new employee get a snapshot of their roles.
The Rev. David Smith (Parish of Grand Manan), the Rev. Robert McLean (Parishes of Fredericton Junction and New Maryland), the Rev. Isabel Cutler (deacon, Christ Church Cathedral), the Rev. Rick Cunningham (deacon) and the Rev. Nicholas Saulnier (Parishes of St. Mary, York; Marysville and Stanley), as well as director of young adult formation Kurt Schmidt were in attendance, as well as diocesan staff and two territorial archdeacons.
The day began with the regular Wednesday service at the Cathedral, and moved to the hall for the remainder of the day...
Maybe you’ve heard it said that for lavish worship, congregations must have a “Worship Design Team” — experts gathered to design, script, rehearse, and coordinate the event. In detail. Every. Single. Week. But what if small congregations have a more powerful option — one that expands participation, emphasizes lay leadership, ends the burnout of meetings, invites local gifts, and heightens anticipation? They do. It’s called Stone Soup worship planning.
Teresa Stewart says that small congregations have a powerful worship planning option that expands participation, emphasizes lay leadership, ends the burnout of meetings, invites local gifts, and heightens anticipation. It’s called Stone Soup worship planning.
Stone Soup is a popular European folktale. It’s told in different ways around the world, but the essence is this: A stranger shows up in a small village. The stranger is hungry. So are the villagers ... Read more