My Dearest Friends in Canada:I write with a full, joyful and grateful heart to inform you of Anique’s successful completion of high school. I received her results on May 23 and finally got the opportunity to sit and share my happiness with you today. I am sure you have been awaiting this very good news with much anticipation. I do not have the letter of completion with me at the moment but I will scan and forward that to you in the morning.I wish to express my deepest thanks to all of you who gave us so willingly. You made the four years so much easier for me. As a single mom life can become very difficult and I know that I would have struggled very much without your assistance. My family and I are eternally indebted to all of you and we pray that God’s grace always smile on you for all that you have done for us. Anique’s graduation is on June 8. I will send pictures so that in a way you all can be a part of her day. You have been a part of her life for the last four years financially and through prayers so I will definitely send pictures. We are blessed to have you.Mucho Amor from Belize,Indira Spain
Category Archives: Ministry
A Grand Day for a Picnic
Our prayers were answered as Sunday, June 23rd dawned bright and clear, if not a little windy; it was the day of our combined 10:30 am worship to be followed by our Picnic & Pies event on the Cathedral grounds.
The setup crew were at work by 9:30 am and within an hour had all the tables ready for the hot dogs, drinks, watermelon, pies, and cake; the barbecue was all organized and ready to go. Chairs were brought out and placed around the area. Various games were put out for the children: badminton, ring toss, horseshoes, bats and balls. Signs were put up, a last minute check done, and then, the first hymn could be heard; the crew rushed inside to join the service.
The service over, everyone streamed out of the Cathedral into the bright sun. Some headed right for the food, while others gathered in little groups to chat and get caught up. The hot dog table developed a steady line of parishioners anointing their dogs with their chosen condiments. The popcorn machine was an immediate hit; bags of popcorn were seen clutched in the hands of children and adults alike. Parched throats had a choice of iced tea or lemonade, not to mention those juicy slices of watermelon that were so refreshing. And then there was the pie table, covered from end to end with amazing, delicious pies: strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, Saskatchewan, lemon meringue, apple, cherry, butterscotch ― often with more than one of each flavour. Decisions were not easy and took some time, with many opting for half a slice of this and half a slice of that. Or just coming back for seconds and thirds. No calories at a church picnic!
With their plates loaded with food, people settled into groups around the grounds. Young families spread out on the grass while little ones explored nearby. The shade seekers congregated on chairs under the big oak next to the pie table―a smart move perhaps on two counts. Some opted for being out in the sun, no doubt letting its heat evaporate any memories of our winter past. Conversations ebbed and flowed, people wandered from group to group meeting friends old and new.
While the big people ate and chatted, the children checked out some of the games and toys. A badminton net had been set up, but the wind proved too much for that game. But it was not too windy for balls to be tossed and caught or tossed and hit. There was not much interest in the horseshoes, maybe just as well. However, the ring toss game did garner some interest, initially for its original purpose, but in the end it was the sand in the box that proved to be more fun; the rings were later found buried in the cup under quite a layer of sand.
Safety is always important at any gathering, so colourful little pinwheels were stuck in the ground in front of pegs and ropes to warn people of a tripping hazard. This worked well until one of the youngest members of our congregation found them; a pinwheel clutched in each little fist, he happily stumped around the area, the wheels spinning wildly. And no, no one did trip over any of the pegs.
There was a last minute run on the pie table, but then, it was over. Pleasantly satisfied with food, conversation, and companionship, people drifted away home. And then, the cleanup crew sprang into action. Many hands make light work, and in no time tables were cleared, wiped, and loaded for transport. Toys, games, dishes, odds and ends were gathered up and tossed into cars and vans. The grounds were cleared and everything back to the church hall in no time.
Of course an event like this doesn’t just happen. It takes a great team effort of volunteers to make our congregational events successful and special; from our task teams on set up, service, and clean up, to all our food donation volunteers that are so very important. For Sunday’s Picnic & Pies we had over 22 volunteers from within our task teams and more than 21 food volunteers, who donated hot dog buns, chips, watermelons, and those 15 delicious pies! In addition, the Anglican Church Women (ACW) donated a lovely light cake in honour of Hank Williams and Norma Jean Belyea, which was enjoyed by all. The few pieces of pie that were left over, along with some iced tea and lemonade, were offered at the afternoon reception at the Cathedral Hall. A sincere thank you to all our volunteers―we greatly appreciate all your efforts!
Lynn Melanson
Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) May 2019 Update
Please continue to pray for:
- Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord on Roatán, Honduras.
- The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor and ceramic tiles.
- Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole.
- Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his new ministry to English-speakers at Eastern Roatan.
- Pray for the Rev. Kara Mejia and Jennifer Guzman from the church in Brick Bay, that they will represent our Church in Roatan and the Dioceses in a Episcopal Youth Event (EJE), in Panama this coming July 2019.
- For youth leadership, that God will provide someone to minister to and guide the young people.
- Spiritual and practical outreach in the local communities.
- For leadership for the Church in Roatán.
- The Episcopal Church in Honduras, for the process toward self-sufficiency by the end of 2019.
Thank you to all who have faithfully prayed and faithfully given to support this incredible work of ministering to the people in our congregations.
Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Your prayers and continued support enable us to continue touching people’s lives with Jesus’ love.
This prayer is one of the oldest poems in the Bible. It is a beautiful way to say thank you to someone for their love and care:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26, ESV)
Empowering the Church
Learning, Growing and Serving
Nelson and Kara Mejia
Video Thank You From St. Hilda’s Anglican School in Belize
A video presented to the Belize Missioner Alumni dinner on 25 May 2019. The students and staff of St. Hilda’s prepared personal thanks for the support given from Christ Church Cathedral.
Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) April 2019 Update
Please continue to pray for:
- Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord on Roatán, Honduras.
- The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor and ceramic tiles.
- Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole.
- Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his new ministry to English-speakers at Eastern Roatan.
- Pray for Rev. Kara Mejia and Jennifer Guzman from the church in Brick Bay, that they will represent our Church in Roatan and the Dioceses in a Episcopal Youth Event (EJE), in Panama this coming July 2019.
- For Joarys and Grissel and the process for getting their Canadian visas to visit Canada.
- For youth leadership, that God will provide someone to minister to and guide the young people.
- Spiritual and practical outreach in the local communities.
- For leadership for the Church in Roatán.
- The Episcopal Church in Honduras, for the process toward self-sufficiency by the end of 2019.
Thank you to all who have faithfully prayed and faithfully given to support this incredible work of ministering to the people in our congregations. Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Your prayers and continued support enable us to continue touching people’s lives with Jesus’ love.
For all the latest news from Nelson and Kara’s ministry in Honduras, please check out their August 2018 update below!
Update from Belize scholarship student, Anique Hernandez
Glad to hear all is well with you. I’m doing very well thank you for asking. I’m happy you wrote to me so I can tell you that yes, I am enjoying my final year at Sacred Heart. It has been a wonderful and adventurous experience. I’m sad to see it come to an end, but at the same time I am very pleased. This year has been a wild roller coaster ride for me. There were many ups and down in my school life this final year but I stuck it out and tried the best I could. Lately I’ve been a little off on
my work, I guess 4 th form work is not as easy as I anticipated. I am working very hard so I can have better grades. Aside from all the bad things that happened, I’m still a happy little soul who tries to spread good cheer to everyone. My school has recently created a youth group for people at school. I think it would be good for me to be a part of such a wonderful group.
It is also with great pleasure to say my regular classes will end in a month or two from now. I have many different finals to study for and complete in order to graduate. There are my Diploma exams, ATLIB exams as well as the CXC examinations. I am also still a member of the fabulous Cheer team only because this year it’s a bit different from the usual thing, this year our group only perform dances. We do many different types of dances for different occasions. We are currently planning to raise funds for one of our teachers who had Cancer. We see it as a great way to give back to the school. We also have great plans for graduation.
It would be so nice to meet your lovely church community. Hope you guys pray for me
We plan to do a special dance on Parents night for our parents. It has been very exciting to be able to work with such a superb group of young opened minded individuals.
It would be so nice to meet your lovely church community. Hope you guys pray for me, I need blessings and strength at this point in my life. I would gladly send you a biography of me along with a picture as soon as I have some free time. I will probably have this weekend free so I would be more than happy to send it for you.
I hope you guys keep doing well and have a year full of blessings and love
Your Friend
P.S I’m sorry that it’s not a lot, but I told you all the important stuff
Update from Belize high school scholarship student, Jocelyn Herrera
So far I am doing good here and I hope that you all are doing great in New
Brunswick. This second year at Eden is excellent. I am enjoying it more than the
first. I am working really hard to achieve a grade of A in all five core subjects so
that I don’t have to take any exams. My goal for this year is to get A’s and I will
push myself to the limit to achieve this goal.
I did enjoy my summer and Christmas break. I was able to visit some family
members. I had a beautiful time with them. I felt blessed to be given the chance to
spend time with the people I love. Here in Belize we don’t get snow but we
experience cold fronts. We also get a lot of rain. Even when it rains I enjoy myself
because my siblings and I go outside and run up and down in the rain. We all have
great times.
You asked for a short bio of myself so here I go. I am an intelligent, respectful,
kind and loving young woman. My favourite subject is Social Studies. My
favourite activity is swimming. I love reading a book named “Chestnut Hill” (The
New Class). I love horses. My wish is to own a horse in the future. I speak three
languages which are Spanish, English and Creole.
I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for all the support you are giving me.
I really appreciate it and I will work hard to make you proud.Best Wishes,
Jocelyn Herrera
Update from Belize high school scholarship student, Jenniah Tillett (Grade 9)
My name is Jenniah Tillett. I am 14 years old and I am in the class of 1Toucan at
Eden High School. At Eden I met up with a lot of friends. I have more than I
could ever ask for. Even in my village I have made new friend and I feel so
blessed to know that I have so many family, friends and church family wishing me
much success in my life. My favorite subject is English. I like to play sports and I
am so glad that my school offers me the opportunity to play. I especially enjoy
football and volleyball.
When I’m not in school I play with my friends and cousins. Of course, I try to
balance my time because I am working really hard to get good grades so that I can
keep my scholarship and make everyone proud of me. I really appreciate what you
are doing for me and I am extremely happy to be a part of your church family. I
will do my best in school. Once again, Thank you very much.Respectfully Yours,
Jenniah Tillett