In this year of unprecedented wildfires from coast to coast, including those currently forcing evacuations in the Northwest Territories and British Columbia, the Prinate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) has established a fund specifically for in-Canada emergency response.
The frequency and severity of natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes and floods is increasing, affecting thousands of individuals. This new fund will allow a quick response when a diocese asks for support, rather than wait to raise funds for individual disasters. Dioceses can access the new In-Canada Emergency Fund by requesting short-, medium- and longer-term support. This could include emergency accommodations, gift cards to purchase food, water and essentials, counselling and post-trauma supports, or locally identified long-term recovery activities to help rebuild community assets and increase community resilience.
In response to the hunger emergency unfolding around the world, including many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 leading Canadian aid agencies are joining forces as the Humanitarian Coalition to raise funds and rush assistance to people on the edge of famine.
One of those agencies is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, itself a coalition of 15 Christian aid organizations working to end hunger around the world. PWRDF is participating in this appeal through its membership in the Foodgrains Bank.
The Canadian Government has committed $250 million to address the global food crisis, and announced last week it will match donations to the Humanitarian Coalition’s member charities 1:1, up to $5 million. Donations made by July 17, 2022 are eligible.
According to the World Food Programme, 50 million people are facing emergency levels of hunger and the number of severely food insecure people has more than doubled in the last two years. The reasons for this sudden increase include:
Extended drought and other climate shocks that are wreaking havoc on food supplies and livelihoods.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe economic consequences in many countries.
The conflict in Ukraine is having a direct impact on access to basic food supplies.
“This unprecedented global hunger crisis compels us to action,” says Richard Morgan, executive director of the Humanitarian Coalition. “Our member charities are rallying together to save lives, but we also need Canadians across the country to do their part. We are grateful to the federal government for matching the public’s donations. Together we can provide food, water and urgent care to families on the brink of starvation.”
PWRDF has been supporting programs in many of the countries where the situation is most dire, including Kenya. PWRDF is in partnership with Church World Service in an area of northern Kenya. “Children have already died because of hunger, millions of animals have died and women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities are having to fend for themselves,” says PWRDF Executive Director Will Postma. “Our support, your support, can help stop hunger and restore livelihoods.”
All donations made by individuals to PWRDF’s Humanitarian Coalition Hunger Relief Appeal by July 17 will be matched by the Government of Canada. To donate online, visit then choose Humanitarian Coalition Appeal to End Hunger. You may also send a cheque payable to PWRDF to 80 Hayden Street, 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2 or used your boxed set blue envelopes. (Please note Appeal to End Hunger on the memo.) You can also donate by phone at 416-822-9083 or leave a voicemail toll-free at 1-866-308-7973 and we will return your call.
Whether planting seedlings in Uganda or breadfruit trees in Haiti, preparing gift bags for new babies in Lesotho or teaching gender rights in El Salvador, PWRDF partners are investing in their communities.
PWRDF’s World of Gifts makes it possible for you invest, too.
Supporting World of Gifts is an investment in a sustainable future for some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. This year’s guide supports 17 partners as they plan for a healthier and stronger future. Like any good investment, the return on World of Gifts is high: communities become stronger, healthier and more resilient, and we are able to live out Jesus’ commandment for us to love our neighbour, no matter where they may be.
The gifts in this year's guide will bring new opportunities and hope for communities across the world as the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund partners strive to build a truly just, healthy and peaceful world. When you make a purchase, you can order a customizable gift card or e-card to send to your loved ones, so that they know a gift has been made in their honour.
“Serving God in mission, sharing Jesus with the world” is the mission statement of the Christ Church Cathedral Missions Committee.
The committee works together with the Cathedral congregation to reflect the teachings of Jesus and the heartbeat of Christian history. The committee's goals are to: raise awareness about mission work, prayerfully and financially support missionary efforts, and encourage action by the congregation.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee has been conducting business virtually, primarily through email, and has been able to continue communications and support for several long-standing mission partners.
Annual financial assistance of $1500 was provided to support the stipend for Canon Paul Jeffries at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda as well as $1500 for Reverends Kara and Nelson Mejia and their Honduras Mission Fund.
$250 was donated in response to an urgent appeal by PWRDF for financial assistance in August 2020 to assist with humanitarian needs following the Beirut explosion.
The Cathedral Missions Committee has remained in touch with members of the Refugee Family Sponsorship Team. In October, members of the committee assisted others in helping the Weah-Gmah family move to their new home.
Like so many others across the globe, our mission partners faced unforeseen challenges over this past year. School closures threatened to jeopardize the entire ministry at Bishop McAllister College. A shut down of the tourism economy in Roatan placed Rev’s Nelson and Kara in the position of needing to feed regular meals to over 200 residents in their community. When both of these partners reached out, the Cathedral offered additional assistance of $250 each and shared their messaging with the congregation via the missions web page and corresponding links on the Cathedral website and Facebook pages.
The committee posts online updates to keep the congregation informed of ongoing developments with our mission partners and continues to ask for prayerful support. In the year ahead, it is hoped that guest speakers can be invited back to the Cathedral.
The Missions Committee welcomes new members and is happy to answer questions. Contact the Cathedral Office or communicate directly with committee members Brad McKnight, Sam Mayo, John DosSantos or Kurt Schmidt.
Details from the Missions Committee update in the Christ Church Cathedral Annual Report for 2020.
As the pandemic has dragged on, disrupting all our lives, I've been waiting impatiently to get my first shot of a vaccine to protect against COVID-19.
Suddenly, the words of my late father penetrate my whiny muttering. Dad would often say: “There's always someone worse off than yourself.”
A bit red-faced, I ponder that bit of wisdom.
More advice floats to the surface.
My best friend, Deb, died of ovarian cancer this spring, still smiling and reminding people to “Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.”
My face gets redder.
After all, because I'm lucky enough to live in a relatively prosperous place like Canada with a good health-care system and with a government that bought zillions of doses in advance, it's certain that I will get vaccinated if I wish to do so. I enjoy privilege and security.
But, if I happened to live in a crowded slum in India, a remote village in Tanzania, or the high mountains of Bolivia, what would be the chances of my family getting the vaccine any time soon? Slim to none, possibly. And that's quite simply wrong.
I decided to take the advice of my wise Dad and my kind friend; be grateful for what you have and share it with someone who needs it. As soon as I get my jab, I'll pay it forward by donating to the Vaccine Equity Fund at the Primate's World Relief and Development Agency (PWRDF).
Canada's Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, has written that seeking vaccine equity is not optional. She noted that our baptismal promises command us to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Archbishop Nicholls was also motivated by the words of her Anglican colleague, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba of South Africa. “Everyone deserves more than the crumbs under the table when others are eating a full loaf of bread,” he pointed out.
Our Primate urged Anglicans to speak up for countries often left with “crumbs.”
For example, we can urge our members of Parliament to donate our excess vaccine to less fortunate nations because vaccine inequity threatens everyone while the virus rages. We can ask our prime minister to support a temporary suspension of trade restrictions, which control the price of vaccine, so that production can reach into heavily populated areas.
Aside from advocacy, the Primate suggested something tangible. When Anglicans receive their vaccines, they can contribute to the Vaccine Equity Fund at PWRDF. Each gift will support PWRDF partners in the most vulnerable parts of the world as they prepare for vaccination roll-out, including work already under way to supply PPE, thermometers, sanitation and hand-washing facilities, and accurate public health information.
If you visit the link to donate, you'll see that you can choose an amount which matches your personal budget. You can also dedicate your contribution to someone special, and PWRDF will notify them about your generosity.
It's going to be difficult for PWRDF to send e-mails to my father and my friend, but I won't let that little problem stop me from paying it forward and helping a vulnerable person somewhere get vaccinated against this deadly virus.
Welcome to PWRDF’s 2019 World of Gifts. The items in this guide have been selected based on the needs of people participating in the many programs supported by PWRDF. Whether it be clean water, climate adaptation and food security, health or Indigenous programs, your gift is an opportunity to make a world of difference.
Giving Tuesday is a time to celebrate and encourage activities that support charities and non- profits. Whether it’s making a donation, volunteering time, helping a neighbour or spreading the word, Giving Tuesday on November 28th is a movement for everyone who wants to give something back. This year PWRDF is inviting you to make Giving Tuesday a World of Gifts Tuesday! Visit the secure online World of Gifts site and see how you can make a world of difference in the lives of people around the world being supported by PWRDF programs.
The Territory of the People greatly appreciate the response of the wider Anglican community and if you or your parish is looking to support us you may do so in the following ways:
Pray for us
PWRDF has been in touch and support can be directed with donations
Donate to the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior Fire Fund. Monies that are donated to this fund will be allocated towards helping the parishes and individuals effected by the fires.