The Christmas Angels are soon coming back to the Cathedral.
“In 2020, with the uncertainties of the pandemic and no vaccines in sight, we donated $1,800 instead of running the usual toy drive,” explained Outreach Committee treasurer Doug Milander. “The cheque reflected the value of the toys usually provided by our congregation to the Greener Village Food Bank. The managers were really pleased with our help.”
This year 50 paper angels will be hung on a little, lighted tree in the cathedral. Each will indicate the name and age of a local child in need as well as a suggested toy or other gift. Some requests will be for stocking stuffers instead of specific toys.
“A new twist this year is that the food bank wants all of the items returned to them by November 15th at the very latest,” Doug added. “This will allow in-person or online shopping to be done well before the Christmas rush, and it will give their staff more time to arrange for deliveries to the hundreds of registered families.”
As in past years, collection bins will be set up at the cathedral and at the church office to receive the toys and stocking stuffers.
“The cathedral family has a long and generous history with the Christmas Angels program, and people always seem happy to put a big smile on a child's face at Christmas,” Doug said.
He added, however, that the Outreach Committee will dip into its budget to supply any of the 50 gifts missing at the deadline.
As soon as the paper angels arrive from the food bank in October, more details will be provided to the congregation. Stay tuned!
In this pre-pandemic photo, Cathedral members gather for fellowship with Outreach guests.
A couple years ago we had never heard of the coronavirus, the delta variant or the 4th wave. Now everyone is aware of these lurking threats to our health and safety.
“When the Province declared the green phase of the pandemic, we were excited to think that we could welcome back our Monday morning drop-in friends for weekly gatherings in September,” said Outreach Committee chair Penny Ericson.
“However, the delta variant is much more transmissible and deadlier than earlier versions of COVID-19; at this time we can't risk indoor, sit-down gatherings with a food buffet, live music, and a display of used clothing and housewares for people in need.”
Penny said it's important to be cautious and protective for the sake of the guests and the volunteers.
Rev. Kelly Burke of New Maryland United Church, whose congregation supports the cathedral's outreach efforts with volunteers, food donations and funds, agrees.
Before the pandemic, visitors were welcomed into the hall for a variety of food and drinks.
“It's hard not to come and be present to all our friends, but safety first,” she said. “This delta variant means that we need to be vigilant. We send our love and prayers and will see you again when it is good and safe to do so.”
Marc Schneider has been learning new songs on his banjo during the pandemic, so that the band at the drop-in would have a larger repertoire of gospel music when things returned to normal.
“It makes sense to wait, but it's sad,” he said. “The personal relationships and support in the Monday morning community were very important to volunteers and guests alike. Maybe some day....”
Mary Lou Cotter worked in the kitchen on Monday mornings, serving coffee, making sandwiches, sharing her delicious homemade muffins. She is typical of other cathedral parishioners who help to run the program. “Let me know what I can do to help while we wait and see,” she said.
Goodie bags are currently distributed to Outreach guests one Monday each month.
Goodie bags with fresh fruit, cold drinks, homemade baking, cheese, and granola bars will continue to be distributed outdoors at Cathedral Memorial Hall on the last Monday morning of the month. People in need who stop by are also offered a $10 gift card for a local supermarket or some bus tickets. The average “attendance” is 46.
“We provided this modest help every single month throughout the pandemic, thanks to the support of our church family, our volunteers and St. Margaret's Anglican Church which supplies fruit,” Penny said.
“We'll keep doing it in this way, but we'll keep reassessing the situation until we're sure it's safe to welcome everybody back inside for what was always a fun time.”
The Cathedral's Monday Outreach is a longstanding program which aims to provide comfort and support to individuals in our community who are financially disadvantaged. Dean Geoffrey Hall was recently interviewed about the program by Terry Seguin, host of CBC Information Morning. He was joined by Jane Blakely from St. Paul’s United Church and Lynn McKinnon from Wilmot United Church. Together, they all spoke of the challenges and blessings of running outreach programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A look back at Monday Outreach during the pandemic
December 2020: Normally, the Cathedral Outreach Committee stages a big, colourful Christmas party for upwards of 65 people in need, complete with a Bible reading about the birth of Jesus, a decorated tree, live music, abundant food and coffee, and gift bags for all. By necessity, the 2020 version was much quieter. Forty-three people filed past to receive a $20 grocery voucher and a small gift bag containing homemade cookies, fruit, chocolates, candy canes, granola bars, hot chocolate packets, tissues, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and a Christmas card. Children got an extra little gift, and adults could choose from items such as scarves, socks and soap. One visitor said: "Thanks for doing what you can to help us when so many others have pulled back in fear of the virus." The next voucher distribution, assuming health regulations allow, will take place outdoors at Cathedral Memorial Hall on Monday, January 25, 2021.
November 2020: Volunteer Sandy Robb poses with cookies she baked as well as fruit, juice, muffins, cookies and other treats to be packed into goodie bags for Monday Morning Outreach guests. November was the ninth month that the Outreach Committee has distributed goodie bags and bus tickets or $10 gift cards for supermarkets to people in need outdoors at Cathedral Memorial Hall. The pandemic has prevented the usual weekly indoor gatherings which featured a buffet of food items, a used clothing bank, live music, a Bible study, and services of the parish nurse. Average monthly attendance had been 45 people, but 55 turned up Nov. 30th including a dozen who were new to the program. The committee, which hopes to continue its efforts throughout the winter, thanks the congregation for its ongoing support.
October 2020: “DC,” one of 48 guests, picks up his voucher and goodie bag at Cathedral Memorial Hall on Monday morning, Oct. 26th. The Outreach Committee thanks the cathedral family for baking cookies and muffins and for donating chocolate, chips and other treats. St. Margaret's Anglican Church donated bananas and citrus fruit. The Outreach budget paid for city transit tickets and $10 gift cards to supermarkets. Another guest said: “Thank you for the special effort you put out every month. I really like coming here.”
September 2020: Bill Turney from the cathedral congregation adds to a big bowl of treats to be packed into goodie bags for people in need. Bill and his wife Carolyn are among the frequent contributors to the Monday morning outreach program, baking delicious cookies for the guests. On Sept. 28th, 48 people received goodie bags, plus either city bus tickets or a $10 gift card for a local supermarket. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, distribution is done outdoors on the steps at the hall with social distancing. This method has been used since March and will be repeated again Oct. 26th. The outreach team thanks the congregation for its support.
Here are a few comments from our guests to help you realize how important your contribution is to these folks:
"This is like gold to me!" - B.W., looking in his goodie bag; he had eaten nothing except Mr. Noodle for a week
"Oh wow, I never get fruit!" - M.B., reaching immediately into the bag for a banana
"Thank you so much for helping us out!" - H.C., who has four young children
This was the Outreach Committee's seventh month distributing gift cards and bus tickets outdoors since the pandemic started. The average attendance over that period has been 44 guests per month.
August 2020:Fran Miles, recently retired Office Administrator at the cathedral, made a big batch of her famous "healthy cookies" for the goodie bags handed out to people in need on Aug. 31st. Due to the pandemic, the weekly drop-in, featuring self-serve food and coffee, live music, a used clothing bank and the services of the parish nurse, has not been held since mid-March. However, supermarket gift cards are distributed outdoors at Cathedral Memorial Hall on the last Monday of the month. This time 38 people received a $10 gift card or bus tickets, plus a goodie bag containing bananas, homemade muffins, cookies, a cheese sandwich, a cereal bar, and bottled water.
July 2020:Canon Patricia Drummond packs goodie bags as part of the cathedral's summer outreach efforts. Due to the pandemic, the weekly drop-in for people in need has not been held since mid-March, but supermarket gift cards are distributed outdoors on the last Monday of the month. On July 27th, 50 people received a gift card or bus tickets plus a bar of soap and a goodie bag containing bananas, homemade muffins, cookies, a sandwich, a granola bar, and bottled water. Food items were donated by members of the cathedral family.
June 2020:Before the pandemic, St. Margaret's Anglican parish in Fredericton helped monthly with outreach drop-ins at Christ Church Cathedral. That event has not been held indoors in the normal way since mid-March, but grocery store gift cards are distributed outdoors to people in need on the last Monday of the month. Penny Ericson (left), chair of the outreach committee, was delighted to receive a large donation of bananas delivered by Wendy and Rick Chase from St. Margaret's to help with the June 29th session. On that date 48 people received a gift card or some bus tickets plus a bar of soap and a goodie bag containing bananas, homemade muffins and cookies, and bottled water - all donated by members of the cathedral family.
May 2020:This morning, forty-five outreach guests received goodie bags, along with a $10 gift card for a local supermarket, at Cathedral Memorial Hall. Despite the recent provincial move into the less restrictive yellow zone during the pandemic, an indoor, sit-down drop-in with self-serve food and beverages is not permitted at this time. People were pleased with the surprise treats, the warmer weather, and news that a similar outdoor distribution of vouchers will be done again next month.
April 2020:Due to COVID-19, the Outreach Committee can't operate its Monday morning drop-ins in the usual way, i.e., refreshments, used clothing bank, live music, Bible study, and services of the parish nurse. However, on the last Monday morning of the month, people in need can stop by Cathedral Memorial Hall to get a $10 gift card for a local supermarket. Outreach Committee treasurer Doug Milander distributed the gift cards outdoors to 40 people on April 27th. Appropriate social distancing was followed.
March 30, 2020: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Outreach Committee can't operate its normal Monday morning drop-in for people in need at this time, but its volunteers did hand out $10 gift cards for local supermarkets on March 30th. The vouchers were distributed outdoors at Cathedral Memorial Hall to 32 people. Brent Wheaton (standing by the sign) and Danny Brewer were among those who really appreciated the help with groceries at this challenging time.
March 16, 2020:Volunteers wearing gloves served food and beverages to outreach drop-in guests, rather than the usual buffet-style format. Seating was carefully arranged to ensure social distancing. Our parish nurse gave a short talk about ways to avoid COVID-19, and the minister from New Maryland United Church offered a beautiful prayer. There will be no gathering March 23rd. On March 30th the plan is to quickly distribute vouchers on the front steps of the church hall, but no drop-in will be held. Plans for April will be formulated based on the situation at the time and advice from the health department. Please keep these vulnerable members of our community in your prayers at this challenging time.
Normally in November, a healthy crop of paper angels appears on small trees in the cathedral and in the hall foyer.
Carefully printed on each angel is a name, an age and a particular toy to make Christmas special for a needy child in our community. Members of the congregation would excitedly crowd around the trees to adopt the angels and, later, return bags and boxes of toys and stocking stuffers.
“In recent years, the Outreach Committee has gotten 60 paper angels from the Greener Village Food Bank, collected and delivered everything on deadline, and took heart that our congregation was so generous,” explained committee treasurer Doug Milander.
“This year, due to the pandemic, we really didn't feel it was smart or safe to carry out the Christmas Angels program in the usual way,” Doug continued. “However, we didn't want to disappoint families registered with the food bank because the cathedral has participated eagerly in the Christmas effort for well over 25 years.”
Outreach Committee chair Penny Ericson provides a cheque for $1,800 to a delighted Chris Fougère, client intake manager with the Greener Village Food Bank. The money covers the cost of 60 toys and stocking stuffers ordinarily donated by the cathedral congregation under the Christmas Angels program for needy families.
The solution for 2020 was to donate an amount of money equivalent to the value of 60 toys and stocking stuffers. Managers at the food bank were relieved and grateful to learn that the cathedral could still help to make the festive season bright during this unusual year.
“We brought a cheque for $1,800 so that the food bank can buy what it needs for these families,” Doug said. “It won't be as much fun for the congregation this time, but the help will be provided as in the past which will put smiles on children's faces on Christmas morning.”
The Outreach Committee dipped into its budget to come up with the $1,800. If anyone would like to help with the cost of the project, funds can be donated to Christmas Angels through offering envelopes or by contacting the church office during business hours.
“Thanks in advance to anyone who considers assistance in this regard,” Doug concluded. “We pray that 2021 can revert to normal for the Christmas Angels.”
by Ann Deveau
PHOTO CAPTION: Outreach Committee chair Penny Ericson provides a cheque for $1,800 to a delighted Chris Fougère, client intake manager with the Greener Village Food Bank. The money covers the cost of 60 toys and stocking stuffers ordinarily donated by the cathedral congregation under the Christmas Angels program for needy families.
How many of us have heard the above phrase in our working lives? It is an exhortation to use your time wisely so you can produce more with less effort and is typically well understood by everyone. Have you thought about stewardship in the same way? We all know of the tax benefits that come from donating to a registered charity, and I have written on this on a number of occasions.
Let’s look at food banks for example. How many of us add a few extra cans of soup, boxes of Kraft Dinner, or pasta to our grocery carts and donate it in the bin after we check out at the cash register?
We all know of the tax benefits that come from donating to a registered charity
Volunteering at a local food bank two afternoons most weeks, I can certainly see the need, especially now with all the restrictions and unemployment due to COVID-19, although New Brunswick is faring better than most provinces.
Instead of buying those extra items, welcome though they are, have you considered donating directly to the local food bank or to Food Depot Alimentaire, the organization that distributes to the food banks?
I’ve illustrated the advantages of doing this in a table. The food banks do not have enough food donations to fulfill their needs so they go out and purchase.
Due to their bulk purchases, the major chains give them a price break — more product for the same dollar amount. I had not thought about this until our parish had the executive of a local food bank give us a talk. If you think about what you spend, then gross it up to allow for the tax relief, then donate that amount, you have spent the same after-tax dollars. However, the food bank is able to use those grossed-up dollars and purchase much more. The end result is that for the same after-tax donation to the food bank, they receive far more product than if you had donated the product itself.
As you can see, the first column is an illustration of giving product directly. The second shows donating the same amount of cash, lowering your after-tax cost but giving the food bank extra.
The last column shows the result of giving so your net aftertax cost remains the same as donating product but the food bank receives three times the product that you would donate directly.
In New Brunswick the tax relief is a little below 50 percent, but I have used that percentage for ease of illustration. This is just one example of smart stewardship where you leverage the tax advantages so your charitable donation goes much further.
Think about all you do and whether there is a way to give smarter and benefit your chosen charities.
GETTING READY - Canon Patricia Drummond packs goodie bags as part of the cathedral's summer outreach efforts. Due to the pandemic, the weekly drop-in for people in need has not been held since mid-March, but supermarket gift cards are distributed outdoors on the last Monday of the month. On July 27th, 50 people received a gift card or bus tickets plus a bar of soap and a goodie bag containing bananas, homemade muffins, cookies, a sandwich, a granola bar, and bottled water. Food items were donated by members of the cathedral family. A similar effort will take place August 31st.
You might feel a certain helplessness these days. The global COVID-19 pandemic is huge and scary, and it's abruptly disrupted our daily lives at work, at home, at church, and in the community.
But the Cathedral Outreach Committee says there is something you can do to help.
The food bank in Fredericton is seeing a sudden spike in demand for its already-busy service of providing food hampers to people in need. Many workers have been laid off by mandated business closures of uncertain duration, which is an unexpected disaster for people who live pay cheque to pay cheque.
Greener Village at 686 Riverside Drive has closed its clothing store and the learning kitchen, but it's still accepting donations of food and personal hygiene products. These can be dropped off at the back door of the building; the products are kept isolated for up to 48 hours prior to distribution.
You might not feel comfortable doing extra shopping or driving around town during the state of emergency. No problem. Food bank organizers say that online financial donations are especially needed at this challenging time. This can easily be done from home through Canada Helps or by going to and choosing COVID-19 Fund from the drop-down menu.
Of course, all of us have our own bills to pay in this faltering economy and realize the cathedral does, too, so our Sunday offerings are of paramount importance [Read But how do we give... when we're not in church? for ways to continue your offering].
But, right now, it's impossible to sit and chat in a coffee shop, enjoy a concert, eat a meal in a restaurant, attend the cinema, go to a hockey game, get a haircut. Why not give what you would have spent on that type of activity to the food bank where the need is large and growing?
If you can see your way clear to share a bit of the money you'd normally have spent in the run of a week, there are other local organizations serving the poor who need help at this time.
For example, the homeless shelters have asked for donations of cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, tissues, soap, packaged food and gift cards. All items dropped off at the shelter on 65 Brunswick St. will be sanitized before use by the staff or shelter residents. As with the food bank, their biggest need at the moment is money. Online donations can be made through Canada Helps or directly through their website
Another possibility for your compassionate impulse is the Fredericton Community Kitchen. [Updated April 4] Normally, they operate a student hunger program to provide lunches for 350 children in 19 area schools, and 75 backpacks of food for students to bring home to their families on the weekends, in addition to operating providing hot meals at the kitchen downtown. Many people are currently in need, and will continue to require help even when physical distancing is relaxed. Funds can be donated online through Canada Helps or by visiting
Income tax receipts will be sent for your donations.
As you consider whether you can help the less fortunate among us in any of these ways, the Cathedral Outreach Committee suggests reflecting on Psalm 9:18 which says "But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish."
EDITOR'S NOTE - It is worth noting that the situation has been changing rapidly, but the information above is accurate at the time of writing.
At the Monday morning drop-in for people in need, we always display a colourful drawing done some years ago by cathedral member Rachel Schmidt. She illustrated Maya Angelou's famous quote: “Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.”
Currently, we are unable to be that rainbow for our usual guests or for any newcomers. Due to the COVID-19 threat and the provincial state of emergency, we cannot gather in a group larger than 10. Thus, no outreach drop-in!
“We always welcome 15 to 20 people, sometimes as many as 65,” outreach treasurer Doug Milander explained. “The new rules mean no drop-in, food and beverages, used clothing bank, live music, the popular services of the parish nurse, and so on. We miss helping people, and I'm sure our usual guests are disappointed not to be able to come.”
One longtime guest has often told volunteers that his doctor recommends regular attendance at the drop-in for the benefit of his mental health. He loves coming to chat, eat sandwiches, occasionally find a new shirt, maybe take home some fruit. He says the volunteers are always good to him, and he loves being there.
Marc Schneider plays the banjo and sings Christian music at the drop-in. He says he understands and respects the public health rules, but he does miss participating on Mondays.
“I try to bring a sense that Jesus offers solace, companionship and sometimes healing in our brokenness,” Marc said. “During my years playing with the music group, I have noticed that the lines between workers and attendees have blurred. More and more attendees seem to be helping.”
Some of the female guests have become volunteers in the kitchen, and some of the men help to set up the hall or put away tables and chairs and boxes of clothing at the end.
“Some of the attendees who were showing extreme symptoms earlier have become much more peaceful and happy,” Marc continued. “Healing is occurring, and I believe this drop-in is church, as much or more than the congregation that meets Sunday mornings for worship.”
Doug said he thinks the COVID-19 pandemic will be a difficult time for drop-in guests who range from a baby to a senior and everyone in between.
“They're already challenged by lack of money, and many have problems with inadequate housing, precarious health, unemployment, addictions, illiteracy, etc.,” Doug said. “A disruptive, unsettling event such as the pandemic is a real blow for them. Please keep these vulnerable people in your prayers until the crisis passes.”
He said he hopes that everyone can somehow keep safe. He looks forward to the resumption of the drop-in whenever authorities allow it.
-- by Ann Deveau
[Photo] PRIOR TO SOCIAL DISTANCING! - When drop-ins were still being held, outreach treasurer Doug Milander enjoyed chatting with Arthur Linton, a longtime attendee and a dependable volunteer.
Housing First is an international initiative that has successfully helped the homeless.
The traditional model for years has been to provide treatment first and then to find housing for the individual. The current model is to provide safe housing first and then provide the professional help that will assist them to address problems they have with mental health or addiction issues.
Housing First has been supported by funds from the Federal government, provincial government and our city government.
Individuals in our city have donated thousands of dollars to help build the small houses for single occupants.
Why is our Cathedral involved? The churches in our community have been asked to be the owners of these homes and to provide the neighbourly support that reflects our mission to love thy neighbour as yourself.
Our congregation began its involvement with this project in October 2018. To date we have:
Bishop and Chapter approval of our participation
City Council approval of our application and its approval of the building site for 3 small houses on Albert Street.
We are expecting to finalize the contracts and leal obligations in the coming months and for the land to transferred to us by March. It is hoped that the houses will be ready for occupancy by August.
We will need volunteers to assist us with our role as neighbours. There is a sign-up sheet at the back for you to sign if you wish to assist in some fashion. I will be organizing an "introductory meeting" so that Faith Macfarlane and Jason Lejeune can help us understand the support we will receive to assist our new neighbours to develop a healthier, happy life.
Housing First project taking shape November 2019 update
If all goes well, three homeless people will have roofs over their heads next summer in a three-unit townhouse owned by Christ Church Cathedral.
Penny Ericson, chair of the cathedral's Outreach Committee, said the cathedral's project on Albert Street and a four-unit townhouse on Jaffrey Street, owned by Smythe Street Church, were approved at a recent meeting of the city's planning advisory committee.
... homeless people are provided with a place to live and support services
"No one spoke in opposition to the projects at the PAC meeting,” she was pleased to report. “Rezoning is required, and next steps are taking place at upcoming City Council meetings. I anticipate that it will be accepted because the City wishes the program to move forward, and the land that they are donating is not useful for them in any other way.”
The small houses fall under a concept called Housing First in which homeless people are provided with a place to live and support services. The goal is to make their lives healthier and more stable by removing the anxiety of chronic homelessness. One four-unit townhouse, operated by the John Howard Society, opened a few months ago on the north side.
“It's taken a community effort to get these projects going, but fund-raising has gone well, building designs are in place, and it's exciting to be moving ahead,” she said.
The land is hilly and will need to be graded in the spring before the three-unit townhouse can be placed on the plot. This work will be weather-dependent, but Bill Jones will have the three houses ready. The PAC was told construction should be finished by late summer.
“I plan to call a meeting for those at the cathedral interested in assisting with the houses and their tenants in February 2020,” Penny said. “I will keep everyone aware of the council's decisions and any changes that occur. It has been a long wait, but it will all be worth it."