From the Dean

Understanding episcopacy

Understanding episcopacy

A Season Two episode of Star Trek the Original Series, “Return to Tomorrow,” sees Captain Kirk in the briefing room with the Enterprise senior officers. A risky decision is before the Captain, and he is in consultation. He says, “I’m in command. I could order this. But I’m not because, Doctor McCoy is right in […]

Pandemic Red Level at the Cathedral

Pandemic Red Level at the Cathedral

19 January 2021 Dear Friends, You’ll note that as of midnight tonight (Tuesday) the Province of New Brunswick announced that Zone 3 (Fredericton Region) is being moved to the Red Level of pandemic restriction. Dr. Jennifer Russell, the province’s chief medical officer of health, says Zones 1, 2, and 3 – Moncton, Saint John, and […]

2020 Christmas Pastoral

2020 Christmas Pastoral

Dear Friends, This has without doubt been one of the more unique years in recent memory. We’ve all sat perched on edge wondering what the current pandemic will mean next. We’ve attempted to respond with wisdom and care while remaining unshaken by unnecessary fear. The fact remains we are not enriched or improved by being […]

Thanksgiving 2020 Pastoral

Thanksgiving 2020 Pastoral

Thanksgiving 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, Giving thanks is at the centre of living the Christian life. It may seem all too obvious, but when we gather, a normal worship event is Eucharist. “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving.” In these days of the continuing worldwide pandemic, thanksgiving can be a challenge. Our lives have been changed. Our […]

Easter 2020 Pastoral Letter

Easter 2020 Pastoral Letter

Holy Week 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, Lent is for Christians a time of preparing. The Ash Wednesday exhortation invites us to “observe a holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving and meditating on the word of God.” The intention, of course, is that we find that within ourselves that keeps us from […]