Ad-LENT-ures 2025

05 March - 12 April 2025

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith. (See BAS p. 282 and BCP p. 612)

MONDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 10 March

Book Study: Practicing the Way
Cathedral-based study of the Bishop's recommended Lenten book by John Mark Comer. 2:00-3:00 p.m. Hybrid – Cathedral Hall Boardroom and online. Hosted remotely by Cheryl Jacobs. Books available through Cathedral Office, $20 each. RSVP.
Note: The Diocese will hold a separate book study on Wednesdays (see below).

TUESDAYS ~ Five sessions, beginning 11 March

Taizé Tuesday
Ecumenical and contemplative services of worship that incorporate simple song, scripture and silence. 5:30-6:00pm, alternating formats -- online via Zoom or in-person/livestreamed from the Cathedral. Drop-in. Link through the Cathedral calendar or Cathedral YouTube channel. Curious about Taizé? Read about an online session and in-person Taizé at the Cathedral.

Lectionary Study
A reading and group discussion of all or part of the Bible passages for the upcoming Sunday. Hosted by the Dean. 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Hybrid – Cathedral Hall Boardroom and online. RSVP.

WEDNESDAYS ~ Six sessions, beginning 12 March

Wednesday Spirituality Series
Celtic Lent: saintly and storied seasonal wisdom from the Celtic stream. 3:00-4:00 p.m. Cathedral Hall Lounge. Hosted by Kurt Schmidt. RSVP for individual sessions.

Book Study: Practicing the Way
Diocese-based study of the Bishop's recommended Lenten book by John Mark Comer. 6:30-8:00 p.m. Online via Zoom. Hosted remotely by Shawn Branch. Books available through Cathedral Office, $20 each. Register here.

THURSDAYS ~ Seven sessions, beginning 06 March

Art & Faith
An Ignatian-flavoured contemplative consideration of select works of sacred art related to the upcoming Sunday's gospel. Hosted by Kurt Schmidt. 5:30-6:00pm, Drop-in online via Zoom. Link through the Cathedral calendar.

Dante Group
Ongoing study group currently reading Gravity and Grace by Simone Weil. Hosted by Alan Hall. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Hall Lounge. RSVP.

FRIDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 07 March

Stations of the Cross
Various versions of the ancient devotional/meditation on the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross). 12:00 noon, Cathedral. Approximately 30-45 minutes long. Drop-in.

SATURDAYS ~ 15 & 22 March, 5 & 12 April

The Chosen
Screening of Season 4 of The Chosen, portraying Jesus and his times. Two episodes screened each evening. 6:00-8:30pm, Cathedral Hall Lounge. Drop-in.


Contact Facilitators and Join

Please contact the facilitators directly to: express interest, ask a question or RSVP.

Kurt Schmidt <formation at> (506) 259-3711
Cheryl Jacobs <cajacobs84 at>
Dean Geoffrey Hall <dean @
Alan Hall <alanwilliamhall at>
Cathedral Office <office at > (506) 450-8500


Lenten book study 2025

The Bishop's Lenten book for 2025 is Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer, and there are two options for you to participate!

A Cathedral-based study will take place 10 March - 14 April, 2:00-3:00 p.m. . It will be a hybrid format, occuring in-person in the Cathedral Hall Boardroom and online. Hosted remotely by Cheryl Jacobs. Please RSVP to Cheryl by email <cajacobs84 at>.

The diocesan online Lenten book study, will be held 12 March - 16 April, Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. for 60-90 minutes. Hosted by Shawn Branch. Visit the Diocese of Fredericton's website for more information or to register for the diocesan book study.

Books are available from the Cathedral office for $20 (cash or cheque please). It is also available as an e-book from your favourite provider.

2024 ADVENT-ures

The new Church year is once again upon us!

 Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?

Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship.

MONDAYS - beginning 2 December

  • The Four Last ThingsSeasonal study of the traditional eschatological themes—death, judgment, hell and heaven. Facilitated by the Dean, Geoffrey Hall. 1:00-2:00 pm in the Boardroom; online connection option.
    * Email to register <dean at>

TUESDAYS - beginning 3 December

  • Taizé Worship: A simple and contemplative half hour of scripture, prayer, silence and song. 5:30 p.m. start.
    3 and 17 December on Zoom
    10 December in-person and livestreamed from the Cathedral
    * Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.

WEDNESDAYS - beginning 4 December

  • Celtic Advent Spirituality Series: Contemplative ideas and practices for Advent and beyond, presented in the “Threshold Gathering” model/format. Led by Kurt Schmidt. In-person, 3:00-4:30 pm, Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Please reserve your seat with Kurt for any/all sessions.

THURSDAYS - beginning 28 November


  • Divine Office: Regular, short daily prayer opportunity in the Cathedral. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m., Evening Prayer at 4:45 p.m. Weekdays.
    * Just drop in any time -- or sign up to lead!
  • Dante Group: But reading not-Dante now! Led by Alan Hall. Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Just drop in any time!
  • Holy Eucharist: Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.


You are encouraged to add at least one new Advent-ure to your schedule this year!

or expressions of interest can be communicated to Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt by email <formation at> or by phone/text to (506) 259-3711. Thank you, and Advent Blessings!


Certificate in Stewardship 2025

The Certificate in Stewardship is a learning opportunity beginning in early 2025. The Dean of Fredericton invites individuals to join him in a local learning group for 7 or 8 sessions with the goal of exploring Time, Talent, Trust, Treasure, Terrain, Theology, and Thanks as it pertains to the topic of Christian Stewardship. A workbook and teaching videos will help guide the study. For those wishing to obtain the certificate, completion of a written or video assignment is required near the end of the sessions. Others may decide to audit and not submit the final assignment.

Offered through distance education at Atlantic School of Theology, the local learning group is welcome to pace itself with a recommendation of completion by Spring on 2025. AST has this to say about the program:

AST’s Certificate in Stewardship is available to anyone. People who work or volunteer in the charitable sector, non-profits, university, government, education, church, and other fields will benefit, as well as anyone who would simply like to do some learning and personal growth. As long as you have Internet access and a device that allows you to open a document, watch videos, and prepare a short final assignment, you can take this program.

Local Learning Groups may be organized and start at any time, according to the time frame determined by the designated leader.

For each of the seven components, there is a module that includes:

    • Pre-recorded video teaching materials (one hour per module)
    • A list of recommended materials for further learning
    • Reflection questions (or discussion questions for group settings)
    • A final integrative assignment (written or video)

For more information visit Atlantic School of Theology or specifically the Certificate in Stewardship information page.

Contact the Dean of Fredericton or the Cathedral Office if you would like to discuss participation.

Fall Formation Opportunities

Many Cathedral programs are kicking off or resuming over the next few days and weeks -- that is, during and for this Season of Creation.

Godly Play resumes (biweekly) on Sunday, 08 September.

Taizé Worship resumes (biweekly) Tuesday, 10 September -- and we are moving Taizé gatherings (back) to Tuesdays. The first session will be online via Zoom and afterward alternate biweekly with in-person/livestreamed in the Cathedral.

The Wednesday Spirituality Series resumes (biweekly) Wednesday, 11 September, at 3:00 p.m. in the Hall Lounge. September's theme will be the wisdom of creation-mystic Hildegard of Bingen.

Life in the Eucharist first communion preparation program launches on Saturday, 14 September (biweekly, 2-3:30 p.m. in the Cathedral) with its 2024 cohort -- which currently stands at 8 candidates.

An Art & Faith session (online, 5:30-6:15pm) is scheduled for Thursday, 19 September.  One session of Art & Faith will be offered each month for September, October and November -- then weekly during Advent.

Hoping to launch this (school-)year's edition of CYG (Cathedral Youth Group) on Sunday, 22 September.

Any inquiries or expressions of interest can be sent along to Kurt Schmidt, Cathedral Director of Christian Formation. Email < at>.

Spirituality of Easter

Wednesday afternoon spirituality sessions at Cathedral Memorial Hall will continue through Eastertide, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

The sessions will maintain the now-customary basic structure of a "Celtic Threshold Gathering" -- which comprises a simple regular sequence of elements, informed by a specific theme for the day/week. Four of the seven Spirituality of Easter sessions will have as their theme a particular -- and particularly interesting -- saint!  Not to worry -- there's nothing required to memorize or prepare beforehand; it just means that the basic pattern of the gatherings will remain consistent. It also means that each session is "standalone," so drop-ins and even one-timers are most welcome!

Themes and topics include several saints. Please RSVP to Kurt Schmidt to prepare materials and set-up. Email < at>.

• 3 April ~ Holy Laughter / Risus Paschalis
• 10 April ~ no session (rescheduled to 22 May)
• 17 April ~ Kateri Tekakwitha
• 24 April ~ Celtic Eastertide
• 1 May ~ Catherine of Siena
• 8 May ~ Julian of Norwich
• 15 May ~ Brendan the Navigator
• 22 May ~ Anglican Prayer Beads

The session on Anglican Prayer Beads (build-your-own with supplies provided) has been rescheduled to Wednesday, 22 May at 2:00 p.m. in the Formation Room. Due to rescheduling, this session will now be 'Spirituality of Pentecost'


Ad-LENT-ures 2024

14 February - 23 March 2024

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith. (See BAS p. 282 and BCP p. 612)

MONDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 12 February

Home Study and Eucharist
Lectionary study and Communion for a small group. Weekly rotating location in group members' homes, 2:00-3:30 p.m. Facilitated by Dean Geoffrey Hall. RSVP.

TUESDAYS ~ Five sessions, beginning 20 February

Art & Faith
An Ignatian-flavoured contemplative consideration of select works of sacred art related to the upcoming Sunday's gospel. Hosted by Kurt Schmidt. 5:30-6:00pm, Drop-in online via Zoom. Link through the Cathedral calendar.

Book Study: DFA
Book study of Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross by Richard John Neuhaus. Hosted by Alan Sears and James Kerr. 7:00-8:00 p.m., Hall Formation Room. RSVP to Alan Sears. Six sessions. Limited copies of the book available from Kurt Schmidt, $20.

WEDNESDAYS ~ Six sessions, beginning 21 February

Spirituality of Lent
Exploration of contemplative prayer traditions in the context of the liturgical season. Topics may include Centering Prayer, Celtic (Threshold) prayer, group lectio divina, praying with dreams, prayer and poetry, and Franciscan prayer. Various facilitators. 2:00-3:00 p.m. Hall Formation Room. RSVP to Kurt Schmidt.

Diocesan Book Study: LBD
Diocesan book study of Lent with the Beloved Disciple by Bishop Michael Marshall (2024 Bloomsbury Lent Book). Facilitated by Shawn Branch, 6:30 p.m., 60-90 minutes, online. Register through the Diocesan website to receive the Zoom link.

THURSDAYS ~ Seven sessions, beginning 15 February

Taizé Thursdays
Ecumenical and contemplative services of worship that incorporate simple song, scripture and silence. 5:30-6:00pm, alternating formats -- online via Zoom or in-person/livestreamed from the Cathedral. Drop-in. Link through the Cathedral calendar or Cathedral YouTube channel. Curious about Taizé? Read about an online session and in-person Taizé at the Cathedral.

Dante Group
Ongoing study group currently reading The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1879-1880). Hosted by Alan Hall and friends. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Hall Lounge. RSVP.

FRIDAYS ~ Six sessions beginning 16 February

Stations of the Cross
Various versions of the ancient devotional/meditation on the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross). 12:00 noon, Cathedral. Approximately 30-45 minutes long. Drop-in.


Contact Facilitators and Join

Please contact the facilitators directly to: express interest / ask a question / RSVP. Take special note of online options. Flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints.

Geoffrey Hall <dean at> (506) 450-7761
Kurt Schmidt <formation at> (506) 259-3711
Alan Sears <asears at>
Shawn Branch <sbranch at> (506) 459-1801
Alan Hall <alanwilliamhall at>
Cathedral Office <office at > (506) 450-8500

2023 ADVENT-ures

The new Church year is once again upon us!

 Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?

Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship.

MONDAYS - beginning 27 November

  • Spirituality of Advent – Prayer Series: Contemplative ideas and practices for Advent and beyond. Celtic Advent, Centering Prayer and Labyrinth Walks among the topics to be covered. Led by Kurt Schmidt. In person, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Please reserve your seat with Kurt for any/all sessions.

TUESDAYS - beginning 28 November

WEDNESDAYS - beginning 29 November

THURSDAYS - beginning 30 November

  • Taizé worship: A simple and contemplative half hour of scripture, prayer, silence and song. 5:30 p.m. start.
    30 November and 14 December in-person and livestreamed from the Cathedral.
    7 and 21 December on Zoom.
    * Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.



  • Divine Office: Regular, short daily prayer opportunity in the Cathedral. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m., Evening Prayer at 4:45 p.m. Weekdays.
    * Just drop in!
  • Dante Group: But reading Milton now! Reflective study of Paradise Lost. Led by Alan Hall. Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Just drop in!
  • Holy Eucharist: Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.


You are encouraged to add at least one new Advent-ure to your schedule this year!

or expressions of interest can be communicated to Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt by email <formation at> or by phone/text to (506) 259-3711. Thank you, and Advent Blessings!


Ad-LENT-ures 2023

22 February - 01 April 2023

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith. (See BAS p. 282 and BCP p. 612)

MONDAYS ~ beginning 27 February

Afternoon Study Group
Book study of Let Me Go There: The Spirit of Lent by Paula Gooder -- the Archbishop's recommended study book for 2023. Come join the conversation(s) about Lenten themes such as wilderness, journey, prayer and fasting. Facilitated by Dean Geoffrey Hall. 2:00-3:15 p.m, in Cathedral Memorial Hall. RSVP.

*Note: The Bishop's Office will be hosting online gatherings exploring the same text, facilitated by Shawn Branch and Cheryl Jacobs. Online sessions will be hosted on Mondays at 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. Register through the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton website.

TUESDAYS ~ beginning 28 February

Art & Faith
An Ignatian-flavoured contemplative consideration of select works of sacred art. Hosted by Kurt Schmidt. 5:30-6:00pm, Drop-in online via Zoom. Link through the Cathedral calendar.

THURSDAYS ~ beginning 23 February

Taizé Thursdays
Ecumenical and contemplative services of worship that incorporate simple song, scripture and silence. 5:30-6:00pm, alternating formats -- online via Zoom and in-person/livestreamed from the Cathedral. Drop-in. Link through the Cathedral calendar or Cathedral YouTube channel. Curious about Taizé? Read about an online session and in-person Taizé at the Cathedral.

The Divine Comedy
Ongoing study group discussing Dante's classic poem. Hosted and led by Alan Hall and friends. 7:00-8:30 p.m, Hall Lounge. RSVP.

FRIDAYS ~ beginning 24 February

Stations of the Cross
Various versions of the ancient meditation on the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross). 12:00 noon, Cathedral. Drop-in.


The Chosen
Intergenerational screening of the recently released third season of The Chosen, the largest crowd-funded media project in history, portraying the life of Christ and the disciples. 6:00-8:00pm, Cathedral Memorial Hall. Popcorn provided!


Contact Facilitators and Join

Please contact the facilitators directly to: express interest / ask a question / register / RSVP. Take special note of online options. Flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints.

Geoffrey Hall: email or phone (506) 450-7761 or the Cathedral Office
Cheryl Jacobs: email or phone (506) 459-5795 or the Cathedral Office
Alan Hall: email or phone (506) 443-0196 or the Cathedral Office
Kurt Schmidt: email or phone (506) 259-3711 or the Cathedral Office

Choose your own ADVENT-ure 2022

Happy New Year! — The new Church year is upon us!

 Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?

Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship.  You are encouraged and invited to add at least one new Advent-ure to your schedule this year!

*** Events begin after the first Sunday of Advent (27 November, 2022) ***


  • So What About the Bible (Anyway)? Reflective study on the nature and purpose(s) of the biblical scriptures. Led by Cheryl Jacobs. In-person and livestreamed (hybrid), 2:00-3:00 p.m. from the Boardroom of Cathedral Memorial Hall.
    * Please reserve your ‘seat’ with Cheryl or Kurt.



  • December—Month of Miracles: Advent 2022 Talks with retired Bishop Bill Hockin and musical guests.
    7 December - “A Friend Who Changes Everything”
    14 December - “Miracles on the Margin”
    * 12:15-1:00 p.m., Christ Church (Parish) Church


  • Virtual Taizé worship: A simple and contemplative half hour of scripture, prayer, and song. 5:30pm start.
    1 and 15 December on Zoom
    8 and 22 December in-person and livestreamed from Christ Church Cathedral
    * Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.


  • Adoratio: A simple and contemplative, Celtic-flavoured half hour of scripture, prayer(s) and quiet in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. 5:30 p.m., Christ Church Cathedral Side (Lady) Chapel.
    * Just drop in!


  • Divine Office: Regular (and brief) daily prayer, each weekday in the Cathedral. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m., Evening Prayer at 4:45 p.m.
    * Just drop in!
  • Divine Comedy: Reflective study of Dante’s poetic masterpiece. Led by Alan Hall. Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Just drop in!
  • Holy Eucharist: Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.


Questions or expressions of interest can be communicated to Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt by email <formation at> or by phone/text to (506) 259-3711. Thank you, and Advent Blessings!

Advent candles are available from Mothers’ Union after 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. worship on November 20 and 27. The cost is $20 for a set of five candles and the booklet 'Celebrating Advent at Home.’ Candle sets can also be ordered by contacting Susan Watson <bagel.watson at>.