Paul Jeffries – Bishop McAllister School Uganda May 2020 Update

Paul Jeffries – Bishop McAllister School Uganda May 2020 Update

Rectors Newsletter May 6th, 2020 Rectors Newsletter May 6th, 2020 Dear Friends, Greetings from Uganda! A quick update from the school. First of all, thank you so much for all your inquiries and prayers for our well being. I’m happy to report we are all fine. All schools were closed almost 7 weeks ago, and […]

Cathedral Connections Issue #6

Cathedral Connections Issue #6

A newsletter project of the Bishop and Chapter Communications Committee begun during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to share information and stories about members of Christ Church Cathedral and others. Issue #6 (18 December 2020) Issue # 5 (06 November 2020) Issue # 4 (11 June 2020) Issue # 3 (04 May 2020) Issue # 2 […]

Health Ministry is Active and on the Go – April 2020

Health Ministry is Active and on the Go – April 2020

The Cathedral Health Ministry Team has been active and on the go, supporting those isolated or in need by taking meals to them, bringing homemade cookies to their doors, and delivering Easter cards and hot cross buns last weekend. We have assisted in other ways such as purchasing groceries for parishioners, picking up needed medications […]

Easter 2020 Pastoral Letter

Easter 2020 Pastoral Letter

Holy Week 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, Lent is for Christians a time of preparing. The Ash Wednesday exhortation invites us to “observe a holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving and meditating on the word of God.” The intention, of course, is that we find that within ourselves that keeps us from […]

Bishop and Chapter News (April 2020)

Bishop and Chapter News (April 2020)

Bishop and Chapter met 02 April 2020 by video conference. While communication among members has been frequent this was its first formal meeting since February. 12 of 14 members were present including newest member Victoria Hachey. Business Arising Approval of February minutes deferred. Recommendations pending re coffee time for 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship, Restoration Fund […]

Dean’s Pastoral Letter – 19 March 2020

Dean’s Pastoral Letter – 19 March 2020

Christ Church Cathedral “closed” until further notice “Closed” is such an unpleasant prospect? In light of the Province-wide “State of Emergency” called by the Premier of New Brunswick on Thursday (19 March 2020), the Dean of Fredericton announces that Christ Church Cathedral and its offices are closed until further notice. Difficult and without restriction, it’s […]

Bishop’s Pastoral – 18 March 2020

Bishop’s Pastoral – 18 March 2020

Pastoral message from Bishop David Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all…