Not just on Sundays! Activities in the Cathedral

When many people think of churches, they think of buildings filled with people on Sundays and holidays, but empty and closed for most of the week.

At the Cathedral (and indeed, in many churches), that isn’t the case.

Christ Church Cathedral was given recognition as a National Historic Site in 1981. Along with being a stunning example of Gothic revival architecture, the Cathedral also played a part in the designation of Fredericton as a City by Queen Victoria. Due to its historic and architectural significance, our Cathedral is a popular tourist destination in Fredericton. It is located in the heart of downtown Fredericton, near the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge.

Each year, thousands of tourists visit the Cathedral. In July and August alone, we typically welcome between two and three thousand visitors. Free guided tours are provided seven days a week during the summer months, thanks to a funding community funding grant from the City of Fredericton. Throughout the rest of the year, between September and June, visitors are invited to visit the Cathedral on weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., learning about the architecture and history using self-guided tour booklets which are available in four languages (English, French, Spanish and German). Private tours are sometimes arranged upon request for groups - it’s not uncommon for us to receive special requests from conference organizers or Fredericton Tourism staff.

Another benefit of the Cathedral being open to the public on weekdays is to give people a quiet place to pray. Some churches in our area are not able to remain open throughout the week. We welcome attendance at morning and evening prayer, held at 8:45 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday to Friday, and lasting approximately fifteen minutes each. Throughout the day between those times, anyone is welcome to visit for prayer or reflection.

Worship including Holy Eucharist is held in the Cathedral on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong once a month, plus regular Taizé worship. Special services are held on weekdays throughout the year, such as during Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, and days such as the Ascension, New Year’s, and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (visit our calendar for schedules), along with weddings and funerals upon request. Baptisms, First Communions and Confirmations are typically held on festival Sundays. Many services are livestreamed.

Because of the magnificent architecture of the Cathedral, many photographers drop by to take photos inside and outside, and individuals and photography teachers can schedule sessions within the Cathedral. We encourage photographers to share or tag us in their Cathedral photos.

Speaking of photography… did you know that several movies and television programs have used the Cathedral to film scenes? Theatre performances have also been held inside and outside the Cathedral (Godspell and Camelot, to name just two!). During the summer months, the Calithumpians Theatre Troupe performs family-friendly performances on the Cathedral lawn, as well as hosting summer camps. Children are welcome inside the Cathedral.

Accessible gender-neutral washrooms (one with a changing table) are open to the public.

Many musical events and concerts are held at Christ Church Cathedral each year. In addition to regular rehearsals of our Cathedral Choir, Youth Choir and Worship band, the community choral group Bel Canto Singers hold weekly rehearsals in the Cathedral. Because of the fabulous acoustics, we are a favoured venue for classical and choral music. We have hosted concerts for local groups such as the Fredericton Symphony Orchestra, Atlantic Sinfonia, the Elm City String Quartet, Bel Canto Singers, Delacroix Classix, and many more. We have also welcomed touring musicians such as the Gerdan Theatre Ukrainian Choir, Choeur Louisbourg, and Dan Bremnes. The Cathedral was the site of Fredericton's 175th anniversary concert, A Celebration of Us, and is often selected as one of the locations for the NB Summer Music Festival. Each year, the Cathedral Director of Music organizes our long-running Summer Music Series, which presents free concerts on Fridays over the lunch hour, featuring a variety of musicians, soloists and groups from Fredericton and beyond.

Even a weekly exercise class is held in the Cathedral! Chair Yoga is held on Friday mornings throughout most of the year. It’s a gentle way to stretch and get in shape, suitable for a variety of ages and abilities. Holding the class in the Cathedral makes it convenient to enter for people with mobility challenges. Our Health Ministry team organizes this initiative, and also holds blood pressure clinics several times a year in the Cathedral.

A variety of groups, speakers and classes also use the Cathedral and lawn on an as-needed basis. These include guest speakers whose lectures are sometimes livestreamed, sacramental preparation courses, training for groups such as servers, and congregational and community groups such as our Sanctuary Guild, Mothers’ Union, Guild of St. Joseph, Anglican Church Women, Diocese of Fredericton, Scouts and Cubs, L’Arche Fredericton, and a guided autobiography group. Fellowship events such as teas and picnics are also held in and around the Cathedral.

You are welcome to visit the Cathedral (for the first time, or more often). You’ll find us at 150 Church Street, and our doors are open weekdays between 8:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (excepting holidays, and with an extended 7-day schedule in the summer). Sometimes you’ll have an opportunity for quiet reflection or touring, and other times you’ll encounter some of our dedicated staff, clergy, or volunteers. Say hello! We encourage you to become aware of and involved in activities happening in the Cathedral throughout the year.

As for how Cathedral Memorial Hall is used… the story of that well-used building will have to be a whole separate article!

The slideshow below shows photos of a wide range of activities in and around the Cathedral:

Posted in Cathedral Building, Cathedral Groups, Events, Feature 2, Ministry, Welcome and Hospitality, Worship.

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