Level 1 Public Health Measures

Please note: As of Monday, 28 February, proof of vaccination will no longer be required in the Cathedral or Memorial Hall. All other pandemic precautions listed below remain at this time.

New Brunswick returns to Level 1 of Public Health's COVID-19 Winter Plan on 18 February. As a congregation, we continue to be watchful and will implement and communicate changes as needed. During Level 1, we will continue to require proof of vaccination upon entry. Please be as understanding as possible with greeters, who are required to check vaccination records as required under Public Health directives.

At the Cathedral, current precautions during worship include:

1. Vaccination status (ends 28 February). Proof of full vaccination is required for all age 12 and up at the Cathedral. ID will be required for those not known to greeters. These requirements apply similarly to weddings, funerals, and events held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

2. Face masks. The Government of New Brunswick mandates wearing masks in gatherings. Choose a tight fitting mask without gaps, and ensure that your nose and mouth are covered.

3. Self-monitor. If you have any symptoms of illness – even mild – please stay at home. Livestreams and recordings of worship are available on our YouTube channel.

4. Entering and exiting. Please be understanding of those who may wish to maintain some personal space. Keeping personal traffic flowing at entrances will be helpful.

5. Seating. Greeters may be able to help you find suitable seating if you prefer to remain distanced.

6. Hand sanitation. Please continue to be attentive to frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer, especially before and after contact with high touch surfaces.

7. Communion. At Communion, approach in one line up the center aisle, with your mask in place. The host only will be safely delivered to your hands. Return by way of a side aisle. Please consume the host after leaving the Communion station, removing your mask briefly

8. Offering. The offering will be received with a plate near the back of the Cathedral and collected by greeters following worship.

As always, thank you for your continuing cooperation as we care for ourselves and others.

Our worship livestream is available to watch at 10:30 am on Sundays, if you are not able to be with us. Both livestreams and recordings can be found on our YouTube channel. Audio podcasts are also available. Listen here. Get notification of new episodes when you Subscribe here.

The Health Ministry Team is willing to assist members of the congregation with making appointments for vaccinations and answering health questions. Please contact our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Cathedral Office by email or phone (506) 450-8500, or the Dean by email or (506) 450-7761.

Posted in Health Ministry, Worship.

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