The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, seeking to build a truly just, healthy and peaceful world, works in 28 countries with a variety of local partners and covers a wide spectrum in the field of international development. We hope that this devotional will help you explore the history of PWRDF as well as the various pillars of PWRDF’s work: food security, preventive health, humanitarian relief and refugee support, poverty reduction, human rights and peace. We pray that this resource will help you in your mission to seek justice in our world. — PWRDF National Youth Council Resources Committee
Youth Devotional Resource
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Creator God,
You loved the world into life.
Forgive us when our dreams of the future
are shaped by anything other
than glimpses of a kingdom of justice, peace
and an end to poverty.
Incarnate God,
You taught us to speak out for what is right.
Make us content with nothing less than a world
that is transformed into the shape of love,
where poverty shall be no more.
Breath of God,
let there be abundant life.
Inspire us with the vision of poverty over,
and give us the faith, courage and will
to make it happen.
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