Bishop David Edwards installed the Rev’d Deacon Francene (Fran) Bedell, the Rev’d Greg McMullin, the Rev’d Wandlyn Snelgrove and the Rev’d Allen Tapley as canons of Christ Church Cathedral during a transferred celebration of Candlemas on 05 February 2017.
Wandlyn Snelgrove was collated as Archdeacon of Fredericton. The Ven. Patricia Drummond retired from that position at the end of 2016, continuing to serve as Archdeacon of Woodstock.
Archdeacon Cathy Laskey was the preacher at the Choral Evensong. She began by lighting a candle, noting that a Godly Play session, a popular Christian education programme for children, begins with the lighting of a candle.
“We carry the light and love of Christ wherever we go,” Archdeacon Laskey preached. “May we show that light and love to others.”
Canons of the Cathedral
The office of “Canon” is an honorary designation at the sole discretion of the Bishop of Fredericton.
Canon Four of the Diocese of Fredericton reads:
• The Bishop may appoint Canons who shall be installed by the Dean in seats in the canon stalls of the Cathedral.
• A Canon Residentiary of the Cathedral, who is a Canon employed as a member of the Cathedral staff, shall perform such duties as the Dean assigns.
• As members of the Cathedral Advisory Chapter, Canons shall perform such duties as are prescribed in the Cathedral By-laws, and any particular work the Bishop assigns to them.
Canon Four of the Diocese of Fredericton reads:
• The Bishop shall appoint Archdeacons to exercise territorial or Diocesan supervisory functions.
• The Archdeacons have precedence after the Dean, and shall be installed in seats in the Cathedral to which they have a right whenever present in Choir of the Cathedral.
• The Bishop may authorize an Archdeacon to assist in the supervision of an Archdeaconry.
• The names and jurisdiction of each Archdeaconry shall be fixed by regulation.
• The Diocesan Council may adopt regulations prescribing the duties and supervisory functions of Archdeacons.
• The Bishop, with the approval of the Diocesan Council, may create additional Archdeaconries or decrease their number.

The Parish of Madawaska, well represented and supportive of the Rev’d Deacon Fran Bedell (centre) on 05 February
Canons of Christ Church Cathedral (residing in the Diocese – 10 February 2017)
The Rev’d Canon Deacon Fran Bedell
The Rev’d Canon Malcolm Berry
The Rev’d Canon Neville Cheeseman
The Rev’d Canon Edward Coleman
The Rev’d Canon Wally Corey
The Rev’d Canon Patricia Craig
The Ven. Thomas Crowther
The Rev’d Canon George Eves
Canon Charles Ferris, QC
The Rev’d Canon James Golding
The Ven. Arthur Gregg
The Rev’d Canon Elaine Hamilton
The Ven. Harold Hazen
The Rev’d Canon Ross Hebb
The Rev’d Canon James Irvine
The Rev’d Canon David Jackson
The Rev’d Canon David Kierstead
The Rev’d Canon Bonita LeBlanc
The Rev’d Canon Jon Lownds
The Rev’d Canon Elaine Lucas
The Rev’d Canon William MacMullin
The Rev’d Canon Leo Martin
The Rev’d Canon Richard McConnell
The Rev’d Canon Bruce McKenna
The Rev’d Canon Gregory McMullin
The Rev’d Canon Keith Osborne
The Rev’d Canon John Sharpe
The Rev’d Canon Robert Smith
The Rev’d Canon Thomas Smith
The Rev’d Canon Albert Snelgrove
The Rev’d Canon David Staples
The Rev’d Canon Kevin Stockall
The Ven. Reginald Stockall
The Rev’d Canon Allen Tapley
The Rev’d Canon Walter Williams
- Episcopal Directive (8.5) issued 25 October 2008, directs that archdeacons no longer serving in the function, take the original title of “canon.”
Archdeacons of the Diocese of Fredericton (10 February 2017)
The Ven. Stuart Allan
The Ven. Patricia Drummond
The Ven Brent Ham
The Ven. Cathy Laskey
The Ven. John Matheson
The Ven. Robert Marsh
The Ven. Wandlyn Snelgrove
Sadly, the Diocese said goodbye to Canon George Akerley this week at a funeral on 10 February 2017 in Rothesay.