2016 Christmas Pastoral

Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing

Advent 2016
Fredericton NB

Dear Friends,

Yet again we approach the season in which we celebrate a most central doctrine of belief — the God of the universe came to earth in the flesh of Jesus Christ the Son. The truth of that reality is essential to our living the Christian life in the midst of a world with ever increasing secular values.

It may be of use, as Christians, to take to heart the somewhat familiar and possibly over-used slogan, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Even those most conscientious in faith need to be reminded of that simple fact. We are pushed and pulled in our living environment to begin Christmas celebration, even before the Advent Season of preparation begins, and to end it abruptly late in the evening of Christmas Day. Christmas Day can almost be an anti-climax to the festivities of the season enjoyed in our society.

If we remember the true meaning of the season, we will note with interest and particularity that Jesus was born on Christmas Day and that his coming in time and history changed the world and the way we live in it forever. The fact that God would have such concern for his creation that he himself would take the initiative to enter it in a physical form is almost beyond the possibilities of the imagination. This is the truth that originally made cause for rejoicing and Christians have traditionally taken time to adequately prepare and give serious thought to how they would appropriately mark one more Christmas in their own lives and those of their families. The trimmings we display and the gifts we give are to be symbols of the joy in our hearts placed there by the mystery of the gift of the Incarnation of God among us. Through the symbols and celebration, the observance of that Incarnation continues even two millennia after the original event. If we look intently and prayerfully at our own lives we can see the reality of Incarnation there. Indeed, Jesus IS the reason for the season.

This year the Cathedral will celebrate the reason for the season through corporate worship and the preparation for it. The schedule outlines specific times. You are encouraged, as usual, to make your Communion during this season. If it is impossible to be present due to illness or other cause, please contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500 <office at christchurchcathedral.com> to make an appointment and schedule a visit with home Communion during this Christmastide.

It is my hope and prayer that you will receive the comfort and joy of Christmas. Have a blessed season!

Faithfully yours,


Geoffrey Hall
Dean of Fredericton

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Posted in Pastoral Letters.

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