Member Visitation 2016


Complete the Visitation Survey HERE.

Questions?  Contact the Project Chair Jamie Yeamans at <jamieyeamans at>


Why is it important that we have a visitation?  There are five reasons:

  1. Spread the good news: all the positive things going on in our church. So SHARING is the first reason
  2. SEEK FEEDBACK from our congregation on our services, programs and visitation_logocongregational life and have this information documented via a questionnaire
  3. CONNECT with recent newcomers and non-regulars and invite them to fully participate in our worship and programs
  4. STEWARDSHIP – We want to make everyone aware of where our money comes from, where it is spent and the need for increased giving in order for us to be able to do God’s work more effectively
  5. INVITE PARTICIPATION and others into the life of our church family


We ask for your prayers and support to make this project a success.  Thank you.

Jamie Yeamans

Posted in Ministry, Outreach.

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