At its December meeting Bishop and Chapter intended to set our budget for 2016, but quickly concluded that we may have to make some difficult decisions. A draft budget, which was largely ‘status quo,’ was prepared by Treasurer, Martha Jo Hoyt. It showed a deficit of $18,900. Chapter members discussed various income and expenditure options, but it was agreed that the congregation needs to be invited into the budget-making process via a questionnaire, the results of which would be available when a final decision is made at the next meeting on January 18. Members of the congregation are therefore invited to provide the Bishop and Chapter with feedback and to make comments or suggestions.
Some basic information:
- We have approximately 250 regular givers, of which 165 regularly use envelopes or give through the e-offering option. These numbers have remained fairly constant for several years
- Using 2014 figures, we know that 136 (over half) of our identifiable givers contribute an average of $425/year (less than $8.00/week); 78 contribute an average of $1760/year ($33/week); 18 contribute an average of $3725/year ($72/week) and 18 contribute an average of $8250/year ($160/month). Noteworthy is the fact that the offerings of 36 (14%) of our identifiable givers makes up 52% of our weekly offerings budget
- Our total weekly offerings for the year were budgeted at $493,000. Final (i.e. ‘actual’) figures are not yet available but our treasurer has projected that total to be approximately $475,000
- The Treasurer’s recommended draft budget for 2016 shows total income of $591,925 and total expenditures of $610,000, which – without changes – would mean an $18,000 deficit
- The recommended budget for envelope giving is $481,125, which is based on our historic average of a 3% increase in year-over-year giving
- All amounts in the draft budget are based on 2015 ‘actuals’ to the end of November.
- Consistent with the diocesan minimum scale for stipends the budget includes a 1.5% increase in the Dean’s stipend and in staff salaries as a cost of living increase
- To balance the budget one of our options is to reduce expenditures. It is likely that would mean noticeable changes in ministry, programs and services … which could be disheartening and disappointing to many of us. No easy-to-make reductions seem obvious
- For the past several years we have been using varying amounts of interest from our trust funds to pay operating costs. In 2015 we withdrew $25,000. In doing so it is quite possible that we may not be following the wishes or directives of the original donors
- With the retirement of Isabel Cutler as our parish nurse the Health Pastoral Care Ministry Committee has recommended changing the PN from a $15,000 honorarium position to a $25,000 two day per week salaried position with benefits. The extra $15,000 is not included in the draft budget
- At present our youth and young families ministry is very modest. We have less than 12 children regularly in Sunday School, there are now only a few in our treble choir. We provide a nursery during the 10 am service used by a few families. We no longer have a youth group. Overall, we spend less than $2000 on youth
- We have several ministries and programs that are funded in whole or in part by ‘targeted giving’. Individual givers direct that their offerings are to be used for specific purposes – eg Monday Morning Outreach or Cathedral Restoration or Parish Nursing. This may be a good thing, especially if it is ‘over and above’ regular giving. However, if too large a percentage of our offerings are ‘targeted’ then what is given will not cover essential operational costs – eg salaries, heating, insurance, office administration, money for various ministries and many other items in our budget
- The Chapter is well aware that more planning needs to be done and decisions will need to be made regarding the future of the deanery/O’Dell House and needed renovations to Memorial Hall. However it is premature for any of us to speculate as to how our decisions regarding these properties will affect our annual operating budget
- Our budget contains money to maintain and operate three older buildings. In 2016 the combined budget for all three is projected to be $160,800 – including $39,800 for insurance, $82,300 for heat and utilities and $38,700 for repairs, maintenance and operations
If you haven’t received an invitation to complete the Questionnaire, please contact the Dean (506) 450-7761.
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