Bishop and Chapter News – December 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 11 December 2023 with 8 of 12 members present. R. Crowe attended as guest. Minutes of the 16 October meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected meeting chair. The Dean lead discussion on an Alban Institute article “This Thing Called Church,” from A. B. Robinson’s “What’s Theology Got to Do With It?”



• 3 care facility Communions; Deanery Clericus; 1 funeral; 1 funeral attended; 8 committee/group meetings; congregational meeting 21 November; choir rehearsal 30 November;10 home/hospital visits

• noted: no work review, housing allowance or stipend review in 2023

• Chapter vacancies: Lay Chair | Vice Chair | Property


• 2 meetings of the Synod Finance; over-night Diocesan Council 1/2 Dec


• Spencer funeral 10am 16 Dec; Farraline 12 Dec; Windsor 28 Dec; Christmas Lessons and Carols (b) - 17 Dec; 24 Dec 8am, 4pm, 8pm (b), 11pm (b); 25 Dec 10am (b); 31 Dec 8am, 10:30 am; 01 Jan 11am (b)


• 2024 Budget - draft was discussed. Adjustments over the next month with the goal to adopt a proposed budget version in January


• That we reimburse K. Schmidt $1500 for an October course on Celtic spirituality

• That the Dean request Bishop’s permission for Michele LeBlanc to administer the chalice in worship and administer Home Communions

• That staff salaries receive a 3% cost of living increase in 2024

• That the stipend of the Dean be $65,976 (3% cost of living increase, $16,906 above the diocesan minimum stipend scale (Regulation 7-2)

• With security cameras and locking system installed at the hall, that we end our contract with Garda Security (one visit per night) at the end of 2023


Treasurer - November reports need revisions for accuracy. Deficit to end of November $46,549. Bookkeeper Ben Bourque resigned in November; engaged Justin McCoy as bookkeeper. Working with Scotiabank on Anglican Church Women BMO shares conversion

Nominating - 4 meetings thus far. 2024 nominations remain to be required

Buildings and Property - R. Crowe graciously offered to be interim chair. 1) Cathedral sprinklers need maintenance ($60,000) in 2024. 2) Hall platform lift is inoperable needing replacement. Exploring grant and other fund possibilities. 3) East window has been repaired ($8257) insurance coverage less deductable ($5219). 4) Leaks inside Cathedral are an ongoing concern. Next meeting 09 January

Christian Formation - Advent programming proceeding. Consideration of Medical Assistance in Dying (Faith Seeking Understanding)

Health / Pastoral Care - assisted Anglican Church Women luncheon. Christmas gifts to be delivered by Cathedral Visitors. Chair of Health Ministries, Sally Dibblee has resigned.

Mission / Outreach - Angel Christmas gifts for children complete. Giving Tuesday exceeded $2000 commitment to school food and winter clothing programme

Worship - committee met in November including discussion/planning for Christmas worship including a possible youth choir. Meeting of Sunday intercessors on 07 November


• 17 December, 4 p.m. Christmas Lesson and Carols

• 01 January, 11 a.m. New Year’s Day with our Bishop


Posted in Bishop and Chapter, Bishop and Chapter News, News.

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