The Holy Eucharist [or Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper or the Mass] is “celebrated” by the whole people of God gathered for worship. The ministry of the members of the congregation is expressed through their active participation together in the words and actions of the service, but also by some of them reading the Scripture passages, leading the prayers of intercession, and, if authorized, assisting with the administration of communion.
All the baptized are welcome at the Table of the Lord. Children will normally receive instruction before making Communion. Information on children and Communion (F
… “celebrated” by the whole people of God …
The unity of the liturgy is served by the ministry of the presider whose role it is to hold word and sacrament together drawing the congregation into one worshipping body — the community of the faithful, the Body of Christ — the Church.
The presider at the Eucharist (who is episcopally ordained to the order of priest) expresses this ministry by saying the opening Greeting, the Absolution, the Collect, the Peace and the Blessing. The presider says the Eucharistic Prayer, break the bread and receive the sacrament on every occasion. When appropriate, the presider may, after greeting the people, delegate the leadership of all or parts of the Gathering and the Liturgy of the Word to a deacon, Reader or other authorized lay person.
A deacon or lay persona may lead the entire Gathering and Liturgy of the Word substituting the Absolution for an assurance of pardon.
When present, the bishop normally presides over the entire liturgy.
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