Music Monthly – January 2019

6 January 2019 - The Epiphany of the Lord

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
From the rising of the sun - Ouseley
Missa l’hora passa - Viadana
Psalm 72:1-7
Bethlehem Down - Warlock
158, 157(508),599(580), 48, 160
March - Choveaux

13 January 2019 - The Baptism of the Lord

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O come, ye servants of the Lord - Tye
Sumsion in F
Psalm 29
Teach me, O Lord - Byrd
649(454), 163, 162, 45, 645
Praeludium in D minor - Böhm

20 January 2019 - Second Sunday after the Epiphany

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Sacerdotes Domini - Byrd
Missa Brevis XIII (Holy Cross) - Willan
Psalm 36:5-10
O Sacred Feast - Willan
565, 58, 354, 78, 393
Grand Choeur in D - Guilmant

27 January 2019 - Third Sunday after the Epiphany

10:00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
God be in my head - Murray
Fredericton Missa Brevis - Murray
Psalm 19
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me - Elgar
8, 484(343), 101, 240, 362
March: Pomp and Circumstance No. 4 - Elgar

2018 Christmas Pastoral Letter


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Fredericton NB
Advent 2018

Dear Friends in Christ,

The busyness of the season is once again upon us. Our hope each year is that Christmas and the season would be a great blessing as we plan to spend time with friends and family to celebrate the birth in our hearts of the one we worship as Lord.

The Holy Child whose birth we celebrate is born to rule. We know him by many names: Mighty Counsellor, the Mighty God, Prince of Peace. He is born to rule the earth and to rule in our hearts. The events of God's human birth in Bethlehem fulfils the first “rule.” In a stable, God chose to become one of us. We now know with certainty that God cares for his people and that is worthy of great celebration.

But it is the second “rule” that brings to fulfilment the Christian hope of the coming of the kingdom of God. He comes to rule our hearts. Until we allow him to be born in our hearts, we continue to wait for his coming. We long for the day when every heart will know him and we experience, in its fullness, the peace he comes to bring.

At the Cathedral, we celebrate the rule of Christ over the earth but it is the rule over the individual heart that brings true unity, peace and blessing to the Christian family. We see glimpses of this reality in the Body of Christ – the believing community. Setting our sights on him, we need to push onward in the calling to allow him to establish his rule and his kingdom, even in our midst.

In addition to our normal schedule, seasonal worship is as follows:

Christmas Eve
4:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist (Family)
8:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist (Come Worship 11:45 style)
11:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist

Christmas Day
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

New Years Day
11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (with our Bishop)

The fifth Sunday at 10:00 a.m. (30 December) will be “Carols for Christmastide”

Give a festival offering onlineCommunion at home is always available by contacting the Cathedral Office.

Have a blessed Christmastide!




Geoffrey, Dean of Fredericton

Music Monthly – December 2018

December 2 - First Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Great Litany
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 25:1-9
Rejoice in the Lord alway - Anon. 16th century
88, 178 (439), 546, 96, 560
Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582 - Bach

4.00: Advent Procession with the Great “O” Antiphons
Matin Responsory - Palestrina
Canite tuba in Sion - Guerrero
There is a flower springing - Praetorius
People, look east - arr. Martin Shaw
Dixit Maria - Hassler
E’en so, Lord Jesus, come quickly - Manz
Vesper Responsory - Praetorius
Hymns on Ordo
Fantasia on Wachet auf - Karg-Elert

December 9 - Second Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
There is a stream whose waters rise - Gibbons
Gibbons’ Short Service
Benedictus - Gibbons
This is the record of John - Gibbons
486, 103, 93, 445, 467
Processional - Mathias

December 16 - Third Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
O Sing joyfully - Batten
Wood in C minor
O Lord, I will praise thee - Jacob
How beautiful upon the mountains - Stainer
98, 112, 109, 59, 106
Sonata in F (4th movement) - Mendelssohn

December 23 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Hail, Blessed Virgin Mary - Italian Carol arr. Wood
Missa Brevis III - Willan
Magnificat - Gibbons’ Short Service
O Wondrous Love - Kuhnau
89, 90, 354, 117, 318
Prelude on Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland BWV 661 - Bach

4.00: Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
Hodie - Poulenc
Adam lay ybounden - Ord
Al and som - Drinkell
My Dancing Day - W. Noble
Gabriel’s Message - Pettman
Ding! Dong! Merrily on high - Wood
The Virgin’s Cradle Hymn - Rubbra
Psallite unigenito - Praetorius
In the bleak midwinter - Darke
Sir Christemas - Mathias
Hymns on Ordo
Toccata-Prelude on Vom Himmel hoch - Edmundson

December 24 - Christmas Eve

11.00pm: Choral Eucharist of Christmas (BCP)
Ding! Dong! Merrily on high - arr. Wood
Messe de Minuit de Nöel - Charpentier
Psalm 98
118, 121, 132, 122, 138
Dieu parmi nous - Messiaen

December 30 - First Sunday after Christmas

10:00 a.m. Carols for Christmastide
Special Order of Service

Music Monthly – November 2018

November 4 - In the Octave of All Saints - Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist with Baptism (BAS)
Christ hath a garden - Drinkell
German Mass - Schubert
Psalm 24:1-6
Give us the wings of faith - Bullock
285(245), 515, 306, 350, 48, 276
Incantation pour un jour saint - Langlais

4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)
Smith Responses
Psalms 148 and 150
Gibbons’ Short Service
O quam gloriosum - Victoria
275, 370, 116
Homage to Perotin - Roberts

November 11 - Remembrance Day - Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

9.45: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
The souls of the righteous - Murray
Darke in F
Psalm 127
My soul, there is a country - Parry
573, 112, 374, 61, 528
Sarabande in modo elegiaco - Howells

November 18 - Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Oculi omnium - Wood
Wood in C minor
Psalm 16
Ave verum - Willan
613, 619, 92, 57, 516
Prelude & Fugue in C major BWV 547 - Bach

November 25 - Last Sunday after Pentecost - The Reign of Christ

10.30: Holy Eucharist
Missa Brevis XIII - Willan
E’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come - Manz

Music Monthly – October 2018

October 7 - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - Harvest Thanksgiving

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
This is the day - Anon. 16th century
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 126
Jubilate Deo - Britten
262, 398, 258, 37, 399
Carillon de Longpont - Vierne

October 14 -Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Almighty God, which hast me brought - Ford
Sumsion in G
Psalm 22:1-15
Ave verum corpus - Elgar
628, 604, 319, 49, 245
Finale Jubilante - Willan

October 21 - Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
I sat down under his shadow - Bairstow
Stanford in B flat
Psalm 104:1-9, 25
Behold, the tabernacle - Harris
627(362), 629, 374, 551, 364
Postlude in D minor - Stanford

4.00: Choral Evensong & Installation (BCP)
Drinkell Responses
Psalms 114, 115
Brewer in D
Blessed be the God and Father - S.S. Wesley
23, 505, 278
Imperial March - Elgar

October 28 - Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

10:00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
A Communion Prayer - Morrison/Capon
Missa collegium regale - Howells
Psalm 34:1-8
Like as the hart - Howells
101, 293, 375, 596, 529
Psalm Prelude Set 2, No. 3 - Howells

What is Choral Evensong?

Choral Evensong is held monthly at 4:00 p.m. in the Cathedral. Check our calendar to confirm dates.

The article below, written in 2018 by former Cathedral Organist and Director of Music David Drinkell, answers the question, "What is Evensong?" Evensong is often livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

The Daily Offices are an important, but perhaps little-known, part of the Cathedral’s ministry. At Morning and Evening Prayer, each parish and organisation in the Diocese is remembered in the Mother Church, and prayer is offered for the wider Church and for the world.

Evening Prayer is one of the most balanced, logical and simple of our Anglican liturgies and is based on the monastic offices of Vespers and Compline. There is a penitential opening and a set of Responses to set the scene. The core of the Office lays out God’s Promise in the Psalms and Old Testament, the Wonder of God’s Coming to Earth in the Magnificat, Christ’s Life on Earth or the Holy Spirit working through the disciples in the New Testament, and the recognition and joyful acceptance of the Messiah in the Nunc Dimittis. This Faith is summed up in the Creed, and is followed by specific and general prayer.

Evening Prayer is a powerful devotion, even when read simply in private or quietly in the Cathedral alone or with a few people present. But one of the glories of Anglican worship is that, over nearly five centuries since it came into use, the Office has been sung in choral foundations in England and later throughout the world, clothed in some of the finest music ever inspired for worship. Choral Evensong sung in the Cathedral is an opportunity to experience this music-clothed service as a meditation on the mysteries of faith.

“Evensong is a very tiny fragment of something else: it is a fragment of the worship which is offered to God by Christian people every hour in every part of the world. When you come to Evensong it is as if you were dropping in on a conversation already in progress — a conversation between God and people which began long before we were born and will go on long after we are dead.”

-- by David Drinkell

Music Monthly – September 2018

2 September 2018 - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Call to remembrance - Farrant
Festive Eucharist - Rawsthorne
Psalm 45:1-2, 7-10
View me, Lord, a work of thine - Lloyd
1, 605, 624, 76, 393
Exurgat Deus - Hurford

9 September 2018 - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.30: Eucharist on the Green (BAS)
Missa Brevis XIII (Holy Cross) - Willan
O taste and see - Vaughan Williams
O sing joyfully - Batten
Hymns on Ordo

16 September 2018 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Jesu, the very thought is sweet - Wood
Wood in C minor
Psalm 19
O thou, the central orb - Wood
2, 271, 466, 450, 602
Sonata No. 3 (1st movement) - Mendelssohn

23 September 2018 - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
For Guds folk er hvilen tilbake - Sløgedal
Short Service - Ayleward
Psalm 1
Sacerdotes Domini - Byrd
649, 506, 500,61, 576
Sinfonia (Cantata 29) - Bach

30 September 2018 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Matins (BCP)
God be in my head - Murray
Smith Responses
Psalm 124
Ireland in F
7, 97, 592, 379
Prelude on Darwall - Whitlock

Music Monthly – August 2018

Sunday 5 August - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake - Hilton
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 51:1-13
Ave verum corpus - Byrd
282, 447, 10, 83, 529
Psalm Prelude, Set 2, No. 3 - Howells

Sunday 12 August - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
God so loved the world - Goss
Harris in F
Psalm 130
Tantum ergo sacramentum - Séverac
355, 431, 645, 49, 565
Toccata on Lasst uns erfreuen - Choveaux

Sunday 19 August - Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Hide not thou thy face - Farrant
Missa Brevis XIII (Holy Cross) - Willan
Psalm 111
From the rising of the sun - Ouseley
381, 561, 84, 72, 438
Prelude and Fugue in G BWV 541 - Bach

Sunday 26 August - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10:00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O sacrum convivium - Mudd
Wood in the Phrygian Mode
Psalm 84
Rejoice in the Lord alway - Anon. 16th cent.
364, 496, 497, 70, 461
Marche aux Flambeaux - Scotson Clark

The Season of Creation 2018

Season of Creation 2018 - 01 September - 04 October

Season of Creation 2018What is the “Season of Creation”?

Every year, from September 1st to October 4th, churches are called to participate in the “Season of Creation.” The World Council of Churches has been promoting this theme since 2008. This special time of year has gained popularity in Europe, and the United Church of Canada was the first to celebrate it here in Canada. Since 2017, all churches in Canada are invited to celebrate the “Season of Creation” in their faith community. The Green Churches Network is happy to offer a “box” of resources designed to make creation care more relevant and “doable” for your church. The Anglican Communion Environmental Network encourages Anglican churches worldwide to participate.

Why September 1st to October 4th?

In 1989, Demetrios I, Patriarch of Constantinople decided to dedicate the first day of the Orthodox liturgical year (September 1) to the protection of the environment. He then invited the whole Christian world to join in so that “every year on this day, we raise prayers of thanks for the great gift of the created world, prayers of supplication for its protection and salvation.” In 2015, Pope Francis named September 1st the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

October 4th is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. He is the patron saint of ecology in the Catholic tradition since 1979. He is a model of integral ecology, demonstrating that the love for the poor, the sick and for all creatures comes from the same Source.

What to do during the “Season of Creation?”

Christian communities are invited to organize various activities on the theme of Creation Care between September 1st and October 4th: prayer services, intergenerational activities, conferences, activities for children and young people, fund raising, etc.

The Green Churches Network has created the “Season of Creation in a Box” to help inspire educational, action-centered and spirituality-themed activities in your faith community.


Music Monthly – July 2018

Music MonthlyJuly 1: Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
If ye love me - Tallis
Missa l’hora passa - Viadana
Psalm 130
O sacred feast - Willan
573, 293, 84, 75, 438
Fantasie sur O Canada - Bédard

July 8: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O come, ye servants of the Lord - Tye
Sumsion in F
Psalm 48
Ave verum corpus - Elgar
628, 527, 364, 71, 433
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 4 - Elgar

July 15: Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
A Prayer of King Henry VI - Ley
Barnard in G
Psalm 24
Bread of the world in mercy broken - Bancroft
12, 277, 369, 76, 381
Marche triomphale: Nun danket - Karg-Elert

July 22: Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O Lord, increase our faith - Loosemore
Darke in F
Psalm 89:20-36
Jesu, joy of man’s desiring - Bach
491, 575, 520, 629, 300
Two Trumpet Tunes and an Air - attr. Purcell

July 29: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Matins (BCP)
Cantate Domino - Pitoni
Drinkell Responses
Psalm 14
Stanford in B flat
8, 619, 564, 434
Toccata & Fugue in modo doricio BWV 538 - Bach