Messages from around the world

A postcard from Christ Church Cathedral is part of an exhibition hanging in St. Saviour's Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia.

Each May, a country-wide event called Baznīcu nākts (Night of Churches) is held throughout Latvia. The festival lasts well into the night, with churches hosting concerts, lectures, discussions and prayer, and the public is invited to visit multiple churches to learn about cultural and spiritual values.

Typically, St. Saviour's -- the only Anglican Church in Latvia -- displays an exhibition of art created by members of its congregation. For 2022, Churchwarden Joseph Horgan had a different suggestion.

“One idea I had for this year would be a wall/display of postcards from many different churches throughout the Anglican world,” wrote Horgan. “That way, we would be able to represent not only ourselves on this special occasion, but our entire denomination and your church as well!”

In April, he reached out to Anglican dioceses across the globe, and was met with an overwhelming response from people eager to participate.

Congregations were asked to send or email a postcard with a photo of their church, and a message for the St. Saviour's parish or for Latvia in general.

The volume of mail and email increased throughout May, and by Baznīcu nākts, postcards had been received from over 250 churches in 36 countries. Cards were displayed in several areas of St. Saviour's, on walls and in a large display with cards hanging from strings so visitors could read both sides. A digital map was also created, which shows the location of each participating church.

“From the bottom of our hearts, we cannot thank you enough for supporting our Baznīcu nakts (Night of Churches) event by sending us cards for our special display,” wrote Horgan in a message to participating churches. “Throughout Saturday evening, more than 500 people visited [St. Saviour's] and were able to enjoy your cards and learn about your special churches.”

Horgan also mentioned that the event was held one day after the completion of a large ceiling renovation project, so the congregation was thrilled to welcome visitors to see the improvements and access the entire church. Our Cathedral Verger, Jason Parsons, visited St. Saviour's in 2018 and wrote about his experience in the NB Anglican newspaper. Shortly after his visit, the church began its ceiling renovation campaign.

Church leaders at St. Saviour’s were touched by the outpouring support for the postcard project, and have decided that the display will remain as a permanent exhibition, and they will continue to add any further postcards that are received.

Horgan says, “If you are ever able to make it out to Rīga one day, then perhaps you can find your card on our wall! Thanks again for your friendship and cooperation in making this idea a reality.”

Postcard display at St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia

Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Mothers’ Union is pleased to invite the congregation to The Queen’s Jubilee Tea, to be held inside the Cathedral on Saturday, 04 June from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Tea, cold drinks, sweets and sandwiches will be served in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Everyone is welcome to dress in their “Royal Best“ including hats and fascinators!

Free admission. Donations given through Cathedral envelopes or online giving will receive a tax receipt (please note 'Mothers' Union Tea' in the message field).

Medical Leave

Our Parish Nurse is on extended medical leave. Please keep Sarah her in your thoughts and prayers.

If you have a Health Ministry need at this time, please contact the Cathedral Office by email or phone (506) 450-8500 or Dean Geoffrey Hall by email or phone (506) 450-7761, and we can connect you with a member of the Health Ministry or Pastoral Care teams.

Art and friendship, one stitch at a time

The Cathedral Quilters meet in the lounge of Cathedral Hall on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to quilt by hand beautiful quilts ranging in size from baby to queen.

Recently, the group of four women have been working on a large mermaid quilt, to be given to two young sisters. They also gifted a lap quilt to Cathedral Sexton Ashley Swim. Ashley, his wife Lana, and their daughter Piper will soon welcome a new baby girl into their home.

In 2021, the Quilters finished a sampler quilt made of spring-hued fabrics of purples and yellows, a lap quilt made in a cat's cradle pattern in turquoise batik and navy background, and a compass rose quilt that had been started by former quilter and Cathedral member Judy Colson and finished by the Quilters after her passing.

Funds raised through quilting services is primarily used to support girls who attend Bishop McAllister College in Uganda.

The Quilters are very skilled and willing to share their knowledge. If you would like to know more about the group or request their handiwork on a project, please contact the Cathedral Office or speak with quilter Jennifer Griffiths.

Helping to ‘TP the Town’!

Thank you to everyone at the Cathedral who donated toilet paper and hygiene supplies to the 7th annual TP The Town campaign!

This spring, Fredericton High School students partnered partnered with community groups, churches, and other schools to collect toilet paper and as many feminine care and personal hygiene products as possible. Monetary donations were also gratefully accepted.

Cathedral youth Alex and Claire, along with their fellow student council members, have been counting rolls as they arrive. Their goal is 25,000 rolls!

Products will soon be delivered to shelters and transitional housing locations in the Fredericton area, such as Chrysalis House, St. John House (the men’s shelter), Grace House for women, Gignoo House, Transition House, and the 12 Neighbor’s Village.

The Student Representative Council of Fredericton High School provides leadership opportunities and serves the student body, the school, and the community. An integral part of their program is to provide service to our community.

A letter from the student council expressed appreciation for the support of TP the Town, "Thank you for helping give back to those that struggle to take care of what we take for granted."

Tea and Flowers

Parishioners and friends were recently invited to Cathedral Memorial Hall to welcome spring with tea and sweets.

The event, hosted by the Anglican Church Women (ACW) and held on May 21, also celebrated the birthday of Mary Allwood, a long-time, very active ACW member.

Many hands pitched in to create beautiful decorations and table settings which featured the art of the Cathedral Matters rug hooking group. A large banner highlighted important events from 1925, the year of Mary's birth.

The celebration was well attended by several dozen people over two hours, and was enjoyed by all.

Help Needed With Flowers

Arranging flowers is a rewarding and creative activity, and working in the peace of the Cathedral creating something to the Glory of God and to enhance a beautiful building is a gratifying experience.

Mary Pugh is hoping to build a team of volunteers to look after the flowers in the Cathedral throughout the year. She proposes a workshop on 14 May (or another date suitable for the volunteers) to show a few techniques in handling flowers and what specifically is suitable for the Cathedral. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Mary as soon as possible so flowers can be ordered. Please indicate your preferred date. Email <Pugh at> or contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500.

Spring Tea

All are welcome to enjoy tea and sweets at an event hosted by the Anglican Church Women on Thursday, 21 April, 2:30-4:30 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

The tea will also fête Mary Allwood, a long-time, very active ACW member on her birthday (best wishes only, at Mary’s request).

Masks are required at the tea, except when seated and eating.

Caring For Our Community

Many members of the Cathedral congregation have recently helped neighbours in our community by donating items for a young mother, and by providing snacks for the monthly Monday morning Outreach program for people in need. Your generosity is appreciated!

Here is a letter of thanks from the young woman, who received items to furnish a new apartment for herself and her son.

Click to enlarge

From Our Parish Nurse: Accessing Treatment for COVID-19

[Updated April 12, 2022]

Our Parish Nurse shares information about Paxlovid, a new treatment for COVID-19.

As another week of COVID-19 continues on with cases surging and reduction to public safety measures, I wanted to remind those who are eligible (see below) that Paxlovid is a treatment option for eligible New Brunswickers who contract COVID-19.

To obtain the medication, a positive result from a COVID test administered through Public Health is required, so book a test immediately if you think you might have COVID. You must receive a PCR test, not an at-home rapid testing kit.

Inform your Primary Care Provider that you have tested positive for COVID-19 and you would like to be assessed for Paxlovid. If you do not have or cannot reach your primary care provider, call 811 or e-VisitNB to see a New Brunswick nurse practitioner or doctor online.

Paxlovid can be given in the first 5 days of symptom onset. It is available to those who are:

  • 80+
  • 50-79 and partially or under-vaccinated
  • 50-79 who are residing in a long-term care setting; or living in, or from First Nations communities or those receiving home care services
  • 18+ and immunocompromised

To be eligible for this medication you must meet the following criteria:

  • COVID-19 infection confirmed by a PCR test, or an Abbot ID Now test in First Nations Communities, or a positive rapid test in a nursing home during in an outbreak
  • Mild to moderate symptoms present (fever, cough, mild shortness of breath, loss of appetite, loss of smell and/or taste, fatigue, runny nose, muscle aches, etc)
  • Symptom onset was within the past 5 days.

Additional information about Paxlovid and criteria is available on the New Brunswick Public Health website. Contact your Primary Care Provider for more information.

Second COVID-19 booster doses are set to become available in New Brunswick on 19 April at participating pharmacies. Adults over the age 50 are eligible if it has been at least 5 months since a previous booster. NB Public Health is strongly recommending second boosters for individuals over 70 and long term care residents, First Nations, Inuit and Métis and their non-Indigenous household members aged 18 and over. Anyone with a recent COVID-19 infection should wait 3 months from the time of infection before receiving a second booster dose.

Visit the Government of NB website for more information about COVID-19.

Cathedral Parish Nurse Sarah Ecker is available to answer questions. Email <nurse at> or phone the Cathedral office (506) 450-8500.