Letter of Appreciation from Eden S.D.A. High School in Belize

Christ Church Cathedral
Esteemed Scholarship Sponsor:


Dear Sponsor

As I sit around my computer wondering what words I can write to say thank you to someone as instrumental and deserving as you are in being a contributing member of the success of Eden High school, so much comes to mind but foremost, this small prayer: "Lord, thank you so much for your blessings on Eden High school through all our sponsors. Thank you for the love they have for our school and their commitment to making the lives of these students better through education. I pray that you will shower them with your love and. blessings as they have showered us with love and blessings and support. Amen."

Kind greetings from Eden High. This year was amazing. Yes it had its challenges but we were able to see and feel God's blessings. So what's new? What made it amazing? Well our school year started out with 618 students and approximately 45 persons employed in many different capacities all equipped and ready to serve with love. This was our biggest enrollment ever in 30 years and our biggest staff as well. Do you realize that all this growth is possible because of your continued support? This year our graduating class is 140 strong, again our biggest ever. We rejoice in the great work and development we have seen in these students throughout their 4 years at Eden. You were there all along. Thank you. Together we all made it happen.

During this school year we have been blessed with many opportunities for students to shine. Our choir participated in the Opening ceremony for National festival of arts and several other events nationally and at district level, our sports teams did an excellent job in the various inter schools sports meet, many of our students were awarded by the police department in the Do the right thing program, our 1st formers graduated from the GREAT program in a wonderful ceremony on campus, 2 of our students were chosen to participate in an international program Youth ambassadors program, several students participated and won prizes in the voice of the west competition, several of our students participated in national cycling activities and so much more. We are proud of all our students and all they do to enhance their lives.

Furthermore our school was blessed to continue offering its support services to students in need through the book lending program, uniform program, feeding program, school supplies program, and printing program. These are just a few of the great things that we have been able to do because you continue to support us and pray for us. Words will never be enough to say thank you. If you could open our hearts you would see how filled it is with thankfulness and appreciation. We know that we have a big job to do in taking care of the precious students who you have entrusted to our care and we pray that God will continue to guide us as we do our part. Thank you for being there for us in 2018-2019. Your support was a vital part of our success. We invite you to reach out to us with your concerns, advice, recommendations and prayers always. We thank God for you and wish you a wonderful and successful rest of this year.

Visit the Cathedral Missions Committee website

2019 PWRDF World of Gifts

Welcome to PWRDF’s 2019 World of Gifts. The items in this guide have been selected based on the needs of people participating in the many programs supported by PWRDF. Whether it be clean water, climate adaptation and food security, health or Indigenous programs, your gift is an opportunity to make a world of difference.

PWRDF World of Gifts Guide

Belize Missions The Principal writes – October 2019

The following is a letter to our congregation from Jane Martinez, Principal at St.Hilda’s Anglican School in Belize.

Greetings Friends:

I pray that all is well with Friends of St. Hilda’s. Greetings from beautiful Belize.

I know it has been some time since you heard from us here at St. Hilda’s. I must apologize for the delay in response. Our school year has started out with a bang! There are so many things that need attention that some days get very frustrating. Through all that, I must say that we are blessed. The first term is usually our busiest term as we have many activities and holidays that occur during the September to November months. 
This year our enrollment went down due to relocation of some students. We presently have 127 students enrolled. We have  a full staff of ten teachers including one intern.
I have many pictures that I would like to share to give you an idea of some of the activities that have been held at our school so far this year. We have had our September celebrations, Literacy Day,and most recently, our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. 
Please greet the church on our behalf and let them know that we love them and appreciate their continued support. Have a blessed day!
Best Regards,

Community Kitchen volunteers needed

Volunteers needed in 2020

Can you spare a little time to help at the Fredericton Community Kitchen?

Christ Church Cathedral supplies teams of volunteers who work at the kitchen on Saturdays year-round to help the cook at supper time. Duties include serving food, doing dishes, and cleaning up after the evening meal.

The time commitment is a mere two hours – from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. –  and each team is assigned 13 Saturdays annually. Depending on the size of your team, you will not have to take part every time.

Jason Parsons is co-ordinating the Cathedral's efforts for this worthwhile cause. If anyone is interested in joining a team, Jason can be reached < jayparsons at rogers.com>

“I'm busy with my day job, my three children and verger duties, but it's a small commitment of time to volunteer,” he said. “It really gives all of us a chance to be the hands and feet of God in our city, and the people who come for supper are so grateful for the work we do.”

Experience isn't necessary, and the work isn't hard.

Experience isn't necessary, and the work isn't hard. You might be peeling potatoes, buttering rolls, making juice, cutting pieces of pie, scrubbing pots, or putting away clean dishes.

“One of our longtime volunteers told me that, too often, church can be about money and politics, not about helping people. He likes giving back in this way as a form of mission,” Jason said.

He also wanted to heartily thank team members who volunteered during 2019. “Some people have been faithfully helping out for many years,” he said. “It's greatly appreciated.”

Ann Deveau

2019 Friends of St. Hilda’s Scholarship Recipient

The following is the application letter from our newest Belize scholarship recipient, Gian Myvette:

Dear Friends of St. Hilda’s:

Greetings from my beautiful village of Georgeville.

On June 25, 2019, I completed my first milestone by successfully having passed the primary school examinations culminating with 8 years of primary school at St’ Hilda’s in Georgeville. The journey had many pot holes and curve balls but with my family support and my faith in God, I was able to walk on the straight and narrow path. My next step is completing high school and pursue higher education.

My passion is in information technology (I.T), I watch my brother fixing computers, assembling parts and installing programs from an early age, this was followed to my mom enrolling me in a two weeks programming class for primary school students at Galen University two years ago. Because of this passion, my mom investigated which of the high schools had a better I.T
curriculum; as a result, I was accepted and subsequently enrolled at Sacred High School in San Ignacio Town, Cayo.

Education is very expensive and my mom is trying to ensure that I am afforded the best education possible. To achieve this, she entered into a payment plan with the Sacred Heart High school and with that I was able to register. I discussed with my mom if I can get a scholarship so that the burden is lessen on her. My mom, as a single parent, will do her best to ensure I get an education, I wish that I too can assist by getting a scholarship.

In my community, most the youths do not enter high school and others drop out of high school due to varying reasons. The end result is that there are no alternative programs that exist in my village for at risk youths. Thus, our village have seen many of my peers doing drugs, getting in problems with the law, and vandalism. I do not want to be a statistic. I want to be a change for my village.

The decision by Friends of St Hilda’s to award a high school scholarship to a deserving student must be truly hard as many of us have needs and you wished you could help all of us. As you deliberate on your decision, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. No matter the result of your decision, I still will work hard, study, pass and continue to be devout
Anglican. My vision is for my peers, my villagers and everyone to see that not because you come from a broken home means that you can’t make something of yourself. Not because my mom is unable to afford me new books or new school bag that it will deter me from completing my education. What is important is my dream and the passion I have for learning and by getting a
degree in information technology; a field which is much needed in Belize.

Thank you and God bless you and guide your decisions.

Future I.T Engineer

Prayer Request from the Hansen Family in Belize (September 2019)

Missy and Evan Hansen in Belize share:
“Please pray for the churches and schools here. It feels like a new energy has come to the communities here with the new school year but at the same time, many locals are burned out. Please pray for the Spirit to enter into the people and communities here. There is a weariness and wariness in many here. New life and joy would be really beautiful.
Please continue to pray for us as we attempt to keep things going here while our partners are away. We have never been here at this time of year, and there are so many things we don’t know, so we’re trying to roll with things and be flexible.”
Thank you for praying for your missionaries!

2019 Spring and Summer Updates from Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary in Uganda

There has been a lot going on at Bishop McAllister College since our last update from Rev. Paul Jeffries in March, 2019.

There has been great progress on our new library! Anticipate completion of construction October 2019! To God be the Glory!

Samples of future library furniture completed!

It has been 15 years since began our dining hall project. Lots of delays of course as other more pressing demands came up. But thanks be to God, it is now complete! Over the past few months we have plastered the interior walls, finished the floor, built the veranda, and plastered the exterior of the building. Just finished the painting. Praise God!Dining Hall complete after 15 years! Thanks be to God!

Ten years on, construction of the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist is now complete! Praise God!

Rector’s Challenge 2019

Students sing in inter house competitions #bishopmcallistercollegekyogyera.

Students and pupils showing their talents in MDD. Its been a wonderful weekend at the hill. Canon Caleb you must be missing this!!!!!

Tr.Marie giving out sports’ equipment and telescope to the school!!!!!

Palm Sunday and Easter Vigil 2019

PTA Meeting, Resurrection Race and more…







Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) August 2019 Update

August Update 2019

Please continue to pray for:

  1. For our 6th Anniversary this 24th and 25th of August 19, Safe travel for Proclaim  Band coming from Tegucigalpa to help us worship.
  2. Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord on Roatán, Honduras.
  3. The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor and ceramic tiles.
  4. Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole.
  5. Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his ministry to English-speakers at Eastern Roatán.
  6. For youth leadership, that God will provide someone to minister to and guide the young people.
  7. Spiritual and practical outreach in the local communities.
  8. For leadership for the Church in Roatán.
  9. The Episcopal Church in Honduras, for the process toward self-sufficiency by the end of 2019.

Congratulations Anique!

We are very proud to announce that our scholarship student, Anique Hernandez, has graduated from high school in Belize. Congratulations Anique!

Graduation benediction prayer

May God’s blessing follow you as you find new journeys to travel. May you walk safely along the pathways of your dreams.
May his gentle hand guide the decisions you will make and the passions that you follow.
May your heart and life always reflect his love and truth,
And may hope be a light within you that you carry into each new day.
