Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Shrove Tuesday has always been a celebration for the Cathedral congregation.

Join us at Cathedral Memorial Hall, 168 Church Street, on 04 March, 2025 between 4:30-6:30 pm. The meal will include pancakes, sausages, and beans followed by gingerbread with toppings. Coffee and tea will be available. Admission is by freewill donation.

We need a few extra helpers to make it happen again this year! Can you assist as a table server? It's always a smooth-running and enjoyable event with lots of smiles and “thank you”s, and it’s a great way to see old friends and new visitors. Contact Jim Morell or the Cathedral Office to volunteer. Email <office at> or phone 506-450-8500.

See photos from past pancake suppers, and more activities and events from the Guild of St. Joseph.

Many contributions to the pancake supper

Gary Barfitt, President of the Cathedral Guild of St. Joseph, shared this message of thanks regarding the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper.

Gary Barfitt, David Perritt and Jim Morell - three of the many volunteers who spent time organizing and serving at the 2024 pancake supper.

As we close the books on our 2024 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, on behalf of the Cathedral Guild of St. Joseph, I want to offer a huge thank-you to all those who helped make it a success. Thank you to all the volunteers who worked to get the pancakes, sausages, beans, and gingerbread from the back of the kitchen to the tables in the Hall. There were over 50 people taking care of the many and varied tasks required to feed this year’s over 170 patrons. And the generosity of those patrons raised more than $1900 towards the work of the Guild. We especially thank those people who supported us by attending the event and, apparently, enjoying the meal and the opportunity to spend time with friends.

Stay tuned for our next Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper which will be on Tuesday, March 4, 2025!

The approximately 220 people came and went over a two-hour dinner period, seated "family style" in long tables in the Main Hall. Don't worry, all of the volunteers got to eat, too! It was a great opportunity for conversation with fellow Cathedral members and neighbours from our community.

If you, or anyone you know, left an item at the event, drop by Cathedral Memorial Hall to check the coat rack and the Lost & Found box!

Several members of the Cathedral Communications Committee took photos of the popular event, which are shared below.

Holy Joes gathering

The motto of the Guild of St. Joseph is “Serving God and Church with heart and hands.” The focus is the maintenance and repair of the fabric of the Cathedral, the Green, and Memorial Hall.

Once again, the Guild (affectionately known as the "Holy Joes") held a Christmas Reception with invited guests. This year's was a bit different in that they chose to hold it after Christmas, on Twelfth Night afternoon. It was a lovely gathering of food and friends, to ring in the New Year.

The Guild hosts an annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, provides a Halloween watch, spring flood watch and the 'Greening of the Cathedral' during Advent. They have done many repair and beautification projects, and have resumed the “Guild Work Period” where, once a month, members gather to perform required maintenance work.

The group meets in the Hall Lounge on the first Tuesday of each month (September through June), and warmly welcomes new members. For more information, speak with the Guild President, Gary Barfitt, any member, or contact the Cathedral Office.

Accessibility at the Cathedral

Gary Barfitt, President of the Cathedral's Guild of St. Joseph (affectionately known as the Holy Joes), sent us this update about a recent project at the Cathedral. Thanks to the workers who keep our buildings tidy and safe!

Back in the late spring, at one of the last Holy Joes' meetings before summer break, one of our members spoke of the need for the carpet at the Cathedral west entrance to be replaced. We decided to take on the task.

Later in the summer, we removed the old carpet and, upon inspecting the wooden ramp, found that we needed to replace some of the wood. Once the wood was replaced, we contacted a local flooring company to supply and install new carpet.

The final "step" was to install a transition/threshold between the ramp and the driveway [for wheelchairs and walkers to easily roll over the gap]. That was completed recently.

People and Pancakes

The smell of pancakes and sausages filled Cathedral Memorial Hall on February 21st during the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. After a two-year hiatus, the Guild of St. Joseph returned with many volunteers to host the supper. The men of the Cathedral greeted, cooked, served and cleaned during this much-loved event.

The "Holy Joes" as the Guild is affectionately called, graciously served almost 200 Cathedral parishioners, friends and members of the community. Many were thrilled to resume the longtime tradition, which celebrates the beginning of Lent.

Gathering together in the middle of winter gave a much-needed lift to everyone's spirits. Conversation filled the air, as old and new friends gathered over the delicious shared meal.

Gary Barfitt, President of the Guild of St. Joseph, shared this message:

"The Guild of St. Joseph would like to say thank you to all who made the revival of our Pancake Supper such a resounding success this past week. We served almost 200 patrons. A special word of thanks to those who supported us in so many ways, including providing gingerbreads, serving at the tables and those who helped with the clean-up after the supper. We could not have done it without all the volunteers. The very generous freewill contributions at the door will be put to good use as Guild members continue their work."

Not just for breakfast: history of pancake suppers

Shrove Tuesday is just around the corner and for many Christians, that means pancakes for supper!

Not being a pancake lover, I decided to do a little research on this questionable meal choice. I knew that Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Day, Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras) preceded Ash Wednesday when many folks give up something that they love as a sort of penance during Lent. Historically, it would be rich food of some sort that was given up and your Shrove Tuesday meal would be your last kick at the rich food can, so to speak.

This just made me all the more curious why anyone would choose pancakes as their last tasty meal!

Well, it seems that we owe a debt of gratitude (or not) to a lady in the middle of cooking up a pancake supper. When the Church bells rang in Olney, UK one day in 1445 indicating it was time for confession (where one would be “shriven” or absolved of sin), she ran to the Church in her apron, clutching her frying pan full of pancakes.

And now, centuries later, in many parts of the UK, pancake races are a big part of Shrove Tuesday celebrations. And, not surprisingly, the most famous race of all is held in Olney where local “housewives” don their aprons, hats and scarves, clutch their frying pans and race to the finish line, all the while flipping their pancake at least three times. The first woman to finish the course and arrive at the Church, serve her pancake to the bellringer and kiss him wins the race.

Pancake recipes can apparently be traced back to Roman times. The main ingredients – milk, flour, eggs – were considered “rich” ingredients which, I guess, accounts for their becoming the “rich” meal of choice.

Even if they aren’t my favourite food group, the following description of Shrove Tuesday at the Cathedral may be enough to entice me out this year. I asked Jim Morrell for his memories of Shrove Tuesday meals at Christ Church Cathedral.

Here’s what Jim had to say:

“Male members of the Cathedral (take that Olney!) have been preparing and serving pancakes, sausages and beans for the Shrove Tuesday congregation-and-friends supper for over 60 yeas. One of my childhood memories is eating pancakes that my Dad served to my Mother, brother and me in the original Memorial Hall lower level in the late 1950’s. Not only was it a tasty (mmmm) and plentiful meal for the growing number of post-war baby boomers like me, it was a 'day off' so to speak for our stay-at-home Moms who didn’t have to prepare it. It’s always been lots of fun for those who come to enjoy the food and the conversation and for those who cook and serve.”

Well, Jim, you and the members of St. Joseph’s Guild will be warming up your favourite pancake flipper in no time!

Maybe even I will put aside my pancake dislike and come out for that evening of fun with family and friends. After all, there will be lots of time after supper to grab some chocolate or other rich delicacy on the way home before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent!

by Gail MacGillivray

Celebrate the beginning of Lent by attending Christ Church Cathedral’s Shrove Tuesday pancake supper at Cathedral Memorial Hall on 04 March, 2025 from 4:30-6:30 pm. Enjoy pancakes, sausages, and beans followed by gingerbread with toppings. Coffee and tea will be available. Admission is through freewill donation. Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends and family!

22-Guild of St. Joseph BBQ

In September, the Guild of St. Joseph (affectionately referred to as the Holy Joes) gathered for a shared meal.

The last time this Cathedral men's group held a barbecue was in June 2019, over 3 years ago, and members were pleased to enjoy this time of fellowship, along with their spouses and Cathedral staff members.

Approximately 25 people attended and enjoyed socializing over hamburgers, hot dogs, fresh local corn on the cob, salads and desserts.

The Guild's motto is “Serving God and Church with heart and hands.” The focus is the maintenance and repair of the fabric of the Cathedral, the Green, and Memorial Hall.

Typically, the Guild hosts an annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (which they hope to resume this spring) and provides a Halloween watch, spring flood watch and the 'Greening of the Cathedral' during Advent.

The group meets in the Hall Lounge on the first Tuesday of each month (September through June), and warmly welcomes new members. For more information, speak with the Guild President, Gary Barfitt, or contact the Cathedral Office.