Choose your own ADVENT-ure 2022

Happy New Year! — The new Church year is upon us!

 Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?

Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship.  You are encouraged and invited to add at least one new Advent-ure to your schedule this year!

*** Events begin after the first Sunday of Advent (27 November, 2022) ***


  • So What About the Bible (Anyway)? Reflective study on the nature and purpose(s) of the biblical scriptures. Led by Cheryl Jacobs. In-person and livestreamed (hybrid), 2:00-3:00 p.m. from the Boardroom of Cathedral Memorial Hall.
    * Please reserve your ‘seat’ with Cheryl or Kurt.



  • December—Month of Miracles: Advent 2022 Talks with retired Bishop Bill Hockin and musical guests.
    7 December - “A Friend Who Changes Everything”
    14 December - “Miracles on the Margin”
    * 12:15-1:00 p.m., Christ Church (Parish) Church


  • Virtual Taizé worship: A simple and contemplative half hour of scripture, prayer, and song. 5:30pm start.
    1 and 15 December on Zoom
    8 and 22 December in-person and livestreamed from Christ Church Cathedral
    * Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.


  • Adoratio: A simple and contemplative, Celtic-flavoured half hour of scripture, prayer(s) and quiet in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. 5:30 p.m., Christ Church Cathedral Side (Lady) Chapel.
    * Just drop in!


  • Divine Office: Regular (and brief) daily prayer, each weekday in the Cathedral. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m., Evening Prayer at 4:45 p.m.
    * Just drop in!
  • Divine Comedy: Reflective study of Dante’s poetic masterpiece. Led by Alan Hall. Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Just drop in!
  • Holy Eucharist: Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.


Questions or expressions of interest can be communicated to Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt by email <formation at> or by phone/text to (506) 259-3711. Thank you, and Advent Blessings!

Advent candles are available from Mothers’ Union after 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. worship on November 20 and 27. The cost is $20 for a set of five candles and the booklet 'Celebrating Advent at Home.’ Candle sets can also be ordered by contacting Susan Watson <bagel.watson at>.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction originated as spiritual mentoring in monasteries, but it is now offered by retreat centers, congregations, and individuals. It is a unique one-to-one relationship in which a trained person assists another person in the search for ever-closer connections with God (however you might call the "something more" beyond yourself), to your true self, and to those in the world around you.

Spiritual Direction encourages you to explore a deeper relationship with the spiritual dimensions of human existence by telling your own sacred story.

Spiritual Direction is more about "holy listening" than of providing "direction" in the sense of offering instructions, assignments, or direct advice, although that sometimes happens and can be requested. A spiritual director listens carefully to the unfolding of your life to help you discern the ways you are being led to a deeper and richer life.

If you are interested in exploring Spiritual Direction, contact Deacon Debbie Edmondson by email <dedmondson at> or phone (506) 282-1015.

“Spiritual direction explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human. Simply put, spiritual direction is helping people tell their sacred stories every day."
— Liz Budd Ellmann, former Executive Director, Spiritual Directors International

World Day of Prayer: Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action

04 March, 2022

Imagine Christians from over 170 countries coming together in spirit, uniting on a common day to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children. This is a reality: the World Day of Prayer movement has been active for nearly 100 years.

The motto of the World Day of Prayer movement is Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action. Through our participation in the World Day of Prayer, we affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence on the world.

Each year, a different country writes the service materials. The Prayer Service Video, prepared by the Women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada can be watched online.  A children's video, Kids Pray Too! is also available.

A television broadcast of the World Day of Prayer will be available to watch in Fredericton on Friday, 04 March at 9:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. on Bell Fiber TV channel 26 and Bell TV satellite channel 539.

Donations made online or by mail to Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada will help support women and children who are fighting injustice and abuse. Learn more at <>.

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service, we can learn how our sisters of other countries, languages and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can hear their concerns and needs and can join in solidarity with them as we pray with and for them. In this way, it is possible to enrich our Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international, ecumenical expression.

Pandemic Prayers

Update: This resource has been updated with two additional prayers.

The Anglican Foundation of Canada has published 'Brought to our Knees: Prayers during COVID-19' featuring prayers for individuals who are ill, front-line workers, faith communities, musicians and choirs, students, and summer rest.

Digital copies are free.

Print copies are available for $5 each through the AFC Store.

The prayers were written by The Reverend Canon Dr. Judy Rois, author of two books of prayers for children, and Executive Director of AFC.

World Day of Prayer Video

A World Day of Prayer video has been created to view at home and with small groups. It is based on the worship bulletin prepared by the women of Vanuatu and edited by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada. The one-hour video features a dance performed on the shores of New Brunswick, reflecting the theme ‘Build on a Strong Foundation’. A digital copy of the bilingual service booklet is available to accompany the video.

Click here to watch the video on the WICC website.

Tax Receipts will be issued for all donations of $20 or more. Donate by:

  • Mail:
    Individual cheques may be made out to Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada and mailed to:
    WICC (Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada)
    47 Queen’s Park Crescent East
    Toronto, ON   M5S 2C3
  • Online:
    Use the 'Donate' button on the WICC website.
  • Text:
    Donate by texting (647) 953-5557