Reflections on the Second Sunday after Penetecost (Proper 9 Year B)

1 SAMUEL 3:1-10 (11-20); PSALM 139:1-5, 12-17; 2 CORINTHIANS 4:5-12; MARK 2:23-3:6

“Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10

One might be tempted to identify God himself as the deepest mystery of faith. In our times, being able to hold on to a worldview and way of making sense of reality that includes belief in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, invisible yet revealed may seem increasingly uncommon. But ordering one’s life around love in such a way is no less life-giving than ever.

I entered the room and the lights were low. A voice spoke softly. “Al, I love you.” It was Al and Mary in the room. The doctor had shared with Mary that it would only be a day or two now. The recent period of declining health had brought Al into Hospice care. “Al, I love you,” Mary said again, quietly.

This couple had been married for over five decades. When they married Al worked a construction job. Mary was the homemaker who enjoyed giving attention to the small but important details. It was the 1960's and life seemed simple enough. Soon came the announcement that a baby was on the way. Their first daughter was born. Life changed. Mary and Al had to give up the freedom they enjoyed as newlyweds. They had new responsibilities, and they seemed to be the perfect little family. A couple of years went by and another announcement – a second girl. Resources were tight enough but so wasn’t the family. Some necessary adjustments and sacrifice and they were four. Another year and number three, a boy was more of a challenge. How would a three-bedroom, post-war bungalow accommodate? But dreams of a back porch combined with a new bedroom came to be, and then there were five.
The oldest had just graduated from high school when the diagnosis came. Al had multiple sclerosis. He would begin several decades with the disease that slowly chipped away at his physical abilities. Mary had gone to work for the first time since high school and loved it. But becoming the breadwinner wasn’t without its challenges. A colleague asked her one day if it was what she had signed up for. Her answer: “I do whatever I need to do.”

“Al, I love you.” When Mary and Al had stood in the little church back home and answered the question “Will you?” with “I will,” neither of them knew what would come. The commitment they made to one another was for a lifetime. Our most important commitments are like that. Love is like that.

When the boy Samuel heard the voice in the night call to him, “Samuel, Samuel,” he first thought it was his mentor. Old Eli told Samuel that when you hear this again, say “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” The message was for Eli and for the house of Israel – a word of harsh judgment. A word of challenge. God was about to punish Eli and the nation for their misdeeds, their blaspheming, their iniquity, wickedness, sin. Samuel was learning early that loving is seldom easy. Even though it may begin with hopeful excitement and joyful expectation, it would require something of him too.

The disciples were walking through the grainfield. We’re not told if they casually and unintentionally brushed the heads of wheat that day, grabbing a snack to curb the hunger of the moment. But it was the Sabbath. Pharisees looked on and immediately saw a violation of the age-old law.

We often find it easy to criticize the Pharisees. We blame them for their legalism and nitpicking the letter of the Law. But maybe we shouldn’t judge them just yet. It’s early in the Gospel of Mark. The Pharisees loved God. They had learned through years of study and service – sacrifice, that the way to love the Lord our God was to do as God commands. The law as it was revealed and delivered was complicated and extensive. Ten Commandments only hit the highlights. What about the Sabbath? To rest from work is a commandment. It includes instruction about the what and when to be sure but more importantly, like every rule, behind it is a good reason why. We are commanded to rest because we need it. But it's more than that. It’s also family time, a time to restore relationships, and do that which revives both body and soul. These days stores are open 24/7, hockey tournaments are strategically scheduled on Sundays, mobile phones dinging and danging at all hours of the day and night, and most weeks are packed full of trying to do it all. Sabbath convenience for us means work for someone else. The jury is still out. There’s a cost we haven’t yet counted. Pharisees loved God and they showed it by doing what God commanded.

Jesus was not about redefining the Law. He came not to abolish but to fulfill.

Jesus was not about redefining the Law. He came not to abolish but to fulfill. But he did bring a needed emphasis to the why. He upheld the importance of the spirit of the Law not just its letter. A re-focus on the why of a commitment may mean adjustment, change, reorientation, and almost always, sacrifice.

“Al, I love you.” Mary was there to the very end. Her words were perhaps the last Al heard before his eyes closed for the final time. They were far from empty. In them was the why of the commitments by which they both lived their lives. The commitments we make to love God, the commitments we make to love one another require sacrifice. They require adaptation, change, and giving. The commitments are not about us, they are almost always about the other and the greatest mystery may be, that we are the better for them. “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”

2024 Memorial Hall Stair lift project

At the direction of Bishop and Chapter we're moving forward on a project to replace the north entrance stair lift at Memorial Hall. At the moment, we're inaccessible for those confined to a wheelchair or unable to negotiate the stairs. Our hope is installation by the end of summer. The approximate cost is $30,000. We've had indications of support from both the Diocesan Synod and the Guild of St. Joseph. Contributions are being both encouraged and requested and will receive the usual receipt for income tax purposes.

The installation contract was awarded to Lawtons Home Health Care, Halifax for the commercial-grade Garaventa lift Xpress II.

Xpress II - inclined platform

The Garaventa lift Xpress II inclined platform wheelchair lift is designed to provide economical access between two landings.

The platform travels on two rails which are secured directly to the wall or to support towers and is propelled by means of a carriage-mounted rack and pinion drive system. When the platform is not in use it is folded, taking up minimal space on the stairway.

The Xpress II is cost-effective and is ADA compliant. With a variety of standard and optional features available, it can be designed to suit the needs of the user and building owner.

Product details here.

Saying YES! to kids camping

Say Yes to Kids Camping


This year the Diocese of Fredericton is joining the Anglican Foundation of Canada's Say Yes! to Kids movement with our very own Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry fundraising team.

The Diocese of Fredericton is blessed with Camp Medley, Camp Brookwood, and the St. Michael’s Youth Conference, all of which offer our children and youth unforgettable summer experiences in God's creation.

In our Diocese we believe that no child should be turned away from summer camp because of their financial circumstances. It is hoped that with participation from people and parishes across the Diocese of Fredericton, this year’s Say Yes! to Kids campaign will encourage camperism by increasing the amount of sponsorship funds available to all three camps.

Join our Diocesan family as we seek to make the summer 2024 camping season as accessible and enjoyable to as many children as possible.

You can support the Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry team in three ways:

  • Celebrate a Say Yes! to Kids Sunday in your church on June 2, or any other Sunday in June, with the help of the liturgical resource developed by AFC.
  • Make a donation to our Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry team. DONATE ONLINE HERE.
  • Pray for the success of this year's Say Yes! to Kids campaign and for youth ministries in your community, in our diocese, and across the Anglican Church of Canada.

Please give generously to the Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry today and help to grow a brighter future for young people in the Diocese of Fredericton and beyond.

Thank you!

Archbishop David Edwards
Bishop of Fredericton

P.S. You can also mail a cheque, payable to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, with "Fredericton Says Yes!" in the memo line to the address below. Or watch for your Spring AFC newsletter and make your donation using the donation form and business reply envelope.

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 21 May 2024 with 11 of 12 members present, Archbishop Edwards, chair. Minutes of 13 March, and special purpose meetings 09 April, 24 April, 01 May were adopted. An article entitled “5 Ways to Minimize the Stress of Pastor and Employee Evaluations” by Sarai Rice was referenced. Congregations often evaluate the work of staff in ways that lead to a lot of stress. Fortunately, the church can do better.

PRESENTATION - Future Fredericton Cathedral Foundation

Canon Charles Ferris and Tom Maston shared with Chapter work done thus far by the advisory group exploring foundation possibilities for the future Cathedral operations on behalf of: Melissa Dawe, Jean-Paul Desjardins, Bruce Eddy, Charles Ferris, Bill Jones, John Leroux, Lori Mais-McCord, Tom Maston, and Vanessa Youssef. Four recommendations to begin as soon as possible 1) Name and federally incorporate the foundation; 2) Make assets available for a financial campaign to acquire further restoration funds. Transfer maintenance funds to establish an endowment. A congregational meeting to amend the Restoration Fund By-Law will be required. 3) Begin work with all parties to develop an initial operating agreement 4) Approve transfer of Cathedral property to the new foundation


P. Shepherdson - communication from the Diocesan Synod re financial assistance with Memorial Hall chair lift replacement project



• the Dean offered a written report of Cathedral ministry activity since 13 March including the intention of vacation 08 July- 04 August 2024. Note that annual staff reviews will be scheduled in June


• 2 meetings of Synod Finance Committee; 1 Bishop’s Counsel


• Cathedral staff reviews during June; 3 committals scheduled; wedding 06 July (Smith/Demerchant); Diocesan Synod is 02 Nov


• Cathedral Foundation - approve the name and consent in principle to the transfer of property. Current maintenance assets to be transferred

• Hall chair lift- that the lift be replaced (approx $30,000). Funding: Hall Renovation Fund, Guild of St. Joseph, Diocesan Synod and an appeal for contributions

• Restoration Fund Committee - appointed - R. Crowe, G. Hall, G. Young-Morris, C. MacDonald, J. Mahar, A. Decken (See By-Law s.6)

• Interim cleaning services - that we engage Crystal Clean Maintenance

• Food cupboard - approval to Mothers’ Union to install a food cupboard on the Green in consultation with the Property Committee


Nominating - Chapter will need to express its will on current vacancies (Committees on Worship, Christian Formation, Vice-Chair)

Buildings and Property - current projects: hall chair lift ($30,000), unexpected hall boiler repair ($8500); cathedral sprinkler flushing 17-21 June ($60,000), interim cleaning and maintenance arrangements

Communications - invitation to any who would like to be involved especially with writing and on-going website needs

Finance and Administration - Safe Church initiatives underway, sexton search, tour guides to hire for July/August

Christian Formation - “Living with Dying,” Thy Kingdom Come 2024

Health / Pastoral Care - blood pressure clinics possible, tea in April

Mission / Outreach - some casual questions about future mission trips

Welcome Hospitality - Sunday refreshments main focus

Worship - meeting this week, summer music series coming together

Treasurer - April YTD Revenue $193,602 Expense $190,240


• Congregational Meeting - Sunday, 16 June 2024 following 10:30 a.m. worship - Agenda: amendment of Restoration Fund By-Law

• Next meeting - 18 June 2024



A Different World – Reflections on the Sixth Sunday of Easter

This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you ... John 15:12

The words of the gospel on the Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year B) finish up what was begun a week ago. You might remember that Jesus was on about vines and branches, abiding, pruning and fruit-bearing. All were images he used to help the disciple see their relationships in concrete ways. He was illustrating how they were to continue to abide with him ... even after they would no longer be able to see him, and how they were to treat one another (“... they will know we are Christians by our love, by our love”). And a week before that, Jesus compared the shepherd who loves the sheep to the hired hand who high tails it out of there at the first sign of trouble.

In this season, following the events of Easter, we see a kaleidoscope of images that provide commentary for us about the kind of life Jesus came to show us to live. We like to joke a bit about how the disciples never seem to get the point. We recount their all too human, fickle ways. Thomas couldn’t first bring himself to believe. Peter denied even knowing Jesus multiple times. In the emotional trauma of the whole scene, Judas committed suicide. I think we enjoy remembering all these less-than-heroic examples of the characters who were closest to the Son of God. And I think we are smugly far too certain that we are nothing like them.

Someone once said it’s impossible to see clearly with much understanding until you can see from 20,000 feet. That is to say, so often our perspective is encumbered with so much intricacy, that it’s limited in all sorts of complicated ways. Our self-interest is most often in the way of our perception. Unless we can see the way whatever might be happening right under our nose impacts us personally and directly, regardless of its import, we don’t really pay very much attention at all.

I’ve been slowly making my way around to Cathedral groups to gently suggest, recommend, (sometimes beg) that we give attention to acquiring the training prescribed under the Safe Church protocols the Anglican Church has been working to implement for over a decade. What’s interesting is, that most of us, when the suggestion is first made, can’t seem to see how it has anything to do with them. We either have a ridiculously narrow concept of what being safe in the church means, we can’t see how it could be of any benefit to us personally, we’re 100% certain that we’re guilty of nothing, or we can’t imagine how we could be part of making Christ Church Cathedral a place where everyone feels safe. That’s funny, since you and I are Christ Church Cathedral. Most eyebrows go up when there’s suggestion that safe church protocols have little, if anything to do with clergy abusing children. It could but it thoroughly misses the point.

But I digress. While we’re so busy musing over the stupidity of 2000-year-old disciples, from where hindsight is 20/20, maybe from 20,000 feet on a cloudless day, we still surprisingly often just don’t get it. Jesus uses simple, straightforward, concrete illustrations to make certain he is understood. The logic he uses is not complicated. Still, what he has to say is a foreign language to us. The reality out of which Jesus speaks is not our reality. – Exactly! It’s not our reality. And that’s our problem.

... it’s important that we all do something right

Why is this even important to us? Because the way we live now is a mirror of the way we will live in eternity. The way we acquire assurance of where we will be is by the way we are now. “Abide in me ... bear fruit, fruit that will last.” St. Paul said “we look as in a mirror dimly, then we will see face to face ... there is “a more excellent way,” he said. And that way is love. And Paul did not spare the specifics:

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you ...” It can’t get much simpler than that. It’s not about thoughtless, unquestioned obedience to some completely irrelevant purpose. It’s about joining in on the larger purpose of the creator of the universe. We do that through his Son who was sent to show us in concrete ways to show us "the Way." He is the way, truth and the life.

Why are prisons full? Why are there homeless people on the streets? Why does law enforcement receive crisis calls at all times of the day and night about domestic violence. This is, unfortunately, not the mirror of eternity. This is not the world God would have it be. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you ...” As a human race, as Canadians, New Brunswickers, Frederictonians, and as citizens, I’m afraid we still just don’t get it.

Learning how to love is our homework and it never ends. We can always do it better. Learning about safe church protocols is for my own good and yours. Not because you’ve done something wrong but because it’s important that we all do something right. It’s because we care about the community – the family to which we belong and of which we want to actively a part. It's important to be assured that we’re all aware of what makes this place as safe as it can be.

03 May 2024

Growing a new generation of pray-ers?

Thy Kingdom Come

One thing I really look forward to during Thy Kingdom Come is praying with my grandchildren. Why not join in with me?

Here are five ways in which your family or your children’s group might join together in praying during Thy Kingdom Come, 18th-28th May 2023.

Plant seed stick prayers – Pray for your 5 non-Christian neighbours and friends and plant a seed! Write their name on the top of the seed stick and watch the sunflowers grow as you pray each day. Thy Kingdom Come Pray for 5 Seeds

Tune into the Cheeky Pandas! Why not tune in to an episode with the Cheeky Pandas, try an accompanying activity pack and order some of the Cheeky Pandas stickers and share with your friends?

Why not make some prayer beads – using these instructions? Prayer Beads Instructions. Here is an example of how the prayer beads can be used: Thy Kingdom Come - A wave of prayer across the nations

Why not try rocket prayers! If you have an outdoor space why not try lifting 5 friends in prayer? Buchan family fun - rocket prayers

There are a few ideas here such as Prayer Craft TKC 23 Ideas.

And a sneaky 6 th idea Take a glass of water and drop a fizzy vitamin tablet in it and as you watch it change the water ask God to pour his love into the hearts of those you are praying for.

by the Reverend Canon Jean Kerr for Thy Kingdom Come 2023

Toccata from Symphony No 5 by C.M. Widor

The Symphony for Organ No. 5 in F minor, Op. 42, No. 1, was composed by Charles-Marie Widor in 1879. The full symphony lasts for about 35 minutes.

The fifth movement, in F major, is often referred to as just Widor's Toccata because it is his most famous piece. It lasts around six minutes. Its fame in part comes from its frequent use as recessional music at festive Christmas and wedding ceremonies.

Jesus Christ Conquers

ησο ς Χριστὸς νικ is the Greek that in English is often written IC XC NIKA.

This symbolism is perhaps most appropriate to the Easter season and important at any celebration of the Resurrection such as a funeral or memorial – “Jesus Christ conquers.”

Jesus Christ Conquers bannerThe IC and XC are the first and last letters in the Greek words for Jesus and Christ, respectively. NIKA is connected to the word for victory, which we know from Greek mythology and even consumerism as “Nike.” Nike is the Greek goddess of victory, both in regards to war and friendly competition. She is often associated with Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, and Zeus, the king of the Gods.

Christian denominations through history have incorporated this symbol in their denominational imagery, and it appears on various vestments, banners, or engravings. Popular in the Eastern Christian tradition, it often appears in iconography. Traditions where Communion is important have often had the formula stamped on communion breads.

Some biblical passages worth reflection and associated with the message:

Romans 8:31-39
1 Corinthians 15:50-58
What does it mean to be more than conquerors?

Psalm 20
What kinds of “victories” do we yearn for? What victory does the Psalmist describe? How are they similar or different from the victories of Romans 8?

1 John 5:1-5
How might this passage influence your understanding of Christ as conqueror?

2024 Easter Pastoral Letter

Risen header

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Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB Holy Week / Easter 2024

Dear Friends,

This year on Sundays we’re reading predominantly from the Gospel of Mark. If you are as all Christians need to be at some level a student of the Bible, you may know that Mark is unique. Being the earliest and the shortest of the four gospel accounts, scholars believe that all of the other gospel writers were aware of and, sometimes even relied on, the text of Mark’s gospel in the creation of their own – the majority of its words can be identified, sometimes verbatim, especially in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. But Mark had his own reasons for penning an account of the One who was born, suffered, died and rose again and how those events impacted those who belonged to “The Way” – the first Christians. (See Acts 9:1-2)

Among the most notable of the unique characteristics of the Markan text occurs near its end, including questions about when it actually ends. A couple of lines of text following Mark 16:8 is known as the “shorter” ending and Mark 16:9-19 is the “longer” version. Either of those endings make one thing very clear – the whole of the gospel culminates here. The reason Mark wrote this gospel was the shock, bewilderment, confusion, amazement and joy that set in on the third day after the crucifixion of Jesus.

Mark’s reasons may have been many and scholars have deduced some of them from the cultural context and his words affirming the reality in which he and his contemporaries lived. The Gospel of Mark was written during very troubled times. His were times of political instability, religious conflict, violence, terrorism, war, persecution and bloodshed. Mark’s time was full of doubt, disillusionment and insecurity. Does this sound at all familiar?

For Mark the struggle for believers was to commit to Jesus and his Good News in the face of only Bad News. The unmistakable character of the times was the struggle to believe in the face of suffering, loss and death. We don't need to look too far beyond our own backyard for a description of Mark’s times to be one also of ours. There was need for reassurance and faith where there was only doubt and witness to the truth that in the end good triumphs over evil.

The Good News is the same for us as it was for Mark. Jesus met darkness head on, died so that we need not die eternally and, is the Light that continues to shine even though a cold dark tomb once held him. Our reaction to this news can only mirror that of the author of Mark and rightly so: shock, bewilderment, confusion, amazement and joy. The Easter proclamation is “Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!” God has spoken and the Word is Life.

Blessings to you during this Holy Week and Eastertide. The Holy Week and Easter schedule is included here.

Give onlineYours sincerely,

Geoffrey signature

Geoffrey Hall
Dean of Fredericton