SERMON – “Principles of Christian Union” (02 September 1853)


There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling: One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. EPHESIANS  iv. 4,5,6.

The subject of this passage and its connexion, is the unity of the Church. This is set forth in the Scriptures every where as of essential importance. In the Old Testament the unity of the Church was guarded by the most express and solemn provisions. The Saviour himself inculcated it in the strongest terms as necessary to its greatest usefulness and efficiency. "That they all may be one, as thou Father art in me, and I in thee, that the world may know that thou halt sent me." This unity was most earnestly taught and maintained by the Holy Apostles, and beautifully exemplified in the primitive Church.

I will advert in their order to the great principles of this union, as they are named by the Apostle in the text.

THERE IS ONE BODY. The Church is a body: not an abstraction merely: not a theory only: not a spirituality: but a body. A body implies organization, dimensions, form. Applied to a society it denotes limits distinctly marked. It is ONE BODY. The oneness of the Church is a oneness of body. However many its members, however numerous its branches, however diversified its limbs, yet, as the human "body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ," i.e. the Church of Christ. "There is one body,"

AND ONE SPIRIT. For as the human body is animated by its spirit, and that spirit is one and indivisible, so that if a limb be severed from the body the spirit is not thereby divided so [3/4] as to animate alike the separated parts, but remains with the vital portion only; so the Holy Spirit, animating with life and efficacy the body of Christ's Church, is one spirit; and is a principle of union in the Church, as is the spirit of a man in the human body. The unity of the Church is a oneness not only of body but of spirit.

ONE HOPE OF YOUR CALLING. Likeness of condition and wants, of pursuits, of objects and hopes, is a ground of sympathy and a bond of union. This is one of the principles of union in Christ's body, the Church. That all are originally in the same lost condition, all need the same salvation, that all are to be saved by the same general means, and the same process of divine renewal, conducive to the same results on the character here, and all indulging the same blessed hopes hereafter, is an efficient preparation for a practical and delightful union of spirit and bond of peace among the members of Christ. Called in one hope of their calling into the same body, inheriting the same promises, they are united in the same interests, in the same means, and in the like endeavours to make their calling and election sure.

ONE LORD--the proprietor--the owner--the head. We have then one organization of homogeneous material, controlled by one mind, one body, and one spirit, with one head, one will, one source of authority; and that authority, that head, the Lord Jesus Christ, the husband and bridegroom of the Church, who loved the Church and gave himself for it. The members of the Church being thus vitally and directly connected with Christ, He becomes the great and effectual point of union to the body.

ONE FAITH is another principle of union. It is no easy matter, as is well known, to bring a large body of people to think precisely alike on all the various topics which come before them. The Church is an extensive society. And it is the condition of all association that some liberty must be restricted in order to secure the remainder, and to obtain other advantages of union. Men in society are put under a certain degree of restriction in order to preserve their freedom in matters that come within that restriction. This is the true notion of social liberty. The highest degree of civil liberty is attained and secured only by preserving the proper balance between restriction on the one hand and freedom on the other. [4/5] The Church has ever recognized this principle, as well in matters of faith as of practice. There are certain truths which are essential, being the very instruments in the hands of the Spirit of practical salvation. The essential truth, which he that believeth may be saved, the faith, so called, is one; and herein there must be union in the Church, otherwise her foundations are subverted. In the essentials of faith there must be agreement. But by the good Providence of God these essentials are very few, plain and distinct. They are comprized in that primitive, and by the Church universally received formula, the Apostles' Creed. This is the faith into which her members are baptized, that to which they as christians are pledged when they are initiated into her pale. Herein her faith is and ever has been one and the same.

You will observe that these distinctive, and saving, and consequently essential articles of the christian faith, are expressed in terms of extensive comprehension. In drawing the line of restriction the Church has made the circle so large as to comprehend the greatest freedom of opinion compatible with union in the essentials of the faith. By adopting the happy medium she secures union on the one hand and freedom on the other. The enlarging of the platform of faith can be done only by throwing out essential doctrine and marring the system of divine truth. By increasing the articles required restriction is increased, the platform is narrowed, liberty is infringed, schism is provoked, and the oneness of the faith violated. That the Church in her ancient Creeds has taken the true medium of restriction, whereby she bath kept the faith, and of freedom of opinion whereby she hath kept the unity of spirit in the bond of peace, has been tested by her long experience in the use of one and the same Creed from the Apostolic to the present age.

And observe the perfectly practical method whereby she holds and inculcates this unity of faith. She introduces her Creeds into her Liturgy, so that on every occasion of public worship her members,--men, women and children,--are called upon audibly to repeat and openly profess belief in the several articles of the christian faith. Thus these great truths, the very implements of the soul's salvation, are kept constantly before the mind. Then these same truths are so incorporated throughout her services, are made the very framework of prayer, are interwoven with all our wants, as argument and encouragement with God, as impulse and direction to the affections, so interwoven are they with the warmest devotions of the heart, [5/6] quickening the energy of supplication, and inspiring the confidence of filial trust, that they obtain lodgement in the best feelings of the soul, they become inscribed on the enduring tablet of the heart, with the cumulative authority of successful experiment. Thus the oneness in matters of faith is not a mere head work only, our devotions are so imbued with them, that we pray them into our very heart, "one Lord, one faith," and

ONE BAPTISM. This is the ordinance whereby we are incorporated into the body of Christ's Church. It is the sacrament of initiation to membership, the line of distinction which marks the limits of the society. That simple, solemn institution of Christ himself, for the express purpose of admission to his Church, whereby the Apostles admitted every member whom they received when they went forth among the various nations of the earth, actually became the form of initiation in all the branches of the Church; so that a person thus admitted in one branch was received as a member in all other branches. The one baptism was acknowledged among all the different tribes and kindreds of the earth wherever the body was to be found. However the distant branches might become diversified in matters non-essential, however they might vary the unprescribed ceremonial of the transaction, yet the washing with water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, was the. one baptism, into the one faith, practised and professed by all, whereby a member thus admitted was a member of the whole body. On this fundamental point the practice of all branches of the Church of Christ was and has been essentially the same. And to this day the one baptism marks, before God, before the Church, and before the world every member of the one body.

ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, WHO IS ABOVE ALL, AND THROUGH ALL, AND IN YOU ALL. In this oneness of God the Father, who is over all, reference seems to be made to that superintending divine Providence which, in all past time, has so signally interposed to preserve the Church in its integrity; which Providence, being that of the same God and Father, we have reason to hope, will overrule to promote the welfare and the oneness of the same body. And through all, refers to that one and the same blessed spiritual influence which, like an unbroken cord running through all branches and members of the body, becomes a strong bond of union to the whole. And in you all, alludes to that precious indwelling of God, that [6/7] participation of the divine nature, that manifestation of the Saviour's presence to the souls of true believers, whereby He is said to dwell in them and they in Him agreeably to his gracious promises. "If a man love me he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." "And I will manifest myself to him." I in them and thou in me." "Behold I stand at the door and knock: If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him and he with me." "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith." "He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him." "So he that eateth me, even he shall live by me." "As many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God." "Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you." "That ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." "One God and Father, in you all." Amazing truth! A wonderful bond of union is this! In the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ he offers and gives himself to be taken and received by the faithful; thus renewing their spiritual life, increasing and strengthening their vital union with himself and with each other. "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we being many are one bread and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread." By the right and frequent partaking of that one bread are we made of the one body: union with the Church is strengthened and sustained, Christ is received. He gives us his flesh to eat, comes unto us and dwells in us, God the Father, Spirit, Son, over all, through all, and in you all!

Such brethren is the oneness of the Church, and such are some of the great principles of Christian union, as the same are enumerated by Saint Paul in the text. Schism is a state of separation from the great body of the Church by the sundering of some or all of these ties. It is a grievous sin against the body of Christ, fraught with manifold evils to the community, and with great danger to the transgressor. Christians are liable to fall into sin. Surrounded by temptations and inclined to evil, they are too frequently ensnared; and while they should be lights in the world, and examples to others, they may themselves become sadly involved in sin. When they violate the third commandment they commit the sin of profaneness. When they indulge in evil speaking they violate [7/8] the ninth commandment, and commit the sin of slander. When they transgress the tenth commandment they commit the sin of "covetousness, which is idolatry." And so the violation of these principles of Church union is sin against the welfare of His Church, who prayed, and labored, and suffered, that its members might be all one. And as there are (it may be) many christians who are guilty (it is to be feared) of the sins of covetousness, and of slander, so is it to be feared there are many christians guilty, more or less, of the sin of schism.

Sins may be committed ignorantly. Saint Paul persecuted the Church ignorantly. It was a grievous wrong notwithstanding. God knows what deductions to make for the ignorance of the offender, and how to estimate rightly the offence. One may be in a state of schism through ignorance. But when duly admonished it behoves him to inform himself. He must not willingly continue in ignorance when he might have the means of knowing. Ignorance is but a poor excuse to him who intentionally retains it.

One may have been born in a state of schism, and may have received all his early training under its influence. However such circumstances may, in his case, extenuate the guilt of schism, which is not for us to decide, they do not supersede its mischiefs. An infant child may be nursed at the breast of an inebriate, and even fed with intoxicating drinks. And how far his consequent habits of intemperance are chargeable to his own fault, it is hard to say. But of the mischiefs of drunkenness, there can be no question. God only knows how to distribute the responsibility with perfect accuracy, and how to dispense a righteous judgment. There is great danger lest one bred in schism should never be persuaded to renounce it. The strong influence of early convictions involves the soul in a snare from which reason and truth may not be able to deliver.

Associated as we are in society, there is great danger of partaking in the errors and wickedness-of those around us. Thus many of the primitive christians were so situated in the midst of surrounding idolatry, as to make it exceedingly difficult to take and maintain such a course as should not involve them at all in the idolatrous practices of their relatives and neighbours. So is it difficult for us always to avoid giving encouragement to the prevailing schism with which we unavoidably come in contact. The holy Scriptures are not wanting in admonitions on this subject. Saith Saint John, "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that [8/9] biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds." And Saint Paul cautions Timothy not to "be partaker of other men's sins." Difficult as it may, at times, be to avoid participation of the sin of schism, so rife around us, yet it should not be forgotten that it is a sin productive of enormous mischiefs, which we cannot countenance and encourage without partaking of the guilt thereof.

We christian brethren are highly privileged in that we belong to a Church not in a state of schism, but of the one body, the body of Christ: As a body in connexion with Christ: by a connexion with which we have connexion with Christ our Head "Members of Christ," and if faithful to these principles of union, "children of God, and inheritors of the kingdom of heaven."

And one Spirit--as not spirit without body, so not body without spirit. Let christians feel continually (and they cannot feel it too impressively) their entire dependence in all outward ministrations of the Church upon that Divine Spirit, which inspires and animates the body. Let every outward exercise be but the form of the spiritual, every external, the expression of its internal.

And be united in the hope of your calling. Aim at one and the same point of attainment. Use the same means for the same ends. The will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you is your sanctification. Your greatest fitness for Heaven, is the purpose of the Church, by training in God's worship, and by subjecting you to the enlightening influence of His truth. Keep this object in view. With singleness of aim, with urgency of effort, press onward in the same way which Christ bath consecrated, toward the mark of the prize of your high calling.

One Lord, who must be our Lord, our Supreme Master, whose will we must obey, whose interest we must serve, even the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Lord of the Church, its Proprietor, its Head, the Chief Corner Stone of its foundation. We must have the one Lord, and the same which the Church has and ever has had, and no other. Not an imaginary Christ, not a mere man, not a superior creation of angelic nature, not a fanciful being, but He, the same that founded the Church, declared it to be a perpetual institution, and promised to be with it to the end of the world, its Head, its Lord. This Lord must be our Lord; His will, our will; His word, our law.

One Faith must we have, and that the same which was once delivered to the Saints, the Church, and transmitted in her [9/10] Creeds. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." But what Christ? The Christ of the Church. Christ as set forth in articles of "the Faith once delivered to" her, and which she has transmitted. Believe these truths of Christ, the Christ set forth therein. Receive, embrace, confide in this Christ, "and thou shalt be saved:" The one Faith and the same from its first delivery till now.

One Baptism, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, must we be baptized with. "He that believeth (the one Faith) and is baptized, shall be saved." It is by baptism that we are connected with the one body of Christ, are made members of Christ, children of God, and inheritors of the kingdom of heaven. "Our Saviour Christ saith, None can enter into the kingdom of God except he be regenerate and born anew of water and of the Holy Ghost." "Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again." Let the unbaptized yield themselves to this positive requirement of Christ; and in the exercise of Repentance and Faith, and in submission to His will and authority, be received into the body of His Church, and be made partakers of the promises and hopes with which the Lord hath endowed His spouse. Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost; that one Spirit which animates the one body, into which ye are incorporated by the one Baptism.

And let it be remembered that this incorporation is to be quickened and sustained by frequent communion with the body by prayer, and by the faithful use of the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ. That bread which he gives is his flesh, which he gives for the life of the world. And thus, feeding his people, he dwells in them, and they in him, and the Spirit bath his Temple of their bodies, and dwells within them, and the Father makes his abode within them. The one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, is also in all the true and faithful members of this one body: "which is His body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all." So that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, (amazing condescension!) dwelleth in them. "That ye" saith the Apostle, "that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God."



2024 Christmas Pastoral Letter

Read in PDF format
2024 Christmas Worship Schedule

Advent 2024
Fredericton NB

Dear Friends,

As I write, the celebration is already in full swing. Christmas began long before the 1st of December in the retail sector. Many houses on our street were lit inside and out for Christmas back in November. Most “Christmas” parties and concerts have already happened. It’s tempting, especially in a seasonally demanding profession, to feel burnt out even before Christmas begins. You may share those sentiments for your own reasons. If you think you might be the perfect candidate to replace Jim Carey in the next Dr. Seuss movie or would like to audition for the part of Scrooge this year, you're probably not alone. The reality is, all of us have our reasons for not welcoming the coming of what our culture has decided is the biggest festival of the year commercially and otherwise. Rose will be facing her first Christmas without her husband. Gil needs to deal with what losing his job last July will do to Christmas at his house. Dexter will spend Christmas away from home for the first time.

The celebration of Christmas is so often tied to our past and its memories. We have the expectation that this year needs to exceed all the other Christmases put together. That’s seldom, if ever, possible. I wonder if our expectations, and those the culture places on the Season, don't eclipse what the Christian celebration is all about.

Tradition is a wonderful gift. Christmas customs of celebration are valuable and create memories that last forever. However, tradition and custom can also cut us off from the reality of the present, and it may be there we most feel the pain. The coming of our Lord was not meant to cause pain. The message of Christmas is good news of great joy. If the celebration this year is causing you anxiety as the past squeezes you too forcefully into the uncertain future perhaps it’s time to consider again the “reason for the season.”

Jesus comes to bring the assurance that “God is with us.” God knows our pain, not because he has a good imagination but because he ‘shared our human nature.’ The Incarnation reminds us that when we cry, God cries. When we laugh, God laughs too. The true peace of Christmas has to be sought in the present not re-manufactured from the past. I’ll bet this Christmas is going to be different in your household just as it is every year and will be in mine. Recognizing the grace in the present moment will be a key to the celebration. God is with us, even though it’s just not the same this year. The true celebration of Christmas should help us along into the future, not cause us to wallow in the past or be helplessly swallowed up by it.

So celebrate “Christmas Present” this year. Discover again what Cindy Lou and all the little Whos in Who-ville already knew but needed to be reminded. It’s not about stuff. It’s not about the past. It’s all about the “presence.” The Church will gather once again to stand as community in the light of the miracle of the Incarnation. God is with us. The schedule included should be easily posted in a convenient place or shared. If necessary, Communion where you are is as easy as a reply, a message to the Cathedral Office or to me. Have a blessed Christmas.

Give a festival offering

Or use the envelope in your boxed set

Yours sincerely,

Geoffrey Hall (The Very Rev’d)
Dean of Fredericton


Bishop and Chapter News – December 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 17 December 2024 with 10 of 12 members present. Minutes of 19 November 2024 were adopted. Prompted by some recent expressions of gratitude, the Chair requested we identify and share that which we are most thankful for at the moment.


• summary of ministry over the previous month included: 2 funerals, communions at Windsor Court and Farraline Place, Advent study, update on Thomas Gonder.

• Synod Finance (1)

• Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception preparation begins 18 December, Christmas Lessons and Carols 22 December, Certificate in Stewardship begins 2025.


• Formation event - funding request (Kurt Schmidt)
• Communion administration - R. Hall permission


• Stewardship study - $1000 group tuition from H. Palmer bequest
John Philip Newell - up to $7200 from the H. Palmer bequest in support of a formation event 08 May 2025
• H. Palmer Bequest - remaining $6800 restricted for formation
• Annual Meeting - date set Sunday, 16 March 2025
• Parish Nursing restricted funds - released for health ministries
• Automatic Electronic Defibrillator - purchase for Memorial Hall at a cost of $2,891
• 2025 Stipend and salaries - Dean - minimum stipend $50,590 + 15,862 includes 3.1% cost of living increase. Staff 3.1% cost of living
• Staff Handbook - that we adopt the Handbook in its current form


2025 Budget - preliminary draft discussed. Issues: offering budget has fallen short to November 2024. There will be significant challenge in budgeting for what’s considered essential in 2025. Need for review of salaries in the new year


Nominating - additional communication on attracting a chair for Formation. Requirements for March Annual being considered

Finance and Administration - Staff Handbook (employment policies) shared with Chapter. Four motions proposed

Welcome and Hospitality - future projects: welcome packet for new comers, name tag Sundays, good response to Sunday refreshments

Health / Pastoral Care - considering need for First Aid training, planning next blood pressure clinic, $1000 offering for AED

Worship - small group met on 15 December to consider a Plan B for Christmas music if needed.

Property - Cathedral furnace operational with decision to repair old boiler and repair for backup. Considerable focus on budget for 2025 with a solid list of identified items in need of attention

Mission / Outreach - Monday morning Outreach guest number up. St. Hilda’s School 2024 funding sent for year-end. Seeking interest in a mission to Belize. Support for Giving Tuesday exceeded $2000 commitment to Montgomery St. School Home and School

Christian Formation - committee continues without chair

Treasurer - reporting included preliminary 2025 budget. November Revenue $58,452, Expense $65,008 (-$6466 deficit). Year to date Revenue $526,951, Expense $604,600 (deficit of -$77,648)


• Next meeting - 21 January 2025

• Christmas Lessons and Carols - 4:00 p.m. 22 December 2024

• New Year’s Day with our Bishop - 11:00 a.m. 01 January



Kurt Schmidt on Advent at the Cathedral

Kurt Schmidt was interviewed by Pastor Luke Budreau as part of the morning lineup on Joy FM (Listen LIVE) on Wednesday, December 4th. Kurt shared a bit about what Advent at Christ Church Cathedral is looking like this year.

Advent is the season during which Christians for centuries have cherished the unique atmosphere of waiting with anticipation. Advent means 'coming.' The arrival of the Christ in Bethlehem is an important part of Advent but not the only one. Jesus also comes daily in the present and he promised to come again in the clouds (the Second Coming). Kurt offered an overview of this year's "ADVENT-ures" which are helping to make the worship and devotional opportunities many and varied. Luke was also interested to hear more generally about ministry in, to and from the Cathedral which rounded out an upbeat morning conversation that day.

The two talked informally about how we at the Cathedral, in our corner of the Church, attempt to offer what we feel best able and called to share. That includes what we consider the valuable perspectives from our traditions and the resources with which God has blessed. The fabric of community is enriched by all who contribute to our common life.

Check out the ADVENT-ures lineup; view the recorded audio (Cathedral Podcasts) or video (Cathedral YouTube Channel) of Advent Readings and Music from the afternoon of December 1st; and our daily calendar of events. Watch the Cathedral website for up-coming special events and Christmas worship.


Listen to the December 4th conversation between Kurt and Luke.


Giving Tuesday 2024 – Help us reach out and make a difference!

This year we're once again participating in Giving Tuesday to make an extra effort to reach out to the community. We've made a $2000 commitment in advance to the Home and School leaders at Montgomery Street School in support of their food and clothing programme helping children who need a little extra help (the Cathedral has helped the school in the past). Help us meet that goal and more. Funds raised in excess will be well used for other initiatives, including our Monday Morning Outreach. (Read Outreach support continues as weather turns cool - 31 October 2024)

You're welcome to use the form for giving online and receive a chartiable tax receipt by email. Or clearly mark "Giving Tuesday" on an offering envelope in your boxed set, one you can find in our pews or one of your own. You may also drop off a donation to the Cathedral Office during office hours, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday. A tax receipt will be sent to anyone who provides their contact information on the donation. We plan to continue the campaign until 15 December 2024 so there's still time to give.

Thanks for helping us make a difference!


Bishop and Chapter News – November 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 19 November 2024 with 9 of 12 members present. Minutes of 15 October 2024 were adopted. An article was pre-circulated and discussed – “The Team Building Leader” by Ray Schulte, identifying helpful aspects of the necessary separation of task and maintenance, following up followed on “The Facilitator



• a usual summary of ministry initiatives over the previous month.


• Diocesan Synod (1), Bishop’s Counsel (1), Synod Finance (1)


• First Communions, Advent and Christmas usual schedule


Atlantic School of Theology - $100 in response to request

• Replacement of Cathedral Furnace - revisited with motion carried to spend up to $75,353 from investment restricted for maintenance

• Financial Review - that we engage the accounting firm of LeBlanc Scott for a 2024 review engagement at a quoted cost of $8,500

• Communion Administrator - Dean request permission for R. Hall

• Fredericton Cathedral Foundation - a motion to accept the Cathedral operational requirements document was tabled pending further review and a vote early next week


Items recommended by Chapter Executive - 1) Financial forecasting 2) Safe Church initiatives including evacuation plans; 3) Member orientation especially administration processes and tools 4) Considerations regarding Giving Tuesday


Nominating - an additional member of Chapter required as member. Current chapter vacancy in Christian Formation.

Finance and Administration - Finalizing Staff Handbook of employment standards; tracking Safe Church deadlines for Chapter set in June 2024; considerations re financial review and 2025 budget process; Certificate in Stewardship opportunity in 2025.

Welcome / Hospitality - hosted Safe Church training in October. Items under consideration include: “name tag Sundays,” welcome package, on boarding and incorporating new members, hospitality at Reign of Christ/First Communions, exploration of possible new committee members from greeters and kitchen committee

Health / Pastoral Care - continuing discussion on acquiring an AED for the Memorial Hall; partnering with Anglican Church Women on Christmas function 11 December; “Listen Love Pray” grief and loss support begins 09 December; current need for First Aid training

Worship - Sanctuary Guild items; server training/recruitment; 2025 Greeter schedule; music; Lucy's Sewing Group repairs; Verger(s)

Property - Cathedral furnace repair/replacement is complete with final inspection pending with revised estimate $65,525. Tile scratches from summer sprinkler flushing have been satisfactorily repaired

Mission / Outreach - discussion on inquiries about a future mission trip to Belize and required logistics; Monday morning programme on-going once per month; annual November funding to mission initiatives in Honduras (Mejias) and Uganda (Jeffries) is in process

Christian Formation - committee continues to meet without chair

Treasurer - several statements and reports made available. October offerings fell short of budget by $-18,806. Year-to-date offering is below budget by $-61,212 (ie we needed $433,792 to date to meet the adopted 2024 budget. We have received only $372,580). See The Cathedral Times current Offering Budget chart


• Next meeting - 17 December 2024
• Advent Lessons and Music - 4:00 p.m. 01 December 2024
• Christmas Lessons and Carols - 4:00 p.m. 22 December 2024



Certificate in Stewardship 2025

The Certificate in Stewardship is a learning opportunity beginning in early 2025. The Dean of Fredericton invites individuals to join him in a local learning group for 7 or 8 sessions with the goal of exploring Time, Talent, Trust, Treasure, Terrain, Theology, and Thanks as it pertains to the topic of Christian Stewardship. A workbook and teaching videos will help guide the study. For those wishing to obtain the certificate, completion of a written or video assignment is required near the end of the sessions. Others may decide to audit and not submit the final assignment.

Offered through distance education at Atlantic School of Theology, the local learning group is welcome to pace itself with a recommendation of completion by Spring on 2025. AST has this to say about the program:

AST’s Certificate in Stewardship is available to anyone. People who work or volunteer in the charitable sector, non-profits, university, government, education, church, and other fields will benefit, as well as anyone who would simply like to do some learning and personal growth. As long as you have Internet access and a device that allows you to open a document, watch videos, and prepare a short final assignment, you can take this program.

Local Learning Groups may be organized and start at any time, according to the time frame determined by the designated leader.

For each of the seven components, there is a module that includes:

    • Pre-recorded video teaching materials (one hour per module)
    • A list of recommended materials for further learning
    • Reflection questions (or discussion questions for group settings)
    • A final integrative assignment (written or video)

For more information visit Atlantic School of Theology or specifically the Certificate in Stewardship information page.

Contact the Dean of Fredericton or the Cathedral Office if you would like to discuss participation.

Resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop of CanterburyHaving sought the gracious permission of His Majesty The King, I have decided to resign as Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Makin Review has exposed the long-maintained conspiracy of silence about the heinous abuses of John Smyth.

When I was informed in 2013 and told that police had been notified, I believed wrongly that an appropriate resolution would follow.

It is very clear that I must take personal and institutional responsibility for the long and retraumatising period between 2013 and 2024.

It is my duty to honour my Constitutional and church responsibilities, so exact timings will be decided once a review of necessary obligations has been completed, including those in England and in the Anglican Communion.

I hope this decision makes clear how seriously the Church of England ... read more

Other useful links

Acting primate reiterates commitment to safe church after Welby resigns over handling of abuse scandal

A Statement from the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion


Continue reading

Preparation for Confirmation, Reaffirmation or Reception

We hope to put together a group that will begin prepartion for Confirmation, the Raffirmation of Faith or Reception later in November or early December 2024.

The Holy Spirit bestows seven gifts—wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, piety, and fear of the Lord—to assist us in our mission and witness. Confirmation is the opportunity for the baptized to deep our baptismal life calling us to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. Confirmation is a personal, public confession of the Faith made especially by those who were baptized as as a child.

Read more about Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception or the other pages linked under Groups and Community > Sacaments / Services

A Reaffirmation of Faith is for those who have in the past been confirmed but wish to renew that commitment by walking with others in preparation and a review of the basics of the Christian faith. It is often significantly enlightening for those who may have studied the catechism earlier in their life but now, from yet another perspective, are able to take a fresh look at what it means to be Christian.

Reception refers to making a similar commitment before the Bishop having been confirmed in another Christian denomination. It is an opportunity to publically and "officially" be received into the Anglican Communion and while far from necessary to participate in the Anglican Church, can be a meaningful way to express one's faith and again, participate with others as they journey through study forward in faith.

Baptism is the sacrament (sign) of membership in the Body of Christ. All of the other Sacraments serve to strengthen us in the primary relationships we celebrate and recongnize in baptism. The baptismal covenant, commitments, vows and promises made at baptism are answers to fundamental questions about what we believe and are asked of those who proclaim Christian faith as disciples of Jesus Christ:

  • Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God?
  • Do you renounce the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?
  • Do you renounce all sinful desires that draw you from the love of God?
  • Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Saviour?
  • Do you put your whole trust in his grace and love?
  • Do you promise to obey him as your Lord?
  • Do you believe in God the Father?
  • Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
  • Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?
  • Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?
  • Will you persevere in resisting evil and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord?
  • Will you proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ?
  • Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbour as yourself?
  • Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
  • Will you strive to safeguard the integrity of God’s creation and respect, sustain, and renew the life of the earth?

See the Book of Alternative Services (page 151 ff)

Read through the Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer (p. 554) or in a more contemporary form in the Episcopal Prayer Book (An Outline of the Faith on page 845)


Careless Walking by Brent White

This summer the Notable Acts Theatre Festival was 'Taking it to the Streets.'

"Careless Walking" by Brent White was one of six winners in "Street Scenes: Site Specific Plays," part of the 2024 Notable Acts Summer Theatre Festival.

Upper Canadian tourist and tech exec Evans Brockhurst, a man determined to disrupt all the paradigms with his new, cutting-edge technology, runs afoul of the local constabulary in the tech-averse Luddite haven of Fredericton, NB. His crime: walking while using his cellphone. Will his fancy devices and team of lawyers get him out of this jam, or will analogue rule (and digital rue) the day?

Directed by Len Falkenstein
Featuring Isaac Gilbert, Kaylee MacNeil, Esther Soucoup, and Kat Hall
Videographer Clarissa Andersen-White

Location: the SE corner of Church and King streets.

Careless Walking 1
Careless Walking 2

Writer's Note:

"Careless Walking" tackles a big issue we are facing in society: how do we deal with the extraordinary force and societal transformation stemming from the technology revolution?

From the rise of a handful of what we may well call monopolists - Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook to the fears provoked, by the rapid developments in Artificial Intelligence and robotics, to our discussions of smartphones in the classroom, various observers have tried to motivate their readers about our need to control big tech, its billionaire class, and the internet, if we still can.

My short play portrays a fictional Fredericton that has formed an island of resistance, so to speak, against this sea of change.

Hopefully, this play will bring the audience a few smiles, while at the same time leaving it with something to think about.

Brent White