
Bishop and Chapter News = September 2024

Bishop and Chapter News = September 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 17 September 2024 with 9 of 12 members present. Minutes of 18 June and 28 August 2024 were adopted. The meeting on 28 August was used to discuss initial work being done on the proposed Fredericton Cathedral Foundation. A “SWOT Analysis” was discussed identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats identifying […]

Back to School in Belize

Back to School in Belize

As another year begins at St. Hilda’s Anglican Elementary School, the Belize Mission committee acknowledges the hard work and dedication of the teachers. May they and the students have a positive start to this new school year. Please keep them in your prayers. Please also remember in your prayers our Cathedral high school scholarship students, […]

New Worldwide President of Mothers’ Union

New Worldwide President of Mothers’ Union

Congratulations to Kathleen Snow on the announcement of her election as the new President of the Worldwide Mother’s Union. The announcement was made via the on September 3rd. The new volunteer board, which will assume office in January 2025, remains women-led and reflects the diversity of our worldwide movement, with trustees from nine different […]

Fall Formation Opportunities

Fall Formation Opportunities

Many Cathedral programs are kicking off or resuming over the next few days and weeks — that is, during and for this Season of Creation. Godly Play resumes (biweekly) on Sunday, 08 September. Taizé Worship resumes (biweekly) Tuesday, 10 September — and we are moving Taizé gatherings (back) to Tuesdays. The first session will be […]