Bishop and Chapter News – May 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 15 May 2023 with 11 of 13 members present (11 0f 13). A printed version of preaching for the Fifth Sunday of Easter was circulated. (Audio here) Conversation re post-resurrection Sunday themes, contrasting planning from business and a spiritual perspective. Minutes of the meeting on 20 March 2023 were adopted.



  • outside Communions (3); committee/group meetings (3); Lenten book study; deaneries clericus; summary of Easter worship - total attendance 245; Vacation 11-25 April; MU Diocesan Rally 29 May; Ordination 30 May; Coronation Evensong 14 May; weekly staff meetings; marriage preparation (2); home visits (4); hospital/home communions (6); 1 funeral/3 funerals attended; challenge in meeting current pastoral needs.
  • Chapter vacancies: Chapter Property Committee, Vice-Chair, Nominating Committee membership.


  • Diocesan Finance Committee (1); Bishop’s Counsel 26 April; Clergy Day 04 May


Ascension Day 18 May; Thy Kingdom Come 18-28 May (Novena weekdays 5:15 p.m.); W. Turney funeral 30 May; V. Sinclair funeral 10 June; Ritz/Saulnier wedding 10 June; Installation of Canons and Collation 11 June; Swanwick/English wedding 17 June


  • Anglican Church Women Executive - letter dated 04 May 2023 expressing serious concern about the vacancy of the position of parish nurse and requesting there be a search undertaken to fill the vacancy
  • Canadian Heritage - response to inquiry. Canadian Heritage does not support church heritage renovation projects


  • Parish Nurse - high degree of awareness of the need for Cathedral health ministry under our circumstances. The Dean initially responded to the correspondence with the reminder that the parish nurse staff position was included in the 2023 Budget with the hopes that monthly budget targets could be met. Further consideration needed


  • Funds transfer - up to $50,000 from unrestricted invested funds to provide for cash flow May to September


Treasurer - 5 Sunday April (including Easter) revenue $50,785, slightly exceeding the budget target of $48,499 for the first time in 2023. The Year to Date deficit of expense over income stands at - $13,594.

Administration and Finance - advertising, training and hire of tour guides is a current priority

Worship - some decorating will be attempted for the Day of Pentecost

Property - no report

Health and Pastoral Care - exploration of possible programming with UNB student nurses

Mission Outreach - helpful first meeting with those engaged in mission and outreach ministries. Progress towards a draft policy to guide our response to requests made for funding

Communications - Chapter and others encouraged to join a schedule of 2 minutes for ministry presentations on Sundays

Christian Formation - exploring creating opportunities as part of advanced planning for the upcoming 2023 Day of Truth/Reconciliation

Welcome and Hospitality - newcomers event with 35+ in attendance Pentecost will include normal refreshments following 10:30 worship


  • Ascension Day (18 May) and Thy Kingdom Come (18-28 May)
  • Day of Pentecost (28 May)

NEXT MEETING Monday, 16 June 2023


Posted in Bishop and Chapter, Bishop and Chapter News.

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