Honouring the Queen with a Jubilee Tea

On Saturday, 04 June, 2022, the Cathedral Branch of the Mothers’ Union (with the support of the ACW and other Fredericton MU branches) hosted “The Queen’s Jubilee Tea” to commemorate the 70th year since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne.

The Cathedral looked beautiful with the red, white and blue bunting combined with the Pentecost decorations!

Approximately 60 people attended and greatly enjoyed the abundant sandwiches and sweets. We listened to British music and sang “God Save the Queen” while sipping tea, sampling the Jubilee cake, and enjoying the fellowship of those who were in attendance.

It was a wonderful celebration that was held in conjunction with similar events hosted by MU Branches around the globe.

Many thanks for the financial donations, to those who provided the fancy sandwiches and sweets, and to those who volunteered their time to make tea, decorate and serve at this event.

-- Susan Watson, Co-Branch Leader, Mothers' Union - Cathedral Branch

The Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Posted in Anglican Church Women, Events, Mothers' Union.

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