Bishop and Chapter met 18 January 2021 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean provided in advance an article “When the Mission Changes” (Dan Hotchkiss). Discussion included the value and necessity of our congregation understanding our true mission as God's church and challenges in involving broad-based engagement. Minutes of 14 December 2020 were adopted.
From the Dean
• continuing in the Orange alert level of pandemic recovery
• no hospital or home visits by telephone contacts when possible
• no care facility Communions (Farraline/Windsor Court) in current alert level. Communion at Farraline Place 22 December
• various meetings with Chapter committees and other groups
• worship attendance - Blue Christmas (21 December) - 11; Christmas Eve - 175; Christmas Day - 34
• CBC Information Morning interview 18 January
• annual discussion with accountant re Review Engagement
• Synod office(s) settling in at Memorial Hall
Cathedral Video equipment - required equipment not in stock. Work will proceed to acquire what’s possible and begin pre-installation
Chapter By-Law - possibility for adding past lay chair position on hold for the moment as recommended by Chapter Executive
Parish Nurse - K. Snow resignation as of 31 January 2021 noted. Unanimous recognition of the difficulty/impossibility to replace Kathleen Snow. Chapter directed the Health and Pastoral Care Committee to proceed to create a search committee, Sally Dibblee chair.
2021 Budget - current draft discussed, received and recommended
Annual Meeting - scheduled for Sunday, 21 February 2021. Streamlined, time economical agenda. Immediately following worship in the Cathedral. Virtual options to be explored if necessary.
Nominations - one member Bishop and Chapter still required. Chapter’s assistance requested
Treasurer - December 2020 financials were provided and briefly discussed. 2020 giving was down, expenses also reduced. Note extraordinary elements including Wage Subsidy allowing revenue to slightly exceed expenses. 2020 review engagement in process
Property - continuing work with Heritage Standing to determine short and long-term property goals. Bishop’s graves to the east, choir steps and stained glass window ventilation are current first priorities. Large basswood at west door removed by the City on 07 January - wood shared with indigenous carvers
Christian Formation - Taizé and Godly play continue virtually. Youth Group suffers from online gathering. Lenten programming considered
Communications - meeting reviewed current web content and Facebook maintenance. February 2020 survey results will be studied
Health and Pastoral Care - main emphasis is parish nurse vacancy Hospital visits are not possible during current pandemic alert level
Welcome and Hospitality - no specific actions during pandemic restrictions
Mission and Outreach - St. Hilda’s Belize end of year $1000 support transferred. Monday outreach continuing as best as possible on the last Monday of the month
Finance and Administration - no meeting since December. Presentation of narrative budget may not be possible with modified meeting format
• Annual Reports due 31 January
Next Meeting
16 February 2021, Annual Congregational Meeting - 21 February 2021