Bishop and Chapter met 14 December 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some reflection on “How to Shine Your Light for Christ - So how exactly do you shine?” – practical tips. Members added additional insights. Minutes of 16 November 2020 were adopted.
From the Dean
• Cathedral Pandemic Operational Plan was revised 01 December 2020 to accommodate the NB Orange Level of Recovery
• in-person staff meetings continue. Sexton Ashley Swim 30 November
• consultation with the Diocesan synod regarding temporary facility sharing
• work completed on a proposal to equip the cathedral with video equipment for better live streaming in the future (December project)
• Cathedral committee meetings as possible
• diocesan meetings including Diocesan Council, Finance Committee, Creation Matters, and Fredericton deaneries’ clericus
• brief report on Christmas worship schedule
• Stipend and Salaries - In 2021: Cathedral staff 2% cost of living;. Dean’s Stipend $59,708 ($15,786 above minimum stipend scale)
• Cathedral Video Equipment Project - acceptance of a proposal to purchase ($12,000 by the end of this calendar year) and install equipment for improved video live streaming and recording. Contributions to the Project (labelled “audio/visual”) are invited
• 2021 Budget - draft discussed. Challenges will include some reduction in offerings during the pandemic and no future government subsidies ($52,000 in 2020)
Treasurer - In November operations income exceeded expenses by $11,711. Diocesan Shared ministry contribution not owing in November due to reduced diocesan expenses year to date. Cathedral Shared Ministry reduced by $1000 per month in 2021. No further federal grants (Canadian Wage Subsidy) expected in December or in into 2021
Property - An initial meeting of the Restoration Committee was held C. Ferris chair). Several repair items: Bishop’s graves, choir room steps, window ventilation. Security camera system under review and awaiting proposal. New sexton 30 November. Heritage Standing to update 2016 report at a cost of up to $4000.
Communications - Coordination of advertising for Christmas. A next Cathedral Connections in the new year.
Health and Pastoral Care - meeting of Health Ministry before Christmas is expected. Health Ministry budget received
Worship - no recent meeting. Presentation of the Video Project proposal
Welcome and Hospitality - no events and little committee activity during the pandemic
Mission and Outreach - $1000 funding for St. Hilda’s School (Belize Missions) will be transferred in the next couple of weeks. Monday morning programme (Outreach) continues on the last Monday of the month in a modified format. Missions Committee needing members
Finance and Administration - hiring of sexton complete. Follow up with Treasurer on 2020 review engagement management letter recommendations. Stewardship Team: “narrative budget” for 2021
Nominating Committee - interim report. Good progress being experienced on acquiring nominations for positions opening in 2021. Further nominations welcome
• Blue Christmas - 21 December, 7:00 p.m.
• Christmas Eve - 4:00, 8:00, 11:00 p.m. Christmas Day - 10:00 a.m.
• New Years Day - 11:00 a.m.
Next Meetings
18 January 2021, 16 February 2021
21 February 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting