Bishop and Chapter met 16 November 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead reflection on an application of Matthew 25:31-40 , part of the Gospel for the following Sunday. Some related reflection on “Passing the Plate” (Smith/Emerson/Snell) regarding research on the top 4 reasons Christians do NOT give financially. Reason 3 – Christian giving may (be seen too much as?) largely benefit those who give. Minutes of 21 September 2020 were adopted. There was no meeting in October.
From the Dean
Pandemic Operational Plan 18 September. Weekly meetings of Cathedral Staff have been in person since early September. Committee and group meetings attended when possible. Work on a proposal for equipment to improve and make sustainable a commitment to live streaming worship continues. Mothers’ Union Executive installed and a Confirmation, Reaffirmation of Faith and Reception concluded the “Faith Alive” preparation programme. Outside Communions have resumed monthly at Farraline Place. Home and hospital visits by request, under current restrictions. Christmas worship schedule being considered. Use of the Memorial Hall is up with many outside groups requesting meeting space. Commitments to Diocesan Council, Diocesan Finance Committee, and Bishop’s requests (installation of Canons and Collation of Archdeacons) have been fulfilled. Consultation with our Bishop and Diocesan Synod re future office accommodations.
Diocese of Fredericton/Cathedral MOU - A draft memorandum of understanding was presented, discussed and adopted representing Cathedral openness to enter into both an offer to provide temporary accommodation for diocesan office needs and, to explore potential future opportunities to share office/programme/meeting space.
Treasurer - month-end financials for September and October. A high level summary was provided. Past federal government wage subsidies (now significantly reduced), Diocesan reduction of shared ministry for one month due to reduced expenditures, and the generous and consistent financial support of our congregation, results in our “holding our own” to date. A slight 2020 surplus over expenses may be a result.
Property - No committee meeting but several property related accomplishments and other issues are being monitored.
Communications - A November issue of Cathedral Connections was published. Committee members continue to monitor and update the Cathedral Facebook page and the Cathedral website.
Health and Pastoral Care - visitation continues to be a challenge. Parish Nurse, Dean and visitors make attempts to connect and offer care.
Worship - no committee meeting. Monitoring worship needs and plans for in person worship demand and possibilities being considered.
Welcome and Hospitality - welcome and hospitality has understandably been challenged by pandemic restrictions. The Committee will contact volunteers for welcoming ministry about helping with greeter needs for worship as a current priority.
Mission and Outreach - Monday morning outreach initiatives continue on the last Monday of the month out of doors. Community Kitchen volunteer involvement is on an individual basis. The Housing First project is delayed to 2021.
Finance and Administration - office photocopier/printer and phone service upgrades have been completed resulting in cost savings. A proposal to have a security camera system replace onsite security for the Memorial Hall is under consideration. Office Administrator position filled. Sexton position filled: Ashley Swim beginning 30 November.
Next Meetings
14 December, 18 January 2021
21 February 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting GMH