Bishop and Chapter News – February 2020

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 10 February 2020 with ten of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 13 January 2020 meeting were adopted with agreed corrections. A faith conversation reflected on a devotional from My Utmost For His Highest (Oswald Chambers) – “Are You Exhausted Spiritually?” “Have you delivered yourself over to exhaustion because of the way you have been serving God? If so, then renew and rekindle your desires and affections.”

Business Arising

ACW Plaque - to be hung on the back wall of the Cathedral
Narrative Budget - the goal will be to work toward a narrative budget for 2021. The Stewardship Team has added to its work plan.
Cathedral Restoration Fund by-law - is on the Finance and Administration Committee agenda
10:00 a.m. Sunday refreshments - a group to be formed will consider

From the Dean

A brief report outlining usual work including pastoral duties, normal worship, Holy Eucharists at Farraline Place and Windsor Court, committee and team work and preparations for Annual Meeting.


Project 2045 - a January Final Report was circulated and discussed. Mark Gunter visited the meeting on behalf of chair Melissa Dawe. Five options were investigated in depth. Ultimately, recommendations for next steps are:

1) Enter into formal discussions with Synod about the potential for constructing a new purpose-built facility between Bishops Court and the Synod Office. Discussions would focus on the concept of sharing ministry and administrative space, and space for most of the activities currently held in Memorial Hall.

2) Continue to pursue opportunities to enhance the flexibility of the existing space within the Cathedral footprint to better accommodate Cathedral and community activities.

The full report is available on the web site and in printed format

Future Facilities exploration - Mark Gunter and the Dean appointed to continue with discussion with the Diocesan Synod regarding potential for future planning with the power to add membership

2019 Year End Financials - Kendra Patrick (Bringloe Feeney) following the review engagement, visited the meeting and presented draft statements and management letter. Both accepted by motion for presentation to the Annual Meeting.

2020 Proposed Budget - final approved for presentation to Annual


A general suggestion was made to refer to the Annual Report for committee reports.

Treasurer - January 2020 financials were available for review. Thanks expressed to Kendra Patrick with appreciation for her work

Welcome and Hospitality - a reminder that Chapter committees and membership are asked to attend to duties to facilitate the Annual meeting on 23 February

Health and Pastoral Care - regular programming continues with the exception of Chair Yoga which may begin again after winter. Plans for a possible Health Information Session in February or March.

Christian Formation - Lenten study opportunities are now being arranged with a variety of times and offerings for 2020 thanks to several facilitators

Nominating Committee - the Committee of the Congregation provided its current draft report for the information of the Chapter to be included in the Annual Report.


• 23 February - Annual (10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon and meeting)
• 26 February - Ash Wednesday
• 12 April - Easter Day

Next meetings: 23 February (Annual Meeting); 23 March (TBC)      GMH

Posted in Bishop and Chapter, Bishop and Chapter News.

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