2019 Conference of North American Deans

North American Cathedral Deans met in St. Petersburg, Florida 03-05 May 2019. Kelley and I were privileged to be presentย  and are thankful for the support to the Dean of Fredericton to attend.

Most attendees stayed at a downtown hotel a couple of blocks from the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, the Cathedral of the Diocese of South West Florida. Dean Stephen Morris welcomed us warmly as did the entire congregation, providing many of the meals on site, choral evensong on the Thursday evening and Sunday worship on 05 May. Diocesan Bishop Dabney Smith was the preacher on Thursday evening and dinner was a gift of the Diocese at the St. Petersburg Yaght Club. A generous member of the Cathedral (and chair of the Cathedral stewardship committee) provided an open bar which accompanied dinner.

Two presentations were part of the Friday and Saturday morning agenda. The Rev'd Canon Dr. Thomas Williams, St. Peter's resident Canon Theologian, presented the "Theory and Practice of the Seven Deadly Sins." "The Very Rev'd John Shepherd, interim director of the Anglican Centre in Rome and the Archbishop of Canterbury's Representative to the Holy See presented "Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism, and Christian Unity in the Early 21st Century."

A highlight was a guded tour of the Salvador Dali Museum which holds close to half of the works of the twentieth century artist. Saturday afternoon and evening provide free time to explore downtown St. Petersburg.

Sunday worship (video podcast) ended the Conference on 05 May. The congregation warmly welcomed conference participants hosting a special hospitality event following.

Related links:

2019 North American Deans Conference web site
Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg, Florida
Dali Museum, St. Petersburg



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