Yesterday, verger Hank Williams was celebrating his Welsh heritage! Saturday was the feast of St. David, the patron saint of Wales. Hank can speak and write in Welsh.
From 'For All the Saints':
01 March ~ David
Bishop of Menevia in Wales, c. 544 — Memorial
Today we remember David, the patron saint of the Welsh people. He lived in the early sixth century and held the dualoffice of abbot and bishop in southwestern Wales. Like many other British saints, he was an athlete of the spiritual life who pressed himself to the limits of human endurance. But he was also famous for his compassion, and legends tell how he worked many wonders to relieve the poor and the sick. In later centuries, when the Welsh people were oppressed under English rule, these stories made them believe that they had a patron and protector of their own race before God’s throne in heaven. But devotion to David spread far beyond Wales, and in time he became the only Welsh saint ever to be honoured on the Calendar of the whole western Church.