Holy Matrimony

Canon XXI of the Anglican Church of Canada outlines and defines marriage as it is currently understood by the Church and does not specifically address the pastoral issues arising in light of Canadian cultural norms and legal definitions:

The Anglican Church of Canada affirms, according to our Lord’s teaching as found in Holy Scripture and expressed in the Form of Solemnization of Matrimony in the Book of Common Prayer, that marriage is a lifelong union in faithful love, and that marriage vows are a commitment to this union, for better or for worse, to the exclusion of all others on either side. This union is established by God’s grace when two duly qualified persons enter into a covenant of marriage in which they declare their intention of fulfilling its purposes and exchange vows to be faithful to one another until they are separated by death.

The purposes of marriage are mutual fellowship, support, and comfort, and the procreation (if it may be) and nurture of children, and the creation of a relationship in which sexuality may serve personal fulfilment in a community of faithful love.

This covenant is made in the sight of God and in the presence of witnesses and of an authorized minister. The Church affirms in like manner the goodness of the union of man and woman in marriage, this being of God’s creation. (1) Marriage also is exalted as a sign (2) of the redeeming purpose of God to unite all things in Christ, (3) the purpose made known in the reunion of divided humanity in the Church. (4)”

1. Cf. Genesis 1:27–31
2. Ephesians. 5:31f
3. Ephesians. 1:9f.
4. Ephesians. 2:11–16

Those considering being married at the Cathedral may find the following informative:

Marriage at the Cathedral (What you need to know)
Request for Marriage (contact the Dean for a fill and save PDF format file)
Canon XXI On Marriage in the Church
Marriage of Divorced Persons (Diocese of Fredericton)
The Book of Alternative Services, 1985
The Book of Common Prayer, 1962

Sacraments and Services