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Who was Elizabeth Scovill?

Who was Elizabeth Scovill?

Many Anglicans in the Diocese will know the name Pickett-Scovil, but did you ever wonder who these people were? In our Diocese, the Pickett-Scovil Memorial Fund, administered by the Anglican Church Women (ACW), assists retired clergy and widow(ers) with dental and medical expenses not covered by medical plans and Medicare. Elizabeth Scovil, a nurse, started […]

Certificate in Stewardship – Atlantic School of Theology

Certificate in Stewardship – Atlantic School of Theology

Who is This For? AST’s Certificate in Stewardship is available to anyone. People who work or volunteer in the charitable sector, non-profits, university, government, education, church, and other fields will benefit, as well as anyone who would simply like to do some learning and personal growth. As long as you have Internet access and a […]

Stewardship: a foundational document for the Anglican Church of Canada

Stewardship: a foundational document for the Anglican Church of Canada

Stewardship is a core Christian practice rooted in scripture. The Bible offers a commentary on human stewardship that begins with God’s purpose in setting our first ancestor in the garden “to till and keep it,” and ends in the new creation, in a recurring pattern of crisis and resolution. That pattern of human crisis and […]

4 Different Ways You Support Your Spouse

4 Different Ways You Support Your Spouse

Supporting your spouse seems like a given, right? Maybe your wedding vows didn’t express it in those exact words (or maybe they did), but the central tenet remains: the lifelong commitment you’ve made to each other includes supporting each other through whatever life throws your way. When we think of supporting someone, we often associate […]

Tour the Cathedral

Tour the Cathedral

Have you taken a tour of the Cathedral? Even if you regularly worship here, you’re likely to learn something new! Guided tours of Christ Church Cathedral are available throughout July and August 2024. Visit us Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. […]

Summer Music Series 2024

Summer Music Series 2024

The annual Summer Music Series at Christ Church Cathedral is back! All are welcome to attend these concerts, designed to fit perfectly within the lunch hour. Fridays from 12:10-12:50 p.m., 05 July – 30 August. 150 Church Street, Fredericton. Join us inside historic Christ Church Cathedral as we present a series of concerts featuring soloists […]

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2024

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 18 June 2024 with 11 of 12 members present, Richard Crowe was meeting chair. Minutes of 21 May 2024 were adopted. An article entitled “The Risk of Trying to Please Everyone” by Mike Bonem was briefly discussed. “The hard work of change doesn’t call for pleasing everyone, but it does […]

Resources for the Indigenous Day of Prayer – 21 June

Resources for the Indigenous Day of Prayer – 21 June

Are you planning worship for your congregation to mark National Indigenous Day of Prayer, June 21? We have resources you can download: Propers for National Indigenous Day of Prayer are available in English, French, Inuktitut and Western Cree. On this page, you will also find additional suggestions for readings and hymns. The resource Worship in […]

Summer Outreach

Summer Outreach

The Cathedral’s monthly Outreach Program is an initiative that helps many people in our community. On the last Monday of each month, people in need are invited to visit Cathedral Memorial Hall. They receive a $10 grocery store gift card or bus tickets and a goodie bag containing fresh fruit, baked goods, a drink, a […]

Making Anglican prayer beads

Making Anglican prayer beads

The Cathedral’s Spirituality of the Seasons group met to make their own prayer beads on the afternoon of Wednesday, 22 May. Originally scheduled as a Spirituality of Easter session, the date was postponed into Pentecost. Due to the popularity of the varied sessions, gatherings have extended but will break before the summer. Deacon Debbie Edmondson […]

Reflections on the Second Sunday after Penetecost (Proper 9 Year B)

Reflections on the Second Sunday after Penetecost (Proper 9 Year B)

1 SAMUEL 3:1-10 (11-20); PSALM 139:1-5, 12-17; 2 CORINTHIANS 4:5-12; MARK 2:23-3:6 “Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10 One might be tempted to identify God himself as the deepest mystery of faith. In our times, being able […]

Saying YES! to kids camping

Saying YES! to kids camping

THREE CAMPS, ONE UNFORGETTABLE SUMMER! This year the Diocese of Fredericton is joining the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s Say Yes! to Kids movement with our very own Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry fundraising team. The Diocese of Fredericton is blessed with Camp Medley, Camp Brookwood, and the St. Michael’s Youth Conference, all of which offer our children […]

A note from our Sexton

A note from our Sexton

Our Sexton, Ashley Swim, completed his time in the position on 17 May. He shared this message: “Thanks for all the kind words and gifts. I appreciate it beyond words. Thanks to the cathedral for having me. It’s been a very positive experience and I will miss working there. I always took my job very […]

Living with Dying

Living with Dying

A five-part presentation and conversation series called ‘Living with Dying’ will held in the Cathedral on five consecutive Wednesday evenings in May and June. The series will consider many of the important topics related to death and the dying process. Topics will include: End of life care options (with presentations from Palliative Care and Hospice […]

Thy Kingdom Come 2024

Thy Kingdom Come 2024

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. What started in 2016 as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer. Download the […]

Job posting: Cathedral Sexton

Job posting: Cathedral Sexton

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB is seeking a Sexton, a position which is integral to our overall operations. Reporting to the Dean of Fredericton and working with the Property Committee, the successful candidate will be tasked with maintaining Christ Church Cathedral, Cathedral Memorial Hall and the grounds in a clean and orderly condition, and performing […]

Help to plan a community music and theatre event

Help to plan a community music and theatre event

Our Director of Music, Thomas Gonder, is eager to spearhead an effort to organize a dinner theatre/variety show event in the Fall. This would take considerable organization that would need to begin shortly. This event would be geared to all ages and also the wider community. This could be a potentially thrilling event considering the […]

The Daily Offices

The Daily Offices

At Christ Church Cathedral we endeavour to maintain daily public prayer in the church by saying the offices of morning and evening prayer. Individuals signup to lead the daily offices and training is available for those who haven’t but wish to participate. Go to the Daily Offices to learn more.

Spring Tea provides treats, treasures, and outreach support

Spring Tea provides treats, treasures, and outreach support

Cathedral Health Ministries with help from the Anglican Church Women (ACW), hosted a ‘Spring Awakes’ Tea in the Cathedral on the afternoon of April 23. This all-inclusive gathering was in keeping with the Medley Tea of former years that celebrated the arrival of spring. The Reverend Isabel Cutler and the Reverend Debbie Edmondson, Deacons, opened […]

Congregational Meeting with the Bishop

Congregational Meeting with the Bishop

A congregational meeting will be held at the request of the Bishop from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, 25 April. The meeting will be held in Cathedral Memorial Hall. All members of the congregation are invited to attend this follow-up to the November 2023 meeting about the cathedral building. Minutes from that meeting can be found […]

Toccata from Symphony No 5 by C.M. Widor

Toccata from Symphony No 5 by C.M. Widor

The Symphony for Organ No. 5 in F minor, Op. 42, No. 1, was composed by Charles-Marie Widor in 1879. The full symphony lasts for about 35 minutes. The fifth movement, in F major, is often referred to as just Widor’s Toccata because it is his most famous piece. It lasts around six minutes. Its […]

Jesus Christ Conquers

Jesus Christ Conquers

ησο ς Χριστὸς νικ is the Greek that in English is often written IC XC NIKA. This symbolism is perhaps most appropriate to the Easter season and important at any celebration of the Resurrection such as a funeral or memorial – “Jesus Christ conquers.” The IC and XC are the first and last letters in […]

Guided Autobiographical Narrative Group

Guided Autobiographical Narrative Group

It’s your story to tell! The Cathedral Guided Autobiographical Narrative Group will encourage story-sharing across generations as a way to strengthen the fabric of community and family life. We plan to host 10 sessions in total. Spring sessions have been postponed and will resume in the Fall. Meetings will be held inside the Cathedral for […]

Gather for tea, treats and treasures

Gather for tea, treats and treasures

The Cathedral Health Ministry and Anglican Church Women (ACW) invite you to attend a Spring gathering in the Cathedral. Join us on Tuesday, 23 April from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Enjoy tea, treats and treasures. You’ll have the opportunity to view rarely-seen historical treasures from the Cathedral! The Cathedral is wheelchair accessible. All are welcome. Donations of […]

Spirituality of Easter

Spirituality of Easter

Wednesday afternoon spirituality sessions at Cathedral Memorial Hall will continue through Eastertide, 2:00-3:00 p.m. The sessions will maintain the now-customary basic structure of a “Celtic Threshold Gathering” — which comprises a simple regular sequence of elements, informed by a specific theme for the day/week. Four of the seven Spirituality of Easter sessions will have as […]

Donations sought for university Pause Tables

Donations sought for university Pause Tables

The Pause Table initiative has become one that is welcomed by university students during exam week. Campus ministries at UNB and STU are once again collaborating with faith communities to host the tables during upcoming exams. Volunteers will provide free food, beverages, a listening ear, and conversation, and handwritten personalized notes to give students a […]

Bishop and Chapter News – March 2024

Bishop and Chapter News – March 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 13 March 2024 with 11 of 14 members. Minutes of the 16 January, 06 and 25 February 2024 were adopted. With the intent of providing some brief orientation for newer members, the article “Re-inventing Boards That Bore: Overcoming Micromanagement” was circulated. The Dean offered reflections on the Cathedral Chapter structure, […]

Filip Vanicek – My Journey Here

Filip Vanicek – My Journey Here

Filip Vanicek grew up in the lap of luxury. He and his family enjoyed a country estate and an ornate, five-storey building in the heart of Prague where they lived, along with much of his extended family. “Our family were academics and lawyers,” he said. “My childhood was phenomenal, absolutely fantastic — until the Russians […]

Faith Seeking Understanding: Reflections by Canadian Anglicans

Faith Seeking Understanding: Reflections by Canadian Anglicans

Canada is one of few countries in the world where medical assistance in dying (MAiD) is a legal option—and the number of permitted contexts (terminal illness, chronic illness, mental illness) is increasing. Faith Seeking Understanding: Medical Assistance in Dying is a resource to assist theologically-focused discussions and to increase understanding of the realities of MAiD. […]

Mothering Sunday 2024

Mothering Sunday 2024

Mothering Sunday, not to be confused with Canadian Mother’s Day, is celebrated in Anglican Churches on the fourth Sunday in Lent; and dates to the custom in England when domestic servants in the grand houses of the landed gentry were permitted to go home to visit their home church and mother. Often the housekeeper or […]

What are the Ember Days?

What are the Ember Days?

The seasonal Ember Days are not included in the calendar of the Anglican Church of Canada but MacCausland’s Divine Order of Service notes that there seems to be “renewed interest” in their observance in recent years. The Prayer Book of 1962 provides propers for Ember Days which it says may be used on the Wednesdays, […]

5 Reasons You Don’t Feel Like a Team

5 Reasons You Don’t Feel Like a Team

Do you and your spouse feel like a team? Or does it seem like something is getting in the way of that lately? It’s not unusual to go through periods where things are just out of sync between you. It can feel like you’re constantly at odds or working against each other, even if it’s […]

Young organ scholar has made an impact in a short time

Young organ scholar has made an impact in a short time

His first service as organist was Oct. 21, 2021. Since then he’s been taking weekly lessons from Thomas Gonder, Christ Church Cathedral’s organist. “He’s a phenomenal organist,” said Christian of Thomas. “He knows what he’s doing. He’s played all over Canada. He’s shown me techniques I never knew.” Originally posted at the Diocese of Fredericton […]

News from Belize

News from Belize

Ms. Jane Martinez, Principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School in Belize, sent us this update. Please keep Ms. Martinez, her son, the high school scholarship students, and all of the elementary students and staff at St. Hilda’s in your prayers. Greetings Friends, I pray that this email finds you well. Our school year started out […]

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Beliefs Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of someone by action or omission, with or without that person’s consent, for what are claimed to be compassionate reasons. Assisted suicide is counselling, abetting, or an act of aiding someone to kill himself or herself. Members of the Coalition believe that euthanasia and assisted suicide should be treated […]

World Day of Prayer 2024

World Day of Prayer 2024

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. The women who wrote the World Day of Prayer Service this year are from Palestine. The Theme is “I Beg You… Bear with one another in Love” based […]

Ad-LENT-ures 2024

Ad-LENT-ures 2024

14 February – 23 March 2024 During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well […]

Accumulated Faith – Peter Marty

Accumulated Faith – Peter Marty

Faith is a way of life that acquires its layers and contours incrementally, often imperceptibly. Jason and I retreated to the ICU waiting room to talk about his mother’s precipitous decline. Moments earlier the attending physician had spoken of her imminent death. “Six to 12 hours—maybe,” he said. I wanted to chat with Jason. Marie […]

Scholarship student updates

Scholarship student updates

Here are some letters from the current recipients of Cathedral scholarships to attend high school in Belize. Sylvia Trapp (Grade 9) Dear Friends, I am very thankful for the assistance that you have given me at the beginning of the school year. I have achieved a lot this semester. I got some good grades and […]

Holy Joes gathering

Holy Joes gathering

The motto of the Guild of St. Joseph is “Serving God and Church with heart and hands.” The focus is the maintenance and repair of the fabric of the Cathedral, the Green, and Memorial Hall. Once again, the Guild (affectionately known as the “Holy Joes”) held a Christmas Reception with invited guests. This year’s was […]

Youth group skating

Youth group skating

On Sunday 14 January, middle school members of Cathedral Youth Group — along with a smattering of friends, parents and younger siblings — took advantage of lovely winter conditions and went for an evening skate around Fredericton’s newest ice track at Officers’ Square. Warm apple cider and cookies were also enjoyed. Such a blessing and […]

Mutual Benefits of Church-School Partnerships

Mutual Benefits of Church-School Partnerships

Jake McGlothin says it’s only logical that the two most important social institutions in our society should work together. He outlines what churches can share with schools as well as how engagement with schools can positively impact a congregation.

The Good and Beautiful Life

The Good and Beautiful Life

The Good and Beautiful Life: Putting on the Character of Christ By James Bryan Smith Intervarsity Press / 2010 / 264 pages According to Dr. Smith, we have bought into false notions of happiness and success.  It is these false notions that lead us down the pathways into vices such as lying, anger, lust and judging. […]

Supporting children in need through a local school

Supporting children in need through a local school

Dean Geoffrey Hall and Cathedral Treasurer Jamie Yeamans were pleased to visit Montgomery Street School on 15 December to present a donation to help children in need at the school. They were welcomed by Principal David Burrell and several children, who were thankful for the $2000 donation toward the school lunch and winter clothing programs. […]

Godly Play – fall report

Godly Play – fall report

Godly Play at the Cathedral was certainly active this past fall! Our circle of Godly Players — children between the ages of 5 and 12 — have gathered together eight times since September, and explored stories regarding the Circle of the Church Year, Creation, the Great Family, the Exodus, the Ten Best Ways (the GP […]

Christmas Luncheon

Christmas Luncheon

The ACW and Health Ministry enjoyed planning and presenting this luncheon, and sharing their collections of unique and favourite Santa Claus and Snowmen decorations. The empty chairs you see in the photo were filled with more than 40 people from our congregation on 05 December, which was a lovely winter day. The soups were a […]

Christmas Outreach

Christmas Outreach

On Monday, 18 December, the Cathedral Outreach Committee and volunteers from New Maryland United Church welcomed people in need to Memorial Hall for a pre-Christmas edition of Monday Outreach (usually held on the last Monday of each month). 64 guests received goodie bags, fruit, candy, socks and groceries. Guests also received a Christmas card with […]

Four last things

Four last things

An advent reflection by Canon Jon Lownds Death, judgement, heaven and hell Fifty years ago, when I (Jon+) began in ordained ministry, the season of Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas, focussed on four “last things:” death, judgement, heaven and hell. With the Advent this year being as short as possible, and largely ignored even […]

Christmas at the Cathedral

Christmas at the Cathedral

Celebrate Christmas in historic Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Fredericton! You are warmly welcomed to join us in worship, whether you are a Christian who has worshipped in the Anglican tradition, are of another Christian denomination, another faith entirely or, simply interested in understanding more about what our faith community is all about. There is […]

Christmas in China

Christmas in China

A member of our congregation, Helen Liang, grew up in China, and she sent us a few photos of Christmas there. She says: Christmas is an important festival in China. Most of the photos are of outdoor decorations, with only one image of a floating Christmas tree in a mall. Christmas is also the busiest […]

A library (and more) fit for a Bishop

A library (and more) fit for a Bishop

When Deborah and Ben Johnson purchased their George Street home two and a half years ago, they knew they were purchasing an historically significant building. But until they started peeling the layers back, they probably didn’t realize just how much Fredericton history was contained within those many plastered walls. Included in that history, is a […]

A letter from Muslim and Jewish leaders in Fredericton

A letter from Muslim and Jewish leaders in Fredericton

Given the recent rise in antisemitism and incidents of islamophobia across Canada and abroad, Darul Arqam – Fredericton, a local Muslim group and the Rabbi of the Fredericton Jewish community, have joined together during this troubling and chaotic time, to make a statement appealing for peace amongst the general public and our communities at-large. The […]

Advent waiting

Advent waiting

An advent reflection by Canon Jon Lownds “The Meaning is in the Waiting” by Paula Gooder is the Advent 2023 Diocesan Study book choice and being discussed in an online / Zoom conversation. After reading the Introduction and first chapter, I decided to join the conversation. Early the next morning, while reflecting on and praying […]

Christmas Luncheon hosted by ACW

Christmas Luncheon hosted by ACW

Celebrate the coming of Christmas with Cathedral members and friends! Gather for soup, rolls, sweets, tea and coffee, surrounded by a display of Snowmen and Santa Claus. This holiday event will be hosted by the Anglican Church Women (ACW) on Tuesday, 05 December, from 11:30-1:30 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall. Personal care items and donations […]

Deacons in the Diocese of Fredericton

Deacons in the Diocese of Fredericton

Since early Christian times, there have been different types of ministry within the Church. Since the time of the New Testament, three distinct orders of ordained ministries have been known in the Church – bishops, priests, and deacons. Each order has its specifc duties, but all work together. Somehow, over time, the ministry of deacon […]

Lend your support to a school lunch and winter clothing program

Lend your support to a school lunch and winter clothing program

We’ve raised almost $1500, so far, towards a local school lunch and winter clothing program through our Giving Tuesday initiative! Donations are still accepted online and through offering envelopes, with tax receipts provided. Thanks for your support! Can we count on your support for our ‘Giving Tuesday’ campaign this year? We have committed to continue […]

2023 ADVENT-ures

2023 ADVENT-ures

The new Church year is once again upon us!  Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start? Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship. MONDAYS – beginning 27 November Spirituality of Advent – Prayer Series: Contemplative ideas […]

Congregational meeting with the Bishop

Congregational meeting with the Bishop

In 2022, the contracted firm of Heritage Standing delivered a comprehensive report on the significant costs of the maintenance issues facing the Cathedral. Earlier this year the Cathedral and Synod contracted with Source Alliance to undertake a study on the feasibility of funding required renovations. Approximately 45 individuals/couples were interviewed and a report was produced. […]

Mess Makes Meaning Godly Play Podcast

Mess Makes Meaning Godly Play Podcast

Caring for young children’s spirituality is a delicate balance and can often be made more difficult when we grown-ups don’t care for ourselves.  Struggling through religious or church-related trauma or even feelings of inadequacy when it comes to answering our children’s big questions.  Mess Makes Meaning aims to equip parents/caregivers to remind them and their […]

Deacon Competencies

Deacon Competencies

Potential deacons and priests in the Diocese of Fredericton both enter into a discernment process that helps to clarify if they are being called to ordained ministry. Discernment leading to the diaconate Discernment leading to priesthood While the roles of deacons and priests are different, the qualities required for ordination are similar. The Diocese seeks […]

Understanding the cultural realities of children and youth today

Understanding the cultural realities of children and youth today

Janet Craswell and Angela Pupino say ministries with children and youth were severely impacted by the pandemic and are still rebuilding in most churches. They say a truly intergenerational church must embrace the voices and concerns of younger people and acknowledge the unique cultural realities that shape the lives. There are very few intergenerational spaces […]

Cathedral Sunday intercessors meet

Cathedral Sunday intercessors meet

Those who lead Sunday intercessions gathered on Tuesday, November 7th with Deacon Isabel Cutler to discuss and share resources used in this ministry of prayer. An invitation had been made to others with interest in joining the team which is comprised of about 12 individuals. Assignments are currently determined by way of the Cathedral Signup […]

Fall 2023 vaccines & rapid tests

Fall 2023 vaccines & rapid tests

Remember to get your vaccines for both the flu and COVID-19. Let’s be and keep others safe. Click here for information about the influenza vaccine, and the updated COVID-19 vaccine. Do you need rapid tests? We no longer receive a supply of COVID-19 rapid test kits tests for the Cathedral and Memorial Hall, but you […]

The Diaconate of All Believers

The Diaconate of All Believers

by Craig L. Nessan Diaconia belongs to all the baptized as “a dimension integral to the nature and mission of the church” (World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance 2022, p. 10). Called to Transformation gives new ecumenical attention to “the diaconate of all believers, based on the view that God’s spirit graciously empowers and […]

Outreach continues with health precautions

Outreach continues with health precautions

It’s a challenging time for the Cathedral’s Outreach Committee. The number of people-in-need is ticking upwards, the weather is getting chillier, and COVID-19 is still lurking around many corners. “Our average number of guests for Monday Morning Outreach has always been 40-ish in past years, but we’re routinely seeing 50-to-60 people a month throughout 2023,” […]

The Way of Discernment

The Way of Discernment

The Way of Discernment by Elizabeth Liebert Westminster, John Knox / 2008 / 170 pages The Way of Discernment invites the reader into a series of experiments leading to discernment as a way of life and as a way of making decisions in the light of faith and a corresponding desire to follow God’s call. […]

On the Ministry of Deacon

On the Ministry of Deacon

The Order of Deacon is of New Testament and apostolic origin. The Book of Acts contains what has traditionally been seen as the institution of the diaconate in the selection and appointment of “the seven” through prayer and the laying on of hands for service and distribution of food among widows in the community. The […]

Anglican-Lutheran statement on war in the holy land

Anglican-Lutheran statement on war in the holy land

On Saturday the world watched in horror as Hamas launched a rapid, devastating barrage of violence against Israel. Rockets, drone attacks, the killing of civilians and the taking of hostages have ignited long simmering tensions between Israel and Palestine. Israel has responded with ongoing rocket attacks and the death toll on all sides rises daily. […]

Stone Soup Worship Planning

Stone Soup Worship Planning

Maybe you’ve heard it said that for lavish worship, congregations must have a “Worship Design Team” — experts gathered to design, script, rehearse, and coordinate the event. In detail. Every. Single. Week. But what if small congregations have a more powerful option — one that expands participation, emphasizes lay leadership, ends the burnout of meetings, […]

Clergy Appreciation Month

Clergy Appreciation Month

During Clergy Appreciation Month, take some time to say thank you to our clergy! We are blessed by all that they do to support our congregation and community, through their leadership, faithfulness, integrity, pastoral care and prayer. Our Cathedral congregation is blessed with the service of Dean Geoffrey Hall, Canon Jon Lownds, Canon Rod Black, […]

2023 Thanksgiving Pastoral

2023 Thanksgiving Pastoral

View or Download in PDF Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton Thanksgiving 2023 Dear Friends, At Thanksgiving this year we’ll be reading one of the more familiar gospel texts about gratitude from Luke 17. It might be called, “The Nine Guys Who Forgot;” instead, some biblical translations title it “Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers.” While some suggest the […]

A time to share: Grief support

A time to share: Grief support

Join Isabel Cutler, Deacon, on the fourth Saturday of each month for an informal gathering of Cathedral family members who have felt the loss of a beloved family member or friend. Reflect with others who have been following the same path, supporting each other in a shared experience. Gatherings will be held inside Christ Church […]

Need prayer?

Need prayer?

There are several ways you can request prayer through the Cathedral. If you would like your name, or the name of a loved one, added to the public Prayer List in the Sunday bulletin, please contact the Cathedral Office. Names will be listed for one month, but may be extended by contacting the office. You […]

Supporting students in Belize

Supporting students in Belize

Since 2010, the congregation of Christ Church Cathedral has provided a scholarship program for students in Belize. High school is not publicly funded in that country, and finances are a barrier which prevents some children from receiving formal education past Grade 8. For the 2023-2024 school year, our new scholarship student is Silvia Trapp. She […]

Season of Creation film screening: The Letter

Season of Creation film screening: The Letter

Join us for a special multimedia event to mark this Season of Creation! On Saturday 23 September, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge, we’ll screen and discuss The Letter, an 82-minute documentary film providing environmental illustration, exploration and context to Laudato si’, the encyclical letter on the care of creation that […]

Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Saturday, 30 September is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and we are encouraged to continue our prayers on that day Choral Evensong at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, 01 October, 2023 Watch here Listen here Read the letter from Linda our Primate and Chris, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop The Cathedral Office and Memorial Hall […]

Chair Yoga in the Cathedral

Chair Yoga in the Cathedral

Chair yoga is returning to the Cathedral after a summer break, and attendees are looking forward to gathering for this gentle exercise. An initiative of the Health Ministry, the classes are led by experienced yoga instructor Monique Smith. Ideal for both young and old, chair yoga is a unique way to exercise while sitting in […]

Cathedral Faces: Deacon Isabel Cutler

Cathedral Faces: Deacon Isabel Cutler

In a letter dated 10 August, 2023, our Bishop has answered a request made by the Dean and the Bishop and Chapter to appoint Isabel Cutler deacon at Christ Church Cathedral. Our congratulations to Isabel and we look forward to having her once again part of the ministry team. Isabel Cutler was ordained to Holy […]

170th anniversary of Cathedral consecration

170th anniversary of Cathedral consecration

Christ Church Cathedral is an important architectural and historical landmark in Fredericton, and August 31, 2023 marks the 170th anniversary of its consecration. The Cathedral was consecrated on August 31, 1853. Bishop Medley wrote in his journal on that day, “The Cathedral, the corner stone of which was laid October 15, 1845, was consecrated this […]

PWRDF launches in-Canada emergency response fund

PWRDF launches in-Canada emergency response fund

In this year of unprecedented wildfires from coast to coast, including those currently forcing evacuations in the Northwest Territories and British Columbia, the Prinate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) has established a fund specifically for in-Canada emergency response. The frequency and severity of natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes and floods is increasing, affecting […]

Godly Play Training

Godly Play Training

Door Persons are key figures in supporting the children who gather in community for Godly Play. On Saturday, 14 October, from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Christ Church Cathedral is hosting a Godly Play Door Person training session. This 5-hour workshop offers a unique way to encourage and support volunteers helping with children’s programs. Leadership […]

Wildfire destroys Anglican camp in BC

Wildfire destroys Anglican camp in BC

A cross at the end of a dock is nearly all that remains of an Anglican camp in British Columbia ravaged by wildfire. Camp OAC (Oakanagan Anglican Camp), like New Brunswick’s Camp Medley and Camp Brookwood, offers faith-based summer camping opportunities for children and teens, as well as religious retreats and rentals for secular functions […]

Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (June 2023 update)

Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (June 2023 update)

The Reverends Nelson and Kara Mejia are SAMS Canada (South American Mission Society) missionaries and priests in the Diocese of Honduras. Kara Mejia is the daughter of retired New Brunswick priest Gordon Thompson and his wife, Bell. The Cathedral Missions Committee supports their Ministry in Roatan, Honduras with yearly donations. By the Revs. Nelson and […]

NB Day + Emancipation Day activities on the Green

NB Day + Emancipation Day activities on the Green

Once again, some of the provincial celebrations for the August civic holiday will be held on the riverside Cathedral Green, next to the walking trail. The Cathedral Office will be closed on Monday, 07 August. On that day, we encourage you to spend time with friends and participate in the celebrations! New Brunswick Day festivities […]

Summer theatre with the Calithumpians

Summer theatre with the Calithumpians

The Calithumpians theatre troupe has been entertaining audiences for over forty years. Headquartered at Cathedral Memorial Hall, the troupe is named after an ancient tradition wherein young people, dressed in costume and disguise, paraded through the streets celebrating and making joyous noise. ​From their humble beginnings performing educational shows in schools, the Calithumpians have expanded […]

Cathedral Faces: Muriel Falkenstein, Tour Guide

Cathedral Faces: Muriel Falkenstein, Tour Guide

This summer, we are pleased to welcome Muriel Falkenstein as a Cathedral Tour Guide. She is working with Alex LeBlanc. Muriel Falkenstein is a high school graduate, classical soprano, and active community member in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Her school extracurriculars included the Fredericton High School Concert Band (chair, flute section), Model United Nations, and the […]

Diocese focuses lens on young adult formation

Diocese focuses lens on young adult formation

The Diocese of Fredericton is expanding the Special Ministries supported by the Synod. The position of Director of Young Adult Formation has recently been created, recognizing a need for support for teens and young adults in their faith journeys. Kurt Schmidt has been selected to fill this part-time role, providing leadership and pastoral care, with […]

Drop by for a guided tour!

Drop by for a guided tour!

Have you taken a tour of the Cathedral? Even if you regularly worship here, you’re likely to learn something new! Guided tours of Christ Church Cathedral are available throughout July and August, Monday to Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Tours are free, donations are welcome (fill out a […]

Sweltering Songs festival returns to the Cathedral Green

Sweltering Songs festival returns to the Cathedral Green

Do you love live music? Check out the summertime festival ‘Sweltering Songs’, presented by the folks at Shivering Songs! We’re pleased that once again the Waterloo Stage will be held on the riverside Cathedral Green, July 22-23. Additional shows will be held at The CAP on Queen Street. Sweltering Songs co-organizer, Zach Atkinson, says, “We’re […]

Fredericton’s 175th anniversary concert

Fredericton’s 175th anniversary concert

Christ Church Cathedral will be the host venue for Fredericton’s 175th anniversary concert, A Celebration of Us, to be held on Tuesday, 08 August, 2023, 7:30 p.m. This article was shared in a recent newsletter from the New Brunswick Summer Music Festival. Fredericton-based composer Christian David Bérubé has been commissioned to create a new work to celebrate […]

Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity

Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity

10 Ways to Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity By Ken Sloane   How can parents shape a generous spirit in their children? Ken Sloane outlines ten practical ways families can focus more intentionally on giving and gratitude, compassion, and service so that their children grow in faith and generosity. Who doesn’t want to […]

Two archdeacons collated, two canons installed

Two archdeacons collated, two canons installed

“Christ Church Cathedral was the venue for a service of Installation and Collation June 11 as Leo Martin and Paul Ranson were collated as territorial archdeacons of Saint John and Fredericton respectively; and Kevin Borthwick and Chris Hayes were installed as canons of the Cathedral. Dean Geoffrey Hall and Archbishop David Edwards presided. The Rev. […]

2023 Summer Music Series

2023 Summer Music Series

The annual Summer Music Series at Christ Church Cathedral is back! All are welcome to attend these concerts, designed to fit perfectly within the lunch hour. Fridays from 12:10-12:50 p.m., 30 June – 25 August at 150 Church Street, Fredericton. Join us inside historic Christ Church Cathedral as we present a series of concerts featuring […]

Prayer Network seeks volunteers

Prayer Network seeks volunteers

Did you know that you can request immediate, confidential prayer for any matter? The Cathedral Prayer Network is a committee of caring individuals who pray for others. It is different from the public prayer list printed in the Sunday bulletin. Confidentiality of prayer requests is at the core of the group’s work. The Prayer Network […]

Decluttering for a cause

Decluttering for a cause

Cleaning up around the house? We can help! Donate your good condition, previously loved items and we’ll sell them at our upcoming indoor yard sale. All proceeds will go towards high school tuition for Belize scholarship students. We’re looking for household items, decor, toys, games, books, etc. No clothing or furniture please. We’ll also accept […]

Engaging Children Through Active Wondering

Engaging Children Through Active Wondering

Tanya Campen describes how engaging children through active wondering creates space for them to share freely and nurtures honest conversation. She equips teachers and guides to shepherd children in the holy work of active wondering.

Jubilee Tea and a Jubilee Tree

Jubilee Tea and a Jubilee Tree

The Cathedral branch of the Mothers’ Union hosted a Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Tea in June of 2022 and although it was not a fundraising event, we did however, receive donations. After covering our expenses, we decided we wanted to use the balance of the funds to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee in a lasting way. The […]

Work with us as a Summer Tour Guide!

Work with us as a Summer Tour Guide!

Do you love history and enjoy meeting new people? Apply for a summer job as a Cathedral Tour Guide! Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton, New Brunswick is pleased to once again open its doors for tours this summer. We are seeking a part-time tour guide to work alongside our Lead Tour Guide, providing a warm […]

NOVENA – Thy Kingdom Come 2023

NOVENA – Thy Kingdom Come 2023

Join us at 5:15 p.m. on weekdays during Thy Kingdom Come. Two options to participate: 1) In person in the boardroom, second floor of Cathedral Memorial Hall 2) Online via video conference. Check the Cathedral web calendar event to connect. Download or view the NOVENA reflections. The word novena is taken from “novem,” the Latin […]

Getting to know each other at a newcomer event

Getting to know each other at a newcomer event

On May 10, we hosted a Newcomer Dessert Event at Cathedral Hall.  The evening was organized by the Mother’s Union, Kurt Schmidt (Director of Christian Formation), and Andreas Decken (Chair of Welcoming and Hospitality). Kurt and Andreas are extremely grateful to the Mothers’ Union for doing an excellent job providing treats and setting up the […]

Newcomer Dessert Event – 10 May

Newcomer Dessert Event – 10 May

Are you relatively new to the Cathedral family — or “new at heart”?! If so, you are cordially invited to a welcome, dessert and information-sharing event on Wednesday, 10 May in Cathedral Memorial Hall, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Come along to hear about the various ministries supported by individuals and groups from the Cathedral, and […]

Nicholas Saulnier ordained to the priesthood

Nicholas Saulnier ordained to the priesthood

“Christ Church Cathedral was filled with people there to witness the ordination to the priesthood of Nicholas Saulnier, on April 30. Archbishop David Edwards presided, with assistance from Dean Geoffrey Hall and Bishop Nigel Shaw.” Click here to read the article by NB Anglican Editor Gisele McKnight, see photos and learn more about the ordination […]

Local musicians featured in Cathedral concerts

Local musicians featured in Cathedral concerts

Known for its wonderful acoustics, Christ Church Cathedral is considered an excellent venue for musical performances. We are pleased to be the host venue for concerts featuring local musicians this spring. 12 May, 2023 — The High Tide Winds will perform a classical music concert on Friday, 12 May at 7:30 pm at Christ Church […]

Keith Joyce – My Journey Here

Keith Joyce – My Journey Here

This article about the former Dean of Fredericton (1999-2014), Rev. Keith Joyce, was recently published in the NB Anglican. By all accounts, the Rev. Keith Joyce’s childhood was one of adventure, culture and world travel. The youngest child of missionaries, his young life included a myriad of moves, schools, languages, Atlantic crossings, provinces and new […]

Celebrating Easter with Ukrainian traditions

Celebrating Easter with Ukrainian traditions

On Saturday. April 15, the Ukrainian Community of Fredericton gathered at Christ Church Cathedral to celebrate Easter. A priest travelled from Moncton to hold worship for over 100 attendees of all ages. Many wore traditional Ukrainian clothing and brought baskets for a special tradition – the Easter food basket blessing. They were thrilled to be […]



The March and April editions of the New Brunswick Anglican newspaper contained many stories of times when members of the Diocese felt blessed. You will see some familiar Cathedral faces in these pages! Click to read ‘Blessings’ stories from March 2023 and April 2023. You can also view previous editions of the NB Anglican. The […]

New recommendations for spring COVID-19 booster vaccinations

New recommendations for spring COVID-19 booster vaccinations

The Cathedral’s Health Ministry Team would like to share the updated recommendations for Spring COVID-19 booster vaccinations. Many people are continuing to fall ill, and our congregation includes many over 65 years, plus families with immunocompromised loved ones. The information below is from New Brunswick Public Health. Read more details.     The more people […]

Workshops during Eastertide

Workshops during Eastertide

We are pleased to host two workshops this spring by Spiritual Directors who are members of our congregation. Step out of your comfort zone, attend, and experience the unique perspectives that these workshops can bring to your life. Finding Your Sacred Story Saturday, 22 April, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Christ Church Cathedral Your Sacred Story […]

Farewell to an artist

Farewell to an artist

Hugh MacKinnon was an exceptional artist who did extensive restoration work on the Cathedral’s East and West windows. His stained-glass artisanship is present in churches, educational institutions and other sites throughout the Maritimes. According to his obituary, “Many church windows in New Brunswick have sunlight shining through his creations, including the small chapel in the […]

Easter worship in the Cathedral

Easter worship in the Cathedral

Join us for Easter worship at the Cathedral. All are welcome. The Great Easter Vigil will be held on Saturday night, April 8 at 8:00 p.m. + livestream On Easter Sunday, April 9, there are three opportunities to worship: 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer, no music) 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Book of […]

2023 Easter Pastoral

2023 Easter Pastoral

View or Download in PDF Fredericton NB Lent 2023 Dear Friends, Between now and Easter Day we who begin the final leg of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem will take what is the most intense of Christian seasonal journeys. As the images go by we continue on our own personal ones. While some are celebrating new […]

Give the gift of Easter flowers

Give the gift of Easter flowers

The Sanctuary Guild of Christ Church Cathedral encourages gifts for flowers in memory or as a thank offering at the High Altar and throughout the Cathedral, at any time and especially at festival times of the church year. Forms must be received by Tuesday, March 26, 2024 to have memorials published in the Easter bulletin. […]

Preparing for Easter with Godly Play

Preparing for Easter with Godly Play

Children participating in Godly Play at Cathedral Memorial Hall have been preparing for Easter with stories and art. During the Faces of Easter week 4 lesson, the children used the Faces of Christ paintings. This photo shows how, after the story was told using the paintings, the children were invited to add other things from […]

Mothers’ Union at a glance

Mothers’ Union at a glance

Mothers’ Union is an international Christian membership charity of 4 million members living in over 80 countries, who share one heartfelt vision — to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. Members actively pursue this vision through community programs, advocacy campaigns and a committed prayer life. View […]

Supporting neighbours in need

Supporting neighbours in need

We recently received this note from Montgomery Street Elementary’s Home and School Association, to which the Cathedral has previously provided support for children in need. I wanted to let the church know that with the remainder of the donation provided to our committee, after paying for the hot lunches and milk program to our children […]

Gallery exhibition features Cathedral items from Provincial Archives

Gallery exhibition features Cathedral items from Provincial Archives

The Beaverbrook Art Gallery and the Provincial Archives have collaborated on an exhibit showcasing artistic treasures from the archives. The exhibit, AR(T)CHIVES: Visual Treasures from the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, is open to the public until May 28, 2023. Gallery admission is required. “Archives are more than simply repositories of paper documents, ledgers, and […]

AST 2023 Grad Projects

AST 2023 Grad Projects

Atlantic School of Theology has some of the brightest students around! In Halifax or online on March 14 & 15 celebrating their work and cutting-edge research as part of graduate projects ​ Click here to register Tuesday March 14, 2023 Compassion – 1:00-2:30 ADT Stephanie Rose – Bridging the Gap: Practicing Infant Baptism in a Post-Christian […]

Cathedral Elections

Cathedral Elections

Thank you to all who submitted annual reports and attended the Annual Congregational Meeting on 26 February, 2023. Click to read online copies of the Cathedral Annual Report and view the Narrative Budget, “Turning Resources into Grace”, a magazine-style brochure which tells the story of our ministry with photos. We are pleased to announce the […]

Ad-LENT-ures 2023

Ad-LENT-ures 2023

22 February – 01 April 2023 During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well […]

Memoirs: Archbishop Harold Nutter

Memoirs: Archbishop Harold Nutter

‘It Remains for Me to Say’, a book containing the memoirs of Archbishop Harold Lee Nutter is available for purchase at the Diocesan Synod Office for $28 (plus postage if required). Drop by the Synod Office upstairs in Memorial Hall, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or email <office at> for […]

Not just for breakfast

Not just for breakfast

Shrove Tuesday is just around the corner and for many Christians, that means pancakes for supper! Not being a pancake lover, I decided to do a little research on this questionable meal choice. I knew that Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Day, Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras) preceded Ash Wednesday when many folks give […]

Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (December 2022 Update)

Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (December 2022 Update)

The Reverends Nelson and Kara Mejia are SAMS Canada (South American Mission Society) missionaries and priests in the Diocese of Honduras. Kara Mejia is the daughter of retired New Brunswick priest Gordon Thompson and his wife, Bell. The Cathedral Missions Committee supports their Ministry in Roatan, Honduras with yearly donations. By the Revs. Nelson and […]

2023 World Day of Prayer

2023 World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. The World Day of Prayer service video for 2023 is available to watch online now. The 55 minute video, produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, can […]

2023 Prayer Diary

2023 Prayer Diary

This Prayer Diary, created by Mothers’ Union, contains daily and monthly prayers. You are encouraged to use it to facilitate your devotions. Each month in the colourful book begins with a reflection, an opening prayer and a creative prayer activity. “As we use this resource, we remember that we are united with each other, wherever […]

Annual Report deadline approaching

Annual Report deadline approaching

Officers, committees, groups and organizations are reminded that annual reports are needed by 31 January 2023. Ideally, emailed in open text or by file attachment to the Cathedral Office. If submitted on paper, please allow a few days before the deadline. The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, 26 February after worship. The 2023 […]

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2023

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2023

Bishop and Chapter met 0n 16 January 2023 by video conference 11 of 13 members present. Members were asked to read in advance “5 Ideas for Managing Your Church Budget in the New ‘Normal’” by Ken Sloane (Discipleship Ministries – United Methodist Church). The “ideas” included: quarterly planning, approaches to past comparisons, recognizing “inflation dollars,” […]

Falling Upward

Falling Upward

Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life By Fr. Richard Rohr Jossey-Bass / 2011 / 240 pages I’m sure I may have noticed a few little hidden smirks when I mentioned to my Bible Study group that I was going to do a book review of Father Richard Rohr’s  “Falling Upward” for our […]

Celebrate the New Year

Celebrate the New Year

Celebrate the New Year in the Cathedral on Sunday, 01 January. Worship at 10:30 a.m. will be followed by Archbishop David Edwards’ New Year’s Day reception. We will also worship at 8:00 a.m. It’s a wonderful way to start 2023 with prayer and festivity! Watch livestreams and recordings on our YouTube channel.

A gift to brighten a child’s Christmas

A gift to brighten a child’s Christmas

This December, the Cathedral Outreach Committee supported a program from Prison Fellowship Canada, which provides gifts to children of incarcerated parents. PFC’s Angel Tree Christmas program connects church communities and individuals with the families of prisoners through the delivery of a Christmas gift on behalf of the incarcerated parent. Through the program, a prisoner applies, […]

Christmas at the Cathedral

Christmas at the Cathedral

Celebrate Christmas at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Fredericton! Whether you are a Christian who has worshipped in the Anglican tradition, are of another Christian denomination, another faith entirely or, simply interested in understanding more about what our faith community is all about, you are warmly welcome to join us in worship. There is no […]

2022 Christmas Pastoral

2022 Christmas Pastoral

Advent 2022 Fredericton NB Read or download in PDF Dear Friends, Once the lights are connected and the musical favourites begin to play, many again will get that warm holiday feeling and snuggle in for yet another Christmas. Memories of Christmas past may help to enhance those positive vibes while for others, there’s much well […]

Bishop and Chapter News – December 2022

Bishop and Chapter News – December 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 12 December 2022 in person and with video conference participation, 7 of 13 members present. A short discussion on an article entitled “One Invitation Away from Returning” by Rebekah Simon-Peter (LeadingIdeas – Lewis Center for Christian Leadership). One premise included is similar to that of the “Back to Church”/ Season of […]

City of Fredericton Heritage Review

City of Fredericton Heritage Review

The City of Fredericton is looking for opinions about its heritage program – share your thoughts! The City is currently reviewing its heritage program and services and is looking for feedback from residents. Share your thoughts by completing a short online survey so decision-makers can better understand how you perceive heritage, its conservation importance, and […]

Cathedral Faces: Jason Parsons, Verger

Cathedral Faces: Jason Parsons, Verger

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our staff members and clergy. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work. Professionally, Jason is an Army Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces in his 27th year of service. […]

ACW Christmas Tea

ACW Christmas Tea

The Anglican Church Women (ACW) welcomed 35 guests to a Christmas Tea on a balmy December 7 afternoon. Guests entering Memorial Hall were greeted by brightly lit Christmas trees and surrounding tables displaying beautiful and unique angels – no two of the 50+ were alike.  Conversation, sharing and ‘catching up’ was the buzz around the […]

Christmas Lessons and Carols

Christmas Lessons and Carols

Celebrate the coming of Christmas with a service of scripture and carols. Listen to Audio 4:00 p.m., Sunday,18 December in Christ Church Cathedral, 150 Church Street in downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick. Whether you are a Christian who has worshipped in the Anglican tradition, are of another Christian denomination, another faith entirely or, simply interested […]

Cathedral Faces: Geoffrey Hall, Dean

Cathedral Faces: Geoffrey Hall, Dean

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our clergy and staff members. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work. Geoffrey Hall has been Dean of Fredericton since September 2014. As a priest of the Diocese of […]

Cathedral Faces: Kirsten McKnight, Office Administrator

Cathedral Faces: Kirsten McKnight, Office Administrator

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our staff members and clergy. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work. Kirsten McKnight is passionate about creating positive change through community collaboration and inclusiveness. She holds a B.A. […]

Angels wanted for display at Christmas Tea

Angels wanted for display at Christmas Tea

Do you have Christmas angel decorations? Share your ‘host’ of angels, a single ‘lovely’ or a bevy of the ’littlest’ for an angel display that will be enjoyed by guests attending a Christmas Tea hosted by the Anglican Church Women. Join the festivities! Celebrate the coming of the Christmas season with Cathedral members and friends. […]

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2022

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 21 November 2022 in person and with video conference participation, 9 of 13 members present. The Dean led some discussion about governance structure referring specifically to the board model now in place for Bishop and Chapter since 2015. The goal is that all Cathedral ministries fall under one of eight Chapter […]

Valuable contributions

Valuable contributions

The Cathedral Outreach Committee sincerely thanks the congregation for fulfilling all 50 Christmas Angel requests by the November 14th deadline. Pictured are just a few of the toys and stocking stuffers delivered to the food bank to make sure needy children will have gifts under the tree this Christmas. Well done, everyone! The toys were […]

Cathedral Faces: Deacon Debbie Edmondson

Cathedral Faces: Deacon Debbie Edmondson

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our clergy and staff members. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work. Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Debbie grew up in Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick, where she still makes her […]

Everywhere Holy

Everywhere Holy

Everywhere Holy By Kara Lawlor Thomas Nelson Publications / 2019 / 224 pages Sitting with this book in my lap as I try to write a book review – a task I haven’t undertaken since Grade 12 – I am enjoying these unexpected balmy November days. I’m looking at the still pink hydrangea from my […]

Diocesan Synod held at the Cathedral

Diocesan Synod held at the Cathedral

On Saturday, 05 November, the 138th Diocesan Synod was held at the Cathedral. Read about the busy and productive day in an article written for the NB Anglican, by Gisele McKnight. Almost 300 attendees prayed together and worked together, considering Bishop David Edwards’ charge which focused on the need for discernment of future ministry. The […]

All Souls – Remembering those we love

All Souls – Remembering those we love

All Souls’ Day will be observed at Christ Church Cathedral on Wednesday, 08 November, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (after All Saints’ Day on Wednesday, 01 November and All Saints’ Sunday which will be observed on 05 November). Prayer requests for the departed may be added by using this online form, by email <office at> […]

Greetings from Caledonia

Greetings from Caledonia

The Dean of the Diocese of Caledonia sent greetings for the week of 16 October 2022 on behalf of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Prince Rupert. View the card. Dear Mr. Dean, Greetings and peace to you, your family and your congregation, and continual blessings on the ministries you all undertake at Christ Church Cathedral. I am […]

Back to school in Belize

Back to school in Belize

Our high school scholarship students in Belize have begun their fall semester. Thank you for your support and prayers! One of the students had been quite ill after a COVID infection, but was given clearance by a doctor to return to class in September. The four students (Caleb, Edvin, Gian, and Korey) are thankful for […]

Cathedral Faces: Ashley Swim, Sexton

Cathedral Faces: Ashley Swim, Sexton

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our staff members. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work. Ashley John Swim was born in Oromocto and raised in McAdam, where his family still resides. As a child […]

Kitchen shines after autumn cleaning

Kitchen shines after autumn cleaning

Luke’s gospel refers to a house being swept and put in good order, but it doesn’t say anything about defrosting a freezer or cleaning a popcorn machine. “We have a checklist of necessary tasks to be done during the seasonal cleaning of the kitchen at the church hall,” Kitchen Committee chair Kathy McBride said. A […]

Building on the Past to Sustain the Future

Building on the Past to Sustain the Future

From Sonya at Heritage Standing … Read the CAHP Green Paper “Building on the Past to Sustain the Future: Recommendations and observations from the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals Workroom series (2021) on building reuse for climate action.” It is a great advocacy and communication tool that provides clear information on why old buildings are necessary […]

Faith formation with Godly Play

Faith formation with Godly Play

Have you been wondering? Why has ‘Sunday School’ been replaced by ‘Godly Play’? What’s it all about? Since the Fall of 2017, the Cathedral’s Sunday morning Christian formation for children has been using a methodology called Godly Play. Through the pandemic we carried on through Zoom and are excited to be back to in-person this Fall. […]

2022 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

2022 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

Download or view the PDF Dear Friends, Thanksgiving 2022 This time of year offers a particularly noticeable display of the handiwork of God. As leaves turn brilliant, even as lush greens turn to earth tones, we’re reminded that we’ve come to another end of the growing season and that it’s time to capture as much […]

22-Guild of St. Joseph BBQ

22-Guild of St. Joseph BBQ

In September, the Guild of St. Joseph (affectionately referred to as the Holy Joes) gathered for a shared meal. The last time this Cathedral men’s group held a barbecue was in June 2019, over 3 years ago, and members were pleased to enjoy this time of fellowship, along with their spouses and Cathedral staff members. […]

2022 Fall Financial Update

2022 Fall Financial Update

The following is an update of Cathedral financial information as of 31 August 2022. A brief presentation was offered on Sunday, 02 October to congregations at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.. If you have questions, feel free to contact a member of Bishop and Chapter or get in touch through the Cathedral Office. […]

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2022

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 26 September 2022 in person with 10 of 14 members present. The article Post-pandemic Church Growth Accelerators by Carey Nieuwhof was discussed. Focus on core mission, community and connection, online worship and agility were among the indicators of church health. Minutes from 20 June 2022 were adopted. From the Dean outside […]

What is Spiritual Direction?

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction originated as spiritual mentoring in monasteries, but it is now offered by retreat centers, congregations, and individuals. It is a unique one-to-one relationship in which a trained person assists another person in the search for ever-closer connections with God (however you might call the “something more” beyond yourself), to your true self, and […]

Fellowship and food: 2022 corn boil

Fellowship and food: 2022 corn boil

Thank you to all who assisted with the corn boil on 11 September, volunteering their time or assisting with food preparation. After 10:30 worship, we served corn, watermelon, sweets and lemonade on the Cathedral lawn. The warm day made it very enjoyable to spend time chatting with others in the congregation, as well as some […]

Medley Lecture: Thick Churches

Medley Lecture: Thick Churches

John Stackhouse is the Samuel J. Mikolaski Professor of Religious Studies and Dean of Faculty Development at Crandall University in Moncton. On 12 October, 2022, he will present a lecture in Christ Church Cathedral, hosted by the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, offering a diagnosis, prognosis, and prescription for the condition of contemporary Canadian Christianity. The […]

Royal visits to the Cathedral

Royal visits to the Cathedral

Since Queen Elizabeth II’s death, many people have been reflecting on her life of service to her country, the Commonwealth, and the Church. The Queen traveled to New Brunswick five times, visiting Christ Church Cathedral during her time in Fredericton. Here are  photos of some of those visits. In 1951, Princess Elizabeth signed the Royal […]

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II

Remembering Queen Elizabeth II

Thank you to all who assisted with the Provincial commemorative service for the Queen. Photos from the memorial will be shared on our website soon. * A Provincial commemorative service for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be held in Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton on Monday, 19 September at 2:00 p.m. Order of Service […]

Cathedral Organ Scholar

Cathedral Organ Scholar

A message from Thomas Gonder, Cathedral Organist and Director of Music: “I am thoroughly delighted to announce that upon approval of The Dean, I have appointed Christian Vanicek Organ Scholar to Christ Church Cathedral. Christian just turned sixteen and has been studying with me since late last Summer/Early Autumn. He has progressed at an astonishing […]

Corn Boil

Corn Boil

Members of the Cathedral congregation are invited to gather after 10:30 a.m. worship on Sunday, 11 September for food and fellowship! Corn on the cob, treats and lemonade will be served on the Cathedral lawn. Feel free to bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket. If the weather is poor, we will bring the festivities […]

Season of Creation 2022

Season of Creation 2022

Christians around the world are invited to give particular attention to praying and caring for God’s creation as part of the global Season of Creation, observed from September 1st to October 4th every year. General Synod 2019 passed a resolution adopting the Season of Creation in the Anglican Church of Canada as a time of […]

Cathedral Faces: Alex LeBlanc, Tour Guide

Cathedral Faces: Alex LeBlanc, Tour Guide

This summer, we are pleased to welcome two Cathedral tour guides: Alex LeBlanc and Sophia Pacione. Learn about Alex below. Learning to Adapt I have been waiting for the last three years to return to the Cathedral as a tour guide. When I was a tour guide back in 2019, I truly enjoyed the experience […]

Cathedral Faces: Sophia Pacione, Tour Guide

Cathedral Faces: Sophia Pacione, Tour Guide

This summer, we are pleased to welcome two Cathedral tour guides: Sophia Pacione and Alex LeBlanc. Here is Sophia’s story. Learning from Others Everyone seems to have a different reason for entering the Cathedral as a building, let alone as a church. It is interesting for me, as a tour guide this summer, to see […]

House of Bishops Statement on Lambeth Conference

House of Bishops Statement on Lambeth Conference

Lambeth 2022: Statement from the Canadian House of Bishops By General Synod Communications on August 4, 2022 This message was received from the Canadian House of Bishops this morning during the 2022 Lambeth Conference. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you […]

Penny Ericson to receive Order of New Brunswick

Penny Ericson to receive Order of New Brunswick

The dedicated and talented chair of the Cathedral Outreach Committee, Penny Ericson, is being inducted into the Order of New Brunswick for her many accomplishments achieved during decades in this province. Penny is a professor emeritus from the University of New Brunswick and a retired Dean of the Faculty of Nursing. She has been recognized […]

Life in the Eucharist 2022

Life in the Eucharist 2022

In the Anglican Church of Canada, baptized children may be admitted to Holy Communion as provided in the August 1977 Memorial to the House of Bishops. In our diocese, Bishop’s Directive 3.1.2 outlines the process and requirements. We’ll be offering “Life in the Eucharist” in the fall of 2022 for children (aged 7 and older) […]

Emancipation Day (August 1)

Emancipation Day (August 1)

A reflection by Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls, Anglican Church of Canada. On August 1, Canada marks Emancipation Day. This is the day in 1834 when the Abolition of Slavery Act was enacted by the British parliament and became law across all the colonial territories claimed by Great Britain, including lands that today are commonly […]

Songs and smiles on the Cathedral lawn

Songs and smiles on the Cathedral lawn

The Calithumpians theatre troupe has been entertaining audiences in Fredericton for over forty years, and in 2020, its headquarters moved to Cathedral Memorial Hall. For the last three summers, the Cathedral lawn has been filled with the sights and sounds of children participating in drama day camps. Kids and teens spend each weeklong camp singing, […]

Festival brings live music to the Cathedral Green

Festival brings live music to the Cathedral Green

From July 15-17, downtown Fredericton was filled with the sound of music from the Sweltering Songs music festival. Christ Church Cathedral was pleased to be a strategic partner of the festival, permitting use of the ‘Green’, the Cathedral’s waterfront land, for a performance tent. A spin-off initiative of the long-running winter music festival, Shivering Songs, […]

Cathedral Tours

Cathedral Tours

Guided tours of Christ Church Cathedral are available throughout July and August, Monday to Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and after worship on Sunday until 4:00 p.m. Tours are free, donations are welcome (fill out a donation envelope to receive a tax receipt). Drop by to welcome new tour guide Sophia Pacione, and Alex […]

Celebration at St. Hilda’s

Celebration at St. Hilda’s

Graduates of St. Hilda’s Anglican School were thrilled to receive their diplomas from Standard 6 (grade 8) at the end of June. Principal Jane Martinez shared photos of the happy students, which you can see below. She previously sent photos of a worship service held for the graduates in the school’s chapel. Upon this completion […]

2022 Lambeth Call to Prayer

2022 Lambeth Call to Prayer

The fifteenth Lambeth Conference will meet on 26 July – 08 August in Canterbury. As the conference draws closer, the Archbishop of Canterbury has shared a call to prayer with the conference delegates and their wider church communities. The call to prayer invites people to devote a day to prayer on Trinity Sunday – 12th […]

Canada matches gifts to PWRDF for world hunger

Canada matches gifts to PWRDF for world hunger

In response to the hunger emergency unfolding around the world, including many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 leading Canadian aid agencies are joining forces as the Humanitarian Coalition to raise funds and rush assistance to people on the edge of famine. One of those agencies is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, itself a coalition of 15 […]

2022 Summer Music Series

2022 Summer Music Series

Our Summer Music Series returns with nine noontime concerts, held each Friday between 01 July and 26 August. Join us inside historic Christ Church Cathedral as we present a series of concerts featuring choral music, soloists, fiddle, guitar, viola, organ and piano. View the poster. Each concert will run from 12:10 – 12:50 p.m. All […]

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2022

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 20 June 2022 in person with 10 of 13 members present. An article entitled “7 Ways to Re-engage Volunteers” (Lewis Centre for Leadership) was considered. Whether it’s due to post-pandemic fatigue, lingering health concerns, or broader cultural shifts, volunteerism hasn’t bounced back as readily as other aspects of congregational life. Susan […]

Graduation at St. Hilda’s

Graduation at St. Hilda’s

It’s graduation time in Belize! The Principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School, Ms. Jane Martinez, recently sent a few photos from year-end activities, and a video of students singing during a worship service in the school’s chapel for the Standard 6 (grade 8) graduates. Watch it below. St. Hilda’s, an elementary school in the rural […]

Thanks from Archbishop Edwards

Thanks from Archbishop Edwards

A letter from Archbishop David Edwards regarding celebrations on the Day of Pentecost and the conclusion of his Pilgrimage through the Archdeaconry of the Fredericton. 10 June 2022 The Most Reverend David Edwards Archbishop of Fredericton 168 Church Street, Fredericton NB E3B 4C9 Phone (506) 459-1801 • [email protected] Christ Church Cathedral 168 Church Street, Fredericton […]

Bishop McAllister College: Rector’s Newsletter – May 2022

Bishop McAllister College: Rector’s Newsletter – May 2022

Rector’s Newsletter – May 2022 Dear Friends Greetings from all of us Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary! When we received news that all schools would fully reopen in January 2022, we were excited, but decided that the best approach was cautious optimism. I’m happy to report that as we are well into 2nd term, things […]

Honouring the Queen with a Jubilee Tea

Honouring the Queen with a Jubilee Tea

On Saturday, 04 June, 2022, the Cathedral Branch of the Mothers’ Union (with the support of the ACW and other Fredericton MU branches) hosted “The Queen’s Jubilee Tea” to commemorate the 70th year since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne. The Cathedral looked beautiful with the red, white and blue bunting combined with the Pentecost […]

Hospital Visitors

Hospital Visitors

Cathedral hospital visitors are eager to see patients at hospitals but no longer have access to patient information. If you or a member of your family is admitted and would welcome a visit, it’s necessary for us to know about the admission and the unit/room location of the patient. If you have a planned admission […]

Cathedral Building Conditions and Issues Report

Cathedral Building Conditions and Issues Report

The Building Conditions and Issues report was prepared by the engineering firm of Heritage Standing Inc. (HSI).  The report contains a total of 36 recommendations, and classifies each recommendation as one of; Emergency High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Operational consideration For each recommendation the report details the scope of the recommended work, the necessity […]

Note of Gratitude from Cathedral Sexton Ashley Swim

Note of Gratitude from Cathedral Sexton Ashley Swim

To the Christ Church Cathedral community and family: Lana, Piper and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you for the prayers, well wishes, gifts and cards [after the birth of daughter Sundae Joy]. We are so grateful and have felt every single prayer. I am honoured and blessed to be […]

Funeral for Canon Tom Smith

Funeral for Canon Tom Smith

We are sad to announce the death of Canon Tom Smith on Friday, 03 June. Tom was a much loved member of the Cathedral congregation and clergy, and his friendship and spiritual care will be greatly missed. Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him. Funeral Service and Requiem […]

Messages from around the world

Messages from around the world

A postcard from Christ Church Cathedral is part of an exhibition hanging in St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia. Each May, a country-wide event called Baznīcu nākts (Night of Churches) is held throughout Latvia. The festival lasts well into the night, with churches hosting concerts, lectures, discussions and prayer, and the public is invited […]

Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Mothers’ Union is pleased to invite the congregation to The Queen’s Jubilee Tea, to be held inside the Cathedral on Saturday, 04 June from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Tea, cold drinks, sweets and sandwiches will be served in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Everyone is welcome to dress in their “Royal Best“ […]

In Memory of Bishop George Lemmon

In Memory of Bishop George Lemmon

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Bishop George Lemmon died on Sunday, May 22, after a period of failing health. This story is from 2015, part of a series on the diocesan bishops gives some insight into the much-loved man. The Right Rev. George Lemmon never wanted to be bishop. He’s not even sure he wanted to be a […]

Medical Leave

Medical Leave

Our Parish Nurse is on extended medical leave. Please keep Sarah her in your thoughts and prayers. If you have a Health Ministry need at this time, please contact the Cathedral Office by email or phone (506) 450-8500 or Dean Geoffrey Hall by email or phone (506) 450-7761, and we can connect you with a […]

Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2022

Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2022

This June, join the Great Canadian Giving Challenge! Your charity could WIN $20,000! From June 1 – 30, every $1 donated through CanadaHelps gives your charity a chance to win $20,000. It’s a month-long initiative to help you drive donations during a slow time of the year for fundraising. Every June since 2015, we’ve given […]

Helping to ‘TP the Town’!

Helping to ‘TP the Town’!

Thank you to everyone at the Cathedral who donated toilet paper and hygiene supplies to the 7th annual TP The Town campaign! This spring, Fredericton High School students partnered partnered with community groups, churches, and other schools to collect toilet paper and as many feminine care and personal hygiene products as possible. Monetary donations were […]

Sing a New Creation

Sing a New Creation

New hymn compilation awaits Anglican voices – Anglican Journal Anglicans in Canada and around the world may find themselves singing some new hymns this spring. As this article was being written, Sing a New Creation, a supplement to the 1998 hymnal Common Praise, was set to be released- and was said to be already attracting […]

We’re hiring! Summer Tour Guides

We’re hiring! Summer Tour Guides

Do you love history and enjoy meeting new people? Apply for a summer job as a Cathedral Tour Guide! Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton, New Brunswick is pleased to once again open its doors for tours this summer. Two part-time tour guides will be hired to provide a warm welcome and excellent hospitality to visitors […]

Tea and Flowers

Tea and Flowers

Parishioners and friends were recently invited to Cathedral Memorial Hall to welcome spring with tea and sweets. The event, hosted by the Anglican Church Women (ACW) and held on May 21, also celebrated the birthday of Mary Allwood, a long-time, very active ACW member. Many hands pitched in to create beautiful decorations and table settings […]

Help Needed With Flowers

Help Needed With Flowers

Arranging flowers is a rewarding and creative activity, and working in the peace of the Cathedral creating something to the Glory of God and to enhance a beautiful building is a gratifying experience. Mary Pugh is hoping to build a team of volunteers to look after the flowers in the Cathedral throughout the year. She […]

Spring Tea

Spring Tea

All are welcome to enjoy tea and sweets at an event hosted by the Anglican Church Women on Thursday, 21 April, 2:30-4:30 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall. The tea will also fête Mary Allwood, a long-time, very active ACW member on her birthday (best wishes only, at Mary’s request). Masks are required at the tea, […]

Life after Easter 2022

Life after Easter 2022

Join the Dean for lectionary studies during the Easter Season beginning Monday, 18 April, 2-3:15 p.m.. Both online via Zoom or in-person are options. See the Dean for printed materials and please contact him by phone or email if you plan to attend. Everyone is welcome. No former biblical scholarship necessary! Mary Magdalene’s encounter with […]

Caring For Our Community

Caring For Our Community

Many members of the Cathedral congregation have recently helped neighbours in our community by donating items for a young mother, and by providing snacks for the monthly Monday morning Outreach program for people in need. Your generosity is appreciated! Here is a letter of thanks from the young woman, who received items to furnish a […]

2022 Easter Pastoral Letter

2022 Easter Pastoral Letter

Holy Week 2022 Fredericton NB HE Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus is firmly rooted in historical events to which Christians have given witness throughout the centuries. The biblical witness is familiar to us. The historian Josephus writes in the first century about “all these things,” interestingly specifically, from an historical perspective not one of […]

From Our Parish Nurse: Accessing Treatment for COVID-19

From Our Parish Nurse: Accessing Treatment for COVID-19

[Updated April 12, 2022] Our Parish Nurse shares information about Paxlovid, a new treatment for COVID-19. As another week of COVID-19 continues on with cases surging and reduction to public safety measures, I wanted to remind those who are eligible (see below) that Paxlovid is a treatment option for eligible New Brunswickers who contract COVID-19. […]

Spring Concerts in the Cathedral

Spring Concerts in the Cathedral

Spring is returning to Fredericton, and concerts are returning to the Cathedral! Known for its wonderful acoustics, Christ Church Cathedral is considered an excellent venue for musical performances. This spring, we are pleased to be the host venue for a number of concerts featuring local musicians. 09 April, 2022 — The Fredericton Symphony Orchestra invites […]

Lenten Retreat – April 1st and 2nd

Lenten Retreat – April 1st and 2nd

LIVING WATER: Time at the Well “All who are thirsty, come to the water!” – Isaiah 55:1a LIVING WATER: Time at the Well Registration A Lenten gathering on Zoom designed for lay people Friday, April 1 (evening), and Saturday, April 2 (morning) Join in these enrichment sessions from the comfort of your home or with […]

Taizé worship during Lent

Taizé worship during Lent

This article about Taizé worship was originally written in 2018. Taizé is held weekly during Lent 2022, alternating between in-person at the Cathedral, and Zoom online sessions. Consult the Ad-LENT-ures schedule for details. Candles flicker in the semi-darkness of the cathedral on a cold winter’s evening as  people seated in a circle begin to softly […]

When We Gather

When We Gather

This post reflects direction for staying safe to the end of June 2022 and continues to be a model of our regard for each other. The Government of New Brunswick has lifted its COVID-19 mandates, but we are still requesting care for others. Procedures and recommendations for the Cathedral and Memorial Hall are listed below. […]

Bishop McAllister College is finally, fully open

Bishop McAllister College is finally, fully open

A positive update from Canon Paul Jeffries, Rector of Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary in Uganda. “Late last year, we had been given reason to believe that schools would be allowed to open in January. I worked hard to keep my hopes and expectations under control, and only allowed myself some cautious optimism. After […]

Adventures in Youth Group

Adventures in Youth Group

Recently, the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) met at Mitch Clarke Park for an outdoor ice skating session. The group of middle and high schoolers had taken a hiatus from in-person programming while the province was under more restrictive levels of the COVID-19 Winter Plan. Members of the group who were able to attend were thrilled […]

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2022

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 21 February 2022 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter welcomed new member Harry Palmer. A conversation focussing on the article “People Support What They Help to Create” – David McAllister (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership) framed issues around approaches to leadership. Several phrases helped to summarize […]

Ad-LENT-ures 2022

Ad-LENT-ures 2022

02 March – 09 April 2022 During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to consider individual or small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well […]

Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, 20 February at 12:00 p.m, in the Cathedral following worship, and simultaneously via web conference. A representative from each family in the congregation is urged to participate. Members of the congregation can participate in two ways: 1) Attend the meeting in-person. 2) Participate online via Zoom […]

Level 1 Public Health Measures

Level 1 Public Health Measures

Please note: As of Monday, 28 February, proof of vaccination will no longer be required in the Cathedral or Memorial Hall. All other pandemic precautions listed below remain at this time. New Brunswick returns to Level 1 of Public Health’s COVID-19 Winter Plan on 18 February. As a congregation, we continue to be watchful and […]

Readiness to Return?

Readiness to Return?

Our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker, offers her reflections on change. It seems to be time again for some more changes to be coming our way. This can be exciting and daunting, even at the same time. Part of maintaining your whole health is to accept that these things are not always as “either/or” as we […]

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022

Plans announced for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend 2022 There will be year-long Platinum Jubilee celebrations throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world as communities come together to celebrate The Queen’s historic reign. On 6th February this year Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a […]

Sewing for a Cause

Sewing for a Cause

Donations accepted until 15 April. When Beverly Morell heard that Lunch Connection in Saint John was looking for volunteers to sew cloth bags to help make their school lunch program more environmentally friendly, she was struck with inspiration. Her granddaughter, Cara, has an interest in sewing and had received a sewing machine for Christmas. Beverly […]

2022 Dean’s Annual Report

2022 Dean’s Annual Report

We approached year two of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2021. It continues to be the hot topic of conversation even though many of us are growing considerably fatigued by it. It’s a circumstance unprecedented during my lifetime surely to be remembered as it shapes everyone’s perception of the world, perhaps especially younger generations. Many will […]

Return to Level 2 – 28 January, 2022

Return to Level 2 – 28 January, 2022

On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m., the Province of New Brunswick returns to Level 2 of the COVID-19 Winter Plan, with precautions to reduce the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant. We continue to be watchful and will implement and communicate changes as needed. *** Please note that worship on Sunday, 30 […]

St. Hilda’s Year in Review

St. Hilda’s Year in Review

Ms. Jane Martinez, Principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School in Belize, recently sent us a ‘Year In Review’ document with photos that show an overview of activities at the school in 2021. Throughout the pandemic, education has been a combination of in-person and online learning, depending on the COVID infection rates at different times of […]

Phone Ministry – 26 January 2022

PHONE MINISTRY: 12 Things to Attend To in Phone Visits So many of our parishioners and community members are suffering with isolation and loneliness right now. Making caring calls can make all the difference and brighten someone’s day! Held Wednesday, 26 January at 7 p.m., the session offered insights on some best practices related to […]

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2022

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 17 January 2022 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. Considerations of an article entitled “Reimagining Church Buildings” – Dave Harder (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership) prompted discussion on what is necessary to see church buildings as assets instead of liabilities. What is the old narrative? How do we […]

Encouragement During Trying Times

Encouragement During Trying Times

Our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker, offers encouragement and suggestions for wellbeing. In the cold of January during another round of single household bubbles and reduced contact with family, friends, and community, I just want to send a note of encouragement. You are not alone. Part of maintaining wholistic health is found in taking care of […]

Level 3 Pandemic Protections

Level 3 Pandemic Protections

On Friday, January 14 at 11:59 p.m., the Province of New Brunswick enters Level 3 of the COVID-19 Winter Plan, in order to reduce the rapidly rising number of cases of the highly transmissible Omicron variant. New pandemic restrictions are not welcome news for any of us as we avoid in-person worship and meetings. However, […]

Christmas in Germany

Christmas in Germany

The Cathedral Communications Committee has invited members of the congregation to share their Christmas memories. Below is a story from Andreas Decken. I grew up in Germany, near the border with the Netherlands. The Christmas season started on December 6th. In neighbouring Holland, the 6th is similar to Dec 25th in Canada, when gifts are […]

Christmas Helpers

Christmas Helpers

On December 20th, forty-three people attended the pre-Christmas event for the Monday Morning Outreach program at Christ Church Cathedral. Throughout the pandemic, guests have been appreciative of the continued support, and look forward to the time when they can again gather inside the Hall with music, conversation, and a buffet table. Reverend Kelly Burke from […]

Update from Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary, Uganda

Update from Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary, Uganda

Rectors Newsletter – November 10th, 2021 Dear Friends, As I wrote back in February things were going well, slowly beginning to normalize. Senior students at each level were preparing for national exam, and other classes were studying at various intervals. The plan was to have the normal school year back in place within two years. […]

St. Hilda’s Harvest and Scholarship Update

St. Hilda’s Harvest and Scholarship Update

Ms. Jane Martinez, principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School in Belize, sent us some photos of ‘St. Hilda’s Harvest’, a recent event where the students collected and packaged items for senior citizens in their neighbourhoods. View the gallery below to see photos of this special event. Christ Church Cathedral provides funds each year to help […]

Level 2 Pandemic Restrictions 27 December

Level 2 Pandemic Restrictions 27 December

New Brunswick Public Health has published the COVID-19 Winter Plan which informs all sectors of current restrictions and protocols. Visit the website for information about how the Plan will affect your activities. COVID-19 Winter Plan – Alert Level Measures Level 2 (revised) comes into effect at midnight, 27 December 2021. We continue watchful and will […]

Mask guidance from our Parish Nurse

Mask guidance from our Parish Nurse

For your consideration: Some Canadian epidemiologists are suggesting moving to n95 respirator-type masks with the surge in COVID-19 due to the Omicron variant. There is some evidence that points to it being airborne, and cloth masks and even surgical masks offer less effective protection. This news article addresses the discussion of which type of mask […]

COVID-19, religious freedoms and the Christian response

COVID-19, religious freedoms and the Christian response

The Mission and Outreach team of the Diocese of Fredericton continued its Christian Forum series with a most timely topic entitled COVID-19, Religious Freedoms & Christian Response. Dr. Alan Sears, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Education at the University of New Brunswick, was the speaker, his second time presenting for the diocesan Christian Forum. […]

Christmas Pastoral 2021

Christmas Pastoral 2021

Advent 2021 Fredericton NB Dear Friends, On a dark night, long, long ago, a little light shone from a place of humble beginning. A baby was born on the outskirts of a small, unimportant town, on the margins of society – in a feeding trough of stable animals. As the story goes, his bed was […]

New Public Health Measures

New Public Health Measures

New Brunswick Public Health has published the COVID-19 Winter Plan which informs all sectors of current restrictions and protocols. Visit the website for information about how the Plan will affect your activities. COVID-19 Winter Plan – Alert Level Measures Level 1 comes into effect at midnight, Saturday, 04 December 2021. We’ll continue to be watchful […]

Helping in our neighbourhood

Helping in our neighbourhood

As Christians, we are called to love our neighbours. Recently, Christ Church Cathedral became aware of a way to help children in need in its area of Fredericton and collaborated with a local school to provide assistance. Located beside the University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, Montgomery Street Elementary School has a diverse […]

Mothers’ Union calls for participation in 16 Days of Activism

Mothers’ Union calls for participation in 16 Days of Activism

Listen to Diane Nash on Sunday 28 November 2021 Mothers’ Union is again participating in The United Nations-recognized 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence and Abuse, and encourages churches and individuals to join the call for prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls. The annual international campaign, now in […]

What is Giving Tuesday?

What is Giving Tuesday?

  GivingTuesday – the world’s largest generosity movement GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, taking place each year after Black Friday. The “Opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for favourite causes. In the same way that retailers take part in Black Friday, the giving community comes together […]

2021 ADVENT-ures

2021 ADVENT-ures

Listen to Kurt Schmidt speak on Sunday, 28 November 2021 about the 2021 ADVENT-ures. Happy New Year! — The new Church year is upon us!  Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start? Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer or […]

Project 2045 Report Update

Project 2045 Report Update

At its February 10, 2020, meeting, the Christ Church Cathedral Bishop and Chapter adopted the following recommendations of the 2045 Task Force, to: enter formal discussions with Diocesan Synod about the potential for constructing a new purpose-built facility between the former Bishop’s Court and former Synod Office. Discussions would focus on the concept of sharing […]

Angels among us

Angels among us

Thanks to the generosity of the Cathedral family, all of the Christmas Angel gifts requested for needy children were supplied on time. The value was approximately $1,150. Forty paper angels were hung on a small tree in the Cathedral, each requesting a specific Christmas gift or stocking stuffers for a needy boy or girl in […]

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 15 November 2021 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter regrettably received the resignation of Lynn Meehan. The article “Moving Forward in Uncertain Times” (Susan Beaumont) was read in advance and discussed. We continue to live in liminal time learning through rather than planning through. How do […]

What is reverential capitalization?

What is reverential capitalization?

Someone has asked: What is reverential capitalization? Reverential capitalization refers to the practice of capitalizing words referring to the Divine in religious texts. Wikipedia defines it as “capitalizing religious words that refer to deities or divine beings in cases where the words would not otherwise have been capitalized.” Interestingly, it was very popular in the […]

Invest in communities with World of Gifts

Invest in communities with World of Gifts

Whether planting seedlings in Uganda or breadfruit trees in Haiti, preparing gift bags for new babies in Lesotho or teaching gender rights in El Salvador, PWRDF partners are investing in their communities. PWRDF’s World of Gifts makes it possible for you invest, too. Supporting World of Gifts is an investment in a sustainable future for […]

Edith Nutter laid to rest

Edith Nutter laid to rest

The life of Edith Nutter, widow of former Archbishop Harold Nutter, was celebrated at Christ Church Cathedral September 17. Edith, in her 98th year, died July 29 in Perth, Ont. where she had lived for 10 years. A small, intimate service for family and friends was held there in early August, but the family wanted […]

Youth Group is back!

Youth Group is back!

Members of the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) were happy to gather in-person on 17 October, after an extended summer break. About a dozen were in attendance; a combination of high schoolers, middle schoolers, and youth leaders, including three new members in Grade 6. Returning members were very pleased to see one another again in the […]

Halloween… All Hallows’ Eve — A Christian’s Choice

Halloween… All Hallows’ Eve — A Christian’s Choice

One of the less understood festivals of the Church is celebrated in the public participation of our children. Halloween sees children and adults carving pumpkins and placing them in living room windows, lighted by a candle. Halloween sees children, younger children especially, rummaging through cardboard boxes of old cloths, or trying on their parents’ clothing. […]

Bishop and Chapter News – October 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – October 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 18 October 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. The article “Which Suckers are Holding You Back” (Victoria Atkinson White) was read in advance and briefly discussed. The need to review how active programme and ministries are meeting real needs requires constant attention. Minutes of meetings on 13 […]

‘Life Shared’ Series

‘Life Shared’ Series

Join us in November for Life Shared, a 3-session series designed by the creators of Alpha. Through Biblical teaching from leading Christian voices and real stories of invitation, each session will encourage and equip us to live out God’s call to share our lives and our faith with friends, colleagues and neighbours. All are welcome […]

A Message of Thanks from Isabel Cutler

A Message of Thanks from Isabel Cutler

Dear Cathedral friends, My family join me in saying: Thank you so very much for all your letters, cards, condolences but more especially contained within them expressions of such love, care and support in every way. You truly are a Scriptural example of following Jesus’ teaching on how to care for those who are in […]

2021 Thanksgiving Pastoral

2021 Thanksgiving Pastoral

Read or download in PDF format Thanksgiving 2021 Fredericton NB Dear Friends, If there’s one thing we may have learned from this time of global pandemic, it’s that no matter the circumstance there is always much for which to be thankful. When we were locked down and in complete isolation from one another, I’m thankful […]

Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Thursday, 30 September is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Join us at 5:30 p.m. on our YouTube Channel for Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation The Order of Service is HERE   You might also find the following of interest: Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen lands, Strong Hearts Telling and Teaching the Truth: The Church’s […]

MusicUNB concert in the Cathedral

MusicUNB concert in the Cathedral

Visit the Cathedral on Sunday, 03 October for an exciting collaboration between Atlantic Sinfonia String Orchestra and Thomas Gonder, Cathedral organist and Director of Music. Looking Back is part of MusicUNB, an annual concert series that features chamber and cutting-edge classical music performances. Over the centuries, composers have looked to those before them for inspiration. […]

‘Difference’ Course Returns

‘Difference’ Course Returns

The Difference Course returns this fall, hosted by the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton. Running online 06 October – 03 November, it will be facilitated by Cheryl Jacobs and Shawn Branch. Register here. In 2 Corinthians 5 we read that God “has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” God has taken the initiative to bring […]

Joint statement on climate change by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch

Joint statement on climate change by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch

Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the Archbishop of Canterbury join together for the first time in urgent appeal for the future of the planet For the first time, the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Anglican Communion have jointly warned of the urgency of environmental sustainability, its impact […]

Season of Creation 2021 Prayer

Season of Creation 2021 Prayer

Creator of All, We are grateful that from your communion of love you created our planet to be a home for all. By your Holy Wisdom you made the Earth to bring forth a diversity of living beings that filled the soil, water and air. Each part of creation praises you in their being, and […]

Choral Fest 2021

Choral Fest 2021

UPDATE:  Due to the ongoing pandemic, Choral Fest is postponed to Spring of 2022. Instead, NBCF is  holding a one-day online workshop, Saturday, October 16, on the Choral Fest repertoire, in preparation for next year’s event. Choral singers are invited to register for Choral Fest 2021, to be held in Fredericton 15-17 October, 2021. We […]

Remembering Gerry Carty

Remembering Gerry Carty

Pioneer, trailblazer, a man of firsts — they’re all good adjectives to describe Gerry Carty. The man had a list of talents, skills and hobbies that would boggle the mind. He was always busy, always enjoying himself, always making friends. He was the first Black pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the youngest […]

Parking Changes

Parking Changes

The City of Fredericton has launched a new Parking Management Pilot Program which will impact several streets near Christ Church Cathedral. The affected areas are highlighted on the map below. Please note that parking on Church Street directly in front of the Cathedral and Memorial Hall will continue to have 2 hour on-street parking. George […]

Kids are Back at Camp Medley

Kids are Back at Camp Medley

Half capacity is better than zero capacity in the Rev. John Galbraith’s mind. While the director of Camp Medley would love to see 130 kids running around on any given week, 68 campers onsite was a blessing to behold during the second week of July. Camp Medley was closed last year, so they concentrated on […]

Pandemic Prayers

Pandemic Prayers

Update: This resource has been updated with two additional prayers. The Anglican Foundation of Canada has published ‘Brought to our Knees: Prayers during COVID-19’ featuring prayers for individuals who are ill, front-line workers, faith communities, musicians and choirs, students, and summer rest. Digital copies are free. Print copies are available for $5 each through the […]

Worship During the ‘Green’ Phase

Worship During the ‘Green’ Phase

With the pandemic mandatory order restrictions lifted as of 30 July 2021, please be patient as we again adjust to new ways of being in community. Our goal will be to maintain that which helps assure community health and safety. Above all we need to accommodate one another as we transition. See the Diocesan COVID-19 […]

New Brunswick Summer Music Festival

New Brunswick Summer Music Festival

The New Brunswick Summer Music Festival is coming to Christ Church Cathedral. The annual classical music festival will host its main series, four evening concerts between 11-14 August, inside the Cathedral. The festival, now in its 28th year, will run over a two-week period and include a variety of musical events, such as concerts, educational […]

Cathedral Financial Update – adjusted to 30 June

Cathedral Financial Update – adjusted to 30 June

The Financial Update that appears in the Cathedral bulletin each week is an attempt to share information about our current financial status month to month. It might not be difficult to imagine that accurately reporting our financial reality is a challenging task. “Designations” or “restrictions” on offerings adds a layer of complication as not all […]

Understanding episcopacy

Understanding episcopacy

A Season Two episode of Star Trek the Original Series, “Return to Tomorrow,” sees Captain Kirk in the briefing room with the Enterprise senior officers. A risky decision is before the Captain, and he is in consultation. He says, “I’m in command. I could order this. But I’m not because, Doctor McCoy is right in […]

Lytton BC Fire

Lytton BC Fire

A letter from the Territory of the People on the fire in Lytton, BC – The Anglican Church of Canada The following is a letter from the Interim Steering Committee regarding the devastating fires in the Lytton area. Donations for emergency relief for those now homeless may be sent to: Marked “Lytton Fire” Territory of […]

2021 Summer Recital Series

2021 Summer Recital Series

Music at the Cathedral is back! The Summer Recital Series returns with nine noontime concerts, concerts, held each Friday until August 27. Join us inside historic Christ Church Cathedral as we present a series of concerts featuring cello, viola, bassoon, organ, guitar and vocalists. View the poster. Cathedral Director of Music, Thomas Gonder, is excited […]

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 21 June 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. Meeting guests for part of the time were representatives from Heritage Standing and members of the Cathedral Restoration Committee. A proposal was presented and later discussed with Restoration Committee members present. An article “The [North] American Church is a […]

Scholarship Student Graduation

Scholarship Student Graduation

Congratulations to Jocelyn Herrera, one of our scholarship students in Belize, who has graduated from Eden SDA High School! Jocelyn attended elementary at St. Hilda’s Anglican School. She is interested in furthering her education beyond high school, and has also previously expressed interest in becoming a business secretary. Please pray that, with God’s help, Jocelyn […]

Hit the Switch – One Family’s Journey Through Cancer

Hit the Switch – One Family’s Journey Through Cancer

Dave Morell, a name well known in the Fredericton community, has written a book with his family about finding strength in the journey with cancer. When Dave was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, family and friends banded together to support him and each other. The inspiring book, Hit the Switch – One Family’s Journey […]

The Way of the Cross – Challenging Privilege: Arusha Call #11

The Way of the Cross – Challenging Privilege: Arusha Call #11

The World Council of Churches’ Conference on World Mission and Evangelism met in Arusha, Tanzania, in March 2018. From this meeting, the more than 1,000 participants, who were all regularly engaged in mission and evangelism, issued the Arusha Call to Discipleship. At our own national church General Synod in 2019, resolution A-129 was passed that […]

Residential Schools Apologies

Residential Schools Apologies

Residential Schools and Missing Indigenous Children Since the discovery of the remains of 215 children in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, there have been questions about what the Anglican Church of Canada has done in response to the Calls to Action by the National Truth & Reconciliation Commission. There have also been […]

Missions Committee provides support throughout the pandemic

Missions Committee provides support throughout the pandemic

“Serving God in mission, sharing Jesus with the world” is the mission statement of the Christ Church Cathedral Missions Committee. The committee works together with the Cathedral congregation to reflect the teachings of Jesus and the heartbeat of Christian history. The committee’s goals are to: raise awareness about mission work, prayerfully and financially support missionary […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 17 May 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some discussion on an article entitled “Managing Resources – Part 1 Finances” (Nancy Davidge and Susan Elliott) from “Vestry Papers” of the Episcopal Church Foundation. “hard questions and their corresponding answers are necessary and vital to […]

The Joy of Music

The Joy of Music

Throughout the pandemic, Christ Church Cathedral has been able to safely host a variety of musical performances, both public and private, under its COVID-19 operational plan. After months of small groups of singers and no corporate singing, it is a blessing to hear voices lifted high in worship once again. Under the current Yellow Phase […]

Canadian Mothers’ Union Conference

Canadian Mothers’ Union Conference

The 2021 Canadian Mothers’ Union Virtual Conference will be held online 04-05 June. The theme of the free event is ‘Our God Is Still on the Move’ and it will feature a keynote address by Worldwide Mothers’ Union President Sheran Harper, guest speaker Bishop Bill Hockin, and a virtual banner parade. Originally scheduled to be […]

What’s difference all about?

What’s difference all about?

In 2 Corinthians 5 we read that God “has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” God has taken the initiative to bring us back into relationship with him. And he calls us to be reconciled reconcilers. Reconciliation is in the DNA of the disciple. Many of us feel that conviction to cross divides and […]

Commitment to Education in Belize

Commitment to Education in Belize

Christ Church Cathedral has a special relationship with the staff and students of St. Hilda’s Anglican School, an elementary school in the rural village of Georgeville. Two hundred children attend the school, ranging between kindergarten and grade 8. Cathedral teams have travelled to Belize five times: in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2018. Over 60 […]

Climate Church – Climate World Book Study

Climate Church – Climate World Book Study

While we’ve been focused on the global pandemic for almost exactly a year now, the urgency of working on climate change has not diminished.  We should be putting as much effort into stopping that as we are into stopping the pandemic.  Climate change is more than a science issue, it’s a spiritual and moral issue […]

Prayer Network Continues Under New Leadership

Prayer Network Continues Under New Leadership

Award-winning author Philip Yancey writes that prayer stands as the place where God and human beings meet and relate. “We’re supposed to be a praying people,” agrees Carolyn Howlett in recalling why she got involved in the prayer network at the cathedral. “We’re on a daily walk with the Lord, and it’s important to listen, […]

Pandemic Yellow Level at the Cathedral

Pandemic Yellow Level at the Cathedral

Zone 3 (Fredericton and area) is currently in the Yellow Level of the New Brunswick Pandemic Recovery Plan. In-person worship at the Cathedral continues and Memorial Hall is open to the public, both with restrictions. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday. Pandemic precautions outlined in the latest revision of the […]

Parish Nurse Wanted

Parish Nurse Wanted

Parish Nurse for CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, FREDERICTON  NB Permanent part-time position: 20 hours/ week with benefits Definition:  Parish nursing emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit rooted in the vision of Christ as Healer. A Parish Nurse is a registered nurse who practices holistic health for self, individuals and the community using nursing knowledge […]

Mothering Sunday – The Mothers’ Union

Mothering Sunday – The Mothers’ Union

Who is the Mothers’ Union? Mothers’ Union has over 4 million members world-wide spread across 84 countries. Members work together to solve challenges in their local communities. By helping to restore and strengthen relationships in families and communities, Mothers’ Union gives a sense of belonging and acceptance to the stigmatized and vulnerable. Visit the worldwide […]

Resource for Families and Children

Resource for Families and Children

Washington National Cathedral in the United States has assembled an educational resource for Lent and Easter, filled with family-friendly resources to celebrate the seasons. It answers some commonly asked questions, and includes prayers and activities to explore the stories and traditions that bind us together. Download the booklet  

Marvellous Macey – Caitlin Bangsund

Marvellous Macey – Caitlin Bangsund

The Delightful Days … From the review on A Mama’s Corner of the World – Marvellous Macey spotlight – Can you va va voom? Do you light up the room? Marvellous Macey does! She may not quite fit the mould, but she is living delightful days. Embrace Macey’s world of imagination and ability to love […]

Bishop McAllister College & Bishop McAllister Anglican Seminary, Rector’s Newsletter

Bishop McAllister College & Bishop McAllister Anglican Seminary, Rector’s Newsletter

Dear Friends, Greetings from all of us at Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary! We reopened on January 18th with just under 200 students, the finalists in their respective sections. While we continue to face a few challenges, things are actually going quite well. We have received good news this past week. The Ministry of […]

Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

2021 Annual Report (for 2020) The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held in the Cathedral on Sunday, 21 February at 11:45 a.m, following worship. A representative from each family in the congregation is urged to participate. Members of the congregation can participate in three ways: 1) Attend the meeting in-person. Please sign up separately for […]

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 16 February 2021 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. Guests Kendra Patrick (Bringloe Feeney LLP) and Tom Maston were welcomed. A faith conversation and discussion of the article “We’re in the Innovation Business” (Dwight Zscheile) was postponed to the next meeting. Minutes of 18 January 2021 adopted. From […]

Rosa Macaulay – My Journey Here

Rosa Macaulay – My Journey Here

— by Gisele McKnight (NB Anglican) It’s been a long time since Rosa Macaulay’s been home, seen her brothers and sisters and revisited childhood memories in her hometown. It’s not that she doesn’t want to return. It’s that she can’t. Gang violence, government instability, severe shortages of basic goods, a poverty rate of 96 per […]

World Day of Prayer Video

World Day of Prayer Video

A World Day of Prayer video has been created to view at home and with small groups. It is based on the worship bulletin prepared by the women of Vanuatu and edited by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada. The one-hour video features a dance performed on the shores of New Brunswick, reflecting the theme […]

Local resource on Mothers’ Union website

Local resource on Mothers’ Union website

Cathedral Mothers’ Union member Susan Watson has created a 5 day devotional which acknowledges the struggles of the past months and the hope of God’s plan for us. This wonderful resource, available on the worldwide Mothers’ Union website, also includes space for you to observe gratitude daily. Visit Mothers’ Union Resources and scroll down to […]

Why a Health Ministry?

Why a Health Ministry?

by Isabel Cutler, former Parish Nurse of Christ Church Cathedral   In 2003 I held a meeting in the lounge and asked some health care professionals to attend to look at the possibility of starting a Cathedral health ministry. Thirty people attended to listen to what seemed a very unstructured dream, but from that meeting […]

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2021

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 18 January 2021 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean provided in advance an article “When the Mission Changes” (Dan Hotchkiss). Discussion included the value and necessity of our congregation understanding our true mission as God’s church and challenges in involving broad-based engagement. Minutes of 14 December […]

Pandemic Red Level at the Cathedral

Pandemic Red Level at the Cathedral

19 January 2021 Dear Friends, You’ll note that as of midnight tonight (Tuesday) the Province of New Brunswick announced that Zone 3 (Fredericton Region) is being moved to the Red Level of pandemic restriction. Dr. Jennifer Russell, the province’s chief medical officer of health, says Zones 1, 2, and 3 – Moncton, Saint John, and […]

Cathedral Faces – Chris Robinson

Cathedral Faces – Chris Robinson

Chris Robinson is a familiar face around the Cathedral. He loves serving any way he can at church: reading and leading prayers during services, serving as assistant Verger, singing in the choir, playing in the Praise band, assisting with the Youth Group, Alpha, and helping wherever needed. Chris is proud 6th generation Frederictonian. His Great(x6) Grandfather […]

CBC Interview: Challenges of outreach during a pandemic

CBC Interview: Challenges of outreach during a pandemic

The Cathedral’s Monday Outreach is a longstanding program which aims to provide comfort and support to individuals in our community who are financially disadvantaged. Dean Geoffrey Hall was recently interviewed about the program by Terry Seguin, host of CBC Information Morning. He was joined by Jane Blakely from St. Paul’s United Church and Lynn McKinnon […]

I’m told I can’t sing

I’m told I can’t sing

For many of us one of the significant losses during necessary safety restrictions during the current pandemic is singing. At the Cathedral, we’re fortunate that we’ve been able to strike a safe balance so as to have music continue to be a part of worship even though we’ve not been singing as congregations since last […]

Happy anniversary, Thomas!

Happy anniversary, Thomas!

This January, Cathedral Organist and Director of Music Thomas Gonder is celebrating the one year anniversary of his arrival in Fredericton. As we reflect on the blessing of his music ministry during this most unusual year, we thought it appropriate to look back on this interview originally published in the NB Anglican shortly after Thomas’ […]

Basswood gains new life – January 2021

Basswood gains new life – January 2021

Basswood on Cathedral grounds gains new life with carvers When a 2020 summer storm struck and felled a large basswood on the east end of the Cathedral Green, Christ Church Cathedral congregation member and former forester Eric Hadley volunteered to step in and help with cleanup. Unlike many large trees felled by wind storms, Eric […]

2020 Christmas Pastoral

2020 Christmas Pastoral

Dear Friends, This has without doubt been one of the more unique years in recent memory. We’ve all sat perched on edge wondering what the current pandemic will mean next. We’ve attempted to respond with wisdom and care while remaining unshaken by unnecessary fear. The fact remains we are not enriched or improved by being […]

Blue Christmas 2020

Blue Christmas 2020

Join us at Christ Church Cathedral on Monday, 21 December, at 7:00 p.m. for a Blue Christmas. Visit the Cathedral Signup or contact the Cathedral office Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 12 Noon, to reserve your spot. The idea of a “Blue Christmas” may be new to you. Behind it is the intention to provide […]

Remembering Saint Hilda

Remembering Saint Hilda

November 18th was the Feast of Saint Hilda. Members of the Cathedral congregation will recognize Saint Hilda’s name, through our connection with St. Hilda’s Anglican School in Belize. Mission groups from Christ Church Cathedral have travelled to Belize five times: in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2018, and through these trips, bonds have been formed […]

Fun and Faith During a Pandemic

Fun and Faith During a Pandemic

On Sunday evenings in early fall, if you drove past the Cathedral around 8:00 p.m. you might have seen a group of teenagers, illuminated by light amidst the shadows, praying. In the midst of a worldwide health crisis, this spiritual balm was welcomed and embraced by members of the Cathedral Youth Group, casually referred to […]

2020 ADVENT-ure

2020 ADVENT-ure

  Download in PDF format With a new Church year  upon us! … Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start? Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer or study—you’re encouraged to add at least one new ADVENT-ure to your schedule! […]

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2020

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 16 November 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead reflection on an application of Matthew 25:31-40 , part of the Gospel for the following Sunday. Some related reflection on “Passing the Plate” (Smith/Emerson/Snell) regarding research on the top 4 reasons Christians do NOT give financially. […]

Organ Concert – 20 November 2020

Organ Concert – 20 November 2020

On Friday evening, 7:00 p.m., 20 November 2020, J. Thomas Gonder, Director of Music and Organist at Christ Church Cathedral will be in concert. Thomas recently played a concert at the cathedral of Notre Dame in Moncton and will reprise several of the selections from that concert at the Cathedral. There is no charge for […]

Tips about reading scripture in worship

Tips about reading scripture in worship

“The way in which you read something can really change the way people hear it.” That’s a comment from The Rev. Chris Roth of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary who recently put together a half-hour You Tube video to discuss reading scripture in worship. He explains what is read and why during worship (Old Testament, […]

Holding on to Hope – Sunday, 01 November 2020

Holding on to Hope – Sunday, 01 November 2020

Leaders to join Presiding Bishop for ‘Holding on to Hope: A National Service for Healing and Wholeness’ On the eve of a historic election and in the midst of pandemic and racial reckoning, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will call Americans together for a live-streamed prayer service from Washington National Cathedral. The Holding on to Hope […]

Shifting the place of formation

Shifting the place of formation

Do Mainline Protestants Need to Be More “Home-Made”? – Congregational Consulting Group I love being a Protestant minister. I believe in the “priesthood of all believers” and I’m deeply committed to my own Presbyterian denomination’s way of doing things “decently and in order.” But now, in the midst of this pandemic, I am increasingly concerned […]

Farraline Place Fundraiser

Farraline Place Fundraiser

Although Farraline Place could not hold its annual fall fundraising gala dinner due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing work and caring of its residents has not been cancelled. The challenge is ongoing to make a home for low-to-modest income residents, and this particular year is more crucial than previous years. A virtual fundraiser was […]

Thanksgiving 2020 Pastoral

Thanksgiving 2020 Pastoral

Thanksgiving 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, Giving thanks is at the centre of living the Christian life. It may seem all too obvious, but when we gather, a normal worship event is Eucharist. “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving.” In these days of the continuing worldwide pandemic, thanksgiving can be a challenge. Our lives have been changed. Our […]

Cathedral sexton needed – October 2020

Cathedral sexton needed – October 2020

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB is seeking a Sexton. Reporting to the Dean of Fredericton and working with the Committee on Properties, the successful candidate will provide custodial (janitorial), cleaning, maintenance and oversight of both the Cathedral Church and the Cathedral Memorial Hall. The work involves maintaining assigned premises in a clean and orderly condition […]

Godly Play Resumes

Godly Play Resumes

Last week, the sounds of children’s voices were once again heard in our Formation Room, as Godly Play resumed for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared. Godly Play looks a little different these days. Participants need to reserve in advance using the Cathedral worship signup, and there is a maximum of 8 […]

Diocesan Fall 2020 Forum

Diocesan Fall 2020 Forum

The Diocese of Fredericton Fall Christian Forum, which usually takes place in Fredericton, will be held online, October 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Does Liberalism need Christianity? Liberalism owes a deep debt to Christianity, having grown out of Christian theological ideas and moral commitments. The talk will explore whether liberalism therefore may not be intelligible […]

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2020

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 21 September 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean lead reflection on Gospel themes during the Season of Creation. Minutes of 15 June 2020 were adopted. Business Arising Worship refreshments – under current protocols not being considered Committee detailed budgets – two committees remaining Operational Plan […]

Yoga is back!

Yoga is back!

It was a long stretch (pun intended!) without yoga classes at Cathedral Memorial Hall. Thanks to the pandemic, the popular weekly classes ended abruptly on March 9th and finally resumed Sept. 21st. Parish nurse Kathleen Snow, who organizes this wellness activity, is pleased that the classes can finally resume although certain restrictions are necessary. “Participants […]

Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (September 2020 Update)

Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (September 2020 Update)

Roatán Update September 2020 Date: September 23, 2020Author: Roatan Episcopal Church Ministry Roatán Update September 2020 I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV) We give all glory […]

New Horizons in Ministry – David and Mary Beth Alenskis

New Horizons in Ministry – David and Mary Beth Alenskis

Dear friends, family and supporters, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Many of you have been keeping up with us regularly over the last few months, as we evacuated Belize, as we continued ministering remotely with our congregations, schools and diocese in Belize, and as we prayed urgently for our people there when cases began to climb […]

Kurt Schmidt – My Journey Here

Kurt Schmidt – My Journey Here

Had it not been for a conversation with a nun from Chicago, Kurt Schmidt might never had ended up in Fredericton. Between then and now, there were stops in Cape Breton, Tanzania, Tacoma, Halifax and Windsor, Nova Scotia. Kurt, 45, was raised a Roman Catholic in Littleton, just outside Denver, Colorado, and attended a Jesuit […]

Gospel themes study

Gospel themes study

SEASON OF CREATION 01 September – 04 October The theme of the Season of Creation 2020 is “Jubilee for the Earth.” download a printable version The Jubilee year (Hebrew) – every fiftieth year – and the Sabbatical year – every seventh year – are Biblical commandments concerning ownership. Every seventh year, farmers are to let […]

Housing project delayed until 2021

Housing project delayed until 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unwelcome but unavoidable delay in construction of a three-unit, affordable housing project to be owned and operated by the cathedral. “The original plan was to grade the land on Albert Street and start construction last spring, so that three people would be able to move into supported housing this […]

Season of Creation 2020 – Jubilee for the Earth

Season of Creation 2020 – Jubilee for the Earth

Each year, the ecumenical steering committee that provides this Season of Creation Celebration Guide suggests a theme. The 2020 theme is Jubilee for the Earth. Climate change is a result of the intersection of greed, inequality and destruction of God’s earth. The theme of Jubilee for the Earth” reflects those three interlocking themes. Jubilee is […]

Office Administrator needed – September 2020

Office Administrator needed – September 2020

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB is seeking an Office Administrator. Reporting to the Dean of Fredericton, the successful candidate will manage and execute office tasks in the Cathedral office. The Office Administrator will be a team player in coordinating communications facilitating worship and other ministries of the Cathedral with appropriate levels of confidentiality. We are […]

Online giving form now in house!

Online giving form now in house!

We’ve embedded our CanadaHelps donation form to better meet our needs of those of online givers. We haven’t changed the provider of this service but using the embedded form reduces our services charges which makes more of each donation reach us. Canada Helps charges 2.75% for processing. Check it out on Our Facebook page (GIVE […]

Thanks from PWRDF – March 2020

Christ Church Cathedral 168 Church St Fredericton NB   E3B 4C9 March 26, 2020 80 Hayden Street, Toronto ON  M4Y 3G2 866-308-7973  pwrdf. org Dear Friends of PWRDF, On behalf of the Board, staff and partners of The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF), I would like to extend our thanks for the recent generous […]

A message from Bishop David Edwards

A message from Bishop David Edwards

July 21, 2020 Dear friend in Christ, COVID-19 has had devastating effects which, unfortunately, have had an impact on our diocesan fundraising campaign to buy and equip a mobile medical clinic for our companion diocese in Ho, Ghana. What began in early 2020 as a solid plan to fundraise here and access Rotary Club funding […]

Bishop McAllister College – 2019 in review

Bishop McAllister College – 2019 in review

2019 In Retrospect -An Incredible Year for Progress! (July 16th, 2020) “To God Be The Glory!” While 2020 may not have turned out to be the year we anticipated, much was accomplished in 2019, for which we are greatly appreciative. While the Library was our biggest accomplishment, much progress was made in other areas. The […]

Investment Committee members

Investment Committee members

The Diocesan Synod Finance Committee is looking for people with a keen interest in investments to serve on its Investment Sub-committee.  The committee monitors the Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund (DCIF) and working with its portfolio manager offers advice and recommendation to the Finance Committee regarding these funds. Given the importance of investment income to the […]

Pandemic – How did we do?

Pandemic – How did we do?

Following an extraordinary time for everyone caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the church too was struggling, and continues to struggle, with new ways of doing what we do. Even in the midst of a society lockdown, there is even more need for ministry, need for worship, need for communication. At Christ Church Cathedral, with the […]

Calithumpians – Summer 2020

Calithumpians – Summer 2020

Summer Theatre Fredericton Outdoor Summer Theatre (FrOST) FrOST is the umbrella term for our summer season offerings in downtown Fredericton. We have been performing in Fredericton’s Historic Garrison District for over 35 years! FrOST usually runs two complementary museum theatre programs: The Calithumpians, who provide live outdoor theatre in Officers’ Square, and The Fredericton Fencibles, who […]

ACC to move from Parasource to new e-store

ACC to move from Parasource to new e-store

Anglican Church of Canada to move from Parasource to new e-store – The Anglican Church of Canada This summer, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) will switch its publications distributor from Parasource Marketing & Distribution (Parasource) to a vendor based in Kanata, Ontario. A new e-store will launch on August 4, […]

Ho Mobile Medical Clinic Project

Ho Mobile Medical Clinic Project

Psalm 46 begins with the words “God is our refuge and strength.  A very present help in trouble”. We are living in a different world than we were a few months ago.  I am writing this letter to you today to ask for your careful prayer and consideration regarding the Mobile Medical Van Project in […]

Sunday Worship begins 05 July

Sunday Worship begins 05 July

Christ Church Cathedral is thankful to God for the opportunity to hold in-person worship once again. We’ll be celebrating the Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10:30 am this Sunday. At the outset, your participation is completely at your discretion. If you are uncomfortable with attendance, please do not feel apologetic. We will be doing our […]

Back to volunteering at the Community Kitchen

Back to volunteering at the Community Kitchen

While the Cathedral teams’ regular Saturday volunteer shifts at the Community Kitchen have not yet resumed, Cheryl and Peter Jacobs have begun volunteering for a weekly shift, and they shared this reflection. After three months of missing our every 4th Saturday evening shift at the Fredericton Community Kitchen due to the restriction of volunteers during […]

Beginning in-person worship

Beginning in-person worship

Beginning in-person worship Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB 19 June 2020 A joke has gone somewhat “viral” on social media in Christian circles over the last few weeks. The Dean’s version follows. A young Christian man, relatively new to the faith, was approached by the “father of lies,” Satan himself, just after the onset of […]

And when can we return?

And when can we return?

Someone recently asked a church member when they expected their church to “re-open.” They responded with, “I didn’t know it was closed!” Just because doors of a building are locked doesn’t mean we’re closed. Over the days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been forcefully reminded that “the Church” is not the building. “The response […]

Cathedral Faces – Fran Miles

Cathedral Faces – Fran Miles

Fran and I recently spent a very enjoyable hour on lawn chairs on the Cathedral green chatting about her life, and plans after her retirement in June. Fran has been our office administrator for the last eighteen years, and has helped to hold the Cathedral family together with her quiet efficiency and caring. Fran grew […]

On not singing the Lord’s song

On not singing the Lord’s song

On not singing the Lord’s song – Anglican Journal It was the story of a community choir rehearsal in Mount Vernon, Washington, that sent shockwaves through the choral community. Sixty-one members of the choir met for their rehearsal on March 10, 2020, as they had every Tuesday: one of the choristers had experienced cold-like symptoms […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2020

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 20 April 2020 by video conference with 11 of 14 members present. The Dean shared chapter summaries from “God Is Indestructible: 12 Responses to the Relevance Crisis of Christianity” (Christian Schwarz -Natural Church Development). One of the most common claims is that Christianity has become “irrelevant.” Invitation to virtual group study […]

Read along with the Dean – 21-30 May 2020

Read along with the Dean – 21-30 May 2020

12 Responses to the Relevance Crisis of Christianity Table of Contents with Chapter Summaries   WHO Christian Schwarz is the leader of Natural Church Development, now a worldwide organization offering tools to help Christian church congregations toward greater health “naturally.” WHAT and WHEN On weekdays, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., during Thy Kingdom Come (Thursday, […]

Join us for God Is Indestructible

Join us for God Is Indestructible

God Is Indestructible 12 Responses to the Relevance Crisis of Christianity Christian A. Schwarz Daily studies with the Dean Weekdays at 4:00 p.m., during Thy Kingdom Come (21-31 May 2020) New research from churches in eighty-six countries around the world reveals that, throughout the last few years, there have been dramatic shifts in Christianity. In […]

Paul Jeffries – Bishop McAllister School Uganda May 2020 Update

Paul Jeffries – Bishop McAllister School Uganda May 2020 Update

Rectors Newsletter May 6th, 2020 Rectors Newsletter May 6th, 2020 Dear Friends, Greetings from Uganda! A quick update from the school. First of all, thank you so much for all your inquiries and prayers for our well being. I’m happy to report we are all fine. All schools were closed almost 7 weeks ago, and […]

Cathedral Connections Issue #6

Cathedral Connections Issue #6

A newsletter project of the Bishop and Chapter Communications Committee begun during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis to share information and stories about members of Christ Church Cathedral and others. Issue #6 (18 December 2020) Issue # 5 (06 November 2020) Issue # 4 (11 June 2020) Issue # 3 (04 May 2020) Issue # 2 […]

Health Ministry is Active and on the Go – April 2020

Health Ministry is Active and on the Go – April 2020

The Cathedral Health Ministry Team has been active and on the go, supporting those isolated or in need by taking meals to them, bringing homemade cookies to their doors, and delivering Easter cards and hot cross buns last weekend. We have assisted in other ways such as purchasing groceries for parishioners, picking up needed medications […]

Easter 2020 Pastoral Letter

Easter 2020 Pastoral Letter

Holy Week 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, Lent is for Christians a time of preparing. The Ash Wednesday exhortation invites us to “observe a holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving and meditating on the word of God.” The intention, of course, is that we find that within ourselves that keeps us from […]

Cathedral Faces – Dalton and Sheila London

Cathedral Faces – Dalton and Sheila London

Dalton and Sheila London are familiar faces around the Cathedral.  Both participate in the choir, Sunday readings, and in Charis groups.  Dalton is also a member of the Religious and Spiritual Care Department at the DECH, takes communion to shut-ins, is a eucharistic assistant, commissioned by the Bishop, and presides over Evening Prayer on Mondays.  […]

Bishop and Chapter News (April 2020)

Bishop and Chapter News (April 2020)

Bishop and Chapter met 02 April 2020 by video conference. While communication among members has been frequent this was its first formal meeting since February. 12 of 14 members were present including newest member Victoria Hachey. Business Arising Approval of February minutes deferred. Recommendations pending re coffee time for 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship, Restoration Fund […]

Tea and Talk

Tea and Talk

Mother Nature seemed determined to keep our first Thursday Medley Tea at bay as we began the New Year. Storm followed storm in January, and while setting up for the Valentine’s Tea on February 6th, the weather, once again, was looking iffy. But clearly the regular attendees were not about to allow snow flurries to […]

Yoga missing? Missing yoga!

Yoga missing? Missing yoga!

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the rhythm of daily life, piling unwelcome stress onto most people. Yoga is one of many ways to cope with that problem. “I got out my yoga mat and went through a stretching routine similar to the one our instructor, Tammy Blyth, uses,” said Sally Dibblee, who regularly attends Tammy’s […]

Why not connect with virtual Taizé?

Why not connect with virtual Taizé?

The article below, originally written in April 2020, gives an overview of an online Taizé service. Virtual worship continues in 2022. Consult the Cathedral calendar for times. Psalm 130:5 is comforting to read, but, in these strange times of self-isolation during a public health emergency, it’s reassuring to see and hear someone familiar saying it […]

Update from Belize

Update from Belize

The Cathedral’s Belize mission team has been in touch with Ms. Jane Martinez, principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School. Please keep the teachers and students of St. Hilda’s, and the people of Belize in your prayers! Ms. Martinez writes: Good evening Kelley: You all have been on my mind as well. Things have been hectic […]

Who Would Have Thought?

Who Would Have Thought?

Full confession: The first time I sent a fax, I was totally in awe. My best friend was on holiday in Scotland and we had just had a fax machine installed in our office. The very idea that she was receiving my words at the same time as I was pressing that button… Well, let’s […]

Outreach on Hiatus

Outreach on Hiatus

At the Monday morning drop-in for people in need, we always display a colourful drawing done some years ago by cathedral member Rachel Schmidt. She illustrated Maya Angelou’s famous quote: “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Currently, we are unable to be that rainbow for our usual guests or for any newcomers. Due […]

Dean’s Pastoral Letter – 19 March 2020

Dean’s Pastoral Letter – 19 March 2020

Christ Church Cathedral “closed” until further notice “Closed” is such an unpleasant prospect? In light of the Province-wide “State of Emergency” called by the Premier of New Brunswick on Thursday (19 March 2020), the Dean of Fredericton announces that Christ Church Cathedral and its offices are closed until further notice. Difficult and without restriction, it’s […]

Bishop’s Pastoral – 18 March 2020

Bishop’s Pastoral – 18 March 2020

Pastoral message from Bishop David Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all…

COVID-19 Response (17 March Update)

COVID-19 Response (17 March Update)

Christ Church Cathedral continues to remain as current as possible with responses to the global situation with the COVID-19 virus. The responses of all of society are easily identifiable. Above all, we as Church need to continue to be, most especially, leaders and partners with government, corporate and private sectors, doing what is agreed upon […]

Response to health concerns

Response to health concerns

Members of the Congregation of Christ Church Cathedral, A group of key leaders at the Cathedral, including representatives of staff, Bishop and Chapter and our Health Ministry Team met this afternoon (Saturday) to consider an appropriate response to current concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We’re thankful for leadership being exercised by government and its officials, […]

From our parish nurse – hands up

From our parish nurse – hands up

Hands up for common sense! Just a few words on the coronavirus for our Cathedral community. There has been much hype in the media, and more each day as the coronavirus spreads in many countries around the world. In Canada, we have not had the high number of cases that are occurring in other countries, […]

New Music Department Project at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda

New Music Department Project at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda

Message from Rev. Canon Paul Jeffries at Bishop McAllister College in Uganda: As we prepare new site for construction (as well as harvest timbers), we were joined today by Chairman of BOG Lay Canon Freedom James and my long time friend and colleague, Rev. Canon Caleb Twinamatsiko, former Headteacher of Bishop McAllister College to break […]

Faith Alive! Deep Dive

Faith Alive! Deep Dive

Some are asking: What is a “Faith Alive! Deep Dive?” Faith Alive! is our Cathedral programme of preparation for confirmation, reaffirmation of faith or reception into the Anglican Church. Both “classes” and “sessions” with participants and their mentors comprise the programme content. Specifically, the classes are opportunities when all meet on a Wednesday evening for […]

Reflections on decline – Cheryl Jacobs

Reflections on decline – Cheryl Jacobs

I will admit that I often just skim through the Anglican Journal when it arrives – reading the article titles and picture captions, and perhaps the letters to the editor to get a sense of the national temperature.  It is also often the case, that as a member of the bishop and synod staff, that […]

Lenten Studies 2020

Lenten Studies 2020

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to take part in small group study or reflection. The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a […]

What is the World Day of Prayer?

What is the World Day of Prayer?

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service, we can learn how our sisters of other countries, languages and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can […]

Christianity Through a Worldview Lens – February 2020

Christianity Through a Worldview Lens – February 2020

Dr. John Valk presented “Christianity Through a Worldview Lens” in Fredericton on 11 and 12 February 2020. A “Christian forum” organized by the Spiritual Development Team of the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Fredericton, John delivered a comprehensive overview which serves to describe the challenges of Christianity (and other religious faiths) in a post-modern […]

Project 2045 Final Report

Project 2045 Final Report

Our task force was formed last spring to develop recommendations that would lead to important and farreaching decisions respecting the future of the Cathedral and Memorial Hall in relation to the congregation’s worship, ministry, fellowship and operational needs. As our congregation looks ahead to 2045 – the 200th anniversary of the date the Cathedral’s cornerstone […]

Report of the Dean of Fredericton for 2019

Report of the Dean of Fredericton for 2019

Each year I intentionally wait to see a majority of the report offerings for our Annual before I put pen to paper. That’s not just procrastination, but perhaps keeps me from simply reiterating much of what is already being said – and said quite well, I might add! Thanks to all who took the time […]

2020 Coldest Night of the Year

2020 Coldest Night of the Year

It’s cold out there! The Coldest Night of the Year is on Saturday, February 22, 2020. CNOY is a family-friendly national walk-a-thon that helps you raise funds for charities that serve hungry, homeless and hurting people in your town, and in 136 communities across Canada. Christ Church Cathedral Team (Faith Alive! + Cathedral) is gearing […]

Housing First at the Cathedral

Housing First at the Cathedral

If all goes well, three homeless people will have roofs over their heads this summer in a three-unit townhouse owned by Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton. Penny Ericson, chair of the cathedral’s Outreach Committee, said the Cathedral’s project on Albert Street and a four-unit townhouse on Jaffrey Street, owned by Smythe Street Church, were approved […]

Housing First Update – 26 January 2020

Housing First Update – 26 January 2020

Housing First is an international initiative that has successfully helped the homeless. The traditional model for years has been to provide treatment first and then to find housing for the individual. The current model is to provide safe housing first and then provide the professional help that will assist them to address problems they have […]

We got mail!

We got mail!

The Dean of the Diocese of Caledonia recently sent a card to the Dean of Fredericton and the congregation of Christ Church Cathedral. The Cathedral Church of St. Andrew is in Prince Rupert BC.

Mission to Ho 2020

Mission to Ho 2020

Lillian Ketch (Cathedral), Cheryl Jacobs (Cathedral) and Robert Griffin (Parish of Grand Mann) departed Fredericton on 12 January 2020 for the Diocese of Fredericton’s Companion Diocese of Ho in Ghana. Daily logs will be here as they are made available. The Dean of Fredericton offered prayer on Sunday, 13 January Gracious God, your Son before […]

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2020

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2020

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 13 January 2010 with eleven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 16 December 2019 meeting were adopted as circulated. The Dean offered some commentary on the January Anglican Journal coverage of the recent statistical report delivered to the Council of General Synod. Some brief discussion about […]

Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

Christmas comes gradually to our house—gradually and somewhat gently. Of course, it wasn’t always like that. When I was a child, Christmas arrived suddenly! It came on Christmas morning when we got out of bed and after opening the living room door, found that the room had been magically transformed with a fully decorated tree. […]

The Magic of Christmas Past

The Magic of Christmas Past

They say that the heart always comes home for Christmas and perhaps that is why so many memories of Christmas’s past seem to fill our minds at this special time of the year. We’ve been asking congregation members to share some of their special Christmas memories with us. Here’s what the attendees of the December […]

2019 Christmas Pastoral Letter

2019 Christmas Pastoral Letter

Advent 2019 Dear Friends in Christ, Once again Christmas celebration is thrust upon us in the midst of already busy lives. Time flows ever onward whether we are ready for what it holds in store or not. The challenge at Christians is often to be ready to greet whatever comes along and that applies also […]

Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary Library is Complete!

Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary Library is Complete!

Here is a picture of the completed library project at Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary in Uganda. This wonderful message celebrating the school was also shared recently by Rev. Paul Jeffries:  Over 2000 orphans and less privileged Ugandans have gone through this hill without paying a coin. They enter when all they have is […]

Housing First – United Way Central NB

Housing First – United Way Central NB

Great news! — Approved zoning applications for TWO new developments for Housing First in our community. Many years and many partners in the making, these 7 units are another important step toward our goal of building 40 units of housing to foster safety and inclusion for people who have endured chronic homelessness in our community. […]

Soup’s On Luncheon (24 November 2019)

Soup’s On Luncheon (24 November 2019)

Hello Everyone! This note of thanks is sent to you on behalf of the Welcoming and Hospitality Committee for volunteering your time and/or for the many food donations that made our Reign of Christ congregation luncheon such a wonderful event! The hall was set for 120. We only had a few vacant seats so I […]

Housing First Cathedral project update – November 2019

Housing First Cathedral project update – November 2019

Housing First project taking shape November 2019 update If all goes well, three homeless people will have roofs over their heads next summer in a three-unit townhouse owned by Christ Church Cathedral. Penny Ericson, chair of the cathedral’s Outreach Committee, said the cathedral’s project on Albert Street and a four-unit townhouse on Jaffrey Street, owned […]

Growing in Giving – top ten truths

Growing in Giving – top ten truths

4. Top Ten Truths About Biblical Giving 1. The Tithe Is the First 10 Percent “Set apart a tithe of all the yield of your seed that is brought in yearly from the field.” (Deuteronomy 14:22) Few of us bring in a yield from the field these days. But a “yield” we do possess. Wondering […]

2019 PWRDF World of Gifts

2019 PWRDF World of Gifts

Welcome to PWRDF’s 2019 World of Gifts. The items in this guide have been selected based on the needs of people participating in the many programs supported by PWRDF. Whether it be clean water, climate adaptation and food security, health or Indigenous programs, your gift is an opportunity to make a world of difference.

2019 Confirmation, Reaffirmation, Reception

2019 Confirmation, Reaffirmation, Reception

The page for Faith Alive participants. You’re welcome to view the material with the password “faithalive.”   Rebranded for 2019-2020! Faith Alive! We began on 27 November with training for mentors and parents. The first “class” was Wednesday, 04 December beginning with supper at 5:30 p.m.. A schedule of classes and sessions is available on […]

Growing in Giving 2019 What is a Tithing “demonstration” Sunday?

Growing in Giving 2019 What is a Tithing “demonstration” Sunday?

What is a Tithing Sunday? Many church congregations have found value in creating an opportunity to physically see and experience what tithing would mean for the church community and its individual members. You’ll remember the Chair of our Stewardship Team, Mike Toole, talked about a stewardship initiative this Fall at Christ Church Cathedral. During the […]

Anglican Cathedral Musician Opportunity

Anglican Cathedral Musician Opportunity

Christ Church Cathedral, in the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, is seeking an experienced half-time Director of Music to continue its program facilitating a balance of vibrant traditional and contemporary Anglican worship. As the Cathedral is a centre of excellence in the musical arts in the community of Fredericton, New Brunswick, an RCCO level five or […]

2019 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

2019 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, Thanksgiving 2019 Dear Friends in Christ, The natural rhythm of the seasons brings us to the Church’s celebration at Harvest time. Christians are encouraged to give thanks at all times and in all circumstances, but the harvest brings that emphasis especially into focus as we recognize the many gifts of God’s […]

Growing in Giving 2019 – A Giving FAQ

Growing in Giving 2019 – A Giving FAQ

1. A Giving FAQ What about stewardship? What is stewardship and why is giving important? God is the source of all we have. Making a portion of what God has given in time, talent and treasure is pleasing to God. Stewardship refers especially to the teaching of Jesus where the steward is the one who […]

2019 Friends of St. Hilda’s Scholarship Recipient

2019 Friends of St. Hilda’s Scholarship Recipient

The following is the application letter from our newest Belize scholarship recipient, Gian Myvette: Dear Friends of St. Hilda’s: Greetings from my beautiful village of Georgeville. On June 25, 2019, I completed my first milestone by successfully having passed the primary school examinations culminating with 8 years of primary school at St’ Hilda’s in Georgeville. […]

In Memoriam – David Drinkell

In Memoriam – David Drinkell

The church family at Christ Church Cathedral continues to mourn the death of organist and director music David Drinkell. Notes of sympathy and condolences, literally from all over the world, continue to flow in. David was very well known and regarded in the music community. Among the communications are those from Brunswick Street Baptist Church, […]

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 16 September 2019 with ten of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 17 June were adopted with two explanatory addenda. The Dean led a brief conversation on the article “How I lead from the middle” by Natasha Jamison Gadson (Faith and Leadership). Correspondence – letter of thanks […]

2019 Spring and Summer Updates from Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary in Uganda

There has been a lot going on at Bishop McAllister College since our last update from Rev. Paul Jeffries in March, 2019. There has been great progress on our new library! Anticipate completion of construction October 2019! To God be the Glory! Samples of future library furniture completed! It has been 15 years since began […]

Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) August 2019 Update

Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) August 2019 Update

August Update 2019 Please continue to pray for: For our 6th Anniversary this 24th and 25th of August 19, Safe travel for Proclaim  Band coming from Tegucigalpa to help us worship. Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord on Roatán, Honduras. The ongoing construction in […]

Music Monthly – September 2019

Music Monthly – September 2019

1 September 2019 – Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Cantate Domino – Pitoni Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 81:1, 10-16 O sing joyfully – Batten 631, 319, 10, 60, 306 Homage to Perotin – Roberts 8 September 2019 – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost 10.30: Eucharist on the Green (BAS) Fredericton Missa Brevis […]

Season of Creation 2019 Scripture Notes

Season of Creation 2019 Scripture Notes

The Sundays during the Season of Creation, 01 September – 04 October 2019 will help us to focus on this year’s theme: “The Web of Life.” 01 September | 08 September | 15 September | 22 September | 29 September Sunday, 01 September 2019 Jeremiah 2:4-13The passage speaks of God protecting Israel during their wandering […]

Thomas Gonder in Concert August 3rd

Thomas Gonder in Concert August 3rd

Saturday 3 August 2019 7.30pm Marche Nuptiale – J. Thomas D. Gonder Mouvement – Jean Berveiller Toccata and Fugue “Dorian” – J. S. Bach Fugue pour St. Sulpice – David Briggs Marche Episcopale – David Briggs Prelude in e – Gerald Bales Scherzetto – Joseph Jongen Acclamations Carolingiennes – Jean Langlais Ezpata Dantza – Naji […]

Music Monthly – August 2019

Music Monthly – August 2019

4 August – Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Addington Service – Shephard Psalm 107:1-9, 43 Ave verum corpus – Elgar 7, 116, 375, 497, 576 Extemporisation – Gonder Organist: Thomas Gonder 11 August – Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 50:1-8, 23-24 Lead me, […]

Music Monthly – July 2019

Music Monthly – July 2019

7 July 2019 – Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) O come, ye servants of the Lord – Tye Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 30 Christ hath a garden – Drinkell 5, 586, 345, 385, 598 Toccata – Dubois 14 July 2019 – Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) Give almes […]

Cutler Notes – 14 September 2019

Cutler Notes – 14 September 2019

September 2019 Dear Friends, Nathan and I wanted to be able to say a few words to you as we all settle into Fall and many new beginnings for us all Thank you to Geoff for accepting this for the web page. First of all WE MISS YOU!  We spent thirty wonderful years in Fredericton […]

Statements to General Synod 2019

Statements to General Synod 2019

Deliberations of the proposed changes to Canon XXI on marriage were spirited and difficult. Being a change in worship, doctrine or procedure, a two-thirds majority in the three “houses” of Synod at two consecutive Synods is required. The question, when called, was carried in both the House of the Laity and the House of the […]

Congratulations Anique!

Congratulations Anique!

We are very proud to announce that our scholarship student, Anique Hernandez, has graduated from high school in Belize. Congratulations Anique! Graduation benediction prayer May God’s blessing follow you as you find new journeys to travel. May you walk safely along the pathways of your dreams. May his gentle hand guide the decisions you will […]

Message from Indira Spain in Belize

Message from Indira Spain in Belize

My Dearest Friends in Canada: I write with a full, joyful and grateful heart to inform you of Anique’s successful completion of high school.  I received her results on May 23 and finally got the opportunity to sit and share my happiness with you today.  I am sure you have been awaiting this very good […]

Giving Policy at Christ Church Cathedral

Giving Policy at Christ Church Cathedral

Perhaps the first question that will be asked: “Why does Christ Church Cathedral need a giving policy?” Every organization with the privilege of being considered a registered charity needs a giving policy. The Canadian Revenue Agency grants charitable status to organizations that meet very strict requirements. Churches, at least at the moment, are among them. […]

Why we do what we do – the Anglican Communion

Why we do what we do – the Anglican Communion

What is the Anglican Communion? The Anglican Communion is one of the world’s largest Christian communities. It has tens of millions of members in more than 165 countries around the globe. Anglicanism is one of the traditions or expressions of Christian faith. Others include Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and Baptist. The Communion is organised […]

General Synod meets in July 2019

General Synod meets in July 2019

Did you know that beyond the highly visible issues being considered at General Synod this year are many more less visible but significant ones? Some of these are the resulting reports from the enormous body of work done over several years in many areas of church life. Response to the “Iona Report” is progress towards […]

The problem with plastic

The problem with plastic

The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada in 2019 will consider a motion to encourage Anglicans across the country to both curtail purchase of and, reduce reliance on, single use plastics. The proposed motion includes developing resources to assist local efforts to those ends. Plastic products are produced from oil, a non-renewable resource. […]

Season of Creation 2019

Season of Creation 2019

Are you concerned about the environment? Climate change? Caring for God’s good earth? You should be! The Season of Creation is now recognized by Christians worldwide, highlighting our stewardship responsibility to protect God’s most precious gifts. The Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion (#5) and the Anglican Church of Canada’s Baptismal Covenant, name […]

2019 Fall start up dates

2019 Fall start up dates

Christ Church Cathedral Fall 2019 Start-ups Most activities and programmes at the Cathedral take a summer break. Here is at least some of what should be happening in the Fall of 2019 Guild of St. Joseph (1st Tuesday) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday, 03 September […]

Music Monthly – June 2019

Music Monthly – June 2019

June 2 2019 – Sunday after the Ascension – Jerusalem Sunday 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) God is gone up – Croft Missa Brevis III – Willan Psalm 97 O pray for the peace of Jerusalem – Blow 247(206), 388(433), 497, 515 Exurgat Deus – Hurford 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Ayleward Responses Psalms 19 and 46 […]

Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) May 2019 Update

May Update 2019 Please continue to pray for: Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord on Roatán, Honduras. The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor and ceramic tiles. Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea […]

Matt Allen’s May 2019 IVCF Newsletter

Matt Allen’s May 2019 IVCF Newsletter

 One of the challenges that we face in the ministry in Martinique is that in the evening it can be difficult to gather students from all across the island. After sunset (6:30 pm) most of the public transportation stops and so many students do not have access to transportation to attend our evening events.

Thy Kingdom Come – 30 May – 09 June

Thy Kingdom Come – 30 May – 09 June

This something we can do “together!” Get the mobile app. Download on Google Play or the Apple App Store. At Christ Church Cathedral, there are several opportunities to become involved. A Guide to 10 Days of Prayer is available to help you focus. Join in by: 1. Coming to worship on the evening of the […]

The ministry of deacon: servant ministry of the whole church

The ministry of deacon: servant ministry of the whole church

The Anglican Church officially recognizes three orders of ministry: bishop, priest and deacon. These “ordered” ministries each have their own function and character. Bishops are called to be the “overseer” in the diocese. Priests are called to “sacramental, preaching and teaching” ministries. Deacons are called to personify the servant church in the secular world. Perhaps […]

It starts with a warm-up

It starts with a warm-up

“Okay everybody. On your feet. Let’s do a little warm-up, shall we?” And with that, 45 self-professed I-can’t-sing singers rise to their feet to follow Christ Church Cathedral’s director of music, David Drinkell, as he has them shake out their hands, relax their necks, suck in their guts, and lower their shoulders. Then comes the […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2019

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 13 May 2019 with eleven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 18 March meeting were adopted. The Chapter read the Gospel for the coming Sunday (Easter 5 – John 13:31–35) and briefly discussed the mystery and miracle of resurrection. Business Arising •  Committee work plans – […]

2019 Conference of North American Deans

2019 Conference of North American Deans

North American Cathedral Deans met in St. Petersburg, Florida 03-05 May 2019. Kelley and I were privileged to be present  and are thankful for the support to the Dean of Fredericton to attend. Most attendees stayed at a downtown hotel a couple of blocks from the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, the Cathedral of the […]

The Sacrament of Holy Unction

The Sacrament of Holy Unction

Holy Unction There are seven Sacraments recognized in the Anglican Church. Two are referred to as “Gospel” or “Greater” sacraments, the other five, of which Unction is one, as “Lesser” sacraments. All operate according to the Book of Common Prayer definition: “a sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” […]

Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) April 2019 Update

Episcopal Church of Roatan (Nelson and Kara Ministry) April 2019 Update

Please continue to pray for: Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord on Roatán, Honduras. The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor and ceramic tiles. Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, […]

Music Monthly – May 2019

Music Monthly – May 2019

5 May – Third Sunday of Easter 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Let us worship and fall down – Willan Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 30 Exsultate justi – Viadana 217, 432, 337, 61, 438 Dance Suite (1st movement) – Ridout 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Smith Responses Psalms 114 and 115 Sumsion in G Blessed be […]

Music Monthly – April 2019

Music Monthly – April 2019

Sunday 7 April 2019 – Fifth Sunday in Lent 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) O come, ye servants of the Lord – Tye Mass of St. Denis – Cabena Psalm 126 Tantum ergo sacramentum – Séverac 2, 345, 621, 569, 377 Toccata Deo gratias – R.K. Biggs 4.00: Evensong for the Guild of St. Joseph (BCP) […]

What is Tenebrae?

What is Tenebrae?

On Wednesday of Holy Week, we’ll once again add Tenebrae to the wide selection of worship opportunities made available during perhaps the most solomn week of the Church year. The great three days (Eve of Good Friday or Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Day) are known as “the triduum.” An enormous amount […]

What is the Anglican Foundation of Canada?

What is the Anglican Foundation of Canada?

The Anglican Foundation of Canada may be one of the Canadian Anglican church’s best kept secrets. The Foundation supports Canadian Anglican ministry across Canada by way of the generosity of Anglicans both past and present. “‘Us’ and ‘them’ language is difficult to apply to the Anglican Foundation,” says the Diocese of Fredericton‘s representative Clyde Spinney. […]

Lenten Study 2019

Lenten Study 2019

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to take part in small group study. If only another time is possible for you, do contact a leader and we’ll do our best, within given restraints, to adjust the schedule. ❒ Charis Group ongoing study – Mondays 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. […]

Kathleen Snow commissioned to MU Board

Kathleen Snow commissioned to MU Board

Mothers’ Union: One of Anglican Communion’s greatest gifts to worldwide Church – Abp Welby The Archbishop of Canterbury, has praised the “unique and extraordinary” work of the Mothers’ Union, as he commissioned the international Anglican mission agency’s new Worldwide President, Sheran Harper, during a service in London’s Southwark Cathedral last night (Tuesday).

Music Monthly – March 2019

Music Monthly – March 2019

Sunday 3 March 2019 – Last Sunday after the Epiphany 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Cantate Domino – Pitoni Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 99 169(239), 521, 624, 619, 457 There shall a star from Jacob come forth – Mendelssohn Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV 542 – Bach 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Drinkell Responses […]

Paper Bag Singers

Paper Bag Singers

“Individually, we can’t carry a tune in a paper bag. Together, we sound GREAT!” Been told you can’t sing, think you can’t sing? Nonsense! Anyone can sing. Choirs and singing groups for people who don’t have “a golden voice” have been springing up all across the UK and Canada. And now here in Fredericton, we […]

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 11 February 2019 with twelve members present. Minutes of the 21 January were adopted. An article, “Joyful Stewardship” by Linda Buskirk (Episcopal Church Foundation) was discussed. The Chapter agreed on the value of developing a stewardship statement to help guide a culture of joyful stewardship in the future Business […]

Do I Have to Kneel? – info about Anglican customs

Do I Have to Kneel? – info about Anglican customs

Approximately 30 people gathered at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, January 27th to hear the answer to the question “Do I Have to Kneel?” The afternoon session, which was something of an Anglican primer, included presentations by Hank Williams, Cheryl Jacobs and Dean Geoffrey Hall and was hosted by the Christian Formation committee. The first […]

Music Monthly – February 2019

Music Monthly – February 2019

February 3 – Presentation of the Lord (transferred) – Candlemas 10:00: Service of Light and Choral Eucharist Nunc Dimittis – Gibbons Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 84 Locus iste – Bruckner 267(155), 96, 627(362), 159, 560 Fiat Lux – Dubois 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Ayleward Responses Psalms 48 and 87 Weelkes’ Short Service In pace […]

Belize missionary updates

Belize missionary updates

A new family has arrived in San Ignacio, Belize, to assist Father David Alenskis (who, along with his wife, Mary Beth, has some baby news to share)! Evan, Missy, and Annabelle Hansen from Charlottesville, Virginia plan to be in San Ignacio for the next year. Read more about both families on the Cathedral’s Missions website.

An Anglican in Latvia

An Anglican in Latvia

Cathedral parishioner Capt. Jason Parsons had the opportunity to worship at St. Saviour’s Anglican church in Riga, while stationed in Latvia with the Canadian Armed Forces as part of a NATO group. Read his reflections about the experience in Latvia and worshipping while deployed, on page 11 of the NB Anglican (December edition). Please watch […]

2018 Mothers’ Union Biennial Conference

2018 Mothers’ Union Biennial Conference

The Canadian Mothers’ Union Biennial Conference was held at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay, NB on November 16-18,2018. Neither snow, nor ice pellets, nor freezing rain could keep all of the registered participants away! Some of us arrived a day early to get ahead of the storm and others arrived a day later […]

The Hansens in Belize

The Hansens in Belize

A new family will be helping Father Alenskis for the next year in San Ignacio, Belize. This link has some photos of their rented home as well as some photos from St. Andrew’s church and the youth group going around town singing Christmas carols at people’s doors. You may find it funny to see everyone […]

An unwanted newness – David Edwards

An unwanted newness – David Edwards

As I write this, I am perfectly aware that I probably have no idea what I am talking about. With press deadlines, I am sitting at my laptop two weeks to the day since Janet died. Please don’t stop reading. This is not going to be an emotional piece outlining my grief, but it will […]

Music Monthly – January 2019

Music Monthly – January 2019

6 January 2019 – The Epiphany of the Lord 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) From the rising of the sun – Ouseley Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 72:1-7 Bethlehem Down – Warlock 158, 157(508),599(580), 48, 160 March – Choveaux 13 January 2019 – The Baptism of the Lord 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) O come, ye […]

The Anglican Church and Henry VIII – Hughson

The Anglican Church and Henry VIII – Hughson

Thanks to Carol Brandor for recently drawing to our attention a 1922 paper written by Episcopal priest S.C. Hughson.  Misinformation on the role of the English king has been widespread over the decades and centuries. ONE does not ordinarily go to the secular press for arguments on religious subjects, but one of the best points […]

Monday Morning Drop-in Christmas 2018

Monday Morning Drop-in Christmas 2018

SANTA’S ELVES – Marilyn O’Hara (left) and Mary Lou Cotter busily pack 85 gift bags for people in need who attend the Monday morning drop-in at Cathedral Hall. Bags contain many donated items such as warm socks, a knitted hat or scarf, candy canes, granola bars, tissues, candy, chips, pens, hot chocolate mix, toothbrushes, hotel-size […]

The Cathedral and the Road Home

The Cathedral and the Road Home

Bishop and Chapter have approved in principle the sending of a letter of intent to enter into a partnership that would support four of the homeless population. The final approval would be subject to the proponents being able to secure adequate federal, provincial and local support as well as the Chapter’s approval of a 20-year […]

Music Monthly – December 2018

Music Monthly – December 2018

December 2 – First Sunday of Advent 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Great Litany Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 25:1-9 Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon. 16th century 88, 178 (439), 546, 96, 560 Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582 – Bach 4.00: Advent Procession with the Great “O” Antiphons Matin Responsory – Palestrina Canite […]

A Creative Advent and Christmas?

A Creative Advent and Christmas?

26 Ideas for Advent (with Sybil MacBeth) Advent is a season of anticipation, of holy waiting . It is a waiting characterized not by idleness or even contented peace, but by prophetic yieldedness and active hope. Perhaps more than any other season in the Christian calendar, Advent acknowledges the already-and-not-yet nature of the Kingdom

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 19 November 2018 with eight of a usual twelve members present. The Dean lead discussion on an article “Financial Transparency” from the Episcopal Church Foundation. Business Arising • Nominating Committee – membership: C. Schmidt, T. Fetter and G. Hall. Working to secure nominations for 2019 elections • Verger resignation […]

2018 Christmas Angels

2018 Christmas Angels

This year’s crop of angels has arrived at the Cathedral! Paper angels from the Fredericton Food Bank are waiting to be chosen from small trees in the cathedral and in the hall foyer. Each of the 60 angels indicates a specific gift for a needy boy or girl in our city. Unwrapped gifts, with the […]

Mothers’ Union board of trustees

Mothers’ Union board of trustees

Local named to Mothers’ Union board of trustees Mothers’ Union has been making history this fall, both internationally and right here in our diocese. The changes stem from elections held this summer, the results of which were announced in October.First, MU has elected its first worldwide president from outside the British Isles – Sheran Harper…

Music Monthly – November 2018

Music Monthly – November 2018

November 4 – In the Octave of All Saints – Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist with Baptism (BAS) Christ hath a garden – Drinkell German Mass – Schubert Psalm 24:1-6 Give us the wings of faith – Bullock 285(245), 515, 306, 350, 48, 276 Incantation pour un jour saint – Langlais 4.00: Choral […]

Practical Stewardship – Financial Transparency

Practical Stewardship – Financial Transparency

Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices – Vestry Papers – Practical Stewardship – Financial Transparency Transparency is a “buzzword” in many situations. It means many things to many people, but generally elicits a positive response in most minds – transparency is a good thing. When applied to the church as a whole and to a local […]

Workshop delves into future of diocesan, Cathedral buildings

Workshop delves into future of diocesan, Cathedral buildings

Workshop delves into future of diocesan, Cathedral buildings About 40 people gathered on Oct. 18 for an investigative tour and thinking session as part of the National Trust’s annual conference, held in Fredericton this year.The National Trust is a registered charity established in 1973 by the Government of Canada, dedicated to promoting the conservation,…

Money — What’s it to you?

Money — What’s it to you?

Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices – Vestry Papers – Church Finances for Uncertain Times – Money – What’s It To You? Are you emotional about your money? A lot of people are. Think of what happens to your body when that unexpected large bill – or an unexpected windfall – comes your way. Think of […]

Let’s talk religion and politics

Let’s talk religion and politics

Let’s talk about religion and politics! Mission & Outreach Team and UNB present lectures on religion in the public squareAbout 35 people came out on Oct. 10 for a noon-hour talk called Having Faith in Citizenship: The Place of Religion in the Public Square.It was held at Christ Church (Parish) Church, organized by the Mission […]

Music Monthly – October 2018

Music Monthly – October 2018

October 7 – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost – Harvest Thanksgiving 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) This is the day – Anon. 16th century Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 126 Jubilate Deo – Britten 262, 398, 258, 37, 399 Carillon de Longpont – Vierne October 14 -Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) Almighty God, which […]

Opportunity Knocks – National Trust Conference 2018

Opportunity Knocks – National Trust Conference 2018

The National Trust for Canada “helps Canadians save places that matter.” The annual National Trust conference is Canada’s largest heritage learning and networking event. Held in a different part of Canada every year, this national conference brings together a wide-range of people keeping Canada’s heritage alive: from grassroots advocates, professionals and planners, to elected officials, […]

2018 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

2018 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

Thanksgiving 2018 Dear Friends, Harvest Thanksgiving presents us with the opportunity to give thanks especially for the fruits of the earth in seasonal abundance now. In our society, the work of agriculture and the production of food has generally been delegated to those with specific gift and talent for such things. Some of us have […]

Who taught you about thanksgiving?

Who taught you about thanksgiving?

Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices – Vestry Papers – Practical Stewardship – Because God Always Gives How would I answer the question, why do I give to the church? There are plenty of references in the Bible about the generosity of our God. James 1:17 and Psalm 145, especially verses 13c-18, come readily to mind.

Why we have changed our name – Smythe Street Church

Why we have changed our name – Smythe Street Church

Why We Have Changed Our Name In 1981, our congregation called First Pentecostal Church, located on Argyle Street, built the church building where we now are on 913 Smythe Street. It was through a huge step of faith and the great sacrifice of faithful people that our present church building was dedicated on May 29 […]

What is Choral Evensong?

What is Choral Evensong?

Choral Evensong is held bi-weekly at 4:00 p.m. in the Cathedral, on Sundays featuring ‘Come Worship Eucharist’ in the morning. Check our calendar to confirm dates. The article below, written in 2018 by former Cathedral Organist and Director of Music David Drinkell, answers the question, “What is Evensong?” Evensong is often livestreamed on our YouTube […]

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2018

Bishop and Chapter News – September 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 17 September with twelve of twelve usual members present. Minutes of the 18 June 2018 meeting were adopted. The Dean provided an article entitled “Forming an Effective Nominating Committee.” Members of the Chapter discussed our current practices and considered potential improvements. Business Arising Ending Homelessness in Fredericton – a […]

Secrtetary-Treasurer retires – Ruth Gorlick

Secrtetary-Treasurer retires – Ruth Gorlick

Pickett Scovil Memorial Fund says goodbye to secretary-treasurer Ruth Gorlick is 84, and she figures it’s time, after 19 years, to give up the title of secretary-treasurer of the Pickett Scovil Memorial Fund.”I was an ACW member and I think somebody just twisted my arm,” she said of her recruitment to the position. “It’s been […]

Belize Scholarship Student: Jenniah Tillett

Belize Scholarship Student: Jenniah Tillett

Newest Scholarship Student: Jenniah Tillett July 4, 2018 Dear Ms. Rebecca, My name is Jenniah Tillett. I am thirteen years old. I live with my grandmother and grandfather who are my guardians. I started to live with my grandparents because of my mom’s death last year. I use to live in Stann Creek district with […]

Canadian Church Calendar 2019 – Interview with Carol Ann Melvin

Canadian Church Calendar 2019 – Interview with Carol Ann Melvin

2019 Canadian Church Calendar reflects life of the church ‘inside and out’ – The Anglican Church of Canada In 2019, the new Canadian Church Calendar brings together the best of both worlds: a reflection of our beautiful Anglican tradition in twelve Canadian cathedrals, and the ministry that each cathedral community leads inside and outside the […]


Nelson and Kara Mejia were back in New Brunswick with their children for a short time this summer. While we were unable to arrange a time for them to speak at the Cathedral, some of you may have had a chance to talk with Nelson at the Ordination service and reception in June. It has […]

Music Monthly – September 2018

Music Monthly – September 2018

2 September 2018 – Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Call to remembrance – Farrant Festive Eucharist – Rawsthorne Psalm 45:1-2, 7-10 View me, Lord, a work of thine – Lloyd 1, 605, 624, 76, 393 Exurgat Deus – Hurford 9 September 2018 – Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 10.30: Eucharist on the Green […]

Summer outreach a success

Summer outreach a success

The joy of giving was obvious this summer among people who took part in three Monday morning drop-ins for people in need. “Usually, the Outreach Committee operates weekly drop-ins from mid-September until mid-May and takes the summer off to give our dedicated volunteers a chance to rest and relax,” committee chair Penny Ericson explained. “This […]

Music Monthly – August 2018

Music Monthly – August 2018

Sunday 5 August – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake – Hilton Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 51:1-13 Ave verum corpus – Byrd 282, 447, 10, 83, 529 Psalm Prelude, Set 2, No. 3 – Howells Sunday 12 August – Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist […]

The Season of Creation 2018

The Season of Creation 2018

What is the “Season of Creation”? Every year, from September 1st to October 4th, churches are called to participate in the “Season of Creation.” The World Council of Churches has been promoting this theme since 2008. This special time of year has gained popularity in Europe, and the United Church of Canada was the first to celebrate […]

Bishop’s bike ride event a success

Bishop’s bike ride event a success

    Bishop Rob Hardwick of the Diocese of Qu’Appelle rode into Fredericton on Sunday just after 2:30 p.m. on Sunday July 15th. His partner on the pilgrimage has been his wife Lorraine who drives the support vehicle. The Cathedral was so pleased to welcome them, and right on schedule for the planned event. About […]

Meet our 2018 tour guides

Meet our 2018 tour guides

We welcome Emily Leavitt and Holden O’Donnell to the Cathedral summer staff and are pleased they are part of our cathedral family for the time. Emily Leavitt is a 2016 graduate of Fredericton High School now studying for a music degree at Mt. Allison University. She hopes to go on to a Masters of Music […]

Summer hiatus for Cathedral breakfast

Summer hiatus for Cathedral breakfast

Diane Ramsey always knows where she’ll be on the third Saturday morning of the month. She’s a regular at the community breakfast in Cathedral Memorial Hall. “I meet new people every time I come here,” Diane says happily. “I have such nice visits. The breakfast is such a treat and a break from my routine.” […]

Urbana 2018 is Coming!

Urbana 2018 is Coming!

  It’s not too soon to start thinking about Urbana, a missions conference for 16,000 students, ministry leaders and missions organizations from around the world. This year’s theme is Discern your place in God’s global mission.   University students from Fredericton, including young people from the cathedral, have attended past conferences which feature internationally known […]

Music Monthly – July 2018

Music Monthly – July 2018

July 1: Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) If ye love me – Tallis Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 130 O sacred feast – Willan 573, 293, 84, 75, 438 Fantasie sur O Canada – Bédard July 8: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) O come, ye servants of the […]

BELLS Challenge 2018

BELLS Challenge 2018

Our Bishop and the Diocesan Synod of 2017 challenged us to “take the BELLS Challenge to fulfill the mission of God.” In his book, “Surprise the World: The 5 Habits of Highly Missional People,” Michael Frost outlines a framework for how we might become more “mission minded as individuals.” A church with an attitude of […]

Thanks from Belize – Amieka Myers graduates

Thanks from Belize – Amieka Myers graduates

University of Belize scholarship student, Amieka Myers, will officially graduate on Saturday, June 16th. Our church has been sponsoring her since she finished Grade 8 (Standard 6) at St. Hilda’s School.  She has persevered despite many difficulties and has accomplished what has never been done before in her family.  They, as well as we here at […]

Choir School 2018 – its all about …

Choir School 2018 – its all about …

A Full Week of Busy Days …   Junior Choristers Children from the age of 8 are able to attend Choir School, with the consent of a parent or guardian (they must turn eight by the end of the current year). Overnight accommodations usually consist of two people per room, in the dormitory-styled residence buildings. […]

Thank you from University of Belize Graduate, Amieka Myers

University of Belize scholarship student, Amieka Myers, will officially graduate on Saturday, June 16th. Our church has been sponsoring her since she finished Grade 8 (Standard 6) at St. Hilda’s School.  She has persevered despite many difficulties and has accomplished what has never been done before in her family.  They, as well as we here at […]

Music Monthly – June 2018

Music Monthly – June 2018

03 June – Second Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) God be in my head – Murray Festive Eucharist – Rawsthorne Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17 Jesu dulcis memoria – Victoria 515, 459, 434, 476, 526(318) Praeludium in D BuxWV 139 – Buxtehude 10 June – Third Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) Thou knowest, […]

Hear our youth surveys requested

Hear our youth surveys requested

Hear Our Youth’s Voices Surveys The YIG team is conducting a series of surveys for parishes, families (parents and grandparents) and youth (ages 12-25) to gather information, thoughts and opinions in regards to youth ministry and spiritual practices. It should take less than 15 minutes to fill out one of the surveys. The data gathered […]

Three outreach drop-ins will be held during summer 2018

Three outreach drop-ins will be held during summer 2018

Are you looking for an opportunity to put BELLS into action? The cathedral’s Outreach Committee is offering three possibilities this summer. Its Monday morning drop-ins for people in need usually run from mid-September until mid-May, and then the volunteers take a well-earned summer break. This summer, though, drop-ins will be held at the hall on […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 14 May 2018 with eight of twelve usual members present. Minutes of the 23 March 2018 meeting were briefly reviewed and adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the person of the Holy Spirit, prefaced with a reading from the Gospel of John 15.26–27; 16.4b-15 . The gifts of […]

File of Life

File of Life

The Health/Parish Nurse ministries are pleased to distribute a “File of Life” packet for use in your homes. The packet consists of a small red plastic envelope which can be placed on your fridge door to alert anyone of your health history, current medications, and basic health information in case of an emergency. A medical […]

The Day of Pentecost – 20 May 2018

The Day of Pentecost – 20 May 2018

Plans are coming together for an exciting celebration at a combined 10:30 a.m. worship event on the Day of Pentecost, Sunday, May 20th.  Under the guidance of a planning group of the Worship Committee, lots of ideas for both the worship and  fellowship following in Memorial Hall have been suggested.  And while we are still […]

Sandy Robb – A Fredericton Unsung Hero

Sandy Robb – A Fredericton Unsung Hero

The City of Fredericton Unsung Hero Awards are meant to acknowledge those individuals who go above and beyond to help build and shape their community. This includes helping bolster the work of social groups and organizations that offer recreational, cultural, or charitable services to the community. Sandy Robb, one of our volunteers with the Monday […]

Walk with our Bishop 2018 – Archdeaconry of Woodstock

Walk with our Bishop 2018 – Archdeaconry of Woodstock

This year’s Bishop’s Pilgrimage will be in the Archdeaconry of Woodstock. Our Bishop invites others to walk with him for a part of his journey. Details about what you need, how to prepare and the detailed schedule are included on the Pilgrimage Blog. “It has been wonderful to participate in this pilgrimage without actually walking! […]

Music Monthly – May 2018

Music Monthly – May 2018

Sunday May 6 – Sixth Sunday of Easter – Rogation Sunday 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) If ye love me – Tallis Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 98 Ave verum corpus – Byrd 216, 631, 60, 209, 461 Pièce d’Orgue BWV 572 – Bach 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Ayleward Responses Psalms 61 and 62 Stanford in […]

Bishop of Qu’Appelle – Living the Mission Ride

Bishop of Qu’Appelle – Living the Mission Ride

Bishop Rob Hardwick, (Bishop’s Blog) Bishop of the Diocese of Qu’Appelle will ride across Canada as part of the diocese’s “Living the Mission” campaign. The Bishop’s Ride will begin in Victoria BC on 19 May. The Bishop will be riding through New Brunswick during July. Plans are underway to welcome him to the Diocese of […]

Moment for Missions – April 2018

“The Missions Committee would like to thank Beverly Morell for her leadership in the Belize Ministry. Over the past 10 years she has willingly devoted herself to the many tasks involved in this role, and we are very grateful for her leadership. The four members of the 2018 mission team who will be assuming Beverly’s […]

Moment for Missions: March 2018

Moment for Missions Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” ~ Isaiah 6:8 (NRSV) The living God of the Bible is a sending God, which is what ‘mission’ means. He sent the prophets to Israel. […]

Spring 2018 Kitchen Cleaning

Spring 2018 Kitchen Cleaning

The kitchen at the Cathedral church hall is spick and span, and the aim is to keep it that way. A team from the Guild of St. Joseph recently tackled the greasy stove vent; cleaned the refrigerator, microwave, and two stoves including ovens; scrubbed three sinks; wiped down all the cupboard faces; washed the windows; […]

Music Monthly – April 2018

Music Monthly – April 2018

March 28 – Wednesday in Holy Week7.30pm: TenebraeResponsaries – WillanPsalms 4, 24, 27, 51 Benedictus – Nanini in falsobordoni184, 330 March 28 – Maundy Thursday7.30pm: Choral Eucharist and Stripping of the SancuturyMissa l’hora passa – ViadanaPsalm 116: 1, 10-17View me, Lord, a work of thine – Lloyd O Sacred Feast – Willan511, 508, 497, 64 […]

The Penal Cross – Sarah Petite

The Penal Cross – Sarah Petite

The large crucifix that hangs on the pillar in Christ Church Cathedral during the last two weeks before Easter is an adaptation of an Irish traditional form known as the “Penal Cross.” One given to me many years ago hangs in my home, and gave me inspiration for my large version. The original is simple […]

Easter 2018 Pastoral Letter

Easter 2018 Pastoral Letter

Lent 2018 Dear Friends in Christ, The season of Lent, with its “lent”hening days, reminds us of the coming of wondrous gifts of springtime when the earth returns to vitality after a life-limiting winter. The winter season is the harshest and most difficult in our climate and most of us are quite ready to see […]

Youth Devotional from PWRDF

Youth Devotional from PWRDF

The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, seeking to build a truly just, healthy and peaceful world, works in 28 countries with a variety of local partners and covers a wide spectrum in the field of international development. We hope that this devotional will help you explore the history of PWRDF as well as the […]

Music Monthly – March 2018

Music Monthly – March 2018

Sunday 4 March – Third in Lent10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon. 16th centuryGerman Mass – SchubertPsalm 19View me, Lord, a work of thine – Lloyd253, 291, 527, 479, 602Choral Song – S.S. Wesley 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)Smith ResponsesPsalm 34Weelkes’ Short ServiceOut of the deep – Morley175, 607, 347Introduction & Passacaglia […]

A new Mothers’ Union book of prayers!

A new Mothers’ Union book of prayers!

The Central Fundraising & Communications (F&C) Committee of Mothers’ Union has produced a new prayer book for its members – ‘words for every occasion to encourage and inspire, whether in public services, branch devotions or personal prayer time.’ This is the story of the little team that could! God gives us more than we can […]

Ending Homelessness: How can the Fredericton Anglican community help?

Ending Homelessness: How can the Fredericton Anglican community help?

The community of Fredericton is working to drastically change the way we collectively respond to homelessness through the implementation of a multiyear Plan to End Homelessness developed through collective planning by non-profits, different orders of government and community members. The $10 million Plan, The Road Home, will work to house and support 267 chronic and […]

Cathedral Prayer Shawl Ministry

Cathedral Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl ministry in Christ Church Cathedral began in 2006 during the early stages of the Parish Nurse and Health Ministry.  It was under the leadership of Wendy Brien and she soon invited Marilyn Lewell to join her. Listen to Marilyn speak on the Prayer Shawl Ministry on 25 February 2018. Recently, new knitters […]

Cathedral Faces – Carole and Michael Hines

Cathedral Faces – Carole and Michael Hines

Meet Carole and Michael Hines and their 11 year old grey cat, Foggy. They both come from suburbs of Birmingham , England, and met while working at the University of Birmingham. Michael was a Research Technician with the Bio-engineering Department, and the University of New Brunswick recruited him to join their Engineering faculty here.  Michael came […]

Report of the Dean to the 2018 Annual Meeting

Report of the Dean to the 2018 Annual Meeting

From beginning to endI’ll begin a brief report this year where I ended last – thankfulness for the gift of the Cathedral community. A staff well suited to their tasks and a congregation enormously gifted. Both create an environment for ministry rich with possibility. Welcome and thanks to staffThis past year we welcomed Kurt Schmidt […]

Thank you from scholarship student Paul Jones

Dear Ms Bev and church congregation at Christ Church Cathedral, I am writing this letter to thank all those who have supported me during my four years of high school. I am so grateful to God for bringing you all into my life.  Without Him none of this would have been possible.  I am happy […]

2018 Belize Mission reports

2018 Belize Mission reports

Reports from Belize Mission 11 February The 2018 Belize Mission Away Team offered reflections and some photos during worship on 11 February. While this is just a beginning, the Team hopes to share even more over the next several weeks. A concluding podcast may be part of that plan.

2018 Lenten Studies

2018 Lenten Studies

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to take part in small group study. The resource recommended by our Bishop for 2018 is “Pray: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer” by Bishop Bill Hockin. We’ve also had an offer to provide one additional option on the poetic works of John […]

Celebrating Women making a difference 17 February

Celebrating Women making a difference 17 February

The successful event hosted in 2017 by the Anglican Church Women, was titled Celebrating Women – in the 21st Century. Thirty five women, representing all generations, were inspired by the presentation of Vicki Hachey. We enjoyed ‘creative’ interacting, examining the intricate needlework on our Cathedral linens, the expertise of our quilters, and delicious food. This […]

Music Monthly – February 2018

Music Monthly – February 2018

Sunday 4 February 2018 – Fifth after the Epiphany 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) O come, ye servants of the Lord – Tye Barnard in C Psalm 147:1-12, 21c Ave verum corpus – Elgar 344, 293, 454, 59, 444 Praeludium in G minor BuxWV 149 – Buxtehude 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Smith Responses Psalms 84 and […]

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2018

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 22 January 2018 with ten of twelve members present. Minutes of 11 December 2017 were adopted. Business Arising • Chapter Vacancy – our Bishop has appointed Lynn Meehan. Lynn will chair the committee on  Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership • Committee Terms of Reference – members of the Executive continue to work with […]

Studies in Lent 2018

Studies in Lent 2018

Ash Wednesday is a moveable fast day in the Church calendar, this year falling on 14 February. The date of Ash Wednesday is determined by the date of Easter each year, which is 01 April in 2018. While not as early as it can be, Easter is relatively early this year determined by the “Paschal […]

Cathedral Faces – Elaine Lucas

Cathedral Faces – Elaine Lucas

A native of Sackville, New Brunswick, our own Canon Elaine Lucas, is a well travelled lady with a sense of adventure, and wonderful stories to tell. She says she got used to moving about because her father was with the CN railway, and the family lived in Sackville, Blackville, Moncton and Aulac, New Brunswick. Her […]

2018 Belize Mission blog

2018 Belize Mission blog

The Belize Mission Team Rebecca Butler, Caryn Gunter, Nat Fetter, Carol Ann Melvin, Dean Geoffrey Hall, Kelley Hall, Jim Morell, and Beverly Morell is scheduled to depart Saturday, 27 January 2018 and spend a week serving at St. Hilda’s Anglican School in the village of Georgeville. Teams from the Cathedral have been travelling to Belize […]

Thank you from Amieka Myers

Thank you from Amieka Myers

Here is a recent letter from Belize scholarship student Amieka Myers following the final payment of tuition for her now completed program. Although the scholarship is completed for Amieka, her plans are to obtain her teacher’s license and save some money on her own to return to University and further her education. Hello Miss Bev, […]

Music Monthly – January 2018

Music Monthly – January 2018

Sunday 7 January 2018 – The Baptism of the Lord 10.00: Choral Eucharist with Holy Baptism (BAS) Christ hath a garden – Drinkell A German Mass – Schubert Psalm 29 View me, Lord, a work of thine – Lloyd 162, 377, 453, 40, 165, 162 Prelude and Fugue in modo dorico BWV 538 – Bach […]

2017 Christmas Pastoral Letter

2017 Christmas Pastoral Letter

Late in time behold him come, offspring of a virgin’s womb. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; hail, the incarnate deity, pleased as one of us to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. Christmas 2017 Dear friends, For many, December is one of the busiest of months. Expectations run high with the promise that this year, the […]

Music Monthly – December 2017

Music Monthly – December 2017

Sunday 3 December – First Sunday of Advent 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Nun komm der Heiden Heiland – Praetorius Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18 The Lord will come and not be slow – Tye 108, 446, 88, 48, 110 Prelude on Nun komm der Heiden Heiland BWV 661 – Bach 4.00: Advent […]

Olga Louise Mann – Obituary

Olga Louise Mann 1918 – 2017 Olga Louise Mann died peacefully on 15 November 2017 at the Halifax Infirmary. She was seven weeks past her 99th birthday, and had enjoyed a long full life. She was born on PEI, daughter of Wilbert and Emma (Cudmore) Reeves. She was predeceased by her husband, George Mann, and […]

Cathedral Faces – Ann Deveau and Doug Milander

Cathedral Faces – Ann Deveau and Doug Milander

Ann and Doug are well known around the Cathedral for their many hours of volunteer work. Ann is from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Doug is from Norfolk, Nebraska. They began attending the Cathedral in 1997 as a middle way between her Roman Catholic upbringing and his background in the United Methodist church. The route to […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 November 2017 with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of 16 October 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a brief information sharing and conversation regarding children and Communion. Bishop’s Directive 3.1.2 contains guidelines for practice. A brief overview of Life in the Eucharist was discussed. Business Arising • […]

You Better Belize it!

You Better Belize it!

It is official! The 2018 Belize mission team has booked their flights and will be starting preparations soon for their mission trip in January. The team consists of Carol Ann Melvin, Rebecca Butler-Goddard, Nat Fetter, Caryn Gunter, Dean Geoffrey Hall, Kelley Hall, Beverly Morell and Jim Morell. Please keep them in your prayers, along with […]

Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday is a time to celebrate and encourage activities that support charities and non- profits. Whether it’s making a donation, volunteering time, helping a neighbour or spreading the word, Giving Tuesday on November 28th is a movement for everyone who wants to give something back. This year PWRDF is inviting you to make Giving Tuesday a World […]

Monday morning drop-in: Sharing Christianity outside the church walls

Monday morning drop-in: Sharing Christianity outside the church walls

Tasty sandwiches and warm socks aren’t the only things handed out to people in need at the Monday morning drop-in run by the cathedral’s outreach committee. Archdeacon Pat Drummond always gives a blessing of praise and thanksgiving to start the morning’s activities. At first, the clatter of dishes and chatter of voices would continue. But […]

Why we do what we do – Eucharistic practice and the risk of infection

Why we do what we do – Eucharistic practice and the risk of infection

At Christ Church Cathedral, we take health and safety seriously. From time to time there are questions about precautions followed to reduce the risk of infection in the administration of the Holy Eucharist. First and foremost, we follow our own diocesan Bishop’s Directive 3.4 on the Administration of the Sacrament. This includes making intinction (dipping) […]

Greetings from Ms. Indira Spain in Belize

This is a letter we received from Ms Indira Spain, teacher at St. Hilda’s as well as mother of one of our high school scholarship students, Anique Hernandez.  Anique is currently in Grade 10 at St. Ignatius High School in San Ignacio.  She is a very good student and is also involved in extracurricular activities […]

Music Monthly – November 2017

Music Monthly – November 2017

5 November 2017 – All Saints – Remembrance Sunday10.00: Choral Eucharist with the Renewal of the Vows of Baptism (BAS)The souls of the righteous – MurrayMissa Secunda – HasslerPsalm 34:1-10, 22My soul, there is a country – Parry281, 439, 277, 275, 70, 276Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV 534 – Bach4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)Drinkell […]

2017 flu shots – its that time again!

2017 flu shots – its that time again!

It’s that time again! The flu season is upon us. A reminder to all that flu vaccinations are available throughout the City at a pharmacy near you. You may also make an appointment with your physician to obtain a vaccine in the physician’s office or contact the Public Health Office in your area. The flu […]

2 Minutes for Cathedral Ministry

2 Minutes for Cathedral Ministry

A whole lot happens at Christ Church Cathedral! Beginning in the Fall of 2017 we are scheduling, with the help of the Bishop and Chapter Communications Committee, Sunday 2 minute presentations from groups and ministries actively working in our midst. We’ll hear from various sectors of our Cathedral community about what is happening in the […]

Cathedral Faces – Mary Allwood

Cathedral Faces – Mary Allwood

Mary Allwood lives in a comfortable Fredericton home and approaching (October 2017) it is decorated for Fall with beautiful wreaths on the doors, flowers and bunches of Autumn leaves in a container. Mary is well known at the Cathedral as she is often the one who organizes or helps to cater the many receptions held […]

Stewardship: what will you do?

Stewardship: what will you do?

Bishop David Edwards issued a challenge to people who attended the annual diocesan stewardship day this fall. “Stewardship is not just about money,” the bishop said. “It is using the gifts that God has given us wisely to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and to advance the Kingdom of God. This means using […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2017

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 16 October 2017 with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of 18 September 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a brief study of the Gospel from the previous Sunday lectionary (Matthew 22:1-14). Those invited to the wedding banquet rejected the gracious invitation. Others took it lightly. Many are called, […]

Music Monthly – October 2017

Music Monthly – October 2017

October 1 2017 – Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake – Hilton German Mass – Schubert Psalm 78: 1-4, 12-16 Sacerdotes Domini – Byrd 388(433), 386, 624, 79, 491 A Trumpet Minuet – Hollins 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Smith Responses Psalms 19 and 46 Sumsion in G […]

Resurrecting Tradition to Attract Millennials

Resurrecting Tradition to Attract Millennials

Church of England Resurrects Tradition to Attract Millennials * In the past we’ve touched on the delicate balance that churches must maintain while appealing to millennials without pandering or changing theology. But what if we’re focusing our efforts in the wrong places? What if the loud music and fog machines are actually clouding the […]

2017 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

2017 Thanksgiving Pastoral Letter

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB Thanksgiving 2017 Dear Friends, Listening to the news over the last several months is not for the faint of heart. Wildfires to the west, flooding in Central Canada, the impact of hurricanes and tropical storms in the Caribbean and the southern United States, perhaps even a personal tragedy or hardship […]

Reading Scripture in Public – 28 October 2017

Reading Scripture in Public – 28 October 2017

Overview Reading scripture and liturgy in public is an honour that deserves our time and attention as it provides an opportunity for people to hear God’s word. Learning how to connect with those who are listening by speaking clearly and audibly helps people understand and make sense of what you are saying. Objectives On completion […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2017

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 September 2017 with seven of ten members present. Minutes of 12 June 2017 were adopted. S. Dibblee was acting recording secretary. Director of Christian Formation Kurt Schmidt attended as an invited guest and lead the Chapter in a brief exercise focusing on the Gospel of the previous Sunday […]

Especially for the churched

Especially for the churched

An excellent repost from A must-read. Choosing Church Some of us remember Enid Strict, the infamous and wildly popular “church lady” played by Dana Carvey on Saturday Night Live. Enid was a caricature of the busybody finger-shaking moralist no one would want to share a pew with.

Music Monthly – September 2017

Music Monthly – September 2017

September 3 2017 – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Missa Secunda – Hassler Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon. 16th century Psalm 105: 1-6, 23-26, 45b 645, 327, 431, 49, 330 Sonata No. 1 in F (1st movement) – Mendelssohn September 10 2017 – Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist […]

Cathedral Faces – Sandra and Harry Palmer

Cathedral Faces – Sandra and Harry Palmer

When entering the living spaces of Cathedral faces Sandra and Harry Palmer, its impossible not to immediately notice the beautiful and well-kept gardens surrounding their home. Clearly, gardening is a passion. They have many. They are a couple who have discerned a call to keep us on track with volunteering for readings and serving in […]

Hope Bear – The Anglican Foundation

Hope Bear – The Anglican Foundation

Hope Bear joined the Anglican Foundation of Canada in 2011 as a tangible reminder that the Anglican Church cares for kids in Canada by establishing a Kids Helping Kids Fund. With a $20 donation, you can have your own AFC Hope Bear – a great gift for a special celebration – with all funds going […]

Music Monthly – August 2017

Music Monthly – August 2017

August 6 2017 – The Transfiguration of the Lord 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 99 O sing joyfully – Batten 424, 167, 97, 521, 322 Tuba Tune – Cocker August 13 2017 – Tenth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) Harris in F Psalm 105:1-6, 61-22 Teach me, O […]

Cathedral Faces – Carolyn and Bill Turney

Cathedral Faces – Carolyn and Bill Turney

Bill and Carolyn Turney are a happy couple who have a long association with Christ Church Cathedral. Bill was born in Fredericton, and grew up at 829 George Street. He was baptized at the Cathedral by Dean Holmes and even remembers the funeral of Bishop Richardson, and how the steeple bells tolled. Bill was only […]

“Life in the Eucharist” Fall 2017

“Life in the Eucharist” Fall 2017

In the Anglican Church of Canada, baptized children may be admitted to Holy Communion as provided in the August 1977 Memorial to the House of Bishops. In our diocese, Bishop’s Directive 3.1.2 outlines the process and requirements. We’ll be offering “Life in the Eucharist” in the fall of 2017 for children (aged 7 and older) […]

Congratulations to St. Hilda’s and Jocelyn Herrara

Congratulations to St. Hilda’s and Jocelyn Herrara

Congratulations to St. Hilda’s class of 2017 and scholarship winner Jocelyn Herrara Best wishes to the 2017 graduating class from St. Hilda’s School in Belize! A special congratulations also to Miss Jocelyn Herrara, this years recipient of the “Canadian Friends of St. Hilda’s Scholarship”. I am 12 years old. I live in Georgeville Village. My […]

Choir School 2017 – Evensong not to be missed

Choir School 2017 – Evensong not to be missed

A date to remember is July 9th, when the 60th Diocesan Choir School concludes with a triumphal service of Choral Evensong at 3:30 pm in Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton.Children from throughout the province will have spent a week at Rothesay Netherwood School, rehearsing for this occasion, and learning much about our church, its music, culture […]

Music Monthly – July 2017

Music Monthly – July 2017

July 2 2017 – Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) John Barnard Psalm 13 View me, Lord, a work of thine – Lloyd 347, 592, 354, 87, 375 Carillon Sortie – Mulet July 9 2017 – Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) Harris in F Psalm 45:11-18 Ave verum corpus – […]

2017 Choir School Evensong

2017 Choir School Evensong

Diocesan Choir School 2017 is celebrating its 60th Anniversary this year. The closing evensong will be held at Christ Church Cathedral on the afternoon of Sunday, 09 July 2017 at 3:30 p.m. Download the poster IT’S ALL ABOUT …  A Full Week of Busy Days Junior Choristers Children from the age of 8 are able […]

Belize School Scholarships

Belize School Scholarships

Since 2005, when Christ Church Cathedral sent the first of four mission teams to Belize, we have tried to help make the every-day education experience better for the students who attend St. Hilda’s. In the years following our visits, because we had raised enough money, we have been able to give St. Hilda’s approximately $2000 […]

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 12 June 2017 with six of ten members present. Minutes of 15 May 2017 were adopted. A conversation about the Article: “Want to Reach Kids with the Gospel? Ask These Questions First” – Wycliffe College Institute of Evangelism – Tiffany Robinson. Four questions: Why do we want children in […]

Music Monthly – June 2017

Music Monthly – June 2017

June 4 2017 – The Feast of Pentecost – Whitsunday 10.30: Eucharist on the Cathedral Green (BAS) SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Drinkell Responses Psalm 145 T. Tertius Noble in B minor Come, O Creator Spirit, come – T. Tertius Noble 637, 645, 22 Toccata Gothique – Boëllmann June 11 2017 – […]

You’re invited!

You’re invited!

On Sunday, 04 June 2017, the Cathedral plans to go out of doors.  Celebrating Pentecost (once well known in Anglican circles as Whitsunday), and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Church, the plan is that it will happen outside of the west doors. “Its an opportunity for us to go outside of the […]

Cathedral Faces – Janet Mahar

Cathedral Faces – Janet Mahar

England, Scotland, Indonesia, Bali, Ireland, New Zealand, the Philippines, and a Bible Study tour of the Middle East. That’s a list of a few of the places that Janet Mahar, the secretary of Bishop and Chapter, has visited and/or worked in over the past 34 years! Janet grew up in Lincoln NB and graduated from […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 15 May with eight of eleven members present. Minutes of the 20 March 2017 were amended and adopted. The Dean led a conversation focussing on Acts 17:22-31 – “the altar with the inscription: ‘to an unknown god.’” What can we do to get outside of ourselves and our worship […]

OPENING: Director of Christian Formation (1/2 time)

OPENING: Director of Christian Formation (1/2 time)

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton has an opening for a part-time Christian Formation Director/Coordinator to commence work on or around July 1, 2017. This contract position is based on the person hired working 20 hours per week. The successful applicant will see as a foundation of this ministry the facilitation of several formation and discipleship activities, […]

2017 photo directory arrives

2017 photo directory arrives

… and we are almost as excited as Steve Martin when he proclaimed that classic movie line “the new phone books are here!”  The directories arrived late last week and are available, free of charge, for pick up at the Cathedral Office to anyone that has a photo in the Directory.  If you chose not […]

Music Monthly – May 2017

Music Monthly – May 2017

7 May 2017 – Fourth Sunday of Easter 10.00am: Choral Eucharist (BAS) A Prayer of King Henry VI – Ley Mass of St. Denis – Cabena Psalm 23 Jesu dulcis memoria – Victoria 459,508, 444, 85, 216 Toccata – Mushel 4.00pm: Choral Evensong Smith Responses Psalm 103 Brewer in D Blessed be the God and […]

Agnus Dei Pictorial – Michael Khoury

Agnus Dei Pictorial – Michael Khoury

These are a few of the many images I made, depicting my rendition of the beautiful stained glass windows inside the Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton. I created this video keeping in mind the Holy Week celebrations occurring this week throughout the world. photography Michael Khoury video design Michael Khoury music ‘Agnus Dei’ – Karl […]

2017 Easter Pastoral Letter

2017 Easter Pastoral Letter

Lent 2017 Dear Friends, Easter is “late.” It is not by accident that its date changes each year, always keeping us guessing for the next. The vernal equinox governs the date (as it does the Passover), Easter being the Sunday after the first full moon after 20 March, or the fourth full moon of the […]

Music Monthly – April 2017

Music Monthly – April 2017

2 April 2017 – Passion Sunday 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Cast thy burden upon the Lord – Mendelssohn German Mass – Schubert Psalm 130 Like as the hart – Howells 40, 408, 306, 64, 454 Theme and Variations – Andriessen 4.00: Choral Evensong Morley Responses Psalm 145 Farrant’s Service Out of the deep – Morley […]

Christ Church Cathedral – A Documentary

Christ Church Cathedral – A Documentary

  St. Thomas University journalism student Christopher Robinson completed a class project in March – a documentary about Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton. Including brief interviews with the Bishop of Fredericton, the Dean and the Cathedral Verger, Chris has captured to video some of the Cathedral’s most striking visuals. At the same time, he offers some […]

Cathedral Faces – Canon David Staples

Cathedral Faces – Canon David Staples

Father David Staples, an honorary assistant and Canon of Christ Church Cathedral is a regular attendee at the Sunday 8:00 am and Wednesday 10:00 am Eucharist. Many have often remarked how much they enjoy his occasional playing of the organ. David requested that the interview be held in his home in downtown Fredericton, so that […]

Photo Directory 30 March update

Photo Directory 30 March update

We continue to get regular questions about progress on the 2017 Photo Directory. We’re all anxious to receive our copy of a new, shiny directory! At the Wednesday evening, 29 March, meeting of the Bishop and Chapter Communications Committee, final edits on the fourth (yes, fourth) draft were reviewed and finalized. We have made every […]

St. Joseph Guilds celebrate

St. Joseph Guilds celebrate

On Saturday, March 25th, Guilds of St. Joseph celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph at Christ Church Cathedral. Guilds from elsewhere in the Diocese of Fredericton were invited to attend. The following is the sermon by the Dean, part of the celebration of the Eucharist that day. Lections: 2 Samuel 7:4,8-16;  Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Mar 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 March with nine of thirteen members present. Minutes of 15 February 2017 were adopted. A brief conversation was lead by the Dean based on Ephesians 5:8–20 encouraging consideration of what it means to be “light” and how we are light to one another and the wider community. Business […]

Cathedral Faces – Betty Cluthé

Cathedral Faces – Betty Cluthé

Betty Cluthé joined Christ Church Cathedral in 2011. She attends the 10am Holy Eucharist and currently volunteers with the Cathedral Visitors. She was born in Germany and raised in the Lutheran Church. Surviving World War II and the collapse of Berlin, Betty emigrated from Germany and arrived in Canada in 1954, following in her sister’s […]

Music Monthly – March 2017

Music Monthly – March 2017

01 March – Ash Wednesday 7.30pm: Holy Eucharist with Ashes (BAS) Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 103:8-18 Psalm 51 Hide not thou thy face – Farrant 170, 180, 558 Prelude on O Mensch, bewein’ BWV 622 – Bach 05 March 2017 – First Sunday in Lent 10.00: Choral Eucharist with Great Litany Mass of […]

Positive Piety

Positive Piety

“Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them.” Matthew 6:1 The word “piety” rings with a negative tone in most ears. One who we describe to be pious is not one we hope to be. We know the pious one to be overly centred on the self, showing a […]

Grateful family making the rounds

Grateful family making the rounds

When Liberian refugee Esther Gmah was in hospital for months last fall, she had time on her hands to hatch a plan. “I want to visit all the churches helping my family,” she announced to a refugee sponsorship committee volunteer one day. “To say thank you,” she added. Several parishes raised money and did paperwork […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Feb 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Wednesday evening, 15 February with nine of thirteen members present. The meeting was postponed from 13 February due to weather. Minutes of the 16 January 2017 meeting were adopted. The Dean offered some reflection on the Gospel for the coming Sunday and the nature of truth as it is considered […]

2017 Lenten Study

2017 Lenten Study

Our Bishop recommends “Noticing God” by Richard Peace for study during Lent 2017. In his opening words, Peace sets the goal of his book: Where is God? How do we notice the presence of God? How do we encounter this God that we sense? How do we know it is God and not some figment […]

Installation of Canons and Archdeacon 05 February

Installation of Canons and Archdeacon 05 February

Bishop David Edwards installed the Rev’d Deacon Francene (Fran) Bedell, the Rev’d Greg McMullin, the Rev’d Wandlyn Snelgrove and the Rev’d Allen Tapley as canons of Christ Church Cathedral during a transferred celebration of Candlemas on 05 February 2017. Wandlyn Snelgrove was collated as Archdeacon of Fredericton. The Ven. Patricia Drummond retired from that position […]

Report of the Dean to the 2017 Annual Meeting

Report of the Dean to the 2017 Annual Meeting

Looking forward, looking back At least once each year it is a healthy and good exercise to stop and look backward. That’s not a useless reminiscence, but rather an opportunity to allow what God has been saying over the past year inform what happens in the next. In my day to day ministry, the days […]

Cathedral Faces – Lois Baker

Cathedral Faces – Lois Baker

Lois Baker, a familiar face to the Cathedral family, has been an integral force in the Cathedral since she arrived here from Newcastle in 1956 as a student at Teachers’ College, living in the old Rosary Hall among the nuns. She met her husband, Gerald Baker, in Fredericton, and he wanted to marry her but […]

Music Monthly – February 2017

Music Monthly – February 2017

05 February – Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) If ye love me – Tallis Festive Eucharist – Rawsthorne Psalm 112:1-9 View me, Lord, a work of thine – Lloyd 393, 256, 502, 646, 330 Carillon – Murrill 4.00: Choral Evensong with Candlemas Liturgy and Installation of Canons and Archdeacon Smith Responses […]

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2017

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 16 January with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of two December meetings were adopted. 10 December a planning session with our Bishop at which Treasurer Kevin Percy was appointed. 19 December was the regular monthly meeting primarily focussed on details of preparing the 2017 budget. The Dean […]

Photo Directory update

Photo Directory update

Some have inquired about when the Photo Directory will be available. First, thanks to so many of you for participating! Approximately 104 photo sessions took place and a few people who were unable to make any of the sessions, provided photos to Universal Portrait Studios for inclusion in the Directory. This week, there was conversation […]

What is yoga?

What is yoga?

With the recent announcement of a plan to hold yoga classes at the Cathedral Memorial Hall have come some questions. Is it appropriate for a Christian Church to practice yoga? The goal is fitness — to use yoga exercises, primarily stretching and breathing, to promote health and well being. The goals of the Cathedral Health […]

Letters from Belize

Letters from Belize

Greetings Mrs. Bev, It has truly been a while since we communicated. I must apologize for lack of communication. There have been so many challenges this year that for some time it became overwhelming. By God’s grace we finished our first term and are looking forward to the rest of the school year. We begin […]

Happy 17th birthday!

Happy 17th birthday!

In Liberia your relatives and friends dance and sing to celebrate your birthday, but Catherine Gmah just turned 17 and found out how it’s done in Canada. Several people from the archdeaconry’s refugee sponsorship committee gathered at the Liberian family’s apartment on Catherine’s special day. One arrived with colourful balloons, another carried a beautifully decorated […]

Music Monthly – January 2017

Music Monthly – January 2017

01 January – The Naming of Jesus 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) There is a flower springing – Praetorius German Mass – Schubert Psalm 8 Infant holy, Infant lowly – Polish Carol arr. Willcocks 155,622,135,148,150 Praeludium in D BuxWV 139 – Buxtehude 08 January – The Baptism of the Lord 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP) Call to […]

2016 Christmas Pastoral

2016 Christmas Pastoral

Advent 2016 Fredericton NB Dear Friends, et again we approach the season in which we celebrate a most central doctrine of belief — the God of the universe came to earth in the flesh of Jesus Christ the Son. The truth of that reality is essential to our living the Christian life in the midst […]

Christmas in a new land

Christmas in a new land

“When will the snow melt?” asked Phillip Weah anxiously, bewildered by two snowstorms in a week – the first two snowstorms in this Liberian refugee’s life. “Oh, around Easter,” he was told, but it wasn’t the answer he expected or wanted to hear. Cold, snowy days are taken for granted by longtime Canadians, but newcomers […]

2016 Refugee Support Auction Results

2016 Refugee Support Auction Results

The total money raised for our sponsored Liberian family’s expenses, through the November 26th auction and additional donations, was over $2,800! This is a real blessing for the cause with the federal money ending shortly and the bills continuing to come in for rent, electricity, telephone, groceries, etc. We are very grateful to everyone who […]

Music Monthly – December 2016

Music Monthly – December 2016

          04 December – Second in Advent 10.00 Choral Eucharist (BAS) O Radix Jesse – plainsong Addington Service – Shephard Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19 This is the record of John – Gibbons 108, 117, 109, 49, 419 March on a Theme of Handel – Guilmant 11 December – Third in Advent 10.00 […]

Ronald Rolheiser’s Column Archives

Ronald Rolheiser’s Column Archives

In the Spring of 2009, I travelled with Bishop Bill Hockin to St. Gertrude’s Roman Catholic Church in Woodstock, N.B.  As we arrived, we noticed the parking lot was full.  Upon entering the church, we found a large, ecumenical audience awaiting the introduction of Fr. Ronald Rolheiser.  He spoke all morning, and related effortlessly with […]

2016 Christmas Angels

2016 Christmas Angels

Our Christmas Angel program has begun! Please help us provide gifts for needy children in the Fredericton area. 🙂 Paper angels from the Fredericton Food Bank are waiting to be chosen from small trees in the Cathedral and in the hall foyer. Each angel indicates a gift or stocking stuffers for a needy boy or […]

Reign of Christ Commissioning

Reign of Christ Commissioning

On the celebration of the last Sunday of the Church year, the Reign of Christ (20 November 2016) the Cathedral took advantage of the opportunity to focus on the many ways the Christian community lives out the reality of the Kingdom of God in the midst of the world in which we live.  That day […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2016

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 21 November with nine of thirteen members present. Minutes of the October meeting were adopted. The Dean offered some reflections on the reality of the kingdom of God among us, leading us into a conversation about ways in which we might move towards becoming less maintenance and more […]

New vision for Cathedral and Anglican properties proposal

New vision for Cathedral and Anglican properties proposal

For many years, Bishops, members of the Cathedral Chapter and members of the Diocesan Council have wrestled with the challenges of owning and maintaining five old Fredericton buildings (most of them historic) and paying their annual operating costs. Bishop Medley’s beautiful Cathedral is almost 170 years old and many of its aging parts cry out […]

Partnerships key to success of Monday morning drop-in

Partnerships key to success of Monday morning drop-in

The guests who attend the Monday morning drop-in at Cathedral Memorial Hall are lucky. People who have never even met them collaborate to make the event a success. They have a warm, welcoming place to hang out and socialize with their friends. Thanks to members of the congregation who generously donate sandwiches, muffins and fruit, […]

Music Monthly – November 2016

Music Monthly – November 2016

        06 November 2016 – Twenty-Fifth after Pentecost – All Saints Sunday – Remembrance 10.00 Choral Eucharist and Holy Baptism Christ hath a garden – Drinkell German Mass – Schubert Psalm 149 O quam gloriosum – Victoria 528, 250, 361, 274, 57, 276 St. Anne Fugue in E flat BWV 552 – […]

New director of music

New director of music

The congregation of Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton welcomed David Drinkell as director of music in July. He comes among us with his wife, Elspeth. The Cathedral has valued a high standard of music in the past and we are pleased that with David’s expertise and leadership it appears that  will continue. David comes with a […]

On the Theology of Money

On the Theology of Money

Theology of Money report criticizes capitalist economics The report of the task force on the theology of money argues that the current economic system is an example of “structural sin.” Image: Saskia Rowley On October 18,an Anglican Church of Canada task force has released “On The Theology of Money,” a report calling the faithful to […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2016

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 17 October with ten of thirteen members present. Minutes of the September meeting were adopted. The Dean shared portions of the workbook that accompanies the book “Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish” by James Mallon focusing on the role of the pastor and the need […]

October 2016 Vandalism

October 2016 Vandalism

The Dean of Fredericton, Geoffrey Hall, wrote to members of the Cathedral congregation on 12 October 2016 to communicate the news about vandalism that had taken place over the Thanksgiving weekend.  The note, with the subject line “Some unfortunate news” follows:     Members of Christ Church Cathedral Congregation, I write with somewhat upsetting news […]

2016 Flu Vaccines

2016 Flu Vaccines

Please be advised the the Cathedral will not be holding a Flu Vaccine Clinic this fall due to the closing of the VON Service. Flu vaccines may be received from your family physician, local pharmacies, and pharmacies within Co-op, Costco, and Walmart. Some pharmacies are requesting that you make an appointment, while others are allowing […]

2016 Thanksgiving Pastoral

2016 Thanksgiving Pastoral

Dear Friends in Christ, “A wandering Aramean was my ancestor …” Deuteronomy 26:5 Those words are found in a passage from the Hebrew Scriptures, the Book of Deuteronomy, appointed to be read at Harvest Thanksgiving this year (Deuteronomy 26:1-11). They may mean little to most of us, but for the People of God from whom […]

Music Monthly – October 2016

Music Monthly – October 2016

Music Monthly – October 2016       02 October 2016 – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Let thy merciful ears, O Lord – Mudd Festive Eucharist – Rawsthorne 560, 500, 508, 453, 467 Psalm 137;1-6 Ave verum – Elgar A Trumpet Minuet – Hollins 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Smith Responses Psalm […]

The art of ecclesiastical embroidery

The art of ecclesiastical embroidery

By Gisele McKnight Every Friday morning, between three and seven women gather at Cathedral Memorial Hall to keep alive the art of ecclesiastical embroidery. They range in age from their early 60s to late 80s and they call themselves Lucy’s Sewing Group, based out of Christ Church Cathedral. Together they have a few hundred years […]

Cathedral Directory 2016

Cathedral Directory 2016

Many will remember the 2005 Cathedral Photo Directory. A directory is a useful tool to bring the family of God together as we come to know one another more fully. In 2005, Universal Studios was chosen to facilitate its creation. Once again, Universal will help us become closer. Its a win/win as they have the […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2016

  Bishop and Chapter met on Monday evening, 19 September with ten of thirteen members present. Minutes of the June meeting were adopted. The Dean shared a reflection on leadership culture. Business Arising • Employment – David Drinkell began as Director of Music (half-time) on 17 July. Adam Lewis began as Sexton (full-time) on 25 […]

Co-ordinator needed for community kitchen

Co-ordinator needed for community kitchen

At the end of this year Doug Milander will turn in his apron after 10 years as co-ordinator of the cathedral’s community kitchen ministry. For well over a decade, the cathedral has supplied teams every Saturday evening year-round to help the cook from 4 until 6 p.m. with food preparation, serving the crowd, and doing […]

Safe Church – a safer place to be

Safe Church – a safer place to be

The Safe Church regulation of the Diocese of Fredericton aims to ensure a working, learning and spiritual environment that is safe for all members of our communities. In our Bishop’s words “It is a matter of us getting our house in order.” The Safe Church training programme intends to reach these goals by systematically educating […]

Community and Growth

Community and Growth

Community and Growth By: Jean Vanier Paulist Press / 1991 / Paperback / 331 pages Darton Longman and Todd / 2006 / Hardcover / 352 pages Jean Vanier has authored some 30 books that reflect the many causes and concerns that have come together to shape his life.  Educated in England, France and Canada, Vanier […]

NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival 2016

NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival 2016

  NotaBle Acts is a theatre company dedicated to the development and production of new plays by aspiring and established New Brunswick dramatists. This focus can be seen even in their name; yes, the capital N and B in NotaBle Acts stand for New Brunswick!  The Cathedral is pleased to host “First Sight” written by […]

Bishop’s Pastoral – 13 July 2016

Bishop’s Pastoral – 13 July 2016

A Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Fredericton Concerning Proposed Amendments to Canon XXI of the Anglican Church of Canada (The Marriage Canon). First Reading Carried at the Meeting of the General Synod Held in Toronto, July 7th – 12th 2016. July 13, 2016 Dear Friends, I have taken a day to reflect upon the […]

Cathedral Faces – The Decken/Lazaris Family

Cathedral Faces – The Decken/Lazaris Family

The Decken/Lazaris family consisting of Dad – Andreas, Mom – Roula and 14 year old Hannah worship at 11:45 a.m. on Sundays. After searching around for a home Church as newcomers to Fredericton, a good friend suggested that they might enjoy “11:45 at the Cathedral” and they’ve been regulars ever since. Andreas came to Canada […]

General Synod 2016 Presidential Address

General Synod 2016 Presidential Address

Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada Fred Hiltz opened General Synod 2016 with a moving Presidential Address on Thursday.  He framed his address, recognizing the mixed feelings with which the Synod gathered, with those of delight, angst and yearning. Delight With you I am much heartened by the commitment of our church […]

Member Visitation 2016 – Report

Member Visitation 2016 – Report

It has been approximately 14 years since Christ Church Cathedral conducted an “all members” visitation initiative.  Church development literature indicates that healthy churches are those that regularly conduct both “in-reach” and outreach; people need to feel a strong and sustained connection to their church community.  Having a new Dean and a renewed Bishop and Chapter, […]

Cathedral Pewtersmiths just keep on giving

Cathedral Pewtersmiths just keep on giving

The Cathedral Pewtersmiths officially ended their long association at the Cathedral in June 2016, with the presentation of a cheque to Dean Geoffrey Hall. President Charles Davies was pleased to present $11,896.13 during the Guild of St. Joseph summer BBQ event on June 9th,.2016 This  represented the final installment of the more than $120,000 the […]

Diocesan Open House

Diocesan Open House

The “Open House” on 19 June 2016 was a success!  A first for the Diocese, the event offered a counter-balance to the reality of recent annual Synods where it has become difficult to provide a venue for diocesan groups and ministries to tell their story.  Pleasingly, Christ Church Cathedral contributed well, with several displays by […]

Cathedral Faces – Sally Dibblee

Cathedral Faces – Sally Dibblee

Critically acclaimed soprano Sally Dibblee graciously agreed to a recent interview Sally has enjoyed a career of twenty years in opera houses and concert halls throughout North America.  Born in Woodstock, New Brunswick, Sally now lives in Fredericton with her husband, Chris Lynn, and two sons, Robbie and Patrick.  They attend Christ Church Cathedral. She […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Jun 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Jun 2016

Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday with nine of 13 members present. Minutes of the May meeting were adopted. Business Arising • Employment – letters being finalized for Director of Music and Parish Nurse. Sexton permanent full-time position currently being advertised with applications closing 04 July • Hall Front Steps – No update on […]

Sexton Required

Sexton Required

Sexton at Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB Permanent full-time position, 40 hours per week Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications  Definition:  This is custodial work in the cleaning and care of Christ Church Cathedral and the Memorial Hall.  Work involves maintaining assigned premises in a clean and orderly condition with the goal of institutional health […]

The diocese, demystifed

The diocese, demystifed

You’re invited to the open house on Saturday Sandra Craft had a mission when she became part of Diocesan Council: take some of the mystery out of diocesan affairs. The best way she could think of was to hold an open house. Sandra is the vice-chair of Diocesan Council, which will host an open house […]

Let Your Life Speak

Let Your Life Speak

Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation By Parker J. Palmer Jossey-Bass / 2000 / 117 pages Parker Palmer is an author, educator, and activist who writes about teaching, life in community, leadership, spirituality and social change. He is the founder and senior partner of the Center for Courage & Renewal, based […]

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Spin the globe. Halfway around the world sits a refugee family dreaming of a better, safer life. Spin the globe again. People from 11 parishes in the archdeaconry of Fredericton are collecting furniture and housewares to fill that family’s apartment here. At this point, neither knows anything specific about the other, nor do they know […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 30 May, with 12 of 13 members present. A short faith conversation on Luke 7:11-17 was led by the Dean. Minutes from the 25 April meeting were presented and adopted. Business Arising • Cathedral steeple – has been repaired at a cost of about $13,000. […]

Divine Renovation

Divine Renovation

Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish By James Mallon Novalis Publishing/2014/286 pages Fr. James Mallon is pastor and priest at the Roman Catholic Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He speaks frequently on the topic of church renewal and has hosted internationally acclaimed DVD series on Catholicism and Dogmatic Theology. St. […]

Celebration of Discipline

Celebration of Discipline

Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth By Richard J. Foster Harper Books / 1998 / 228 pages / Revised Edition We read in the New Testament about the “Gifts of the Spirit” and the “Fruit of the Spirit.” But, what do people mean when they use the term, “the Spiritual Disciplines?”  What is […]

Called to Mission – Matt Allen

Called to Mission – Matt Allen

Matt Allen has been a regular member of our congregation this past year and is preparing to serve God in a mission abroad with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. He is self-financing his salary for this mission and the Missions Committee would like to share his request for support. “I am coming on staff with Inter-Varsity Christian […]

Run for the Word 2016

Run for the Word 2016

Locations: Florenceville-Bristol, NB; Fredericton, NB Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016 Time: 9:30 AM – On-site registration; 10:00 AM – Opening ceremony Run for the Word (R4W) is a fundraising event held in New Brunswick since 2013. This annual event aims to connect the Canadian Bible Society (CBS) friends and supporters together to raise funds for […]

The Holy Longing

The Holy Longing

By Ronald Rolheiser DoubleDay/1999/257 pages Ronald Rolheiser’s The Holy Longing is a modern classic.  It has been read and endorsed by clergy and lay people across the Christian world.  Essential reading for those seeking to understand and deepen their practice of Christian spirituality, this book explains the complexion of one’s personal spirituality and how to […]

Surprised by Scripture

Surprised by Scripture

Surprised by Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues By: N.T. Wright Harper-Collins / 2014 / 320 pages N.T. Wright is a widely-read British Bible scholar and retired Anglican bishop. According to Time Magazine, Wright is one of the most formidable figures in the world of Christian thought. He served as Bishop of Durham between 2003 and 2010.  […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Apr 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Apr 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 24 April, with 8 of 13 members present. Vice-chair Catherine Schmidt chaired. John 14:1-7 was read and the Chapter reflected on Jesus’ words: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Minutes from the 14 March meeting were adopted. Business Arising Memorial Hall chair […]

Living the Third Mark of Mission

Living the Third Mark of Mission

A community without volunteers wouldn’t be much of a community. That’s the opinion of Doug Wright who has been a volunteer on a cathedral team at the Fredericton Community Kitchen for about 10 years. “I think people have to go further than just sitting in the pews,” he said as he chopped broccoli for a […]

Fredericton Homeless Shelters THANKS

Fredericton Homeless Shelters THANKS

February 16th, 2016 Christ Cathedral Church 168 Church Street Fredericton, NB  E3B 4C9 Dear Father G. Hall and Congregation; The Fredericton Shelters and its staff members recently took the much needed time to remember and recognize the tremendous support that it receives from its many generous donors. You are receiving this letter because you are […]

Parish Nurse Pledge Campaign

Parish Nurse Pledge Campaign

  At present the Cathedral does not have a practicing Parish Nurse. Isabel Cutler held this role and calling for the last 11 years, and she retired in December of 2015.     What the Parish Nurse does for our Cathedral Congregation (In-reach) The Parish Nurse: ministers to us at a grass roots level on […]

Confirmation Preparation Continues

Confirmation Preparation Continues

Preparation for confirmation by 6 students from each of Christ Church Cathedral and the Anglican Parish of New Maryland continues. Confirmation is scheduled for June of this year. Each participant has an adult mentor who is walking through the process with them. The programme includes nine group meetings of instruction punctuated by 9 meetings with […]

Becka deHann Concert 02 April

Becka deHann Concert 02 April

Saturday, April 2nd at 7 PM, Christ Church Cathedral, 168 Church Street, Fredericton A concert to raise funds for my new full-length album, “Calming Trust and Coming King,” slated for release in the late spring. A freewill offering will be received. Friday, April 1st: Becka deHaan at the Light Spot Cafe, 294 Westmorland Road, Saint […]

Refugee Sponsorship March Update

Diocesan Archdeaconry of Fredericton Refugee Sponsorship Meeting Held at Cathedral Hall Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. The third meeting of the Diocesan Archdeaconry of Fredericton Refugee Sponsorship Project was held at the Cathedral Hall in Fredericton, NB on March 10th beginning at 1:00 p.m.  The meeting was chaired by Archdeacon Pat Drummond.  Numerous […]

Member Visitation 2016

Member Visitation 2016

. Complete the Visitation Survey HERE. Questions?  Contact the Project Chair Jamie Yeamans at <jamieyeamans at> . Why is it important that we have a visitation?  There are five reasons: Spread the good news: all the positive things going on in our church. So SHARING is the first reason SEEK FEEDBACK from our congregation […]

Holocaust Memorial 2016

Holocaust Memorial 2016

The Annual Holocaust Memorial Observance Sunday April 10, 2016 at 3:00 pm. Sgoolai Israel Synagogue 168 Westmorland Street, Fredericton The keynote speaker is Faigie Schmidt Libman. Faigie Schmidt, an only child, was born into an affluent family in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1934.  Her mother Batia was a surgical nurse and her father Faiva owned a […]

Kitchen shines after spring cleaning

Kitchen shines after spring cleaning

Luke’s gospel refers to a house being swept and put in good order, but it doesn’t say anything about cleaning grease from the vent above a stove. “It’s a really dirty job, but it’s one of the necessary tasks to be done during the seasonal cleaning of the kitchen at the church hall,” said David […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Mar 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Mar 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 14 March, with 9 of 13 members present. A short discussion on Philippians 2:5-11: “let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus …” What was important about the kind of death Jesus died? What nonnegotiable Christian teaching is contained? Minutes from […]

Proclamation 2016

Proclamation 2016

Proclamation is the reading of God’s word aloud in public and in its entirety from beginning to end traditionally over a 10 day period. Reading schedules have been developed integrating Old Testament readings with Psalms, Proverbs and New Testament readings. For many Canadians, both those who listen and read it is a remarkable new experience. […]

2016 Easter Pastoral Letter

2016 Easter Pastoral Letter

Lent 2016 Dear Friends In Christ, With the dawn of Easter the Christian Church once again realizes anew the greatest joy of faith. The preparation of Lent and the horror of Holy Week breaks with the celebration of new life — the Saviour is risen! We celebrate the newness of life at Easter. Jesus’ Resurrection […]

Youth Mission Conference 2016

Youth Mission Conference 2016

“Stones Across the Water” is the name of the Youth and Intergenerational Ministries team of Diocesan Council’s upcoming youth mission conference at Camp Medley HAS BEEN POSTPONED.  New date TBA. The conference name, “Stones Across the Water,” comes from the Mother Teresa quote, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone […]

Help the hungry

Help the hungry

The big wicker basket near the baptismal font is seldom empty. People arriving for worship each Sunday drop off a box of cereal, canned soup, toothpaste, pasta sauce, tea and more. “It’s a small but quiet ministry at the cathedral,” says Doug Milander from the Outreach Committee. “We provide the basket to make it easy […]

Evensong with Bishop Medley

Evensong with Bishop Medley

Choral Evensong 06 March 2016 Featuring the music of John Medley, first Bishop of Fredericton The first Bishop of Fredericton is perhaps best known for the establishment of the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, the building of its Cathedral of Christ Church and many other churches throughout New Brunswick. Medley supported free pews, free-will offerings and […]

Confirmation – A “New” Approach?

Confirmation –  A “New” Approach?

This year at the Cathedral, we’re offering preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Laying on of Hands by the Bishop. The programme outline is here. The goal is age-old, to bring those who seek strengthening in the Faith by the Holy Spirit into closer relationship with God and with the rest of the Church. […]

Cathedral Faces – Isabel Cutler

Cathedral Faces – Isabel Cutler

By Gisele McKnight, NB Anglican Editor During the Lenten season, we are encouraged to reflect. With that in mind, the ACW of Christ Church Cathedral invited their recently retired parish nurse, Isabel Cutler, to present a reflection on her life. This is a report from that Feb. 17 meeting — Isabel’s life reflection, not only […]

Syrian Refugee Initiative

Syrian Refugee Initiative

Archdeaconry of Fredericton Approximately 4.6 million Syrians have fled the country as refugees to escape the violence of civil war. More than half of these refugees are children. While the majority of refugees are fleeing to surrounding countries, these resources are limited and cannot accommodate the need. Our Canadian government has stepped up to help […]

We say goodbye to Willis Noble

We say goodbye to Willis Noble

At the Cathedral we’ll say goodbye to Willis Noble, Director of Music, on the last Sunday in March.  Willis plans to embark on a journey of further academic studies early next fall and will be moving to Toronto. The Cathedral congregations will say thank you to Willis on Easter Sunday, 27 March following a 10:30 […]

Spaghetti Tuesdays

Spaghetti Tuesdays

Spaghetti Tuesdays meets weekly through the College and University academic year, providing a place for young adults (and their children) to gather in a no-strings-attached positive and welcoming community.  Since getting underway in February 2015, the program has stabilized with typically 25-30 people each week joining at 6:00 for a meal in the Cathedral Hall.  […]

Monday Morning Drop-in

Monday Morning Drop-in

The gospel urges us to love one another, but what do you do when some people are hard to love? You do what Jesus advocated: share food and drink, give away possessions, offer help and hope. That’s what happens on non-holiday Monday mornings from September until May at Cathedral Memorial Hall. Gathered around the coffee […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Jan 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Jan 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday with one purpose – to approve a budget for 2016. In reviewing the unofficial 2015 statements treasurer Martha Jo Hoyt noted that offerings were $26,000 less than budgeted, but that was partially offset by ordinary expenses for the year which were below budget. Because of a […]

2016 Cathedral Budget

2016 Cathedral Budget

At its December meeting Bishop and Chapter intended to set our budget for 2016, but quickly concluded that we may have to make some difficult decisions. A draft budget, which was largely ‘status quo,’ was prepared by Treasurer, Martha Jo Hoyt. It showed a deficit of $18,900. Chapter members discussed various income and expenditure options, […]

Lenten Study 2016

Lenten Study 2016

Prayer will be the suggested focus for Lent. Our Bishop has recommended a book for use throughout the Diocese entitled: “Meditative Prayer: Entering God’s Presence” by Richard Peace. The plan will be to form small groups for study and we’ll need both willing hosts and/or facilitators. Each group can schedule as it prefers. The Dean […]

Letter from Belize

Letter from Belize

Greetings my friends, I pray that the blessings of this season be yours as we continue to celebrate God’s greatest gift to us. My time at St.Hilda’s has been a blessing thus far. I have seen God’s handiwork in the events that have occurred and the friendships I have made. As I had said before, […]

Words of Thanks and Farewell

Words of Thanks and Farewell

To Isabel Cutler on her retirement   The church family of Christ Church Cathedral bids farewell to Isabel Cutler who is retiring from her position as Parish Nurse. Isabel has been Parish Nurse for 10 years and Chair of the Health Ministry Team for the past twelve. Isabel had a vision and a calling to […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Dec 2015

Bishop and Chapter News – Dec 2015

Bishop and Chapter met on 22 December with 10 of 13 members present. Minutes of the 16 November 2015 meeting were adopted. Open The Dean led a conversation on the first three verses of the Epistle to the Hebrews, read at Christmas. Jesus was the “Word” of God, according to the Gospel of John. Witness […]

Belize Missions

Belize Missions

On the bulletin board in Christ Church Cathedral, photos of children from Belize are a reminder of a link between our congregation and St. Hilda’s Anglican School. On the school playground in Belize, picnic tables affixed with a handmade wooden maple leaf and cross are a reminder of the Canadian missioners who care for the […]

2015 Christmas Pastoral Letter

2015 Christmas Pastoral Letter

Advent 2015 Dear Friends, Christian Faith is unique among the religions of the world. It was Martin Luther who once offered a short and precise summary of the uniqueness of the Christian Faith when he said, “We find the heart and will of the Father in Christ.” To the world Christmas has become a very […]

Report of Delegates to Diocesan Synod 2015

Report of Delegates to Diocesan Synod 2015

The 134th session of the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton was held on Saturday, November 7, at Christ Church Parish Church. The theme for the synod was “Walk the Walk.” The Cathedral’s representatives were Dean Geoffrey Hall, Jim Morell (present lay chair of B&C) and Chris Stevenson (a past lay chair). Bishop David […]

2015 Christmas Angels

2015 Christmas Angels

Paper angels from the Fredericton Food Bank are waiting to be chosen from small trees in the cathedral and in the hall foyer. Each angel indicates a gift or stocking stuffers for a needy boy or girl of a specific age. Unwrapped gifts, with the paper angels firmly attached, should be brought to the church […]

Response to Refugee Crisis – 22 November 2015 Cathedral Presentation

Response to Refugee Crisis – 22 November 2015 Cathedral Presentation

What is God calling us to do about the Syrian refugee crisis? That important question has been preoccupying the cathedral’s Missions Committee since September when we saw heart-breaking images of Syrian refugees fleeing a cruel civil war. Bishop Edwards issued a call to action, asking every congregation to respond in some way. We have prayed […]