The Hansens in Belize

A new family will be helping Father Alenskis for the next year in San Ignacio, Belize. This link has some photos of their rented home as well as some photos from St. Andrew’s church and the youth group going around town singing Christmas carols at people’s doors. You may find it funny to see everyone in T-shirts and shorts at Christmas!

Our New Home and Work Photos

Letters from Belize Scholarship Students

The following are letters from the Belize high school scholarship students that were recently sent to Rebecca Butler and the Belize Team.

July 4, 2018

Dear Ms. Rebecca,

My name is Jenniah Tillett.  I am thirteen years old.  I live with my grandmother and grandfather who are my guardians.  I started to live with my grandparents because of my mom’s death last year.  I use to live in Stann Creek district with my mother and my three brothers and three sisters.  When she died, we all had to be separated from each other.  Two of my brothers went to live with my grandparents from my mom’s side, and my two brother’s and I went to live with an aunt.  We had a hard time living there because my aunt already had three daughters and only my uncle was working.  What he made was not enough to take care of the whole family so my aunt called my grandma and asked her if she could take us in.  She agreed so we packed up our things and moved to Georgeville Village where I began attending school at Saint Hilda’s Anglican School. 

I received the highest score on the National Primary School Examination here at Saint Hilda’s Anglican.  I worked really hard and made sure that I did the right things that I know my mom would want me to do. Receiving this scholarship is the greatest gift of my life.  Life has always been hard and this scholarship is my only opportunity to attend high school.  My two older brothers didn’t get the chance.  They graduated from primary school and are at home because we can’t afford high school fees.  I am grateful to your church for this blessing and I will work extra hard to make you proud as well as my mom in heaven. 

I have been accepted at Eden High School where I will work the hardest I can.  Please write back.  I will be waiting on to hear about you.

Sincerely Yours,

Jenniah Tillett


July 4, 2018

Dear Ms. Rebecca,

Hope you are doing well.  I am writing this letter to share with you some fun things I did for this school year.  My school year has been fun and I learnt so many things and did so many wonderful activities.  My greatest challenge was in math when we learned about angles.  I stayed back for many extra hours practicing angles so I could become good at identifying and calculating them. Another challenge came in my sewing class where we were asked from time to time to bring in materials.  At times my parents couldn’t afford the materials because for us, even an extra $20 is too much.  I managed to pass however and I’m so thankful to my parents who have struggled through and supported me, alone with your help and prayers, to finish off my first year of high school. 

 I am grateful for your help because you are giving me the opportunity to have an education and be someone great one day.  That’s the reason I am working extra hard at everything because I don’t want to waste the opportunity.

For this summer I am planning on visiting a few family members as well as studying and preparing for the new school year.  I am challenging myself to work hard so that I can maintain an A and get exempted from all exams next year (at Eden we don’t need to take exams if we are passing with an A).  Education has made my life better because I am learning things I thought I would never learn. 

I did not make many friends mainly because I like to stick to myself but yes, I made approximately four new friends.  I wish for the best for you and may God continue to shower you and your church with blessings in a wonderful way. 

Best Wishes,

Jocelyn Herrera


July 4,2018

Dear Ms. Rebecca,

I received your letter that made me aware that you are Ms. Bev’s replacement so let me start off by saying “Hello!!”.   Although I will surely miss Ms. Bev, I am sure that it will be a delight working with you.  Hoping that you are doing okay.  I know we met on your visit back in January but I still want to formally introduce myself.  My name is Anique Ashanti Hernandez and I am 15 years old.  I am now a senior at Sacred Heart College.  I am probably the youngest senior at SHC.  I have enjoyed the last three years of high school, making it on the honor roll for five out of the six semesters, competing in elocution contests, playing softball and of course cheering.  Cheering is my favorite thing to do.  I enjoy it because I get to go to different places and motivate the players with our loud voices and contagious school spirit.  In cheer, we get to bring the school spirit every where we go. 

The last three years have flown by and I have loved every minute of it with my teachers and friends.  This years that just passed however wasn’t my best.  My first semester was fairly ok.  I achieve a little less than normal but was still on honor roll.  My second semester however, was HORRIBLE!!  I truly want to apologize for that. I feel devastated, sad and every other depressing word that you can think of.  I disappointed everyone.  I really don’t understand the steep drop in my grades because I feel as if I was doing great with my school work and the results were shocking.  You will note this on my report card.  My teachers hadn’t returned my papers for me to prove that I wasn’t doing so bad.  I am SO disappointed in myself because although I did not fail, I didn’t do my very best and got serious disciplinary actions from my mom.  Please pray for me.   I am so sorry.  I will consider this a minor setback however and I promise to go back to my norm during my last year at SHC. 

I will be awaiting word from you.  Thank you for all your kindness and please give the church my sincere apology.  I will not let you down ever again. 

Love Always,

Anique Hernandez



Thank you from University of Belize Graduate, Amieka Myers

University of Belize scholarship student, Amieka Myers, will officially graduate on Saturday, June 16th. Our church has been sponsoring her since she finished Grade 8 (Standard 6) at St. Hilda’s School.  She has persevered despite many difficulties and has accomplished what has never been done before in her family.  They, as well as we here at Christ Church Cathedral, are very proud of her.

Hi Ms. Bev,

First of all, I want to extend a huge thank you to you and your church for the assistance with my graduation that’s coming up so soon.

I’m happy everything has worked out regarding the graduation. I will stop by at UB to see Mr. Palma and pick up the graduation regalia tomorrow morning.

I’m not sure who I’m going to invite but my mom is definitely a part of the invite list. I wish you were near to experience this moment with me; nonetheless, I know you will be here in spirit. I will send you some pictures so you can see what it looks like.

Once again, thank you and your church for all the kindness you guys bestowed upon me and my family throughout my educational journey. It is truly a blessing!!

Amieka Myers

Thank you from scholarship student Paul Jones

Dear Ms Bev and church congregation at Christ Church Cathedral,

I am writing this letter to thank all those who have supported me during my four years of high school. I am so grateful to God for bringing you all into my life.  Without Him none of this would have been possible.  I am happy to say I have made you all proud even though my time in high school is almost over – just a couple of months to finish.

I will never forget you and what you have done for me.  I promise to keep you all posted as I continue to study.  Throughout my four years of studies there are people who have inspired me and uplifted me, especially the Lord.  Throughout my four years of school I have been doing well academically.  Now that I am in my fourth and final year of high school, my goal is to graduate and go to university to study forensics or marine biology, but mostly forensics.

My family and I want to thank you and your congregation for all the support.  I have four months until graduation and I will send you pictures of my graduation and a short video clip of me on my graduation day.

Once again, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  My prayer for you all is that God bless you always.  I love you all so very much.  Thanks again.  I will keep in touch with you.  Love you all!


Paul Jones

Thank you from Amieka Myers

Here is a recent letter from Belize scholarship student Amieka Myers following the final payment of tuition for her now completed program. Although the scholarship is completed for Amieka, her plans are to obtain her teacher’s license and save some money on her own to return to University and further her education.

Hello Miss Bev,
I would like to let you know that I have received the funds from Ms Indira, it was very nice of her to do us that little favor. I would also like to thank you and your church for the assistance you have showered me with over the years. I appreciate every single thing you guys have done for me. As of today, I will start gather my documents for the license and I will keep you updated on how that’s going.

I can’t wait to see you and your team on the 28th. I know you must be very excited for your trip to Belize. I pray you

have a safe trip to beautiful Belize.

Amieka Myers


Greetings from Ms. Indira Spain in Belize

This is a letter we received from Ms Indira Spain, teacher at St. Hilda’s as well as mother of one of our high school scholarship students, Anique Hernandez.  Anique is currently in Grade 10 at St. Ignatius High School in San Ignacio.  She is a very good student and is also involved in extracurricular activities at her school.  Her mom wrote this letter in June.
Greetings from Belize.  As I sit to write I can’t help but feel overwhelmed at the idea of connecting with some of the very best people I know, whom I’ve never met but whom have given to me one of the greatest gifts of my life.  Your generosity surpasses that of anything I have ever seen.  I remember being a smart student, achieving a whole lot in primary but struggling through high school because of financial reasons.  Anique is blessed to have an entire congregation behind her and for that I wish to extend a sincere thank you to every member of your church who have contributed to my daughter’s success.  Whether they have contributed financially or with a word of prayer we are grateful to all of you for keeping us in the warmth of your Jesus-filled hearts.  
Find attached Anique’s second form report card.  She has done well but I believe she can do much better.  The last lap of second form was a little challenging for her as the teachers tried to cover material that will be needed for third form.  Her grades fell a little and for that she sends apologies.  I am very proud of her despite the little drop and I’m sure that you guys will be as proud. 
Thank you again for everything you do for my child and I.