Soup and Chili Luncheon

Join us for a hot lunch after worship on Sunday, 30 March (Mothering Sunday).

The Cathedral branch of Mothers’ Union will serve soup, chili and simnel cake at this fundraising luncheon in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

Members of the congregation are invited for food and fellowship. Feel free to bring a friend! Freewill offerings at the luncheon will support the work of Mothers’ Union.

Mothering Sunday, not to be confused with Canadian Mother's Day, is celebrated in Anglican Churches on the Fourth Sunday in Lent. Learn more about Mothering Sunday and Simnel Cake, a traditional Mothering Sunday treat.

Mothers' Union is an international Christian membership charity of 4 million members living in over 80 countries, who share one heartfelt vision — to bring about a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. Members actively pursue this vision through community programs, advocacy campaigns and a committed prayer life.

View / download the Canadian Mothers' Union information brochure


Supporting local kids in need

This winter, Dean Geoffrey Hall visited Montgomery Street School to present a donation to help children in need at the school. They were welcomed by Principal Rebecca Piercy and several children. The school community is thankful for the $2000 donation toward the school lunch and winter clothing programs.

Members of the Cathedral congregation had contributed to a 2024 Giving Tuesday campaign in November to support the programs at the school, which has a number of children in need.

This is the fourth year that the Cathedral congregation has supported programs at Montgomery Street School. In 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, donated funds have been directed towards the lunch program and ensuring that children in need have adequate winter clothing to safely enjoy Fredericton's winter climate. In 2021, funds also helped to create sensory rooms for children with developmental challenges.

Montgomery Street Elementary School is located up the hill from Christ Church Cathedral, beside the University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University. It has a diverse student body. Approximately 250 children are enrolled in Kindergarten to Grade 5, and the child to parent ratio is high. Its Home and School Association, a volunteer group of parents, guardians and staff representatives, regularly fundraises for school initiatives and to support students and families in need.

We're grateful for the contributions to this community outreach project which will help to feed and clothe our neighbours in need.



AEDs in Cathedral and Hall

AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) for emergency use are accessible in both of our buildings.

In the Cathedral, the AED is hung on the back wall, near the refreshment area. In Memorial Hall, an AED has been placed in the kitchen, on top of the First Aid box on the wall near the dishwasher.

Always call 911 in an emergency.

Using an AED offers someone with a sudden cardiac arrest the best chance for survival. The machines are designed to be easy for the public to use, and give audible directions. An AED will not shock a person unless it detects a shockable rhythm.

All models of AEDs work similarly. Below, you'll find two short videos demonstrating how to use the type of AEDs we have in the Cathedral and Memroial Hall. Please spend a few minutes watching them - it could help you save a life!

If an AED is used, please contact the Cathedral Office, so that we can replace materials used in the resuscitation effort. Thank you to our Health Ministry team for procuring these tools and keeping our First Aid kits stocked.

Learn more about what to do in case of a sudden cardiac arrest: Visit the Call Push Shock website.

Demo of AED model available in Memorial Hall kitchen:

Demo of AED model available at the back of the Cathedral:

What should you do in case of sudden cardiac arrest? Call - Push - Shock

Celtic Spirituality with John Philip Newell

We're pleased to announce a very special event happening at the Cathedral on May 7th! Join us to hear internationally renowned spiritual teacher John Philip Newell. He will speak on Celtic Wisdom for this moment in time in relation to Earth and the human soul. It promises to be an enlightening event!

This event will outline the main themes of his award-winning book Sacred Earth Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World. Newell calls us to be aware of the sacredness of Earth and every human being as key to the way of transformation and healing in our lives and world today.

Join us in-person for the talk, conversation, a book signing, and a few light refreshments ($20 per ticket). People wishing to join from a distance can reserve an online ticket (free of charge). You are invited to make a donation which will help to sponsor seats for people who could not otherwise attend).

The event will be held Wednesday, 07 May, 2025, 6:00-8:30 p.m. inside Christ Church Cathedral. 150 Church Street, Fredericton, NB.

Click here to reserve tickets.

John Philip Newell is a Celtic teacher and author of spirituality who calls the modern world to reawaken to the sacredness of Earth and every human being. A ‘wandering teacher,’ he follows the ancient path of many lone teachers before him in the Celtic world, seeking the wellbeing of the world. He has been described as having ‘the heart of a Celtic bard and the mind of a Celtic scholar’, combining in his teachings the poetic and the intellectual, the head as well as the heart, and spiritual awareness as well as political and ecological concern.

Read an article about John, from Celtic Life International, 'The Heart of John Philip Newell'.

This event is presented in partnership with Earth & Soul.