Many Anglicans in the Diocese will know the name Pickett-Scovil, but did you ever wonder who these people were?
In our Diocese, the Pickett-Scovil Memorial Fund, administered by the Anglican Church Women (ACW), assists retired clergy and widow(ers) with dental and medical expenses not covered by medical plans and Medicare.
Elizabeth Scovil, a nurse, started the fund in 1910 with friend and fellow nurse Lucy Vail Pickett, and...
AST’s Certificate in Stewardship is available to anyone. People who work or volunteer in the charitable sector, non-profits, university, government, education, church, and other fields will benefit, as well as anyone who would simply like to do some learning and personal growth. As long as you have Internet access and a device that allows you to open a document, watch videos, and prepare a short final assignment, you can take this program.
Course Delivery: Entirely Online OR In-Person in a local setting
The seven modules of the Certificate in Stewardship can be taken in one of the following ways:
As an Individual. Learn at your own pace. You could complete the program over several weeks, in a weekend, or over the course of a week. It’s up to you. When you enroll, you will receive a workbook that will tell you clearly how to access all the learning materials.
As Part of the AST Stewardship Cohort. Over the course of 7 weeks in Winter 2025, join with other learners and a facilitator to go through the 7 modules, one per week, “live” in real time over the Internet. When you enroll, you will receive a workbook that will tell you clearly how to access all the learning materials. The start date, day of the week, and facilitator of the AST Stewardship Cohort will be identified in September.
As Part of a Local Learning Group. Organize a group in your local area to learn together. You will need a designated leader to register and organize the group. The designated learner could be a manager, minister, priest, or volunteer with strong group facilitation skills. Note: Local Learning Groups are self-directed without instructional support from AST.
Certificate in Stewardship Program Structure and Timeline
You may start the Certificate in Stewardship at any time as an Individual Learner. There is no set time limit for completing the Certificate, but a maximum of four months is recommended.
Those in the AST Cohort will start the program in Winter 2025 (date to be confirmed) and continue together for 7 weeks.
Local Learning Groups may be organized and start at any time, according to the timeframe determined by the designated leader.
The seven program components of this Certificate are Time, Talent, Trust, Treasure, Terrain, Theology, and Thanks. For each component, there is a module that includes:
Pre-recorded video teaching materials (one hour per module)
A list of recommended materials for further learning
Reflection questions (or discussion questions for group settings)
A final integrative assignment (written or video)
Your final assignment must be submitted to AST to receive the Certificate. The assignment is graded on a Pass/Fail basis, and you will receive constructive feedback. If the final assignment is submitted before April 1, you will receive your Certificate at AST’s Annual Spring Convocation. If you are unable to attend Convocation, your Certificate will be mailed to you.
The total time investment to complete the Certificate in Stewardship is approximately 30 hours. However, learners may progress as varying rates.
Admissions Requirements
Anyone is welcome to enrol in the Certificate in Stewardship. AST recommends a minimum age of 16 years. No prior learning credential is required.
Registration Process
To register for AST’s Certificate in Stewardship, please complete one of the following forms and submit to James Cheatley: [email protected]. The appropriate fee should be paid through the AST Business Office, as explained on the application form.
AST Stewardship Cohort Participants: $600 per person
Local Learning Group: $1,000 per group (individual rates do not apply) for a group of any size
Financial Aid
Some employers, congregations, parishes, or other denominational bodies will sponsor or assist with your fees and expenses. Please make your own inquiries to these groups.
For clarification or assistance in registering
Please contact AST’s Continuing Education Convener, James Cheatley: [email protected]
More Information
For information about AST’s other programs, please contact our Recruitment Coordinator: [email protected]
Our friends at St. Hilda's Anglican School in Belize have been hard at work and sharing their findings during a recent science fair. Principal Ms. Jane Martinez sent us a note with a few photos. Please continue to pray for her, the rest of the teachers, the students, and families.
Hi Kelley,
I pray that all is well with you, your family and the church family. I’m just sharing some pictures from our Science fair that we had yesterday. It was short notice but students and teachers worked hard to prepare.
We are almost at the end of the school year and I am looking forward to vacation time. It has been a very challenging year for me personally and as the school administrator. There were teachers absent due to illness so I spent a lot of time juggling teaching and administration.
I just wanted to say hi and hope that you are all doing well. Thank you for your continued prayers and support for St. Hilda’s Anglican School.
You can contribute to the mission in Belize through offering envelopes or donate online. We provide funds to St. Hilda's Anglican [elementary] School each year, and we provide scholarships for students interested in pursuing high school. Learn more about our mission work in Belize.
If you are interested in participating in future endeavors benefiting the students in Belize, please contact the Cathedral Office to connect with members of the Belize mission committee.
Are you planning worship for your congregation to mark National Indigenous Day of Prayer, June 21? We have resources you can download:
Propers for National Indigenous Day of Prayer are available in English, French, Inuktitut and Western Cree. On this page, you will also find additional suggestions for readings and hymns.
The resource Worship in the Vision of New Agape (2004) contains a full order of service for National Indigenous Day of Prayer (begins on page 50 of the PDF), as well as prayers, biblical reflections and hymn suggestions.
The Cathedral's monthly Outreach Program is an initiative that helps many people in our community.
On the last Monday of each month, people in need are invited to visit Cathedral Memorial Hall. They receive a $10 grocery store gift card or bus tickets and a goodie bag containing fresh fruit, baked goods, a drink, a sandwich, and treats. Guests can also choose from a selection of non-perishable grocery items. Several tables contain gently used clothing and footwear, toiletries and small housewares, which are available free of charge.
The need in our community is great, and volunteers typically help between 50-70 guests at each gathering. Similar events to help people in need will be held on the last Monday of the month throughout the summer.
The program would not be possible without the assistance of many volunteers from the Cathedral and other churches who help onsite or with advance preparation, and those who assist with baking, or donate items or funds. We sincerely appreciate your assistance!
UPDATE: a request fulfilled! Lately we have been asked for children's clothes, but until recently, we had a very limited supply. Thanks to donations from the cathedral family and the neighbourhood, volunteers filled a table with clothes, toys and art supplies for children at the 24 June outreach event. Parents among the 61 guests were grateful for these items.
Below: Cathedral volunteers Charlotte and Sharon display some of the donations received.
At the direction of Bishop and Chapter we're moving forward on a project to replace the north entrance stair lift at Memorial Hall. At the moment, we're inaccessible for those confined to a wheelchair or unable to negotiate the stairs. Our hope is installation by the end of summer. The approximate cost is $30,000. We've had indications of support from both the Diocesan Synod and the Guild of St. Joseph. Contributions are being both encouraged and requested and will receive the usual receipt for income tax purposes.
The installation contract was awarded to Lawtons Home Health Care, Halifax for the commercial-grade Garaventa lift Xpress II.
Xpress II - inclined platform
The Garaventa lift Xpress II inclined platform wheelchair lift is designed to provide economical access between two landings.
The platform travels on two rails which are secured directly to the wall or to support towers and is propelled by means of a carriage-mounted rack and pinion drive system. When the platform is not in use it is folded, taking up minimal space on the stairway.
The Xpress II is cost-effective and is ADA compliant. With a variety of standard and optional features available, it can be designed to suit the needs of the user and building owner.
The Diocese of Fredericton is blessed with Camp Medley, Camp Brookwood, and the St. Michael’s Youth Conference, all of which offer our children and youth unforgettable summer experiences in God's creation.
In our Diocese we believe that no child should be turned away from summer camp because of their financial circumstances. It is hoped that with participation from people and parishes across the Diocese of Fredericton, this year’s Say Yes! to Kids campaign will encourage camperism by increasing the amount of sponsorship funds available to all three camps.
Join our Diocesan family as we seek to make the summer 2024 camping season as accessible and enjoyable to as many children as possible.
Make a donation to our Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry team. DONATE ONLINE HERE.
Pray for the success of this year's Say Yes! to Kids campaign and for youth ministries in your community, in our diocese, and across the Anglican Church of Canada.
P.S. You can also mail a cheque, payable to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, with "Fredericton Says Yes!" in the memo line to the address below. Or watch for your Spring AFC newsletter and make your donation using the donation form and business reply envelope.
Worship services will soon resume at the Dr. Everett Chalmers hospital in Fredericton, and volunteers from multiple parishes are sought for the following ministry options:
Lead in the Service of the Word
Lead in music ministry
Offer a brief reflection
Members of the Hospital Worship team will become members of the Spiritual Care Department at the hospital. This requires a yearly renewal by completing a series of e-learning modules from Horizon Health Network which are the basic requirements of all Horizon Health employees. Each module takes about 15 minutes to complete. Members are also required to have an updated criminal record check and sign a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Members of the Spiritual Care Department receive free parking, access to the employee entrance, and access to the Hospital Library and any educational offerings that are relevant (and/or of interest).
Anyone interested in assisting with worship services at the hospital should contact:
The Rev'd Debbie Edmondson, Deacon <debbie.edmondson at>
Eva Morton <eva.moron at>
Cathedral Health Ministries with help from the Anglican Church Women (ACW), hosted a 'Spring Awakes' Tea in the Cathedral on the afternoon of April 23. This all-inclusive gathering was in keeping with the Medley Tea of former years that celebrated the arrival of spring.
The Reverend Isabel Cutler and the Reverend Debbie Edmondson, Deacons, opened the afternoon “celebration” with prayer and poetry readings.
Hank Williams, a Cathedral Verger (and Cathedral lay historian) displayed historical tapestries, sacramental and decorative items, and shared stories associated with the items. Attendees were pleased to see three tables of treasures; some of which are typically stored in the Cathedral vault. Items included:
The Royal Bible, given to the Cathedral by H.R.H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales on his visit in 1860. It was subsequently signed by many royals when visiting Fredericton, including Queen Elizabeth (as Queen, and when she was Princess), Prince Phillip, and King Charles (when he was Prince of Wales).
A Traveling Altar, used by Bishop Tully Kingdon, third Bishop of Fredericton (1892-1907) in his travels around the diocese.
Small bells made from molten metal from the original cathedral bells of 1853, following the fire in 1911. They were created to raise funds for restoration.
A silver communion set, said to have been given to St. Paul's Church, Public Landing, NB by George III.
Hangings for the high altar, designed and sewn by Lucy McNeill.
The Queen Victoria pulpit fall, said to be made from cloth from the coronation robes of Queen Victoria (unconfirmed).
An altar frontal with a label on the back which says it was hanging on an altar in Westminister Abbey on the day of the coronation of King William IV in 1830.
The Cathedral Outreach Committee was pleased and grateful to receive a large quantity and a wide variety of toiletries for the outreach program, which were donated by attendees of the Tea. These items will be offered to people in need, along with non-perishable groceries, supermarket gift cards, a bag lunch, used clothing and small housewares, during monthly gatherings held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.
Everyone enjoyed the afternoon gathering of conversation, tea, treats, and viewing the vault treasures. It is so important to continue to host gatherings, as these events strengthen the bonds of our church community - spiritually, physically and emotionally.
The Cathedral Health Ministry and Anglican Church Women (ACW) invite you to attend a Spring gathering in the Cathedral.
Join us on Tuesday, 23 April from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Enjoy tea, treats and treasures. You’ll have the opportunity to view rarely-seen historical treasures from the Cathedral!
The Cathedral is wheelchair accessible. All are welcome.
Donations of toiletry items will be gratefully accepted for the Cathedral Outreach program.