
Fall 2023 vaccines & rapid tests

Fall 2023 vaccines & rapid tests

Remember to get your vaccines for both the flu and COVID-19. Let’s be and keep others safe. Click here for information about the influenza vaccine, and the updated COVID-19 vaccine. Do you need rapid tests? We no longer receive a supply of COVID-19 rapid test kits tests for the Cathedral and Memorial Hall, but you […]

The Diaconate of All Believers

The Diaconate of All Believers

by Craig L. Nessan Diaconia belongs to all the baptized as “a dimension integral to the nature and mission of the church” (World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance 2022, p. 10). Called to Transformation gives new ecumenical attention to “the diaconate of all believers, based on the view that God’s spirit graciously empowers and […]

Outreach continues with health precautions

Outreach continues with health precautions

It’s a challenging time for the Cathedral’s Outreach Committee. The number of people-in-need is ticking upwards, the weather is getting chillier, and COVID-19 is still lurking around many corners. “Our average number of guests for Monday Morning Outreach has always been 40-ish in past years, but we’re routinely seeing 50-to-60 people a month throughout 2023,” […]

On the Ministry of Deacon

On the Ministry of Deacon

The Order of Deacon is of New Testament and apostolic origin. The Book of Acts contains what has traditionally been seen as the institution of the diaconate in the selection and appointment of “the seven” through prayer and the laying on of hands for service and distribution of food among widows in the community. The […]

Stone Soup Worship Planning

Stone Soup Worship Planning

Maybe you’ve heard it said that for lavish worship, congregations must have a “Worship Design Team” — experts gathered to design, script, rehearse, and coordinate the event. In detail. Every. Single. Week. But what if small congregations have a more powerful option — one that expands participation, emphasizes lay leadership, ends the burnout of meetings, […]