From the Cathedral Parish Nurse

This is my last week as Parish Nurse. I retire at the end of this year after ten years as your Parish Nurse and two additional years as coordinator of the Health Ministry. I wish to say to you all I have been honoured and feel truly blessed to have been accepted so willingly by so many of you over the years as we have shared good times and some challenging times in our lives. Thank you for your love and care of me.

This is a team ministry and I could not have coordinated all that we have provided without the active help and support of the dedicated Parish Nursing Team: Michele LeBlanc, RN, Wendy Brien, Marilyn Lewell, Carol Hynes and Kathleen Snow RN. Alongside too are the multitude of congregational members who have provided their circle of care as Visitors, Helping Hands and in many other ways to our congregation at critical times in their lives. Thank you to Bishop and Chapter, the Health Ministry Team, Dean Geoff, Fran and the staff who have worked alongside to make this ministry work.

We do not know what the future holds for this Ministry at the Cathedral but we know God always has a plan, so we trust in Him to show us the way. God Bless you all and have a very blessed Christmas Season.

Isabel Cutler, RN