Cathedral Groups

Jubilee Tea and a Jubilee Tree

Jubilee Tea and a Jubilee Tree

The Cathedral branch of the Mothers’ Union hosted a Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Tea in June of 2022 and although it was not a fundraising event, we did however, receive donations. After covering our expenses, we decided we wanted to use the balance of the funds to commemorate the Queen’s Jubilee in a lasting way. The […]

Getting to know each other at a newcomer event

Getting to know each other at a newcomer event

On May 10, we hosted a Newcomer Dessert Event at Cathedral Hall.  The evening was organized by the Mother’s Union, Kurt Schmidt (Director of Christian Formation), and Andreas Decken (Chair of Welcoming and Hospitality). Kurt and Andreas are extremely grateful to the Mothers’ Union for doing an excellent job providing treats and setting up the […]

Newcomer Dessert Event – 10 May

Newcomer Dessert Event – 10 May

Are you relatively new to the Cathedral family — or “new at heart”?! If so, you are cordially invited to a welcome, dessert and information-sharing event on Wednesday, 10 May in Cathedral Memorial Hall, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Come along to hear about the various ministries supported by individuals and groups from the Cathedral, and […]

Give the gift of Easter flowers

Give the gift of Easter flowers

The Sanctuary Guild of Christ Church Cathedral encourages gifts for flowers in memory or as a thank offering at the High Altar and throughout the Cathedral, at any time and especially at festival times of the church year. Forms must be received by Tuesday, March 26, 2024 to have memorials published in the Easter bulletin. […]

Mothers’ Union at a glance

Mothers’ Union at a glance

Mothers’ Union is an international Christian membership charity of 4 million members living in over 80 countries, who share one heartfelt vision — to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships. Members actively pursue this vision through community programs, advocacy campaigns and a committed prayer life. View […]

Not just for breakfast

Not just for breakfast

Shrove Tuesday is just around the corner and for many Christians, that means pancakes for supper! Not being a pancake lover, I decided to do a little research on this questionable meal choice. I knew that Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Day, Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras) preceded Ash Wednesday when many folks give […]

2023 Prayer Diary

2023 Prayer Diary

This Prayer Diary, created by Mothers’ Union, contains daily and monthly prayers. You are encouraged to use it to facilitate your devotions. Each month in the colourful book begins with a reflection, an opening prayer and a creative prayer activity. “As we use this resource, we remember that we are united with each other, wherever […]